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https://preview.redd.it/t5a8srn2408d1.jpeg?width=1628&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4c285fe43739d1e9b10cfda61d8bea8d4b5da1a For everyone bemoaning Kristin’s appearance, here is the woman she’s playing in the show


I actually low key LOVED their reality series about fixing up their house. They are a really interesting family but the woman actually seems like a nice person (and if my memory serves me grew up from very humble beginnings).They have a TON of children and she really seems to love animals, kids and her husband. One of their daughters died of an overdose at 18 and they have a charity in her name and all seemed to be very affected by it. Additionally her family are the main drivers in making Nalaxone (a drug designed to rapidly reverse opioid overdose) an available drug without prescription which you can find [here](https://impactwealth.org/jackie-siegel-never-giving-up-the-sky-is-the-limit/amp/). I’m really hoping this will be a good musical because she actually seems like a decent person.


I’d recommend watching the documentary that preceded the tv series. It definitely paints a much rougher/harsher image of the Siegel’s in my opinion.


She seems fine but her husband is not. I don’t know how I feel about her (and by extension, him) getting more attention with this.


With Michael Arden directing I trust he won’t glorify them. I’m getting grey gardens vibes from the show, so far. It’ll be more critical of the Siegels than anything else, hopefully.


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Yeah I think the family is the reason why cops carry it on them.


I just don’t understand doing that to your face.


I can explain. That's not the goal. The need to maintain fillers is by its nature part of the problem. There's different kinds but a lot of people begin with avoiding a permanent surgical solution to their desired goal. The non permanent fillers actually might be for a ton of people. This was a discussion my surgeon had with me when I had a facial reconstruction. We did a pocket of filler that was supposed to eventually absorb into my body leaving room for a silicone implant to replace the lost tissues. It's been 20 years. The filler is still there no implant. Now it did soften some but that's part of what we planned on and thankfully worked. So for people who don't know this stuff will spread if not in a specifically structured way, may not absorb, and experiencing the not yet mentioned mind fuck they cannot see that they're not needing more filler. Any surgery or facial treatments come with a period of "Holy fuck what's wrong with my face?" It's going to depend on your individual brain how strong or how long. I didn't look like me in the mirror for 4 or 5 years. With them matching my existing face. Some of that was swelling but some was just the psychological price. A less reputable aesthetician or surgeon will exploit these people. I had a good one and friends who told me the truth. So I have sympathy for people disfigured this way This is before the risks of complications that also can cause a botched face. You hope for the best healing possible but sometimes shit happens and you don't get that. I have complications as part of every surgery and the filler staying is technically one. We needed it because my tissues weren't functioning correctly due to genetics and the scar tissue from the tumor that had grown through my face. It hurts to have surgery and reconstruction so I also think people are trying to avoid pain. Does this help with understanding? They literally cannot see the reality anymore. I still have days where I struggle


Oh my god, the musical is about the Below Deck guest??? I am now obsessed!


This woman has a musical about her? Another sign of the End Times. Haha.


I know right? Don't you miss the good old days when musicals were about classy, well respected ladies like *checks notes* ...Gypsy Rose Lee?


And unimpeachable, fine, upstanding citizens like the Demon Barber of Fleet Street


And Squeaky Fromme


Aw, I’m sorry my, checks notes, joke went over your head.


I thought for certain it was a mistake. Why would KC do this? Could it possibly be…good? Nooooo!


I’m curious as to how they’re going to do the house. That’s all I need to know. I watched the documentary about her and my god that house. If that doesn’t feature prominently in the show, I will be disappoint.


I'm sure a lot of us have opinions about the interventions that various Broadway actresses (and let's be honest - it's mainly women) have undergone over the years. However, Kristin is playing a Florida millionaire's past-her-prime trophy wife whose life goal was to build the most ridiculously luxurious house right before the housing market collapsed. Also, she taxidermied her dog and put it in a display box. Plastic surgery and fillers are absolutely appropriate for playing this character and add to the realism.


And the makeup and costuming plays it up! She’s TRYING to look like this in this picture for the role


To be honest, I cannot think of a more perfect role for Kristin at this stage in her life. She is going to KILL it.


Thank you for the context. I was just going to comment “would”. Still stands, obviously.


Please don’t be sexist or misogynistic against Kristin


Stating the fact that women in show business have touch up done and that people judge them for it is factual, not misogynistic. See: The comments throughout this thread. It is also factual that she's playing a former model/beauty queen who has had more than her fair share of touchups done and, as a result, having fillers, botox, etc would be completely appropriate to the character she's portraying. Kristin is a force no matter how old she is or what she does/doesn't have done. Maybe comment on the people who said rude comments on her looks instead.


As a matter of fact, please don’t ever be any kind of mean towards Kristin ever! She’s too precious :’)


I love how criticizing *a woman’s decisions borne out of vanity* is classified as misogyny. If someone gets bad plastic surgery and starts looking like a clown, it’s not misogynistic to notice and go “damn, this is weird”


I am so delighted to be able to catch a performance of this during a very brief stay in Boston (from SF). :)


Same! (From Seattle.) thrilled my brother scheduled his wedding reception at the same time.


very considerate of him, lol.


Was it good? 🤔


Hasn’t opened yet. I’m going in August.


Oh. Thanks. I see the TV advertising for it and did not pay attention to the dates. The Colonial Theater is pretty.


I don’t quite get how they’re making the doc into a musical, but this is awesome costuming, makeup, etc for the part!!


I loved the doc when it first came out and I think it’s perfect for a musical! It really is a bizarre story.


Holy shit, I can't wait to see this. This is fillers for the backrow, and god bless.


I adore this woman. I saw her in concert in January, and it was magical. She's definitely had work done, but some of that was the result of her accident. But, yea, she's getting into the part for "Queen of Versailles." I'm not mpressed by the story, but we'll see what happens.


Her concerts are incredible. Her singing is obviously amazing, but she's absolutely hilarious and a great storyteller.


She was so funny! We had been having very cold weather (like a high of zero), and she came out wearing a huge puffy white coat. I loved one line in particular: "My name is Kristen Chenoweth, for all you straight guys out there."


This dead on!! I am so impressed! For reference, this is what she is supposed to look [like](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/bravo-queen-versailles-sundance-documentary-307427/amp/)


This show is either going to be terrible or the best thing that's ever happened to Broadway and I so desperately hope it is the latter


That’s amazing! I’m definitely going to see this. She’s going to nail it.


you can tell she gets the assignment 😄 seriously spot on


Okaaay she’s going method! The Daniel day Lewis of broadway!




She uses Botox as treatment for debilitating migraines. And she’s trying to look trashy because that’s the character. This photo is amazing.


The documentary this is based on honest to god changed my life. I watched it as a teenager who fantasized about being super wealthy in the future, buying yachts and stuff yada yada, but watching these absurdly wealthy people—and seeing how miserable they were—made me realize that exorbitant wealth was just not something I cared to aspire to.


Her husband is absolutely trash.


It’s giving Trisha Paytas in the best way


Literally the first name that came to mind before I read who it was.


WHOA!!! She is a dead ringer!!


Not the Queen of Versailles (which I beleive will based of the Docu of the same name) getting her musical.


Globular. They’re going to be Glob-U-Lar.


It’s gonna be a big hit


Can’t wait to see this one soon!


I have my tickets for opening night, I can't wait!!!


I was there at Open Jar where they practice yesterday


Oh no this works a little too well 😅


Her lips 👄 look ridiculous 🐠


Love her, are her boobs real? They look kinda large for someone so petite.




99% sure this is her in character for her role in Queen of Versailles (rich Florida wife to time share business running billionaire).


Are you suggesting she got filler and botox for a role lol


Prostethics/make up


Ah, I just assume every celeb who isn’t in their 20s is filled with enough Botox to embalm a corpse. Idk about lip fillers but my lips look even bigger than that when I purse them and I’m a 28 year old man.


I’ll admit this pic is kinda jarring, but also, its totally on brand for the character shes playing in the show


Go watch the documentary the show is based on. She looks PERFECT for the part.


What’s the doc called?


Same title as the musical, The Queen of Versailles.


Same title - Queen of Versailles. I'm not sure where it is now, but years ago it was on Amazon. I think they made a sequel series too it, but I haven't seen it. The original was a fun eat-the-rich watch with a glass of wine.


Don’t you think this is her dressing the role?


I don't think it's her outfit he's referring to


She's in very heavy makeup


Why does it make you sad? She seems really into the project which was written especially for her, and she’s getting a check.


You should see what Charlize Theron did to herself in *Monster.* [Tragic.](https://www.thethings.com/charlize-theron-transformation-weight-gain-monster/) Everyone felt so much pity for her that they gave her an Oscar to console her.


She does get Botox for Ménière’s disease - helps with extreme migraines and vertigo


stop commenting on women’s appearances challenge


Why shouldn't people be able to comment on anyone's appearance, especially when that person posts a public photo, clearly meant to emphasize their appearance?


Looks like your average New Jersey beach goer