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That’s a steal. Those are worth wayyyyy more. Paradigm is A+ for technical design and quality even for the MSRP.


Got to tour their factory in Canada years ago - so cool.


No they are not. It is a reasonable price on a decent older set of speakers. Deals like this are the norm- you can oftentimes find better deals. Older speakers like these have miniscule resale which is why its great to buy used.


Paradigm Studio at that vintage I thought was their top of the line. Kinda like Monitor was their high end and now they call everything Monitor


Older Paradigm, Def Tech, Boston Acoustics etc. are literally sold for pennies on the dollar. Example if these bookshelf speakers retailed for $500- $800 new- they would now sell for $50-$100. Deal like this can be found all day long, at least if you are near a big city. I recently bought a Paradigm CC-390 for $75. Bought a Martin Logan Dynamo 700 for $50 , Bost Acoustics CR85's for $50... I get deals like this all the time.


Really matters on the area. I hear your point, but don’t assume OPs or the other commenters have this same experience, just because you do


I have a the 370 center and it KICKS BUTT. I love Paradigm I own 2 sets of towers and rears and 1 subs...


Awesome! Im very glad to hear that. Im upgrading from a pair of junky klh towers that ive been stuck with for years. Hopefully i can buy these from the seller.


Man, why can there never be deals like this near me!


Great set for the price. I have a set of the 20 v.2 in Cherry that I got offered $200 for (no center speaker) and turned it down.


Just the Studio 20’s V2’s alone are worth it, they’re worth 300 or more in Canada all day long. Jump on that deal Also, that generation of Studio 20’s have very satisfying bass output when properly placed in the room.


Ill make some stands for them. Maybe ill find a worthy sub one day…


These will knock your socks off. Paradigm REALLY gives a shit about sounding good. I've designed dozens of theaters with this brand, and I miss selling them so much. I have the CC590 V5 and Studio Monitor as my front stage, and ADP470 as my rears, and a DSP3400 subwoofer. Honestly, it's one of the best sounding systems I've ever heard, installed, sold, been around, setup - you name it. I cannot find any reason to change these speakers, ever. If you don't buy these, I will for my bedroom.


Haha good good. Im trying hard to set up a time to pick them up.




Yes Please


All day


I had the Atom v1, smaller and lower shelf than those, and they easily filled my living room and along with a JBL center channel was a worthy home theater system. Great sound.