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Can't wait for this bloody election to be over just so these fucks will roll their sleeves back down and stop saying "fighting for you" then they can all go back to self serving and we can go back to being ignored


>can go back to being ignored Well that would be a huge upgrade on the last fifteen years. Much rather be ignored than actively fucked over.


At this point it would have been better to just be fucked over. What transpires right now is more akin to flaying.


Oh man what I’d give if it were just a little flay-play. Live footage colourised below of the situation and circumstances ![gif](giphy|zS7EYsxMroP7N925uc|downsized)


I’d love just being allowed to fly under the radar and be happy than have my life being hacked from under me before I’m even able to live it (as a pre everything trans person on the waiting list)


Yah man, I'm so jealous of our near ancestors. Imagine you could just work a few years in the factory, buy a house and just... live in it.


I’ll take ignorance of 19th to early 20th century life of the poor for 100.


Obviously nobody meant the 1800s, it was hyperbole regarding the boomers in particular. 


We can't have that....


It seems like no party really wants to win this election...so I think maybe let's vote Tories and let them fuck around and find out with the national service thing....just to be clear not making a threat of violence or any just simply saying no sometimes is the best form of protest


Nice try Rishi. Not gonna make people vote for you that easily


Not voting tory is also a decent form of protest


Seriously lmao. "Vote for them and then oppose their policies to show them people they don't want those policies"... or just show them you don't want their policies by not voting for them in the first place.


Taking a shit on the ballot paper is a fat better form of protest; even better if delivered directly to Tory HQ.


Naw just let your vote do the talking and vote for who you think will do best for the country 


You sound like one of those *twats* in America who voted for trump "for the keks". And then covid happened & hundreds of thousands of people died needlessly*. *I don't include covid denialists in the 'needlessly' category.


This is the dumbest thing I have read today


I think the Truss situation shows politicians don’t care if they are maimed and ridiculed for making mistakes. They just carry the fuck on spewing their relative ideology.


Rishi on the burner acc


Do you are have stupid?


Wow! How dare you joke 😂😂


Yes let's vote for the people who have been actively making our country worse for the past near 15 years.


Oh and don't forget his election idea of "Vote for me and we will bring back conscription and compulsory national service". But I am sure his family and friends will be fine at home with their SKY subscription and Haribo.


I think at some point we laughed at him so hard for his dumb idea that he snapped and threatened to take away our bank accounts if we don't vote for mandatory conscription


I mean they already are now spending billions on bringing in the ability to view your bank accounts in real time if you are disabled or Unemployed so they can see the second you dare go over a limit to "curb fraud" which is a tiny minority but yeah lets persecute all us who are crippled and need to, you know live. Let us not look into the billions that he and his cronies steal in PPE scandals, backhanders, multiple homes etc.


Just for 18 year olds


His kids will serve in the Habbo Hotel Regiment or something


They'll just get passports from their mother's side


There has been no word of Conscription.


Few more days and he will be supporting russia to get farages voters back








































The guy could break his wrist loading a pistol


Ironically, there's been a few conspiracy theories floating around that the election was called because Rishi doesn't want to be a wartime prime minister and that Starmer is basically been given the role because he's a Trilateral Commission stooge who will basically follow America in any military or geopolitical actions.


Who are we going to war with?


You not been reading the news for the last few years?


It's a fair question considering there's so many "potential" wars. Russia, obviously. China, Iran, or even getting involved more with Israel. I think it's more likely we're entering a second Cold War, with the state of the global economy I don't think anyone would get involved in an overt WW3 - especially between global powers like Russia


You really need to ignore random trolls that are talking our of their ass on the Internet.


Who are we going to war with that won’t end up in nuclear Armageddon for everyone involved?


Hezbollah initially by the sounds of it.


Rishi is a cunt and he should be booted out of the job asap for sure. But if UK ends up being at war, we end up fighting it no matter who is in charge.


I'm not sure who this mystical "we" is. 17 here and not a soul I know would take up arms for the cunts in government, especially not when they consistently fuck us over to stuff more money into their pockets. Guarantee most of my generation and a few from the last will dodge any draft they send.


I don't understand why this is seen as fighting for the government, the PM or whatever. The most likely situation, is if Russia attacks Eastern Europe then it's our country, our friends and family, and the whole of Europe we would be fighting for. 


That there are Brits who would willingly allow the country to be conquered, who would have been happy to see a foreign countries draped over British buildings by said foreign conquerers disgusts me. Perhaps it's the ignorance of youth to believe you're fighting on behalf of your government rather than to protect your family from their would be murderer.


Which foreign country is going to conquer the UK? Last I checked the UK did but quite border the Donbass region. A much more realistic risk is the UK deleted in a nuclear exchange because we can't stop meddling in foreign affairs. Either way, I think most aren't willing to fight for a government that is surrendering the country to foreigners anyways - different means, same result.


If you weren't so ignorant you'd be aware that weakening the UK or seeing it destroyed has been the foreign policy of Russia for over a century now. That policy has survived regime changes, it's that ingrained in them. Why? Because the UK opposes Russian-European expansionism, something that all great powers agreed to following 1814 as European expansionism always results in continent-wide war. Better to fight a smaller war than an inevitable larger war later on.


Why would Russia bother invading us when they can just buy out all our right wing politicians? Far cheaper and more efficient. Just look at the huge amount of Russian money that went into the Leave Brexit campaign. The UK is a nuclear power situated on an island and by sheer coincidence has an extremely experienced and powerful navy. It's much more likely that any war the UK enters will be a foreign war and my family and friends have pretty much nothing to gain from winning the war besides a ruined economy. Even if a war did start, I'm probably more likely to be killed by my racist comrade in arms since every UK politician fearmongers over immigrants and China.


It was those right-wing politicians in the UK who started sending material support to Ukraine, in order to kill Russians, as soon as the invasion began. Yes, Russian foreign policy is to weaken the UK by any means, Brexit was the result of a misinformation campaign that targeted the electorate. The UK has everything to lose because of our geography. Because of the countries shape, it is entirely possible to essentially cut the UK in half and cripple any arterial connections. I'm sorry that you believe that a significant proportion of the UK would be more likely to shoot you than an enemy soldier but I can't really agree with that.


Any war is in and over Ukraine, Lithuania, Croatia, Poland. I'm not getting shot over some slav.


Then don't get shot. But the moment we defect on allies that we swore to protect is the moment that they're screwed and we're screwed to. If they lose, we're next. If they win, we're next to. If you don't think that if we failed to honor article 5 that NATO would cripple the UK then you're delusional.


Article 5 doesn't mean "send the army over". We are a very long way away from any potential war in Finland.


We already have military deployed at NATO positions in Europe including a large presence in Estonia. Not much to send over


When the country is threatened, you aren’t fighting for the government, you’re fighting for your country.


What if the country is being threatened because of the actions of the government who stand to profit greatly from war? If I fought in that war, very much seems like Im only fighting for the government.


I'm 19. If the government forces us to fight in a war I will jump off a cliff. I would rather die than kill other people.


At 17, you're on Rishi's hit list for "bringing back national service." Of course, you can vote against it if you don't like it. Well, you can't. Which is his point. The people who can vote for it say "National Service didn't do me any harm", mainly because they didn't do it if they are under 80. A policy that only applies to people who can't vote and has never applied to the people who will vote for it is totally what this lot do.


If the enemy would murder and rape your family if they got to them you'd be all over a weapon and heading to the frontline before you could say smashed avocado who gives a fuck about the government. Look at the atrocities in Ukraine...fight or not you'd be tortured and murdered as a young man...raped if you're a women. Yeah pass.


I mean….men can get raped too…


You don't fight for your government you fight for your family and what would happen if you don't. And the King.


King can go fuck himself an all.


Oooooooo edgy 17 year old and his 2-3 pubic hairs


Do you frequently talk about young boys' pubic hairs? That's a bit weird, mate.


Think you’ve just outed yourself as the weirdo here ‘mate’, ‘2-3’ = two to three you absolute brick of a human being. Thanks for the chuckle and enjoy your day you flid. Edit - still cracking up at your incredible lack of intelligence


Oh, you're really upset.


No no, don’t mistake me commenting as being upset. Im commenting because you keep feeding me laughs and it’s excellent. I also see you didn’t comment on your howler of being unable to comprehend basic English earlier, these are all feeding into the ‘this kids not got a dad’ pot. Anyway man, I’ll leave you to it. Have a good day lil buddy


I'm not sure where the idea of me being illiterate has come from, but sure, whatever helps you sleep at night.


What a cunt you are!


'I see you didn't comment on your howler of being unable to comprehend basic English earlier' is riddled with syntax errors. If you're going to try and belittle someone based off their grammar, at least make sure your grammar is correct. You condescending twat.


Bro, you really shouldn’t have responded


Bro, you’re tedious


Honestly just looking out for you


Ooooh brain fried gammon motherfucker with a viagra prescription


Hahahahahahaha LOVE weirdos, you’re definitely on the Chem trail vibe, have a good day thicko


Don't you have a Royal Ascot tape to go jerk off to? Fuck off already 🤡


Hahaha, never been to Ascot young man, Never been to the races. Thanks for confirming you’re into chem trails, additional chuckling has commenced Edit - anyway, back to work; I’ll check in with you and your needle dick a bit later. Have a good day pumpkin


The hell has chemtrails got to do with it? I'm calling you a mentally deficient royalist. Go laugh, i mean maybe your carer will put cbeebees on for you too.


Get off your knees, serf


Oooo further edginess, I’m not even a royalist I just love when people have their personality as anti establishment, get a grip, get a job, get on with life


You’re the problem with that mindset , oh I work at Asda here king take 1/3 of my pay good sir


Yeah, I’m more sure most of your generation and a few from the last would dodge regardless of who was telling you to fight and your opinion has little to do with the conservatives.


Yeah, nah, I'd happily fight for a government that actually benefits the average and worse off people. These cunts have actively made it worse for us.


And what government would that be? You’re sadly labouring under the impression ANY government will make things better for people at our level. They won’t. They never ever have. And they never will. We pay these fucks and they forget who their paymasters are. It’s you and me. Getting up at 05.00 every day in order to pay tax. It’s not just the tories. It’s whoever gets in. Please don’t tell me I’m mistaken. I know I’m not. Labour will be equally bad. The only difference is that there will be more women with penises and shamima Begham will be able to move back.


As much as I agree with you, I can't let the hope that some half decent cunt will show up eventually die. I'd have no reason to stay without that shred of optimism.


Well I hope one day you get what you hope for. All I know is in my 49 years it’s not happened. And I can’t see it happening anytime soon…


>The only difference is that there will be more women with penises and shamima Begham will be able to move back. What is that drivel meant to be?


Not really lol send me to jail instead I ain’t fighting for them 🫡 ima sit my ass in jail and relax


Hey, we may be jailmate. I call top bunkbed because I'm not dir gor this country or the rich asshole


If there's a war im suddenly becoming a Buddhist lol Fuck fighting for these cunts


I genuinely don't understand his endgame. Why does a multimillionaire want a job he doesn't need where the country will inevitably hate him?


Think of the government contracts for his family and his mates 💰💸💵💶💷💴💷💶💵💸💰💲🤑


He's hungry for power and control, not just money. Once you're worth millions, money doesn't feed the ego quite as well


He's got a desperate need for approval. It's quite sad really, given all he's achieved in his personal life, that he can't be happy until we all worship at the Alter of Rishi. Sadly for him, most of us think he's a tosser and are perfectly happy saying so.


When you have all the money in the world you try and grab status.


He doesn't. He got the job knowing the ship was sinking, there was no turning it around. But former-PM is an infinitely milkable cash cow that he will capitalize on for the next 40 years, in addition to the mates rates and contracts given out by the government for consultancy and digital services.


It’s a job that grants you access to seats at tables that wealth alone doesn’t. And that access lasts long after he’s done with the job too.


You’ll be going whichever one gets in


It won’t be him that sends us to war, it’ll be Putin. We’re not ready now, and taking into consideration that we all seem to believe nothing will happen and it’s all bollocks, we won’t be when it happens. You know that three-days of food and water the Government suggested we keep, that was based on the likely lockdown which would be imposed should there be a nuclear attack to allow the fall-out (the dust contains radiation in the form of alpha and beta particles) to dissipate. We cannot just ignore the warning signs, if we don’t want to defend our country and way of life, what comes later won’t be pleasant. So, my so and yours won’t be just marched off to war but it’s a gentle reminder that life will be changing.


Ever heard of MAD? One launch and the planet dies. There won't be a nuclear war


Yeah cause three days of food is gonna save you from a nuclear attack. If they ever do launch we are all gonna die and that’s the end of it.


To be honest, sabotaging the tories chances of another 5 years in power is the best thing rishi ever did for the uk


If labour lower the voting age to 16 the tories will never be in power again. This pleases me.


I think you may be on the wrong end of the stick, have you seen the world recently? It’s the Government’s job to keep the nation in a state of readiness to defend itself if necessary.


It's not though, that's the military's job. Also nothing about this country in the last 15 years has been in any state of 'readiness' when a growing population are literally struggling to survive due to economic strangleholds. How the fuck are you going to have readily available well armed well fueled individuals ready to take up arms if the health service is been sliced to ribbons and no one has food or homes?


No he isn't, stop this nonsense, the draft isn't "going to war"


The tories have come up with the modern equivalent of the Land Army. Low paid (accommodation & food only) as cheap labour to replace the work force we had pre brexit.


The way things are heading its mostly likely going to result in a world war. But I can understand the youth rejecting this fucking cunt.


Bro can suck my dick.


Someone needs to put on the frotline without any guns


he needs double the ears - have you seen that jug eared git


This fool must have secured a favorable arrangement with the government to hold such a position, despite already being a billionaire. The maggot wouldn't even have the strength to lift a firearm, let alone engage in combat. He is utterly useless and should be discarded


You forgot the rain






Rushi the stupid tosser who has got no sense . If brains were domino's he be knocking . This country has gone down as quicker than a prostitute. So many people starving ,can't pay bills , rising rents Mortgage payments benefit cuts .why doesn't this tosser get taxed at a high rate he can afford it he's a millionaire. And it makes me so sad that this country is in a state. This government is corrupt lying and selfish thinking of they own pockets.i think its disgraceful how they been .the man rushing and he predisessors are all corrupt, get them out


seems to me no matter who we vote for we will be getting fucked in the ass rishi - he will achieve nothing the national service will never happen (forced military service never works ( i would not be against teenagers doing a year helping elders or hospitals ect they are desperate for manpower and i see teenagers sitting on corners doing nothing. farage- although i agree with he's policy on imigration even if elected he wont have the powe to actualy do anything so nothing will change he will probly send 1 plane then forget about it labour - their candiate is racist towards white people (check he's twitter feed) not to mention they promote anti jewish hate and condome violence in protests (20 banks being smashed up) i wont be voting for the possibility 1 of them might use lube when they fuck us lmao


Honestly feels like he’s getting revenge on the Tory party cause of some shit going on behind the scenes.


what he fails to understand is a majority of the under 30's right now, if forced into the army and given a gun and told "fight the baddies" over there will instantly turn around and wage war on the "high wage Elites" and the "goverment" since that is who the under 30s see as "the bad guys" currently


A lot of people think that, until they see the first mutineers summarily executed for treason. Then suddenly it's not so much of a problem anymore.


I think a lot of young (gender affirming) people need to go to war. See what life is like outside of their cozy island with universal credit and police force.


“Go risk your life, you’ve lived in safety for long enough” Why do you believe that life needs a risk of death? Shouldn’t a comfier life be the goal?


If there's no Spotify in the tank, I'm taking it to parliament, and he won't be happy.




Yeah , how does he expect votes , People don't wanna go to war or send their kids to war (I hope)




Bro sending you to war if you don’t vote for someone else.


This character is too tall to be that short arse bastard Sunak


Tbh I think service is good. It doesn’t have to be military just as long as it’s a public service which is for the greater good


It just might get older voters to vote for him just to get rid of you whining babies and grow up a bit. You've never had it so easy


Conscription is a bad idea but national service for all young people is a good idea - mandatory to do a month for armed forces, charity, community project, environmental conservation project, etc. Would teach young people the value of contributing to society/planet, while very likely helping them learn things about themselves. Note: I spent 2 years in Army Reserves while at university and learnt a lot about myself! Also volunteered at a school summer camp for disadvantaged kids and really enjoyed that experience too.


Just needs to hurry up and happen in my opinion sooner we go the sooner we get somewhat of an empire back 😅


All a political party has to do is stop immigration and they would get 99% of the vote.


It’s the cynical, and likely accurate, calculation that this will attract more pensioner votes than the youth votes it would lose because most young people don’t bother voting, and of those that do, very few vote Tory. This is catnip for the Tory faithful.


It's not his decision to begin with so Kier don't try to counter any military topic. Hint: It's NATO top down forced policies. Another Hint: Kier or King or anybody in British politics ain't not bigger than NATO.


Fuck yeah I'm for it


Should be an open goal for labour, and yet we seem to be trying to muck it up in every way possible


Well if the Tories were going to send us to war, Labour definitely will. There's barely any difference between the 2 parties now.


Not true. One party is into climate denial whereas even if you think Labour is moving too slow it does place climate in a prominent place in its manifesto. Believing they’re all the same and stoking indifference and disengagement is what the Tories want.


Braindead take and lack of understanding


Labour sent us to Iraq and Afghan....


Time to get my head examined again….


He's total scum. Send him to war, preferably strapped to a missile.


Lol, you think you can vote your way out of ww3


And if you don't go he is freezing your bank account and driving license 😂..Man is a fuckwit 😂




Mods, can we ban AI memes please?


Plenty of reason to get sunak out without lying like this.


Anyone who could vote for him seriously needs a head check 💩💩💩😭😭😭😱😱😱




Labour will send you war too lmao, they're a uni party them and lib dem


Wanna tell a little story about a kid with no sky Grew up got ritchy and now wavin bye bye To all the poor kids on the block he sendin to war To fight for the rich old men who simply gettin more more Wont do nothing to help you despite your bravery But he got the courage to bring back slavery


Labour with a record of taking us into unnecessary foreign conflict of unprecedented proportion will certainly not be a better alternative. The time is now to discard both of the failed main parties who have duped us for far too long. Vote independent, or Reform. You think 5 pointed starmer will not do israels bidding? Please. You're smarter than that.....right?


How many people realise it’s not actually conscription though?


No matter who we vote for they’re all shit…don’t know if I’ll even bother voting with the lineup we have


Then they'll continue to be shit...


Never throw away your only chance to do something. Even if all the options are shit some are simply way worse.


Don't think national service is a bad thing. But he is


People having to go to war for whatever lies the governments tell us is a bad thing tho


National service doesn’t mean anyone is going to war.


It means they can be sent to war, without conscription.


Like I said, it doesn’t mean anyone is going to war. Who are we going to war with? A nuclear powered nation like Russia or China? Don’t be naïve.


Why do we keep portraying it like they mean the army? They intend to use national service to force kids into low paying jobs don't they?


All I see with this election is different bureaucrats sane bureaucracy If we need to decide laws why do we not bludge in each other till we agree. Also I can't remember how much cocaine I shipped out to reform uk last week


Print the Geneva convention out, highlight a few entries you wish to complete first. Maybe order them from easiest to hardest etc... When drafted the military will have to agree they took you on knowing you're intentions were to commit war crimes which puts the entire military and government in to a very sticky situation. Plus i don't think military prison is that bad. I mean 3 meals a day, 24 hours alone with no fuck wits to annoy you and no enemy trying to kill you. I doubt the people in military prison want to stab you or use you as a fuck sleeve so it can't be that bad right?