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Freddie is still a POS for not getting him touches the last week of the season. No one will remember he had the highest offensive grade. They will remember that Derrick Henry won the rushing title.


Andrew Hawkins has a point in saying Kitchens was clueless/oblivious about so much...


He's the smartest guy in the building, just ask him


Remember at his first few press conferences he was defining words he was using etc.? I was like, Freddie dude, those are not hard words to understand...


What’s the only word in the English language that uses all of the vowels in order?


That's what it was - thanks! I knew it was word related haha Really Freddie? Did you stay up all night figuring that out? “Well, I think sometimes we’re going to be a little facetious here,” Kitchens said. "Does anybody know how to spell facetious? “That’s a good question, though," Kitchens said, getting back on topic. “Would you have thought I would have used the word facetious? Secondly, would you know that facetious is one of two words in the English language that every vowel is in order, all right, and it contains every vowel of the English language?”


chubb only needed 47 yards so sad


Freddie was a bad coach and I think we’re all happy he is gone but this particular narrative needs to stop. The bengals front 7 was dominating our run blocking and Nick was averaging 3.2 yards per carry Sunday. We were down almost the entire game and the passing attack actually looked okay (other than the ints of course). To suggest Freddie should have kept feeding Chubb (at his average yesterday he would have needed to get an additional 15 carries to finish with the rushing title) at the expense of the teams best chance to win is idiotic.


Yeah I agree, Chubb would have needed like 50 more yards as well, which isn't a ton but its not like that was a gaurantee. Plus Henry knew the number he needed, so he might of been able to get more if Chubb finished higher.


without looking it up, can you tell who won the last 5 rushing titles? but you can probably name who won the last 5 super bowls. individual "titles" are meaningless when your team is still a hot mess. just ask Mike "MVP" Trout. next year he hopefully has a great year rushing and is instrumental in a browns playoff push. if the browns had 52 more nick chubbs, they would be undefeated.


Trout kind of contradicts your point seeing how everyone acknowledges he's a shining jewel surrounded by trash


I know Hunt was 2017. Zeke and AP had a couple in there recently. Before that who knows, but it’s certainly a list that’s nice to be on. Also, it’s not like Chubb needed 250 yards to get the title. Just a very average game with more than 12 carries and he could’ve had it


Hindsight is 20/20 though. Nobody could have guessed Henry would blow it up like he did. And thankfully Chubb didn’t get hurt going after it. Would have been a nice silver lining in a steaming pile of shit season for sure.


It was very easy to make it unobtainable to Henry though. It’s not as if they were tied going into this week, and Chubb put up 150 yards and still got beat. The Titans schemed the entire game around him once it was in hand for 33 carries to ensure he got the title


2018 Zeke 2017 Hunt 2016 Zeke 2015 AD 2014 Murray 2013 Jamaal Charles? 2012 AD 2011 Maurice Jones-Drew 2010 CJ2K I'd imagine most people that follow the NFL would know at least most of those


Freddie abandoned the run all year. If we're had run our best offense, Chubb would have won by 300+ yards


No one will look back on the legacy that Chubb's building and care he had the 2nd most rushing yards his sophomore season.


I 100 percent love Chubb and he is one of my favorite players and I'm not diminishing his skill in anyway. Even though the Bengals have the worst rush defense in the league, it was just not open for him on Sunday. The O line wasn't getting any push and the Bengals were stacking to make sure they stopped him. 13 touches he had or whatever is still an insult and is just a reflection of what has happened all year with them and Freddie's playcalling. No one was doing the man any favors that's for sure. I know Chubb doesn't give a damn about titles but it would have been nice to have a league leader. Looking forward to seeing him next year and hopefully many more!


Because our OL sucks in run blocking. Can't generate any push against the worst run defense in the league smdh


We ran a goofy ass offense. Imagine running a good offense. Chubb could have had another 500 or so yards.


Honestly looking back at Freddie’s run game I’m stunned Chubb was even able to reach 1k. Freddie’s run plays were either predictable or made absolutely no sense. It’s a testament to nicks ability and work ethic that he was able to reach 1400. If we find an OC that knows what he’s doing, look the fuck out.


I said last offseason he was the best back in the league and a lot of this sub called me crazy haha. Dorsey hit a Homerun on this pick


He is the best pure runner in the NFL along with Henry. I would still probably take CMC, Barkley, and a healthy Kamara over both Chubb and Henry because those three add so much in the pass game as well.


Man imagine if you could have a backfield with Chubb and a RB like those guys? Y'know like a Kareem Hunt type?


Sorry we don't know how to call plays


Yeah, I think the difference between the passing game threat with those guys still puts them at the top, with the exception of Kamara, because he has never had to carry the load as a runner as the others have. However, when it comes to purely rushing, I don't see a better back in the league than Chubb.


Blocking and passing are a big part of being a complete back, for sure. But he’s still good at those things; they factor into his offensive grade.


bro mccaffrey put up a 1000/1000 season. chubb isn't better than him. come on, drop the bias. it's annoying


Best back in the league ??? You're still crazy my guy


The only good thing about Kitchens being so inept when it came to using Chubb's that he didn't run Chubb into the ground.


That's my running back <3


You can thank the thread started by u/prinzler for that!


what adds insult to injury is how many yards Henry had against the Browns in the first game. if the screen pass had counted as a run, he would have been over 150.


Fucked up. Guy gives you 100% every game. Even the fumble game, he came back out with a vengeance.


Been saying for a while he’s better than Barkley and the closest thing to prime All Day


But what was his defensive grade?


Nick Chubb is legit


So you're, telling me he's constantly good??? Guys this is what real talent looks like!!!