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It has become common enough that nobody cares anymore. There have been 3 suicide in IITD last year. At first we were shocked. During second we were like again? By the time third happened it was normalized.


Same here Some 2-3 months ago there was a suicide attempt(he died on the way to hospital) here at kgp and except for a candle walk(which was probably because the VP was getting bashed) nothing happened everything was the way it was The director's a POS and people claim he is politically motivated as well


Common! We also cancelled the Garba night! /s


What about students, I have seen one of the most egoist students in top colleges


these egoist students are just no lifers straight up ignore them or just attack their insecurities(most probably highly insecure leading to ego) and they will leave you alone probably the easiest bunch of IITians to mess around with


Just ask them what’s P versus NP and see their egos deflate.


lol why would you do that? It's literally one of the most popular problems out there. You won't be helping their case.


Well you aren’t really testing if they know popular problems, it’s what they say trying to explain and disseminate P vs NP that will deflate their egos.


bhai masters waalo ko toh straight up bully karte hai yeh, kis baat ka support karenge kisiko


I went to a seminar where a mountain climber was talking about seeing dead bodies on Mt. Everest. At first he was shocked at seeing a body, then when he saw the second body he was again shocked. By the third time, he said Oh, one more.


2 suicides within a month at IIT kanpur


3 hai


Any idea as to why those students in IITD might be committing suicide? I mean they are in the top 3 IIT's so as such for career and family there's almost negligible pressure. Then what is the common reason among the suicides of the students studying in elite colleges?


2 failed a course in final year and could not graduate with batchmates, both were from Maths and computing. TBH that's what we heard. Nothing is known for certain. Don't know about third one.


Does it impact their placements in any way? I mean yeah it definitely will to a certain extent but they'll still get good placements after repeating the year right? And what measures are your college taking to prevent suicides like the first 2 in the future? Are these cases discussed openly among classes or the profs denies their relevance at all?


Placements at IITs are pretty rough. If you're in CS/Elec you'll be fine. Shit grades in Civil Engineering mean you probably won't get placed. Graduated Chemical at IITB in 2018, out of 120 15 or so didn't get placed. Most of them sat for UPSC, I know a guy who's still preparing for his second attempt.


Damn that's pretty rough. But sorry why are they preparing for UPSC?? Wasn't getting a high LPA job their first aim? They could've easily got selected off campus given their IITB tag. Preparing for UPSC just coz you failed incampus placements seems illogical if civil services wasn't your aim to begin with


If you have a 5 cgpa and don't speak English very well an IITB tag won't do anything for you. My roommate who had a 7.5 and decent extracurrics had to settle for a 5lpa job somewhere in a factory in Gujarat. Very solid candidate, just not that confident in interviews. Shit's terrible. I don't get the UPSC thing at all, I don't understand why anyone does it.


Well you never know what is going on with someone's life. It could range from mental health disorders to anything.


Who said there's negligible pressure once you make it to a top institute? Why do you think things necessarily become easy?


Raat marke they figured out that real life problems won't be solved by practicing them 100 times in advance. 😅


>Raat marke they figured out that real life problems won't be solved by practicing them 100 times in advance. 😅 Very insensitive. Don't know what real world problems are you solving which are so innovative.


Enough ones not to commit suicides. You may call this insensitive but reality is they are in IIT despite lacking intelligence to comprehend the studies they are picking up. Not being able to digest this fact is what they call as "pressure".


You definitely are not from an IIT.


Don't remind me of my unfortunate times.


What's your definition of intelligence. And how are the studies in the college real world problems? What real world problems are we even talking about? What kind of intelligence is needed for that? >Enough ones not to commit suicides. So you think the people who are committing suicides won't be able to get any job in their life?


It's not about jobs. It's about being able to handle the pressure of innovation. Read my comment once. It could be anything. For example, ask any IITIAN to invent anything as a research, he simply can't. Most phds there are following what their profs are telling them to research. 0 innovative mind. Why? Coz only those who are qualified who could solve same problem 101th time in paper. At least for me, I haven't seen anyone who could invent formulations on the fly in IITB. Surprisingly, many I met during job could do that. And they weren't even from tier 1/2 schools.


???? What do you want the student to do? Make a fucking time machine on the fly? Research takes time and engineering != Research but gathering what you have learnt to solve problems. And you definitely cant clear jee advanced just by practicing the same questions multiple times, aptitude lagta hai bhai. Repitions in jee advanced papers is very rare. Also could you give examples of the "formulations" you were asking those iitb students? At the same time the pressure for "innovations" you are talking about, are other indian students able to handle it better than iitians? iitians mai aisa kya hai ki they arent able to handle this "pressure"?


IITians me aise gandi bimari that forces them to study @$$ off before attempting the exam like JEE. They have competitive mentality too. So only way they know to remain in competition is by forcing themselves prepare hard. That's not sign of intelligence but hardwork. If thats beyond a limit, they commit suicide. If they are so intelligent in your eyes, why are so many suicides at IIT? & Engineering is not "gathering you have learnt to solve problems", it's about knowing what to learn quickly to solve a problem in real life. Let's take an example. Your code is obstructed by events happening inside the VM coz of the OS. An iitian in most cases wouldn't even know to look there unless he preps himself for that problem 100 times. Aptitude is fancy name given to knowledge gained by this filthy habit. True engineers would use their intelligence even when a problem is new. In fact all of the books you are studying as syllabs have these formulations and innovations made by such true folks who could solve it first time and invented something. Isn't it? No one needed to "teach" them these things. They didn't even need to "prep". Lack of this quality is clearly evident in IITians.


Calm down bro , it's the result of people focusing on achieving rather than learning


>gathering you have learnt to solve problems Cassandra and DynamoDB are based on BigTable. Linux is heavily inspired by Unix. All the databases or any serious software technology use the already invented algorithms and data structures. Ever heard about Paxos? Or the hottest Raft Consensus. You have to learn and then only you can build something. Otherwise you would keep on reinventing things. Even for debugging purposes. There is performance modelling. which has concepts of Queueing theory. Which is statistics and probability. I don't know how you just disregarded everything and said you don't need to gather information. You need to know to know if something is feasible or not. You cannot make a bridge and then see if it works or not. People will die. That's why there are theoretical models for that. And modelling is applied Mathematics. Where you already agreed IITians shine.


This quality can be summarised to all indians and not just iitians. We indians have never invented anything worthwhile and probably never will. This quality of true intelligence can be seen in whites and east asians who have driven hunan innovations since centuries. This is a race problem and iit just shows a small fraction of the problem


The current news is about a Btech student. So whatever happens in PhD doesn't fit in here. A Btech degree doesn't even require any breakthrough innovation to clear the degree. I don't know what are you even talking about. In the real world engineering problems you need to model your problems well mathematically. That is "engineering". It's a skill in which there is a high likelihood of IITians performing really well because they have been good in Physics and Maths before joining the college. A Btech degree doesn't force you to do researches. That's actually when you do a PhD. >At least for me, I haven't seen anyone who could invent formulations on the fly in IITB What formulations? What are you even doing at your job?


Even btech is same bro. Chutiyape ki aadt tabhi lagti hai. Hell, even before btech, the same story is at Kota for IIT ki coaching. Lol, half of the IITians wouldn't even know how to troubleshoot the problem in CS, despite working in IT. It doesn't require maths n physics, but rather logic & intellect. Something that they clearly don't have. And who said btech guys don't need to do innovation? It might not be as part of their degrwe, but once they get out for a job of 40lpa+, innovation & problem solving is all that's asked for.


Suicides in Kota is now so normalised that people just casually joke about this whenever kota is being discussed.






I remembered after the third suicide case a friend of mine had some event the next day, maybe something for freshers idk and I was shocked to know that it didn't get cancelled like how does no one care


but what's the reason for suicide ?


Wtf?? The neighbouring room students totally forgot her or what? She must be having a few close friends right, even they forgot about her?


Not everyone has close friends. Also it's completely normal to see your wingies once a 3-4 days if they remain in their room most of the times.


Close friends part okay possible. But wingies are mostly batchmates. And I don't think it is common to see them once in 3-4 days. Washroom, classes, lunch, dinner. There is high chance u would see them .


I mean.. I'm one of those who literally vanished(went home) mid semester n not one person remembered someone like me existed so..


There is a high chance you'd see them, but you won't notice if you don't see them for a week or so. Everyone is so occupied in their own lives that we forget about others completely


No. Not every one has the same branch. Or the same classes. If you are depressed, it's even more common to just avoid your more successful and oftentimes, insensitive batchmates.


Not everybody has friends sadly


So sad to hear that. Nowadays people are more interested in making GFs and BFs for showoff rather than making true friends who care for u


GFs and BFs care for you tho, idk what's the point


I meant casual type relationships


Why do you think everyone dates casually? Why do you think they do it for showoff


shut the fuck up she was probably depressed as fuck and had no one with her for days stop putting everything upon people wanting to have a partner


Western culture...earn money girl will follow earn reputation girl sill follow you ...damn shit mindset


a lot of students in btech colleges and I would say any college have basically no friends that care about them, most are just friends of need and will reply and talk if you talk to them. Someone committed suicide at our tier 2 btech college once, my class only, and everyone was acting like they knew her, in reality she daily walked alone to the bus stand and came to college alone, ate alone, sat alone in class, in labs she usually had partners who also had no friends, she was only included in a group when there were a lot of people.


bhai I'm too from IITR and the non-existent reaction from everyone is just sickening, even other students are being insensitive about it.... It'll be pushed under the rug soon enough, while the victim will never get any form of justice ever... Well how would she, ever her peers aren't demanding any form of justice from administration


Maybe justice wala scene naa ho? She might just be depressed and wanted to end it all. You don't necessarily have to be bullied or harrassed to want to commit suicide, sometimes you just get bored and depressed. [Norm MacDonald on suicide ](https://youtu.be/Sh7QWBb2U2A?si=Zza6UrEw2-xizWhS)


What kind of justice


in engineering students suffer from tons of problems it may be acads, placement, particular subjects proffesor being rude with student, love life, peers, inferiority complexion and list goes on, so justice will be if there was some particular person making the victim sick then they shall must get punished !! ( i had been through all and many more which kinda affected my mental state drastically and quite few days ago I was also on serious note to hang myself but god's blessings on me and still im surviving, happily )


Exactly it could be anything even family related. Asking for justice without knowing her reason is pointless


but a strict action is must, it's not a playing game it's life of one of briliant student of India


strict action against what or whom? If the student had blamed someone, than there can be an investigation. Otherwise what do you blame? People can have any number of problems and issues they can be upset over. I'm pretty sure all IITs have mental health counsellors you can talk to. You can't force anyone to seek help, can you?


blud >If the student had blamed someone, than there can be an investigation. Yep! >Otherwise what do you blame? so, let it go !? no investigation if she dint mention anything !? im just saying a good investigation is must !! how can you let go a suicide !? does it like some random slapped you so just ignore !? and if it's IIT-R causing some prob then students must come together and assert voilence against college don't just suppress the incident and if it's her solo decision to end it all due to multidirection pressure then yeah none can help, as you said about mental therapy seeking ( she might've done mistake not seeking it, god knows )


someone quite senior to you here. I would start with absolute condolences to the departed. And yet it has to be investigated if someone forced her or some foul play. But at the same time my friend, i totally understand the grind of being an engg and have went through it myself. But let me tell you something life aint fair. Once you are out of college it aint going to be fairy tale in the world. You cannot cite mental health and escape from it. Your parents would become fragile and old, you would be the one leading the pack. So i would advise to take it like a champ, somewhere the pressure i felt during my college life prepared me for the worst phases of my life. But also at the same time peers, professors, or anyone goes full asshole, help should be asked for it but it does not change the fact that there will always be another asshole, another bully waiting for you in life unless u learn to deal with them. So my unsolicited advise would be to medidate more on "how to deal with asshole people and asshole situations" rather than pulling the chain. What if you pull the chain and the one fuelling the fire in hell turns out to be a bigger asshole


thanks SIR, i love you !! i would like to have talk with you, provide your free slots. i want an appointment:-


i have sent you chat


It has always been like that. But see nobody knew for 4 days that she was missing. She had ZERO friends. In a college. She had problems my friend.


This campus is literally a pressure cooker for many students I guess behind the disguise of majestic main building which we see when we Google Roorkee


I am a passout of IITR in 2017(Btech) and there was a suicide almost every year and death for sure every year due to some reason and usually its performance pressure in the cases I hav seen but u never know




Bit better ,bus sangat acche rakhna.


Om Shanti ....Bhagwan Students ko subuddhi aur himmat de aur unki nirasha dur kare


Nirasha toh jeevan ka hissa h. Nirasha ko apnana seekhe aisi prarthna kriye.


God doesn't exist lol your , reddit pe baithe om Shanti karne se kuch nhi hoga


Tere gyan pelne se kuch nahi hone wala , logo ke belifs ki respect karna sikh fir gyan pelna


isn't this like common in IITs? Often suicide cases which take place in IITs are suppressed, because it would obviously affect their reputation. People only know about those who die to get into IIT not about those who die in IIT


I think rather than IITs it is more appropriate to say many reputed colleges I have seen a lot more from other colleges some never made it to the news also


Nobody came for 4 days to check on her speaks a lot for our gen


Shit gen fr, i recently got hospitalized and disappeared from my college for a week and no one gave a single fuck until I informed them


Happens bro,if u are an introvert and if your roommate is outgoing and is used to sleeping at his other friends hostel or room.


actually I found out from a friend of iitr that the room she lived in was for single person.


From quora People dont have details about the culture in IIT, perhaps my written rant can help. Before entering IIT, IITians know few things They are saving money by clearing JEE, as fees of IITEE>Mech>Chem>other useless disciplines>biotech>pulp>agriculture>textile>ocean>architecture>humanities(whatever discipline), as if disciplines are the neo-castes. “More you study, less you get” culture: Mtech are paid less, Phd even less, 4y-B.Tech. get paid more than 5y-“B.Tech+M.Tech” (Hard Work RIP) New darwinism : You dont vote in IIT elections for general secretary, you are basically voting for who will be the next employee of BCG. Sports is good for “health and schlumberger”. Dancing improves your “reflexes and chances to be in JP Goldstanley”. Being Bad-ass pays off.. Lack of dignity (schlumburger said in an IIT interview, that they are not looking for leaders, but those who are submissive enough to work). IIT delhi puts disco notice in public specifically to insult students. There are rules where IIT delhi can bar a student from day-1 placements. GPAism (ITC said in Pre placement talk, that those below 7.5 GPA, must lose hope for ITC). Grades are more important than your interests. IIT makes GPA/CPI public. At some IITs, you receive degree in convocation in descending order of your grades. Lingos: There are abusive lingos, which make some IITians feel that they are adapting well to new darwinism Fresher vs Dropper culture : Just one year difference, leads to lifetime bias. There are lingos for it (full-toss and one-tip) Idiotry: IIT Kanpur removed fans to reduce suicides, IIT delhi banned student internships abroad to show “patriotism”. Environmental engineering course was made compulsary in IIT D, to show concern, and to make professors get experience to be eligible for board of director of some company, because of new company rules (who cares about student load anyway?) Intellectual Hypocrisy and Bias against coaching-dependent students by professors: IIT bombay director’s son cleared JEE through a coaching institute, then the director praised the coaching as a parent, then coaching used his handwritten praise for their publicity, then he retracted his statement, that his positive review was as a parent and not as an IIT director. Profs have different attitude as a parent and as a prof. There are many IIT profs who have dumb kids, and they blame coaching institutes. They see students in classroom as “lucky” and coaching-spoon-fed. They teach so bad. new grading system (new gaussian curve, and new position on it) Friends are made on the basis of “what you have to offer” (no pun) Platonic white skin fetish (which is normal for indian society), but in IIT, that fetish even contests intelligence. They feel like in this world, the “uglier” you are, the harder you work, perhaps thats why you cleared JEE anyway. definition of ugly depends on sociology of the region where IIT is situated, or where student is from. Kanan gill won and Biswa lost. “Ugly” people are meant to be used. So you no longer can hide your ugliness behind your math skills. The sons and daughters of rich Lalas and Babus in bits pilani, had the last laugh. They have a degree, they speak inglees, they are elites, they have good grades even on working less, they can choose the relaxed courses in engineering degree like econs, they will go to US and europe later. FACT: I have seen documentary on this issue, and read some suicide notes. Either they were written in hindi, or had bad english grammar. They cant articulate their feelings in any language, not even hindi. DPS RKP people in IIT dont suicide. The rural guys suicide, not because they are not good enough for IIT, but because IIT is not that good enough for them.


God-level truth this is.


Agreed. This is complex socio-economic that isn’t as simple as education system big big bad. This is a larger take on how education and employment in an impoverished, overpopulated resource starved nation is eliminative rather than selective. Classism + Casteism + lack of large scale organized middle income jobs(manufacturing)+ No dignity of labour at any level in the social strata + lack of minimum social security + heavily imbalanced growth in the service sector post 90’s liberalisation leading to an Oversaturated IT-CS field, has led to a manic rat race, a common dream(nightmare) uniting everyone-from a lower income family in rural India sending their child to Kota, in debt, to an upper middle class family shelling out lakhs and lakhs to scummy predatory coaching institutions, preying upon children as early as 6th grade. All in the end for some glorified IT coolie job, that some dude in the west easily picked up at age 32, from an online course, after a decade of partying/sports career/military etc etc. No alternative career paths that can match the stable middle income lifestyle and no dignity of labour in kick-ass vocational jobs(as well as being unorganized) ensures that no middle/upper middle class child can take risks or pursue their dreams, explore their passion into their late teens and make the right career choice(which again is non existent). No social net ensures that this entire economic strata is trapped generationally within this cycle, unless they move abroad which again has become a cattle herd situation. In smaller town and villages, the situation is obviously magnitudes worse. We are all stuck in this cycle. None of our aspirations(fabricated corrosive brain rot) are selective, our results are eliminative, at every fucking level. Those of us who live a relatively privileged life, have a breather, a head start. Privilege that allows us to look past the rot. Today cs/engineering may become saturated with incomes plummeting and the craze of IIT’s may disappear, then the next highest paying career with a limited no. of jobs with any semblance of security + dignity will get fastracked to get milked the fuck out of by a Darwinian degenerate ecosystem.


From what I understand the author has severe insecurity issues and ego issues about the world not bending to his/her will because he/she is an IITian.


For real. Must have been cucked in an interview by a better BITSian graduate


Bruh what's the author's issue with bits 💀 On a serious note, I think the problem is the grind itself is very inefficient. It's a destructive process, the sooner you realize that, the sooner you let it go,the happier you'll become. It's easier for me to say that because I lost the "darwinism", and maybe I'm coping. There are serious systematic problems which need systematic solution.


The issue is that there is no reason to grind at all.In my college those with 1 lakh rank are working in world top most labs while those with 10000 ranks are in some govt jobs.There is no use of getting top 100 ranks in JEE but people just think that somehow JEE ranks are a scale which will determine everything.generation wealth> hard work>>> talent


My point is that grinding shouldn't be encouraged. People in an ideal society should do what they want and people in an ideal society should be given equal opportunity in education. There's a reason why the soviets had so many brilliant minds. It's the reason why i.e irodov is so popular for jee prep and There's some irony to it as well. We can't have that in India because we're on the receiving end of imperialism. We can't afford it and that's a systematic problem which requires systematic solution. The soviet union gave us the blueprint for it. The fall of soviet union has been a disaster for mankind.


Fucker thinks it's easy to get cg at bits. Ppl here have worked as hard as your darling little IITs. Idc anymore, your arrogance should meet catastrophe


Om shanti


I hate to say this, but this too shall pass. In an ideal world, one would encourage open dialogue and demand accountability from those in positions of power. Every student deserves to feel safe and supported on campus, and it's essential that the administration takes concrete steps to address concerns and prevent similar tragedies from occurring. But unka kya hai, pankhe aur khidki pe grill lagwa denge Kota ki tarah. You are a kind person; don't let this insensitivity change you.


same dude I am a student at IIT roorkee its so unpleasing that students are acting quite normal as if these suicides cases are daily thing and whats the most horrible part is some students are happy that mid terms may be posponed due to this as it happened in IIT delhi once , they are not seeing how bad this thing is, everyone is normal and it is absolutely horrifying


Today regardless of what you are doing or where you are. Let's all gather around and have one minute of silence. The person who died would have gone on to be a good employee , a good friend , a good parent , a good child. Their lives were cut short not by their own volition but by the cruelty of this damned world. And to you , the departed soul .. I say Wherever you are now , may your soul find peace , may your goals be completed , may you find the sanctity you so desperately searched for. May the halls of great engineers and our God of engineering lord Vishvakarma accept your soul . May you find peace in his city. o7


Why is there nothing about this on the news? Only one Hindi article I could find


Suicides in colleges are more common than you think, but you mostly don't hear about them. People who run these places are powerful and they would go to any extent to protect the reputation of the college. Do I even need to say about govt colleges?


Om Shanti. I won't disrespect girls doing insta from today. Life is chill when your mind is chill


Wym ??


He is saying he makes fun of girls for being active on instagram. But he realised it is not the correct thing to do as Instagram is like a source of fun for girls


IIT tag can't prevent suicide is his meaning 


odd comment but good intentions?




3-idiots even after many years still resembles india. No one learnt anything. Om shaanti may she get peace now


Usko logo ne fiction movie jaisa liya tha


RIP to her 🙏 another bright mind lost, sad


Justice for? What happened?


I think ye log keh rhe hai ki koi case hi file nhi hua, toh the reason of su!ci!de is unknown and we should know why this happened


Achha wo to ha... Ek second kya? Uske parents ne koi case file nahi kari? Damm phir to op ka halat thik hi hai Edit: matlab post mortom report nahi hua hai. Ye kya bat hui. Kuch to garbar hai.




Maybe itne dekh liye h ki it's almost a normal thing which is pretty messed up


what would justice be in your opinion?


India is becoming a terrible competitor like China. In china, if you commit suicide, no one will bother. People will blame you. Similarly, it is slowly gaining pace in India. Things need to change for real, if our India needs to develop


Flow like water. Don’t take too much pressure of studies and career. Learn to be happy which you can. Have faith in god and belief in yourself.


>Have faith in god Kya? There are athiests exist too


Poor girl. May her soul finally be allowed to rest. Who knows may have been the reason for this. The competition, the stress? Depression from an unrelated place? And this may be unrelated but considering how many commenters here seem to coldly brush this aside, and post various “welcome to life” variants, warrant us to talk about what has been so normalised. The competition is only gonna get worse. Frog in the boiling water anyone? Copied from my comment in the thread below, this is a complex socio-economic problem that isn’t as simple as education system big big bad. This is a larger take on how education and employment in an impoverished, overpopulated resource starved nation is eliminative rather than selective. Classism + Casteism + lack of large scale organized middle income jobs(manufacturing)+ No dignity of labour at any level in the social strata + lack of minimum social security + heavily imbalanced growth in the service sector post 90’s liberalisation leading to an Oversaturated IT-CS field, has led to a manic rat race, a common dream(nightmare) uniting everyone-from a lower income family in rural India sending their child to Kota, in debt, to an upper middle class family shelling out lakhs and lakhs to scummy predatory coaching institutions, preying upon children as early as 6th grade. All in the end for some glorified IT coolie job, that some dude in the west easily picked up at age 32, from an online course, after a decade of partying/sports career/military etc etc. No alternative career paths that can match the stable middle income lifestyle and no dignity of labour in kick-ass vocational jobs(as well as being unorganized) ensures that no middle/upper middle class child can take risks or pursue their dreams, explore their passion into their late teens and make the right career choice(which again is non existent). No social net ensures that this entire economic strata is trapped generationally within this cycle, unless they move abroad which again has become a cattle herd situation. In smaller town and villages, the situation is obviously magnitudes worse, with their social problems and whatnot. We are all stuck in this cycle. None of our aspirations(fabricated corrosive brain rot) are selective, our results are eliminative, at every fucking level. Those of us who live a relatively privileged life, have a breather, a head start. Privilege that allows us to look past the rot. Today cs/engineering may become saturated with incomes plummeting and the craze of IIT’s may disappear, then the next highest paying career with a limited no. of jobs with any semblance of security + dignity will get fastracked to get milked the fuck out of by a Darwinian degenerate ecosystem.


The New ADMIN is... well bolunga nahi KK Pant ka alt kahi dekh na le 🤡🤡


Thx to competition inside india😥. Our country just not seeing what's going on, neither our parents to be honest There is just too much pressure. In biggining, people say take science and get your life set, further, do well in clg for jobs and then competition inside jobs😥


What does justice look like if a student commits suicide due to academic pressure or low grades? If there is some case of ragging, abuse or harassment, then yes. There can be some some justice. But, otherwise, what do you suggest should be done?


I'm a student at IIT-M, where the number is highest, and let me tell u I was suicidal too, to the point I had written a note, but I chose to not do it in all my senses. Was dealing with all sorts of stuff, was at my lowest. Now I'm sitting here in my final semester with good grades, great placement in a top company worldwide, loving girlfriend (although it's ldr), and everything... But lemme tell u, sometimes some thoughts cross me till date, I've always been an introvert and although I have many 'friends', I still find myself lonely asf, haven't even been to the beach yet let alone other trips, can u believe? I don't want to delve into the details anymore, but yeah, nobody gives a shit man, it's all lonely here I'll graduate this year and I'll probably regret a few things I should've done


Same thing happened in our college(it's a tier 3 clg) An ECE student did that, bcz he wasn't getting any placements. I'm scared now like u. The day when it happened everyone talked about it and done. No one cares about it anymore, not faculty, not union, not management. It's truly scary.


Nobody wants to take responsibility and they fear if they speak, someone will kick them from their jobs or their reputation will be down for speaking the truth ...I don't know how these professors tolerate this ..what will happen to their children? If they not speak today their children's will be next target ..god helps and we thinkthat our teacher is our guru. God bless us all


Bhai muje toh ye samajh nai aata ke IIT mein jaane ke baad bhi kya stress reh jata hai zindagi se...ke suicide krne ki naubat aagyi.... Acc to comments, students from IITD and IIT KGP are committing suicides..... Fir local colleges waale kya kare? Paida hi na ho???


Being a student of iit roorkee I am shocked with the environment in the college as everyone looks chill there has been not much talking about this and presently it seems that it has been passed under the table by administration without much difficulty


Yeah well, last year a guy committed suicide in tiet, Patiala as well


This also happens in private universities too. In my university parents, friends and roommates of the victim are forced to sign NDAs and are promised with 10 CGPA to keep quiet. Its scary how these things are just swept under the rug and people in the hostel just talk about it casually like addressing a rumour.


I don't know about all IIT slow suicides. I want to talk about suicide in IIT Roorkee. We don't know why the police gave false information to the media. Her parents can never be separated and are already together. No student noticed any foul smell coming from her room. The parents called the hostel supervisor. February 9th was the first time the call was made then the supervisor took it easy. We called on February 11th and told them seriously to know about the student. Then the hostel management went to check on her and opened the door of the room and confirmed that the student was dead. The police didn't break the doors of the room. I am her mother,we have video footage based on these. How sad, the student died and was in the room for six days. She worte the letter not only in Telugu but also in English. In that letter,her mental condition is not good,she worte that such ideas have always existed and are overdue. Why did the police not tell the media? The student has been going to the wellness centre since one and a half years. Why didn't they take proper care of her. Why didn't tell her parents when her mental condition was at such a dangerous level. The reputation of the college should not be tarnished. Society listens only to what the police say. The parents were separated for few years and it was easily said that she committed suicide due to the pain. Who is the parents does not ask if this is true. In this society, justice is never done for the common man


welcome to india


Acting like depression is an Indian issue well done


Ig the comment OP wanted to make a point how it isn't talked about much here, and is considered a social taboo.




There are countries with a higher suicide rate than us


Well justice from what exactly? Not every suicide is caused from bullying or pressure. Some people are just depressed no matter how normal or good their life is, I have friends like that who are always depressed no matter what even if they're well off in life as compared to people around them. Depression is complicated. So unless there's actual proof or suspicion of some foul play, what can the students do? Investigate themselves? It's definitely a police case now and the investigation will bring forth the cause. If there is someone who pushed her to that decision then surely the students would call for justice.


Any conspiracy about the sucide , their parents think college management is hiding some information


Placement SDE me lena ho, aur ye log core ki classes me absolute grading aur 75% attendance mandatory kar denge to insaan kaise bear karega? (IITP)


Abe to tumhari branch hi cs nhi h to kaise chlega bhai💀. Jo admission diya h vo to padhaenge hi na uske hi paise milte h govt se


im just happy ki meri disco lagte lagte bachi


Interviews with a 30% weightage should be made mandatory for IITs and NITs. The students preparing for IITs and the students studying at IIT have no sense about how their life matters more than getting a package from IIT. These people are like robots just programmed with the narrowest vision. If interviews became an integral part, it would become necessary for students to practice self awareness and learn about all the different opportunities outside of IIT. And unlike rattafication of books, you can't crack interviews by joining a coaching or studying 15 hours a day.


what's sad is that these classmates of the student who committed suicide are after all people of IITK and they are going to gain top positions in the country. We can see what the future if this country's corporate/ government ecosystem is gonna look like.


Is this about caste discrimination? What is her surname


Mostly yes ig, no news channel covered this and the fact that no one cared about her existence says it all




tere mummy deserve karti hai tere jaisi aulaad paida karne k liye


But i don't deserve to have an offspring like you . I Should have pulled out that night


i like how u have been downvoted


welcome to kalyug. have a great stay.


Brutally cold


Unfortunately that's life.


Welcome to reality


1 suicide? Thats rookie numbers, come to the top5 IITs, there u will see how normalised suicides have been


Why are you panicking? Do you sense some imminent danger? If you are finding it hard to emotionally handle the situation, reach out to you student counsellor


..the generation watches too much Web series which promote illicit relations, premarital sex etc.....even believe it to be progressive and follow it up in own life...in many cases college female students do suicide when they get pregnant..they become helpless


ab to logo ko kisi ke suicide se bhi jhant farak nhi padta isiliye apni kimti zindagi na khatam kare , life me kafi options hai kisi se baat karein


I can really relate to the last paragraph. Recently when one suicide took place in IITKGP, everything went normal. Like kisiko kuch padi hi nahi hai, and I was so overwhelmed by this.


To prevent it they have made roommates mandatory for girls in IITG. At least that's what I heard.


Which branch??


I don't know why and how can people take this thing normalised


I read a article where it's written a suicide note is found . She died 4 days ago why her parents didn't bother (get it not everyone has friends) I mean generally students talk to their parents daily or once in two days.


most probably st/sc students got ill treated by classmates/faculty or couldn't keep up with the competition


iit me thule hote likhwa ke lelo


Bhai 4 din se body latki hai to iske dosto ko doubt bhi nahi hua kya ki 4 din se 1 banda gayab hai


Ispe proper enquiry honi chahiye ki itne suicides kyu ho rahe hain past few years se. Aisi kya cheez hai jo bachho ko stress out kar rahi hai. Pahle nahi hote the itne suicides


This should stop.


Which Bhavan?


The fact that no one knew about the suicide for three days is so disheartening


Branch kya thi ?


Well shit happens...


Idk what to even say people have become stones


Most likely another case of harassment/institutional murder by professors which will get buried as usual .


i don't get this. like did her parents not call her in 5 days? did she have no friends who cared abt her not being present for 5 days?? i m not able to process this. may Krishna not let anyone go through such misery.


R e bhai galat kya hua uske sath ye toh batao.. Uske baad toh justice!!


Not an iitian But can anyone let me know why so many suicides in iits ? Like what's the reason ? Even if someone fails they can clear compartmental exams right ? Financially they'll be well off after 4yrs So where's the issue


My father and uncle is from IITR, there was passion and love back then no grinding and comparison like today’s world


Why are you panicking?


It’s so sad to read these stories. I can’t even imagine what is going through the bright minds during those last hours. In the comments I can read that this action was due to failing in some exams. I just don’t get it. What if fail is some stupid exam, you can attempt it again. Life is too precious to throw away for any thing, let alone some stupid exam. I failed my calculus exams 3 time during my engineering and i am from tier 3 college. If people like me can have a good life, only good things are for you fine people.


Is it normal that I'm writing about suicidal plans on my Google doc and each day I'm feeling I'm closer to the edge? hoping it's just a phase, but some days it feels so bad. I wish no one would feel the same


Om Shanti🤍. you are traumatized op, please contact a therapist if you can or else talk to a friend. what happened was unfortunate, i pray that her soul rest in peace and may God give her family the strength and support they need in these tough times. this shouldn't be as normalised as it is. feel free to reach out if you feel like talking to someone.


People don't care enough, parents are probably wailing that they could've done something different, thought everything was alright, she was a happy soul. Who cares brother? This admin would've done jackshit if it wasn't their ass on the line of responsibility. almost a 100 kids have died in the last 5 year only in the big ones, many died in Kota in the way here...


Genuine Question: what do you want to happen?


Heartbreaking. May she rest in peace


I listened to this a few days ago - about suicides on a STEM focused college in New England. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/22/magazine/worcester-polytechnic-institute-suicides.html#:~:text=The%20Great%20Read-,The%20Unthinkable%20Mental%20Health%20Crisis%20That%20Shook%20a%20New%20England,a%20spate%20of%20campus%20suicides.&text=The%20first%20death%20happened%20before%20the%20academic%20year%20began. There over a period of six months, professors and administrators took on the unofficial role of counselors during a spate of campus suicides. Is the IIT administration or government really taking any concrete actions on regular suicides that happen on campus?


Hamare college me suicide ke ek din baad mithai baat rhe they


Come out of rajendra bhawan and especially IITR and you ll understand the world is big


i wish someone in her life saw she was suffering and helped . It is high time our country starts giving importance to mental health and address the issue of high suicide rate .


Everyone goes through some kind of problem. Some big , some small. I am no exception. But one thing I have learnt from life is - If you stay alive, the problem is eventually going to get solved or you being used to it, no big deal. Birth comes from romance, let the Death be a mystery.


Ee to sala hona hi tha


IIT Chale jao, life bann jaigi. that's the most middle class statement I have heard.


I think undergrad acads/environment could become too toxic at times. I studied from a similar institution 10ths ago and although we are considered cool, there was a case of suicide too. People getting placed, low GPA, lack of direction, social isolation, bullying by batchmates can all slowly get inside someone’s nerves..it’s a slow kill To anyone reading this, take a chill pill. My friend with a GPA of 5.9 is earning the highest among our batchmates. Life is very long


Students should participate more in meditation activities. It's the only way. Take responsibility.


Iit me Jane bhi log suicide kyo karte hai?