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I hope they all get caught and sent to black op sites never to be seen again. Being a terrorist in the USA has consequences




Attacking the Brooklyn Museum, holding up traffic, and defacing private property in Brooklyn NY is definitely a kick to the groin for Israel.


Antisemitism is weirdly accepted here.


The lesson of the world’s reaction to October 7th was that antisemitism was never a thing of the past. Merely a dormant ideology just waiting for a trigger to wake it up.


The world's reaction to October 7th has nothing to do with this. It's the world's reaction after they saw a government needlessly target an oppressed civilian population. It's bad optics when you indiscriminately bomb hospitals, women, children, and pretty much the general population. Limiting their electricity and water is pretty messed up too.


There were people celebrating the massacre in Times Square the day after it happened, well before any military response had been initiated. And I didn’t hear any calls for “ceasefire” on October 7th itself while Palestinians were going door to door raping and murdering anyone they could find.


Meanwhile in Israel there are people celebrating the deaths of tens of thousands of Palestinians. Over 35,0000 Palestinians dead while there are 1500 Israelis dead since October 7th. Seems a bit overkill, no? Not for Israel. It seems like they'll be happy when they've killed every single Palestinian so they can move into their homes and take their land.


That's war. Unfortunately, people die., who attack first? No one wants to talk about that, 1947, the UN voted for Palestine/gaza strip to be split into separate Jewish and Arab states, with Jerusalem becoming an international city. That plan was accepted by Jewish leaders but rejected by the Arab side and never implemented.


In war you usually don't indiscriminately target civilians. You talk about what Hamas did on October 7th? Child's play. Israel mastered the raping and killing of innocent civilians.


I'd like an explanation on how an attack on 3 Christians and one Jew was antisemitic?


If you're asking that you dont care about the answer.


So I'm just supposed to take it on faith? I thought it was antisemtic at first because I heard all the victims were Jewish, but since only 1 is, what is the explanation?


We get it.


These people are like MAGA but refuse to show their faces because they don’t want to face consequences. If you are so sure you are right, why hide your face?






Boy wouldn’t it be nice if they were blacklisted because people other than Jews gave a shit about antisemitism


How many times is this going to be posted here?


Seems like this sub is becoming more politically driven.. for some reason


While I find myself sympathetic to the plight of the Palestinain people, getting mad at an exhibit showing the horror of Oct 7 is garbage behavior. Its been really odd to be of the opinion of "I don't think innocent people should be killed" and face criticism by people from both the pro-Isreali and pro-Palenstinian sides of this clusterfuck.


That’s because it’s never been about Palestinians. It’s always been about hating Jews. These folks are relishing their opportunity to go full mask off. It’s telling, how none of these protestors ever make a peep about genocides in Nepal, or Ethiopia, or Darfur, or Syria. I guess none of those genocides are really that important.


No, YOU want it to be able hating Jews so you don't have to acknowledge the genocide that's happening in Gaza. What happened in Israel was terrible, but it can't be used to justify what's they're doing to the Palestinians.


What the hell does that have to do with the Brooklyn museum? And why were only the Jewish board members targeted? I’ll wait for an answer.


Remind me, about the ceasefire agreement that Hamas just rejected this week. Was that the 7th or 8th offered ceasefire that they’ve rejected? I’ve lost count, it’s really hard to keep track of them all.


The civilian death toll in Gaza is on the IDF, not Hamas. Israel can CHOOSE to be more selective with how they operate, but they aren't. Yes, Hamas plays dirty and uses human shields. Does that mean its ok for a supposedly more civilized country to ignore the innocents and maim/kill them? Forget about being reminded of the ceasefire agreement, how about I remind you of the value of human life? Or are you ok with stooping as low as Hamas? Where's your humanity?


So when the Israelis extract four hostages and are leaving the highly populated area where the hostages were being held, and Hamas opens fire on them with RPGs from the middle of a crowd of civilians, the Israelis are supposed to do what, exactly? Just say “OK, you got us, we’ll lie down and die now!” and then turn themselves over to be executed? You folks are making me choose between sacrificing my humanity, and just lying down to be exterminated. As tragic as it is, I have to choose the former.


Yeah, because the massive death toll is boiled down to that one operation. lol You sir are not human. You're more worried about being right & justifying deaths than the actual loss of human life. Despicable & disgusting.


You're clearly not listening to a lot of these voices. Most of the people I know involved in these protests are speaking out about Sudan, Congo, Palestine, Myanmar, Syria, etc. Reducing anti-zionist sentiment to Jew hating is misguided, to say the least.


You gaslight like a Republican.


sorry I have seen any brooklyn bridge protests over genocide in china...etc


Not to mention, if the bridges got shut down over every horrific thing that happened in this world, nobody would get anywhere.


Well, the U.S. isn't funding China's military, so there's that...




Uh… there were a BUNCH of Jews marching for Palestine this week. Orthodox even. There was a widely shared video of a Zionist screaming at them, calling them not real Jews, and trying to hit / spit on them. I don’t give a shit if I get downvoted, the only fanatics I’ve seen attack Jews are Zionists.


The Orthodox you see marching in those things are part of a group called neturei karta. They’re a fringe group within a fringe group that is totally unrepresentative of 99% of Jews.


The woman in that video did make herself look pretty ridiculous, and her behavior was abhorrent, though I did not see her once try to hit or spit on anyone. Do you have a link to that, perhaps you’re referring to a different video than the one I saw. It’s funny that you mention the “orthodox” men being at this protest, do you know why they were there? They weren’t Orthodox, they were Neturei Karta, which is an offshoot group of Haredim that is similar to, but not the same as, Orthodox Judaism. They believe that the State of Israel existing is a violation of God’s will, because it was created through human efforts rather than by the coming of the Messiah. They are to Judaism what the Westboro Baptist Church is to Christianity. So while that woman was wildly ignorant and inappropriate when she screamed at them and tried to deny their identity as Jews, they were not at that protest for the reasons you think.


I've been to a handful of protests and have never seen anything hateful. There are almost always people with kippot, tallit, and jvp shirts at the protests though.


Jewish Voice for Peace doesn’t require it’s members to be Jewish, and essentially exists to weaponize Jewish identity to make people feel comfortable supporting causes that actively harm Jews.


JVP membership doesn't mean anything, and even if it did "verifying" Judaism is often harmful to patrilineal Jews, converts, and Jews of color. Come to a JVP meeting and you can see for youself the vast majority of jvp supporters are Jewish


Lol no thanks, I think Israel has a right to exist.


Cool, just dont repeat lies on the internet


Where did I lie




Nope. I was at many of these protests, back in November. But I stopped going as I watched growing and openly accepted antisemitism around me because it made me feel disgusted, and more than a little unsafe. What do you think that crowd of people in the subway in that video would have done, if a Jew on that train revealed themself to believe that Jews, just like everyone else in the world, deserve a nation where our safety and right to self determination is guaranteed? If they revealed themself as someone who believed that Jews are indigenous to the Levant, as opposed to being “European colonists”?




Yes. Because it’s not a small number of people. And yes, I am a (((Zionist))). You can say that like it’s a slur, but I proudly accept the label. Because every word you folks say, and every event like this that occurs, just underscores the importance of Israel’s existence for Jews all over the world. Israel, which was attacked by a group who has **openly declared genocidal intentions** and which has continued to reject ceasefire after ceasefire. A group which brutally mutilated and gang raped hundreds of women during its attack in October, and a group which continues to enjoy mass support among the “civilian” population of Gaza. “Civilians” like the Al Jazeera journalist who was holding four hostages in his fucking apartment. So yes, my values did change, when I saw that the fears of older Jews, which I had dismissed for my entire life until this year, were not histrionic or exaggerated and that the United States is no different from any other place where Jews have lived and been persecuted in the two millennia since Judea was stolen from our ancestors.




> most Zionists in this country aren't Jewish. But most Jews in this country are Zionists. And if you claim you’re not targeting them with your rhetoric, then the only person you’re fooling is yourself.


>most Zionists in this country aren't Jewish. Is anyone gonna tell them?


I’ve come to most of those conclusions in the last six months, yes. Even one year ago I would have agreed that tearing down the Dome of the Rock to rebuild the Temple would be needlessly inflammatory. Now I genuinely don’t care. Because I’m tired of being held to a completely different standard from everyone else in the world. If the Iroquois nation butchered 1200 people at a music festival in upstate New York, nobody would be talking about how their “resistance is justified” or the need for “decolonization”. Everyone in the country would be calling for their fucking blood. When some of these protestors start going back to Europe and handing their homes over to the native groups that their occupied land was taken from, I’ll believe this movement isn’t full of hypocritical liars.


So instead of making a peep, you silently bowed out?


Yes. I’m not going to put my personal safety at risk as one among hundreds or even thousands. I’m confident in my ability to defend myself against one person, but not against a gang. But neither will I continue to support a movement that accepts such behaviors. I would assume that anyone with integrity would do the same, which is why I am entirely comfortable assuming that anyone who is still at these protests today is there due to their hatred of Jews.


The only genocide where the genocided side holds hostages and demands their genociders agree to their terms to stop their genocide. Time to admit the keffiyah Karens got got by takiyyah. 


People need to stop minimizing the plight of the hostages, I agree. We need to demand the release of all hostages, on both sides. Hostage-taking is completely unacceptable, no matter who does it.


My favorite (this week) was Bella Hadid posting about how Hamas made one of the hostages a birthday cake on his birthday, so it’s obviously not so bad that he was held captive and tortured for 8 months.


The Zionists kidnapped those 4 poor Jews from gaza just the other week! 


You know, we have before/after photos as well as testimony for comparison on how Palestinian hostages are treated vs Israeli and Thai hostages are/were treated in their detention. While your example is a cringe antic, and I agree with the disingenuous takes of the wealthy westerners, it’s very clear that the Israeli hostages are exponentially treated more humanely than the Palestinian hostages. 


Those poor kids would never have celebrated their birthdays if it wasn’t for the generous Hamas kidnappers. Thank the lord they were kidnapped so they could blow out some candles for once! Seriously, what a low bar you have. Them being held hostage is inhumane enough.




The pro-Palestinian movement shows its true, antisemitic colors once again by throwing the k word out I hope people see this and start to understand and listen to us Jews when we tell you what is and isn’t antisemitism rather than denying it or defining it for us… because I wouldn’t dare tell a Black man what is and isn’t racist, or a woman what she should do with her body and I hope people can afford this same respect to our community.


Wow. You’re in the wrong state, maybe the wrong country to be using that word.


This is what the pro-Palestinian movement has done to people. They think it is okay or even cool to be openly antisemitic.


Except he’s not. He’s saying it openly because these protests have made it acceptable to do so. The mods of this sub may delete his comment, but if I reported it to Reddit overall, I’d most likely get told that it doesn’t violate the content policy. In fact, I’ll test this theory right now.


I have a feeling nothing will come of it, honestly doesn’t matter to me if it stays because he’s showing his ass. Never in my life have I thought I’d see someone roll out the hard K in a NYC local subreddit.


Yeah, it was really humane how they mutilated and then gang raped Shani Louk to death.




Yeah, that doesn’t sound at all like a father trying to make the best of a situation where his daughter was raped to death and paraded around like a fucking trophy. Are you going to deny that too, despite the pictures of her lying there in the truck with her kneecap twisted halfway around her leg? Shani Louk didn’t [get her breasts cut off and have to watch her captors play catch with them while she bled out, like at least one woman](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67629181.amp), so that means it’s NBD?