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Well, may he swiftly return.. 🙏




Oh no. So sad. He was a great being.


Thank you


Can anyone elaborate on the term tukdam and if there is a particular amount of time that this is observed? Additionally, are there specific kagyu or more general buddhist practices and beliefs concerning post-mortem observances that would apply to people in general that believe there may be important processes occurring at this time? For example, lay people that live in a culture where embalming typically occurs soon after death - do people make arrangements for extending this period before such preparations, funeral services, burial etc?


Tukdam is a state in which a meditator has died but remains with the body in a deep absorption for a while. The body remains supple, often looking younger and healthy, and some warmth remains around the heart. It lasts as long as it lasts, which can be like two weeks in some cases. In the few rare cases where it has happened in the West and was recognized by the people attending the meditator, the "trick" is to just not tell the authorities that someone has died so the tukdam can run its course.  As said though, it's a rather rare phenomenon. I've never been with someone in *tukdam*, although I have known two practitioners who would eventually display such a death, [one of them a Western lay practitioner](https://usthus.nl/product/the-story-of-koos/). 


To add on to what u/Hot4Scooter said, typically they wait until blood comes from the nose (or perhaps some other orifice). This generally indicates a separation of the mind from the coarse and subtle bodies. Embalming, and burial is rarer in Tibetan culture, often reserved for particularly advanced masters so their body can serve as sarira. Cremation is more common, or sky burial, where appropriate.


Garchen Rinpoche admires him very much, especially for his translations of Milarepa's songs.  HEGR says he considers Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche his teacher even though they met only once and barely exchanged words. 


Hopefully he’s onto a better life!!!☸️☸️☸️🥲🙏


I think "better" or worse doesn't really apply to someone like Rinpoche. I'd go out on a limb and say that he may have been one of the most realized practitioners in his lifetime.


Ha ya.. the fact that he is a Rinpoche means he figured it out.. But it's not a switch, and I feel for a liberated being, they are just getting started the first 100 lives!


Oh yeah sorry I forgot that Rinpoche is a positive person to be!!!


One of the most realized beings of modern times. May he swiftly return.