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Take a stroll down Saint marks before you reach Classon. I always walk with my head down on that street.




I’m a dogwalker all over Manhattan / park slope / Williamsburg & have my own pup: Bushwick maybe the worst in nyc….but also there’s a huge lack of public trash cans around! No joke had to carry a dog bag for over 10 min til I found a bin, and it was by a building. Is there something the neighborhood can do to increase more bins?


honestly, maybe if we talked to council members we could get some sort of ticketing process set up


Yes talk about the HUMAN SHIT


The recent rise in everyday sociopathy makes urban living much more challenging.


Currently live in navy yard but was in crown heights for a while. I feel like it’s an everywhere thing - nobody’s picking up shit in any neighborhood - even downtown.


Nope. ​ https://i.redd.it/lnx5skt67okc1.gif


It was kinda nice on the week of Christmas because so many people were away that the sidewalks were mercifully shitless for maybe one or two days. It was super jarring when people started coming back on the 27th or so cause I had started to get used to not having to look where I stepped. 


Preach. Bedstuy as well. It’s disgusting out here.


I live in Crown Heights and holy sh*t (literally) it’s bad out here


I have had a small pet care business in BK since 2017. There’s definitely an uptick in the poo the last few years. Also an uptick in people leaving food on the sidewalk (PSA: PLEASE do not throw chicken bones or your leftover bodega meal on the sidewalk. It’s insane the amount of food thrown on the sidewalk I see every day). I remind my clients often to pick up their dog poop, and I do PSAs on my Instagram page every so often as well. The problem is even worse when it snows. Dog owners seem to have this weird idea that snow disintegrates dog poop. It doesn’t. Nothing worse than the snow melting and revealing a plethora of poo. I actually took a couple hours on a day off and just went around a small area of Park Slope (my main work area) and picked up dog poop. I felt like I didn’t make a dent. The insanity needs to stop!


One time I had some guy tell me that I didn’t have to pick it up because it was raining. Excuse me? It doesn’t just va-POO-rise. Tf


It's a cry for help


There's a lady on my block who gleefully directs her dog to poop in middle of the sidewalk.


Saw a puppy shit in the middle of the A train 2 weeks ago, as the owner looked on confused that anyone should want him to do anything about it. "...What bags?"


Lincoln pl is particularly bad. For shame, Brooklyn! Be better




Southeast corner of prospect park is horrible. My block has 20+ identifiable pieces of dog shit all up and down the street at any given time. Have to use a flashlight at night to avoid stepping in it


I wish someone would call out these folks like cart narc.


That would be amazing!! 


It could easily be just one or two people doing it over and over


The UES is a disgrace as well.......


And equally bad in Park Slope, especially after it snows.


Has anyone noticed if posting signage helps? Or having poop bags available? Or saying “You’re being recorded.” or “NYC will issue a fine.”?


signs do help.


We think about moving to Brooklyn and every visit the dog shit deters us. It's not that bad in Queens/Manhattan




same here, too many dog owners in nyc are obnoxious and selfish. i watched some transplant in park slope let her dog take a MASSIVE shit on the middle of the sidewalk on 8th ave. she started to walk off so i said to her “your dog just shit all over the sidewalk” loud enough that other people could hear. you’d think she would feel embarrassed and pick it up, but no. she put on the most sarcastic smile and said “yeah, that what dogs do :)” and kept walking.


As a dog owner, this just made my blood boil


Not sure why they would want their own dogs walking in all the poop. !???


We put a cheap metal fence around the tree outside our apartment bc it was always littered w dog shit. Not theres just dog shit around the perimeter of the fence lol


I can literally see a big ol' pile of turds lying in someone's YARD rn, as IF these people would care about it on a public sidewalk


Why don’t like it on your shoes? the rats love it!!


It’s so bad in bay ridge right now I can’t even believe it. This was never an issue when I was growing up here.


Cobble Hill & Cobble Hill Park - open air dog sewers


I live along Washington Ave in CH near the Botanic Gardens, and there is dog shit everywhere. Sometimes, right in the middle of the sidewalk. It's truly an epidemic that has gotten exponentially worse since 2020. People don't give a damn, and the city refuses to enforce existing laws on this.


It’s always so bad in Williamsburg


Brooklyn is one giant litter box. It’s shit.


I used to live in prospect heights, moved back to north Brooklyn and this is definitely “south” Brooklyn specific (depending on what you think south means, I mean like PH/Clinton hill/crown heights area). Williamsburg greenpoint and bushwick I don’t notice it nearly as much.


I used to live in prospect heights, moved back to north Brooklyn and this is definitely “south” Brooklyn specific (depending on what you think south means, I mean like PH/Clinton hill/crown heights area). Williamsburg greenpoint and bushwick I don’t notice it nearly as much.


I'd like to add: tie the bag off and put it in the trash and not in my recycling.


I’m at the point when I walk around Manhattan these days I’m actually amazed by how much cleaner the sidewalks are there, which I understand seems like an absurd thing to say. The sidewalks in BK are literally covered in shit. I have a one year old dog in Carroll Gardens and do not understand for the life of me who is walking around not picking up the poop. Maybe every once in awhile a tiny bit sticks to the sidewalk, or on even rarer occasions he has diarrhea which is almost impossible to clean, but the majority of what I see are just huge turds littering the sidewalk. It’s fucked.


"Literally covered in shit" is a slight exaggeration lol


Upper East side is covered in poop


Yeah I guess the primarily residential areas are worse. I was walking around parts of LES the other day and was like “I know this is insane but these sidewalks seem cleaner than cozy little Carrol Gardens.”


The one I don’t understand is when people bag the dog shit, and then leave the bag on the ground? it’s like they went half way and thought — my job is done! can someone explain why anyone would do that?


I blame this on sanitation in the city and not enough trash cans in the Burroughs.


I HATE THIS. It used to drive me especially bonkers when I lived in a place with a lot of hiking - people would do it along the trail. Like… what the fuck, is it for the turd fairy?


This drives me completely insane.


Sometimes this is sanitation’s fault. Like they didn’t empty the trash cans fully 


It's so bad in Flatbush. I would also add, if your dog's poops aren't solid, you are feeding them terrible food lol


it's actually everywhere


I was in Bronx yesterday and it was horrible. There were industrial sized dog poops scattered everywhere. We had to clean the inside of business bc a massive dung was left by the door and it got tracked in.


You have to publicly chastise the offenders.. only sanitation cops can enforce dog pooping laws and those guys are afraid of their own shadows..


Dog owner in Park Slope here. It's fucking disgusting as of late. Horse sized shit bombs everywhere.


It’s been so bad I counted like 5 on my walk to the store alone


You think that people that leave dog shit is reading this? Or will even take heed? Lol


Good luck.


Effects of gentrification smh


SO FUCKING OVER IT. Ruining it for everyone, including other dogs & dog owners…


Yep... constantly getting sour looks and mean mugs walking my dogs down the block because people think I'm the one leaving dog shit around...


It’s everywhere…including ppl bringing dogs where they don’t belong.


Are you sure it’s dog poop?


I thought it was just Williamsburg and Greenpoint, but it’s city-wide now. Everyone got their covid dogs and didn’t bother learning literally anything about owning a dog.


This is every neighborhood lmao, you should see Bushwick


was just walking on broadway and had to keep avoiding stepping in shit


You should see astoria!!


Bushwick was always bad… but now it’s fucking comedy…


It's so bad in Bushwick. I have a dog and it drives me crazy. It's almost impossible to not step in it on some blocks because it gets smeared everywhere. It's especially gross this time of year too.


Same problem out here in Bushwick too. It almost makes me want to buy not pet safe snow salt... keyword is almost 😔




Paint. It. Gold.


Stepping in Human poop is worse lol


As a Cable Technician who use to work that neighborhood. Never going to happen.


Queens loves to leave dogshit everywhere. They try balance it out by wearing wayyyyy too much cologne.


Okay I thought it was just my neighborhood but it seems like dog shit has been EVERYWHERE, I tend to look up at the sky a lot and I have been for sure focused on the ground lol


The worst is that someone has been bringing their dogs into the Brower Park playground, probably in the morning before anyone is there... And leaving GIANT piles of dog sh*t in the playground. Like what the fuck? Kids play there. Including babies/toddlers who don't know not to step in, touch, or do who knows what else with dog poop. Ugh.


Has to be intentional.


Into the playground? That's so weird, the big field is right there.


I think it's people whose dogs can't be unfenced


Around the corner from me there's a row of brownstones and somehow there's the *same goddamn turd* every morning on that block in a new place. Feels like it has been months. With Ring cameras etc. now I'm surprised nobody's gone after the culprit.


I walk my dog in CH everyday, it’s atrocious how much there is. Particularly now post-snow melt. I find myself bagging other dogs shit when my dog shits. Thing is… all the hours I’ve put in walking around with my dog and I don’t think I’ve ever seen/caught anyone in the act of not picking it up While we’re at it leash your fucking dogs.


I’ve caught people not picking up their dogs poop several times. Every single time, the person is engrossed in their phone and wouldn’t even notice if their dog ate a whole rack of ribs off the ground. And it’s so awkward when I tell them to clean up their dogs poop and they go “that wasn’t them” like my guy I just saw it with my own two eyes


It’s crazy to me, especially since my dog is a scavenger, that more people are not worried about what their dogs are eating off the ground. I had to inform a lady that her puppy was scarfing down what appeared to be a blueberry or chocolate muffin while she fiddled with her phone.


And especially with the amount of chicken bones on the ground, if I didn’t say “leave it” to my dog every minute she would practically have an entire rotisserie chicken


Yes this is what gets me. They are soo sneaky! There are these young kids near me who play with their dog outside. He is off leash and will go off and poop and the kids wont notice. It's annoying, but I just grab it for them on my next walk. But he is definitely not the only culprit! 👀


"It's annoying, but I just enable them by cleaning up after them" ???


I'd rather just pick it up than have to talk to either two kids under 10 or worse one of their parents who probably won't care.


They are cowards. They only do it when no one is around


This is everywhere now


It’s the entitled townies.


All clear in Windsor Terrace. Yesterday I ran into some on the sidewalk and it was surprising. It’s nice after moving here from Lower East Side, where pretty much every single block had dog poop (and sometimes human poop).


I live in WT and I feel like it's increasing. It's also all over the parks.


Yeah - I’m right on the South Slope/WT border and have never noticed any.


Actually this morning I saw dog poop on the sidewalk in WT for the first time in a year.


Prospect park south here, can confirm that there’s shit around every corner…


Yup, Brooklyn wide - I'll be in Fort Greene and it's just as bad. It's like nobody cares. I wonder if this is NYC wide, but feeling less like Brooklyn is where I want to be long term.


I lived in Bed Stuy then Ridgewood for several yearsand am currently in Albany, right across the street from Washington park. I cant even walk on the grass, let alone my sidewalk, with dodging endless dog turds. Like even watching owners be so cavalier as to let their dog leave a massive steamer and then just keep walking. I believe it's part of Post Covid social Degeneration.


It’s the influx of shitty dog owners since 2020


It could easily be one or two offenders making a huge mess and not be an influx. One dog can poop 3 times a day, that one dog every day, that’s a lot of poop.


I see what you did there. I agree though, it’s gotten particularly bad in the last few years. Been in prospect heights since 2018 and have seen a massive uptick in shit everywhere, and before that i was in East Harlem where shit was never picked up by anybody ever.


Brooklyn was filled with dog shit even when I was a kid in the 00s. The problem is never gonna get better unless people start getting ticketed for this kind of thing.


Oh absolutely, I think it’s just gotten waaaay worse since 2020. So many people have dogs now that just completely do not even do the bare minimum to take care of their pets


It definitely has! I’ve lived in the same place since 2014. Huge uptick in dog shit since 2020.


It’s probably also attracting the rats, mice, and other vermin.


I do feel like there's a citywide increase in dog piss smell since then as well.


Can confirm that it's equally bad up here on clinton hill.


CH feels worse than ever!! Definitely more than 4 or 5 years ago. It’s so bad.


My street in CH went from not having any shit, to having a bunch. It literally takes just one dog owner to ruin everything. 100s of dogs go down my street every day.


Yup - we have a weirdly-placed sidewalk tree outside our door and someone just left dog shit like…right outside it? Like at LEAST have your dog crap /in/ the tree pit* instead of literally in the place people need to walk. * don’t actually do this, but it would be objectively less bad


Yep. There’s a block near me in CH that is just covered in shit, and you can tell it’s the same dog/owner just doing it over and over, everyday. There’s also the absolute asshole who recently started leaving dog shit all around the elementary school, right where six year olds are supposed to line up before school every morning. If the kids stood where they were supposed to, they’d literally be standing in dog shit. Fuck that guy.


Some bit*c let her dog take a massive shit right in front of my front door and left it there (I was walking up the block and saw it all happen but not until I got there did I realize that’s why she was stopped in front at that moment). I took a pic


Post her picture on social media or tacked onto street light poles around the neighborhood.


Ooo street poles is a good idea!


You should have confronted her


She was x3 my size and looked exactly like Biggie Smalls and with an attitude. Def looked like she came from the nearby projects. I took a pic to print it and put a flyer up to possibly Shame her into not repeating the behavior. The dog was a pit bull, so maybe she wasn’t from the projects actually since they aren’t allowed there 🧐


As a dog owner in fort Greene who pays attention to their dog and cleans up after them, I’m always appalled at how little large dog owners pay attention to their dogs during off leash at fort Greene park. So many large dog owners think the park is a social event for them and pay no attention to their dog.


It’s nuts. I had to stop exercising in the park in the AMs because of large off-leash dogs darting around my legs when running and getting in my face when stretching or doing body weight exercises. Happens well after off-leash hours supposedly end, too.


I dint understand why people would let these big dogs off the leash with people running around I had some random stranger dog come up to me I'm thinking its friendly tell me y the dog took a bite at my leg thank god I had long Jean otherwise I'd have dog teeth Mark's


A neighbor just got a cane corso (!) puppy and sure enough my street has never been the same since.


File 311 complaints, put up signs and bags. Give awareness to dogwalkers. Clean up some yourself. Do you have trash can on corner for the public from Sanitation? ​ Complaining on reddit may relieve your angry while being proactive can make a difference


Clean up some yourself.... Are you fucking kidding me?! I would sooner throw it at the owner and take the charges than pick up a shitty owners dog shit.


What do you mean re:trash can? Will calling 311 get on added?


Having a trash can nearby the NY Sanitation takes care of, can help with people cleaning up after dogs. You can request them I believe on 311, you can definitely put in a request. It can take awhile and try to enlist neighbors. They may deny at first and you need to keep on it. Good luck. ​ Sanitation will also come and ticket, they need to see in action so it helps to identify a time and place. Maybe photos. I have never done this, only read about it. ​ Also try putting up signs to clean up after dogs in neighborhood. Don’t nail or staple into tree!


Except if you live in one of the neighborhoods where they take away trash cans to "prevent dumping" instead of enforcing the law against dumping.


That did happen and we banded together to bring the can back.


NGL, stepping in dog shit in the walkway of my own building after dodging them on my entire walk, was one the final straw that got me to move. It was just so bad.


Covid puppies + snow = fields of shit upon thaw.




Dog sitter of 20 years here. You would not believe the amount of people who have sworn to me over the years that their dog’s pop simply “melts away and disappears in the snow” and then having to explain basic common sense things, for example that SHIT ACTUALLY FREEZES. I sat for a dog once that had bad kennel cough and the owner explained to me that the dog was just “purring”. Another woman whose dog wasn’t allowed to have her dainty paws touch any surface of floor or ground so she was carried everywhere 24/7 and only set down on a pee pad a few times a day to relieve herself. That dog only ate steak and steamed veggies off of a tiny china plate also held by the owner. There is no laws preventing any kind of weirdo or careless person from dog ownership.


This is so unsettling


> Another woman whose dog wasn’t allowed to have her dainty paws touch any surface of floor or ground so she was carried everywhere 24/7 and only set down on a pee pad a few times a day to relieve herself. That dog only ate steak and steamed veggies off of a tiny china plate also held by the owner. Should've gotten a bird instead of a dog.


Nah, it's definitely not the snow. Just lazy, inconsiderate sacks of shit with dogs. I've had dogs for the past ten years, walking them in my neighborhood and always cleaning up after them. There have been a lot of new dog owners recently who simply don't give a shit, and it causes a sour name for the people who actually do it right. Often times, my family and I will get blamed or called out by a local resident for piles of shit that didn't even come from our dogs.


It’s gotten seriously out of hand the last couple months


Turns out DGAF is a cute meme or a cool slogan to wear on a t-shirt but when people actually live that way, it sucks.


Yep so true nothing worse then steppin into a fresh pile unknowingly then walking into people place of business leaving trails something needs to be done