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They make you happy. Find a way.


A bit on the high side, considering that you will be putting more work into them (and the crossovers might need a refresh). TBH, I have always been a bit underwhelmed by them, but I haven't heard them with a subwoofer, which might change my opinion.


Definitely need a new crossover if they haven't already gotten one. My dad's pair has no highs


When I had the space to set it up, I ran Heresy IIIs with an SB-1000 pro. Got the sub shortly after grabbing the speakers used, but had a week of listening without a sub for comparison. If you enjoy anything below 60hz you definitely want a sub. When it all comes together it’s amazing.


If YOU like the sounds (which it seems you do) then buy them, enjoy them for as long as you want and sell them on when you are ready to upgrade. You'll probably be able to get a good percentage of what you paid for them if/when that time comes. The only opinion that matters here is the one coming from your own ears!


I have a pair of Quartets which are fairly similar to these. I really don't like them very much. They were seductive at first, but they became overly bright for me. Voices are very clear, but not natural sounding. I should really get a craigslist ad together and get rid of mine.


I have a pair of those. They're fantastic. Although you really need a sub for them to shine IMO.


Get two Klipsch subs and use them for speaker stands.


I don't have nearly enough money for that. Those Heresy's were my gramps. I got them when he passed away.


I wouldn't worry too much initially about replacing/repairing the crossovers. Old capacitors have a tendency to fail as they get older but your speakers are from the late 80's which probably won't need the caps replaced yet. I just replaced some capacitors on a set of 1960's Heresy's and just 1 of the 4 capacitors was slightly out of spec. And its a job I'd say almost anyone could tackle if you have a soldering iron and an hour of time. There are some youtube videos explaining the process.


Update: The deal is done. I picked these up along with a Yamaha CT-600, BA-824 dual cassette deck, pioneer dv47ai, sansui au-505 (right channel needs repair) and a small Martin Logan sub. Total was $500 plus my old set of Sony XM3 noise cancelling headphones I don’t use anymore. Not too bad, all-in-all.


Good for you! Enjoy your new setup.


Looks like overkill for the space


I should have clarified. My listening space is large. My head is 20 feet from the speakers when seated in this space. I will likely keep using bookshelf speakers for gaming. https://preview.redd.it/thlh6ryfq10d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7b895bf004d65f57b069b5b0ed7b8043cebe6c1


Oh then yes :)


I’m not clear on where you’d place them here or where you’d be listening from, but they will likely sound very different in your space vs the seller’s space. My sibling has a similar shaped room and went through quite a few speakers in the $2-3k range because most didn’t sound great in his room. He has his speakers on the short wall and sits far away. The distance between speakers and the distance to the listening position are problematic together. Heresy III’s came close and then he settled on Forte IV’s. Adding a sub and Dirac room correction was a major improvement for him. I took in his Heresy III’s for a bit, put them in the corners of my square listening room, running off a Van Alstine tube amp, and they were absolutely wonderful. Didn’t need a sub. Maybe the III fixed the brightness problem that people complain about, or maybe they didn’t have the right gear + setup. Either way, if you can get them down to around $500, you’ll be in a good position to resell if you don’t like them, especially if you’ve refinished them well.


Do it.. if you are happy and the price is right for YOU


If you keep them, I recommend servicing the crossovers and buying (or building) risers. Heresys are normally positioned on low, slightly angled risers. I think the risers help a little with the low end.


why do you need to service the crossover


By service I mean replace the capacitors which are likely out of spec now.


Personally don't like the sound of the heresy. Much prefer Cornwall and Forte


$700 seems high if the cabs are in need of refinishing. I’m running a pair with a Fisher 800C and a diy PE 8” sub. I can definitely hear how some would get turned off by the horn drivers. I tend to like a bright sound. If you like them, get them (but see if he’ll come down off that price).


I love the sound of heritage speakers. With a sub to fill out the lows they will sound great. $700 for some II’s in rough shape is a bit in the high side, but they don’t pop up all the time. Considering he let you demo them before buying and you say they sound good, it maybe is a good deal. If you come across another pair you most likely won’t get the same opportunity.


I believe that the difference is in the heresy’s horn mid and tweeters (at least if your experience is anything like mine). I started some serious listening when my father passed, and he was always into music so I found myself delving head-first into audio. 30 pairs of speakers, a handful of extra components, and a grand into crossovers later- I can confidently say as a 30-something (all components 40+ years old) that the horns klipsch used in their heresy/cornwall/cornerhorn lines are magical. Most audio peoples will tell you to start at your source, and trace the signal when upgrading- but I did this exactly backwards using my best bud’s system as inspiration (to help pick out components) and I’m very content with my setup. My advice to you isn’t whether or not you should get them (because if you love them this much- you will own a pair in your lifetime), but to not want a component more than you’re enjoying your setup. If you are new to speakers that aren’t bookshelf’s, make sure the magic isn’t simply the difference between two-way speakers and three-way speakers. Happy listening, brethren!


By the sounds of it (pun intended) you're in love with these speakers already. And they're in acceptable condition. So just go ahead and buy them if you've got the cash. Anything to do with sensory stimulation is subjective and so is the audiophile equipment. If they work for you, then you have no reason to hold back. If a car ticked all the boxes and tickled your special place when you drove it, you'd buy it, right? I would, and I did before. My friends said I was dumb for doing it but I spent 5 happy years driving it. Read your post again. You want them speakers.


I love great sound quality as much as anyone else but those really put the U in ugly:)


They look very pretty with the grilles on, I think. Here’s a picture of my [Heresy III](https://i.imgur.com/oDA6u7K.jpg) That said, I personally think there are much better sounding speakers in the price range


To much money.


Naw two much money if you ask me.


Nah, Thu much money if you ask me.


700 for these is dumb. I had these for awhile and they aren't that good.


To much money.


The two,s are sealed speakers,you'll probably need a sub,700 seems a bit high.


Personally I’d say no, those speakers are too large for your space. The sound won’t have time to properly blend you’ll be hearing more of separated woofer, horn and horn profile. From each speaker, Instead of it blending together into one full channel. That said those speakers absolutely do not suck, pairing them with the sa-700 would be a bitching vintage setup. Just know you’re not getting the full quality out of those speakers as you could be with something smaller. I’d say bookshelves would do you much better. It’s a round peg in square hole situation.


if you want to blend all into one channel listen in mono dude xd


Not from both speakers I mean what’s coming from each one individually via woofers, and the horns.


No don't


As a side note.... Gosh that's an ugly as hell setup.