• By -


absolute unit






fyi before pic is all natty


That’s some good size for a natty!! Either way, hats off to you👌


Thanks, I appreciate it


What did you do for arms when you were natty?


I did not change my training style when I went for the gear. I did supersets for arms until I could not use them anymore. close grip barbell curls and skull crushers, arnold curls and kick backs


Dude are you on gear in the second pic? Someone has been selling you fake gear man, lol.


You got huge pepperoni nips lol


thicc as a brick, congrats


lol thanks :D


Impressive gains. What was your cycle?


I only used short esters and very low doses like 300-400 mgs tops.




That’s what a cycle means m8ty.


What's the before pic? I think you look better in the left pic, though the right pic is just very badly taken.


I zoomed in the right one a lot to fit it there fucked up with the pixels


Hey man, just wanted to say you've made great fucking progress. As a beginner and from the things ive learnt over few months... dont listen to the assholes who criticise your lifts and your gains. You do what you want to do in lifting and you've made great fucking progress. looking jacked especially those natty traps so i cant imagine what they look like now. Crazy. for a begginne like myself can you tell me your prevoius routine that got you your before pic.. would really help me and your diet as well. Right now i dont do any direct arm work.. is all benching and rows.


Yeah bro I was thinking about telling you guys about my regime but worried about these people getting triggered when they hear something different from what they do. So basically I train legs, chest and tri, back and biceps, shoulders and calf, and arms for my last training day in the week. I hit my arms 2 times a week and my workouts always change I never do the same thing 2 weeks in a row.


Damn would I love to worship you!




you mean the lifts ?




>but your lifts make absolute sense with your current mass and work you clearly put. Considering he's not natty those lifts are hardly impressive for a 200lb lifter... srs.


Im not a powerlifter man. Im already stressing my joints by putting exogenous hormones into my body. I dont want to destroy my joints squatting 500-600lbs. I only train for hypertrophy not strength.


I'm not actually criticising your lifts at all, I don't care if you are chasing numbers or not. What I am critising is his suggestion that most people inflate their numbers but because you're on gear these numbers make perfect sense, when in real-life a natty lifter could have easily surpassed them if that was their goal.


i'm in my mid\-40s, natural, and don't take my lifting terribly seriously and my numbers are higher than his. he does look better than me, though. but that's because i take aesthetics even less seriously.


Oh oh like me because I did


> I dont want to destroy my joints squatting 500-600lbs. don't make stupid excuses.


I would rather make a stupid excuse now than going under 20+ operations for my knees and back at my 40s


what an absurd fucking statement. you're not going to have 20+ operations by squatting 500-600lbs. just say YOU DON'T WANT TO. anything else is disingenuous and providing a bad faith excuse.


If you say so




>I would rather make a stupid excuse now than going under 20+ operations for my knees and back at my 40s That's just fucking dumb dude.


I mean 20+ ops was just an exaggeration I know it sounds dumb. I just dont want to get injured chasing after numbers.


Strength training does not entail any significantly increased risk of injury. You're more likely to injure yourself long distance running, or playing soccer or tennis.


This still sounds dumb. You can get injured warming up or even getting out of bed or just living. Just say you're afraid of lifting heavy.


The majority of my injuries have happened while I’ve been warming up. So if your worried about getting hurt I guess you shouldn’t warm up.




You say it like its a bad thing :D




A natty 160lb lifter could easily achieve those numbers... serious. In fact I know numerous women who out-deadlift him too.




185 good lord. I have 40 .-.


Well I could probably outlift most of you guys If I believed in strength training. I mean when I started working out I could squat 200lbs 2 months in. It is always easy to lift 400lbs for 6 reps, try repping 200lbs 25 times for 4 sets then we will talk :D


>Well I could probably outlift most of you guys If I believed in strength training. Debatable. It's quite possible to get very strong without even focusing on strength training, plus you're enhanced and gained 20lb in the process on top of what was already some pretty reasonable musculature. The fact you're really not that strong is a little bit odd. >I mean when I started working out I could squat 200lbs 2 months in. It is always easy to lift 400lbs for 6 reps, try repping 200lbs 25 times for 4 sets then we will talk :D Well I've benched more than you deadlift so I think I should be ok squatting 200lbs for a buttload of reps, boredom will probably be the biggest issue.






imagine being so weak that you think high rep squats with sub2pl8 are impressive


lol controlled slow ass reps over heavy weighted jerky cheat reps all day errday is what im sayin bro dont fuck around


"heavy weighted jerky cheat reps" is the most retarded phrase i've heard all week


> lol controlled slow ass reps over heavy weighted jerky cheat reps all day errday is what im sayin bro dont fuck around Are slow controlled reps how you put on 20 lbs. of fat and water retention without getting stronger while on gear? Grats on unlocking gimpy bearmode and ruining the conditioning you did have.


>lol controlled slow ass reps over heavy weighted jerky cheat reps all day errday is what im sayin bro dont fuck around What are these jerky weight cheat reps you speak? Is it cheating if you squat fast? Do your slow ass reps if you enjoy wasting your time, but just know that you'd probably get better results from lifting heavier weights with fast reps for more total volume.


>try repping 200lbs 25 times for 4 sets k, I'll do that on bench. You know what. Fuck it. I'll push press it, lets make this interesting. /u/weaponizedsleep /u/BenchPolkov you guys want in?


I dunno... that does sound like a lot of cardio.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/weakpots] [Who wants to frighten strangers at the gym with their reckless disregard for health and safety? You nerds can use 70% or whatever. This is my penance for forgetting to do the \/r\/griptraining competition again.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Weakpots/comments/8mkb5z/who_wants_to_frighten_strangers_at_the_gym_with/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


>could squat 200lbs 2 months in. So you did what pretty much every male trainee is capable of doing. Good for you! >try repping 200lbs 25 times for 4 sets then we will talk That sounds boring and pointless. Can I do 200lbs for 15 minutes EMOM for 4 reps supersetted with burpee lateral jumps instead? Because that sounds less boring and like it would get my heart rate up to the same spot as cardio reps, thus achieving the same purpose.


Not squats but here is me deadlifting double that for 26: https://youtu.be/H_6HQFk2wKo




deadlifts are ez my man try squats


You think you can do your max deadlift for 26?


Ohhh I see. Thanks :D




No one was being a gatekeeper. You said a lot of dumb shit and were called out on it.


I said that his numbers are/were good and realistic? what was there to be called out on? you guys are incredibly petty in a sub that is meant to be about progress and congratulating people for achieving goals. Life must be sad when shit like this matters to you so much.


He's weak... very weak especially for being on steroids for most of this transformation. The whole I don't train for strength because I'm a bodybuilder is a shitty excuse when literally every bodybuilder that does well is also strong as shit. It's a lazy cop out.


1 repping 600lbs is easier than repping a lighter weight till you can literally feel your skin ripping away.try it .if you can do it youll know what I mean <3


Being able to lift 600 means the lighter weight will be heavier than if you were only able to 1RM 315.


All cool