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Canceling tours always feels especially brutal for cast and crew. They give up leases and put their lives in storage and suddenly they have no more income and often have no where to go home to. Just a brutal awful business.


Yeah.. as someone who’s trying to figure out a way to transition into an actual theatre performing career the future looks bleaker and bleaker with so many productions/tours getting cancelled early, as well as the rise of predatory nonunion tours in the US..


Yeah I’m pretty burned out on going back full time. I just can’t crunch the numbers to both do it and sleep at night


If doing theater is burning you out, it's a huge sign you should take a break. It'll always be there if you decide you're ready to come back.


Yes, it's hard. But it doesn't mean you should give up. Scary can be a good thing. Unless it's not something you really want to do, keep going to auditions. It doesn't matter if it's community theater, just go for it. Break a leg. 🩵


Thanks! That’s what I’ve been doing and there’s no signs of slowing down. I’m hopping to do nonunion professional theatre for a while in my area before I decide if it’s worth it to audition for regional theatre/equity shows, but I think I’d be happy if I can at least get to do local professional theatre


No problem. 🩵


Statement from the producers: “Bonnie and Clyde the Musical will conclude its UK and Ireland tour with immediate effect. “Unfortunately, it has been concluded that due to disappointing ticket sales it is no longer financially viable to continue with the tour. We would like to thank the extremely hard working and endlessly talented cast and company that have entertained thousands of audience members across the country with this production”.


It’s so weird see the AHS font outside of AHs


It was a weird choice to use that stylized font to announce this. Like, imagine if there was a tragedy on the Avatar set that ended production, and the official press release was in Papyrus…


I thought it was the American Horror Story font at first glance.


That Brother Bear/Macbeth at Lincoln Center (2013) typeface!




I was hoping someone would use a gif from that SNL skit 😂






I know what you did... I KNOW WHAT YOU DID!!!


lol I just thought “I blame that font.”


So true! Bizarre choice for sure


As a graphic designer, this absolutely kills me 


Apparently the cast found out via social media. That’s absolutely disgusting especially after what happened with bad Cinderella. My heart goes out to the cast and crew.


Seriously?? That's horrible. I swear some people have absolutely no humanity.


That’s fucking unconscionable. Absolute scumbag behavior for real.


Why does this keep happening? It's so unacceptable! How hard is it to make a phone call before posting this to social media?


Immediate, yikes. Not even a week to give people a chance to change their tickets or see it one last time.


Was lucky enough to see this cast and they were phonemomal. Particularly gutted for Nate Landskroner who was alternate Clyde and due to take over later in the tour :(


Sadly the Shrek tour here in the US is about to go thru this as well. It’s never a good thing.


Is there insider information on this? Or just a prediction?


Well I heard it from a member friend of the crew but it’s not difficult to see if you check out the ticket sales. This is June 1st. I’m gonna be in town and want to check out the changes to give the show the full benefit of the doubt (I saw the show when it first began) https://preview.redd.it/ewqlqrlrov1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=870a688c5d22f941f9be1b1ef90d37b56b3ba394 These are the seats I had to choose from. The blue are the seats available. This is a Saturday night performance in a major city in a major theater. It’s toast.


I mean, the tour is brutal. 5/21 Richmond VA 5/22 Springfield OH 5/28-19 Fayetteville AR 5/30 Paducah KY 5/31-6/2 Memphis TN FINALLY, a day off


Yep. Non union actors completely being exploited.


The cheap shitty non equity Shrek? Not surprised, who wants to see that ripoff?


Just to play devil's advocate, the current "Shrek" tour is by no means a "ripoff"; regardless of anyone's personal opinions of the resulting production, it was taken in a direction that both Jeanine Tesori and David Lindsay-Abaire originally envisioned for their adaptation. While the Broadway production certainly had the sheen and aesthetic of the animated film, Tesori and Lindsay-Abaire have talked at length about how their musical skews much more to the spirit of the book, and wasn't about recreating the film, look for look, on stage. From what I've seen of the current tour, I do agree that it isn't what people are (most likely) expecting (and has some significant issues at its core that haven't helped), but it was done with the original creators' help, input, and intent -- and therefore, most certainly, not a ripoff.


At the prices they are charging and and the corners that were cut on production values, as an audience member I would definitely feel ripped off. I don’t need a tour to be Broadway but I don’t want it to look super cheap either. Regardless of who was involved in the adaptation, if the purpose was intentional to lean into a campy element or some aesthetic choice then that has not been conveyed well in the adaptation and tour.


I think each of you may be using a different meaning of the same word here: To quote Collins dictionary, on the one hand, a "rip-off" can be "a copy of a thing that has no original features of its own." From what you're describing, that certainly does not seem to be the case here. On the other hand, a "rip-off" can also be "something for which one was charged too much money or that was of very poor quality." If audience members feel that the experience of the tour production doesn't live up to the prices charged for it, that might well be the case here, regardless of the intentions behind the changes.


I suppose I hadn’t thought of that that they thought I meant a knock off basically. And no I don’t think it’s counterfeit or IP infringement. I’m sure it is properly licensed.


Two weeks after the proshot announcement. Curious if that was announced when it looked like the tour would be cancelled.


And now you can buy tickets/merch for that. Plus, they're asking theaters to partner with them on this to offer it to their local audiences, saying the theaters could financially benefit from this. Hmm...


TBH, I thought maybe that was a UK thing, as I’m a US viewer of MickeyJo’s channel.


Wonder if the cast and crew gets paid through the end of the contract still...


I doubt it. This was clearly a decision based on money and you know producers.


Probably not, if it wasn't an Equity tour. That's what unions are for.


Most tours I have worked on had a notice period, usually 2-4 weeks that we would get paid if the show closed early, not great but better than nothing. Although it depends on how the contracts are structured, it’s not uncommon for a leg of a tour to end and contracts not be sorted until the first venue of the next leg with cast and crew all just assumed to still be employed, which could change notice required.


No but they definitely have to pay them for the pro-shot and much more than their usual weekly theatre rates cause it is now essentially a film.


Fucking shame, was excited to see this later in the year in my local theatre. That’s horrible for all cast and crew


Oh damn. I saw it in the West End and was quite happy with the performance. I am a bit sad to hear this.


Honestly reminds me of the UKs wonderland tour getting cut prematurely because of financial disagreements with some venues or something. Honestly starting to feel like wildhorn has become cursed


Forever kicking myself for not going to see it whilst it was near, it looked decent :( 


Sucks to see this but as someone in the US, I can appreciate their honesty. Here it’s always a professional statement that sidesteps the real reason for a premature closure.


What part of this statement gives a reason? OP says low ticket sales are to blame, not the producers. There's nothing honest about producers who would post this to social media before informing the cast and crew they have no job as of this evening.


I was only addressing the fact that they were clear about why the tour was ending. Ofc it is awful to not notify the cast first.


They weren't actually clear though. They say it's canceled immediately, no reason given. The reason is money, of course, I just didn't want you to think the British producers were somehow better than American producers because they all seem to do the same damn thing! Edit: I'm amending this because the producers seem to have specified financial reasons in a separate statement from the image in the OP. Never mind on the whole thing, but for the record I still think they suck.


This is very true. In the states it would've been spun differently and then "but we're making a MOVIE" or some other bad tactic to Make it look like it's still successful 


I’m surprised they couldn’t wait a little bit longer especially after the pro shot announcement


I I Pop


I’m sorry but who in their right mind thought this was a good idea?! This flopped on Broadway and I can’t imagine uk audience want to see this. Yes there are some good songs/moments in the show but come on?!


This makes me so sad


How much does the ordinary United Kingdom citizen know about Bonnie and Clyde? I’m not even sure how much the ordinary American knows about Bonnie and Clyde from 90 years ago.


...why does that look like the American Horror Story font? That's a shame, I hope everyone manages to work out housing, etc.