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Stop signs are not optional, people are just dicks Right on Red in New York (outside of NYC) is allowed as long as there isn't a sign saying "No right on red" People not stopping at red lights, also people are just dicks


It’s also legal here to turn left on red if it’s from a one way street onto a one way.


Huh, that's true, I didn't know that. But I also can't think of any one-way one-way intersections that have a traffic light instead of a stop sign. Are there any in the city?


Yes a few! Downtown from oak to Ellicott st off the top of my head. A lot of those streets are one way to one way downtown. I found this life hack out after someone laid on the horn at me at a red light in the left lane years ago.


Sick, I'm gonna drive to those intersections just so I can lay on the horn at people that don't know now.


Exactlyyyy. It’s the small things in life.


I've wondered that before.. thanks.


Tell that to the cops. I was in the car when a sheriff pulled my dad over for doing that exact thing.


Well some cops are idiots lol they probably don’t know that weird niche traffic law


Psssst… that’s the joke.


Well, stop signs put up by private companies on private property are not legally binding. Ofc still follow driving etiquette as to not be a dick but it's not like if no one's at the intersection you will get a ticket for rolling through it. Usually you'll find a sticker on the back of legally binding stop signs but that's not a guarantee Edit: maybe not? Or maybe these are being illegally enforced? See reply comment saying otherwise


According to Amherst police and town court the stop signs on private property are legally binding. They used to sit in a parking lot and ticket people for running the signs. I was ticketed.


Just because other people are dangerous assholes who break the law doesn't mean it's right or smart to join them.


>Right on Red in New York (outside of NYC) is allowed as long as there isn't a sign saying "No right on red" And only if it is absolutely safe to do so. There is no requirement to turn on red if not otherwise posted.. Too many times I've had people behind me laying on the horn when they can't see I'm about to get t-boned smh




you can do whatever you want, my points still stand.


Almost all stop signs should be yield signs in my opinion. Problem is, a lot of drivers are too stupid for yield signs and as a product of that, traffic circles.


It's amazing that we let the narrative of "stupid people don't get traffic circles" dominate the discussion when stupid people don't get lights or stop signs either.


Once had someone insist to me that the traffic already driving around the traffic circle must yield to those waiting to enter. Beyond stupidity.


apparently this is true in greece (the country) seems very inefficient


I def recommend getting a dash cam! Too many crazy drivers out there, better to have a dash cam incase you need it someday


Welcome to Buffalo! They're not optional, people are stupid. I suggest you follow the rules you know.


I literally have been passed at a stop light because the light went red and I stopped at it


Last week someone made a right turn, around me and my dad in the middle lane on a red light. Only to turn in to the jeep dealership 100 feet down the road from the turn What the fuck is at the jeep dealership you need to be doing all that




It does sound like a "Jeep Thing"


How the fuck else would they pull into the dealership lot without going around you if youre in the MIDDLE lane? You sound dumb af pay your debt off


Read it again. They made a right turn. From the left lane around us, in the middle lane, at an intersection


Me too! I’ve also been honked at for stopping, like this post says.


The other day I was biking straight through an intersection with a green light and a driver from the other direction made a left on a red arrow and honked at me.


Ha, this happens to me weekly.


Have definitely had someone honk at me for this


Same lol. They weren’t even rude about it. Just… went around me and continued driving like nothing. Didn’t speed like an ER emergency.. just didn’t feel like the red light.


lol yep! my partner calls this "a Buffalo hello"


Just saw three cars run the red turning left from Kenmore onto the Boulevard. Every city has its own flavor of bad drivers. Buffalo drivers are just exceptionally bad at respecting stop signs and red lights.


I just saw the same at Delevan and Delaware! No turn on red sign. Just ignored.


Welp back in the car and first light we come to a police officer runs the red


I will say I’m a little guilty of that at signals with advanced greens. Mostly because some assholes at the front of the line are in their phones while it’s red and don’t notice it till it’s about to turn red again


When I first moved to Buffalo someone at work gave me directions that took me through a residential area with a stop sign every block. The next day I joked that it took forever with all that stopping and going and the person at work was confused as to why I stopped for stop signs. He said "You only have to stop for those if there is a car going through"


I believe it 🙈


I've also gotten directions that include "cutting through a parking lot" because it avoids traffic lights


I believe this too. Wasn’t there a post recently about Buffalo life hacks? 😆


this really should have been flared shitpost…. people post about bad drivers sometimes


FWIW, LA completely unhinged/reckless/impatient/angry/distracted drivers make me miss and appreciate Buffalo's dumb drivers. 🎵 Don't know whatcha got 'til it's gone 🎵


Man these comments really showing how the lead in our pipes is damaging peoples ability to comprehend satire.


tbf what makes a good shitpost is it's hard to tell if serious or joking




Poe Law must be obeyed.


I mean, I knew it was sarcasm. Just felt good to call people out that are dicks as dicks though.


Wait, does Buffalo water really have high lead levels? Or do you just mean that a lot of older houses likely have lead pipes?


there are a fuckton of lead service pipes that the city is finally working to address. [article here that includes a link to the city’s map for where service lines are lead](https://www.wgrz.com/article/news/city-of-buffalo-introduces-initiative-to-eliminate-lead-pipes-community-safety/71-84282ee6-9f8c-4cd3-aa36-24be096fab12)


We have a lot of older homes with lead pipe connections in the city. I don’t remember the exact study but we were scarily close to flint Michigan.


I thought I remember reading we were worse but I'm feeling too lazy to look it up.


It’s the lead poisoning - makes it hard to focus and think.


It also makes it hard to


Not too long ago I watched a car with Maryland plates jump the green in a left turn only lane and found myself saying, "NO NO NO NO NO" out loud while I was scanning for drivers trying to beat the red from the cross-street. Fortunately, everybody besides that out-of-towner behaved that day. I hope they're still ok.


I saw a short school bus jump the green turning left this morning 💀


I find myself waiting for a second or two, looking both ways, after a green light these days just to be sure everyone in the cross-lanes are slowing down or stopped. You would think I'd get honked at more, but oddly that doesn't happen often. I think people understand.


My only knock on my drivers test was taking too long to go at green lights. Like bro, have you seen drivers here?


Yep, I have seen so many people here blow through an intersection at full speed when my light was fully green. So I always wait and make sure the cross traffic is actually stopping before I go. It's ridiculous.


I think these are the people who moved here from NYC. This wasn’t as common 5 years ago. Also, since Biden came into office more people are emboldened to break the law. Could be a coincidence.


I've always assumed it's Covid insanity/lawlessness.


I’ve done this for a very long time. A little defensive driving never hurts.


You're supposed to do that. It's proceed with caution, not go blindly. You have a duty to avoid accidents as well. Not checking for cars failing to stop can also put you partially at fault for an accident, as fucked as that seems.


Idk what’s up with bus drivers lately… I’ve been seeing a lot of school/cheese buses running lights and stop signs the last few months. Even seen one make a left on red… I guess “simply because there wasn’t any oncoming traffic”? Been saying “these people should not have this job!” wayyy too much. 😢


This used to be the accepted way at most intersections 20 years ago. I'm glad people stopped for the most part


Ah, the Baltimore Left turn


as someone who live in DC i can confirm that maryland drivers are the worst i’ve ever had the displeasure of sharing the road with lmao


If you see a cop car that says “Buffalo” they’re optional, if they say “Kenmore”, “Amherst”, “Cheektowaga” or “Tonawanda” they’re not.


Idk I watch a guy blow a red light right in front of a cop, going way over the limit in Amherst. Cop did nothing...all on Sheridan.


Was it raining? Near change of shift?


Nah not raining. Idk about shift change. It was 10:30 at night.


It's because there is zero enforcement of traffic laws downtown. Have you gotten passed on the right side by someone going 100+ yet?


Yes! Only for them to slam on their brakes right in front of me so they could make a left hand turn


I believe that is a mating ritual here. Were you not interested in their offer?


In the animal kingdom they call that 'presenting'


The mating ritual of Bailey 🤣


Happens almost everyday on my way home from work on elm to the 33. I get super nervous switching to the middle / right lane even if I have adequate room to merge and have my signal on. some dickhead always has to make sure I can’t merge by flying up the lane going 50+ mph


It's a well known fact that Buffalonians aren't taught that the left lane is the passing lane, so they can let their \*\~\*feelings\*\~\* guide them.


Oh god that’s happened to me on the 190 😭 when my now ex husband was re-teaching me how to drive in Winter of ‘21, we got passed ON THE RIGHT by a speed demon in a white Camaro, we were going 65 (in GI) so homie had to at least be going 90


The stop signs with white around the edges are optional. Welcome to Buffalo!


thank you that makes so much sense now 🙏


To be very clear, since I can't tell if this was a legit question......... None. Anyone saying different is assuming you are being sarcastic in asking the question.


This is what I was told growing up. /s for sure, but literally a meme at the time.


Same here, that’s an age old joke I’ve heard since I was a kid. Don’t remember people around here taking it so literally 20 years ago 😅


Not sure about the stop sign rules here. But I do know there's a road that turns into the Daytona 500, I believe they call it the "33".


Or the 990


990 South right between Sweet Home and the 290 is ridiculous.


The 290 and Millersport. FIFY.


It's the 198, get it right!


Let's be honest, every highway around here turns into the Daytona 500. I can be doing 70 in the middle lane on the 290 and will be getting passed on both sides.


Excellent and accurate shitpost. Found this behavior especially popular when I was on the west side. Agree with whoever said to buy a dashcam. My Viofo has been good.


when you just lightly tap the brake while sailing through a stop sign, that's the West Side Slide


in the city you can obey or disobey whatever driving laws you please, including stealing a car. in the suburbs you might get pulled over


It’s not much better in the suburbs.


some of them it's worse. Tonawnada i've seen people pass on the left to blow through a redlight only to pull into a Timmyhos.




Thanks that's sort of what I thought


I hate it when people give half-assed dangerous information that can seriously get somebody hurt. You don’t know if there’s kids in backseat or animals. For heavens sake, think of the animals. You need to make sure the sign has eight sides, not just the white border.


Don't listen to this. I told my buddy this before he took his road test ... Moral of the story is he failed .... They aren't optional.


I was always taught these were “stoptional”


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lol, that’s what we used to say when we were kids. “Oh Look!! It’s got the white border! It’s optional!” 😏


We have a stop sign on our street that no one likes to stop at. Someone did stop, and they got rear ended by a person who decided it was optional. Then tried to blame the stopped driver


10/10 shitpost. For real tho drivers are wild these days. I run a business on Niagara and Auburn. Everyday I see multiple cars go left on red. Coming from Auburn turning onto Niagara.


My understanding is it’s about the light or the signs vibes. If it gives you the go vibes, just smash that pedal and clench your butthole. /s In all reality driving in Buffalo & Rochester is worse than it’s ever been. I wish the state, counties, and cities would grow a pair and enforce traffic laws.


They're all *"optional"* until ya get pinned by a cop. Best ya just follow the rules, don't concern yourself with people behind ya honking. If they want to be impatient, they can rage around your motionless vehicle, probably cause a vehicular accident and go to jail or trial. Just remain calm and patient, drive the limits and be cautiously aware of others on intersecting roads. Their behavior doesn't affect you, well until it does and most likely in that instance they're going to jail, or ya have a sufficient lawsuit. If you're ultra concerned, get a dashcam, **"cya"**


The Clinton and Bailey intersection


Ah shit, I work over there, it is incredible that there aren't more accidents at that intersection. It's also incredible how often they do road work on that intersection...


I feel like everyone just expects everyone to drive through the red lights unless there’s a cop


I 100% do expect them to. If I'm headed on Clinton towards Kaiser town I also try to make eye contact with the cars making a left there and "assert dominance" or some shit to hope they don't roll the dice and crash into me.


Assert dominance lmao dead 💀


The number of cars turning from Clinton to southbound on Bailey long past their green arrow...


Trick question, they are all optional! Buffalo driver’s suck


If you drive a Mercedes everything is optional


Or a BMW 😂


The stop signs on schools buses are optional. I see at least 2 cars run the stop sign in my kids bus every week.


Thanks yeah they're so small and weird that I assumed they were completely optional


Have you tried left on red yet?


I haven't been brave enough yet! I'm going to try it tomorrow though I think!


do it from the right lane though...


Stop signs with white borders are optional


No. [https://thenewswheel.com/are-stop-signs-with-white-borders-optional/](https://thenewswheel.com/are-stop-signs-with-white-borders-optional/)


They’re all optional unless one of those guys with the lights is around.


tHiS isN't a BufFalO pRoBlEm iT's eVeRyWHere


lmao right.. bad drivers are everywhere but buffalo drivers are a different breed. ppl get SO defensive when we're called out on it. ive lived in five other cities and ive never seen so many stop signs and red lights blown through with such consistency.


I seem to see accidents almost weekly at intersections which indicated not following the traffic signal. It’s almost weekly and my commute is 13 minutes. Stop at the damn red lights not 2 seconds after. Don’t kill someone for a 1 minute light IDIOTS Dash cams are definitely a great idea.


Based off the way people drive I would say traffic rules are optional on Bailey Ave


Always have been


Quality shitpost. Also, I can post this on literally every single city sub and get the same responses.


Get a dashcam, they aren’t that expensive and can potentially save you thousands to tens of thousands


There aren’t optional ones, just some drivers treat all red lights as optional


All laws are optional so long as you are willing to pay the penalty for breaking them. No laws are optional if you expect to be repercussion free. Everything in the middle is a pay your money and take your chance type event.


The amount of times I’ve had to stop in the middle of the intersection because some idiot turned left while I was already inside the intersection going straight at Delaware and Nottingham is actually insane. Slightly off topic but shits just been driving me crazy lol


How fast should I be going before I pass a school bus on the right side when it's stopped? 70? 80? It's not like it's stopping to let a small human off or something.


I just assume a 15-second lag between when my light turns green and when opposing traffic actually stops.


Saved myself from getting tboned too many times this way. Especially at roads like northland and Fillmore with the old train bridges where you can’t see the stopped traffic on every side


I just drive like a normal person regardless of the occasional honk from some Clown. Just keep being a normal person and the haters can get bent.


None of them are optional. If they beep, put it in park and get out and walk around looking confused at your rear bumper


Any stop sign with a white border around it is optional


moved to the west side last year and I have legit never seen worse drivers anywhere else in my entire life. clapped out cars as far as the eye can see operated by people who give zero shit whether they damage them, you, your car, pedestrians or themselves. it's complete and utter lawlessness and madness over here. the speed bumps don't help either, they are just ramps for morons. people will stop in the middle of one ways and block traffic for 20-30 minutes at a time leading to a cacophony of shouting and honking, stop signs are mere suggestions that no one follows, speed limits are 55+ on small side streets, 4 way intersections are simply Russian roulette. as far as the Buffalo area goes, I've lived in Amherst, North Buffalo, South Buffalo, University Heights and spent tons of time staying/living in the Elmwood Village and NONE compare to the stupidity and danger of driving on the west side. why can't people simply just stop or follow the rules?? it's asinine. why are you in such a damn rush too? people have passed me while I wait at a stop sign. oh man, and on trash day? lol what a shit show!


Best advice I've given to people coming in from out of town: "Count to three after the light turns green before you go." I don't have enough experience driving in other cities for comparison, but we really are a city of awful drivers 🤣 (Thank you for the giggle on this post)


Lately counting to three only would get the first of 4 people running the red


There are rolling stops at the stop signs. It makes way more sense once you get into winter and it becomes kind of impossible to stop on some side streets that haven't been plowed. Stop lights aren't optional but there are a ton of bad drivers and the police don't really enforce traffic very much so just be careful.


I've heard all the stop signs with a white border are optional. A lot of WHOOSH in this thread


I think the best example what you might be talking about is on Delaware Ave, heading South, right after the "S" curves. When you get to that light and are making the right on red, there's a small one way street there called Rumsey Road. "Legally" speaking, you're not supposed to turn on red there unless you're turning into Rumsey, but everyone crosses "through" the intersection onto Forest heading west. It's one of those rare instances that everyone does that isn't exactly correct, but is the local customary etiquette. There are a few other ones but that's one off the top of my head. You'd have to be specific on what intersection you're talking about though.


Pretty much it comes down to the size of the sphincter behind the wheel.


You must be encountering bad drivers. You should come to a complete stop at a stop sign and stop at red lights until they turn green. There really aren’t different rules here.


These are idiots. Don’t do what they do, and pay no attention to their honks. If you refuse to make a legal right on red, then I can see why they’d be honking. Had a guy roll around to the left lane to pass me and run a red light. These people don’t live too long on planet earth.


This post hits me today, as I was at a light that had just gone red. We had to wait for the other lights to cycle, and I saw four different cars blow straight through red lights at full speed! I found myself looking around to see if anyone else was as horrified. Nope. Business as usual, AND the nanosecond the light changed, the buttmunch behind me immediately slammed on her horn.


Lol lately I almost find myself looking forward to the morning commute because it's just absolute chaos every day. Always something new to see. This morning I saw a school bus turn left the instant the red light turned green, cutting off oncoming traffic, a move previously reserved only for 2018 Dodge Chargers


It's the wild west out here in Clarence


I’d say most of the lights on Main Street between canisus and downtown are long yellows that you’re better off running than catching. It’s not like the light is option, definitely don’t go when cross traffic has a green.


Are you fucking with us?


Stop signs with white lines around the edges are optional. Welcome home.


There are some stop signs I treat as a Yield Sign but running a red light is insane.


They're called city stops. You slow down for stop signs but don't come to a complete stop.


I love Buffalo, but the driving is more lawless than anywhere else I've been. People will literally pull whatever illegal shit they can get away with (and will complain later if they get a ticket), and yes, they will honk when you follow the law. When we visited Buffalo 4 years ago before moving, I still remember our Uber driver being like, "hey, just so you know, I'm sorry but I'm going to stop at red lights and stop signs because I have to be professional when I am Ubering. Even though people will honk and get upset, I feel like this is important." We had no clue what he could possibly mean- but we sure found out! Be careful too, I swear it's contagious, after almost 4 years living here, sometimes I suddenly find myself being like hmmm that car is going a bit slow for my taste, shall I pass them on the right, even though it means I'll be half up on the sidewalk?? ?


Yeah, and if you slow down for a yellow light and stop right when it turns red, there's a good chance you're getting rear ended. Sure it'll be the other person's fault and insurance will cover it, but waiting for car repairs and collision work is still such a pain


This is what I don’t miss about Buffalo 😂 my friend and I were visiting last weekend and we were driving downtown, and we were stopped and a light that was a No Turn on Red and we were turning right. So obviously, we stayed stopped because BPD has been out in full force it seems. There was a Liberty driver behind us aggressively honking trying to get us to turn on the no turn on red, so when the light finally turned green and we turned he tried to rear end us and flipped us off all because he was impatient 🫠


Even if this is satire, I feel like it's still good to know LMAO **Stop signs are _never_ optional** You only have to stop once if all streets around you also have a stop sign (sometimes there will be a sign that says All-Way Stop). You have to stop twice if the cars on the road before you don't have a stop sign, once before the crosswalk for pedestrians and again for oncoming traffic. **You can only turn right on a red light unless there is a sign that says No Turn on Red.** You can only do this outside of NYC though, in NYC you are required to stop at all red lights. Sometimes the No Turn on Red sign will have a specific time period listed under it when you can't turn on Red. After the listed time period is over, you can turn on red. Even if the light turns green for you, proceed carefully and look on all sides before crossing through the intersection since some cars on the perpendicular road are trying to beat the red or yellow light.


It feels like traffic enforcement in the city is a non priority. Driving around is dangerous and folks also like to run the red light, at least one or two or three of them, after it's turned red from yellow. If you're turning left at a light you're going to have to go through the red after the parade of oncoming traffic speeds through. It's even more fun on a motorcycle! /s


The cops don't pull anyone over for minor traffic violations, that's why. I lived in the city for 8 years and NEVER saw a car pulled over. So A-hole drivers take advantage


Stop signs and red lights aren't optional. The only case you can drive through a red light is when it's blinking red, in which case it's treated the same as stop sign, so you still need to come to a full stop and yield to other drivers before going. It sounds like other drivers are literally just harassing you because people love to drive like nobody else exists and they own the roads, that's not your fault. In the case of an accident, it'll by their fault, you are not doing anything wrong for following the law and obeying the rules of the road.


My favorite is when ppl use the bike lane to pass me on the right 😒


I have noticed a new rule where all turns must be made from the far opposing lane. Bonus points if it's in front of traffic. /s


I moved here from Arizona and used to freak out when my bf wouldn't stop at stop signs in the city neighborhoods. He stops at every red light but does rolling stops at the stop signs in the city. I used to get upset until I saw him doing this in front of a Buffalo city cop and he didn't pull him over...still don't know the deal but city cops really don't seem to care.


The roads that have no lines. hahaha I stopped just for the headline. its sad and funny how true that is. But really if your not on a main road give yourself 5 seconds at the lights.


See that one I don't know. But I DO know that no matter which way you turn, you need to cross as many lanes as possible and go to the lane furthest from the street you pulled out of and whatever you do, DON'T hit the gas when you do this.


My fiance and I got rear ended at a red light by some idiot, she came up to us "Why were you stopped?!" And then proceeded to tell me her father is a lawyer AND a mechanic so it's not a big deal and then she drove off before exchanging any information


Often the POLICE dont stop at stop signs.That could be that officially bound by regular traffic laws.(Although they should set the exemple).Any how late one night,say 1AM.Stopping at ALL the lights for no traffic or reason.I think i was heading south on pearl in the city.O finally slowly rolled past a stop light,noo ne around.Next thing i know,istop at the next one


You just have to watch and learn which is which!


If the street signs are blue then that means and stop signs in the general area a optional especially if they have a white border around them. As for the red lights they are only optional for on and off duty police officers for non emergencies.


Pittsburgh left rarely works here


Do you live in the city proper, or a suburb and if so which one?


been like that for 50 years, people just slow down at stop signs and look.




Buffalo is a weird mix of super aggressive drivers and passive drivers, and it's not a good mix since you never know who you're going to get. And the super aggressive drivers get mad at anyone else for driving aggressively. I lived in Brooklyn for a while, and everyone drives aggressively there. But they also expect YOU to drive aggressively because that's how people drive there.


They usually honk if you don’t go right on red at the lights. Otherwise they’re not optional. Def stop


Mile strip and South Park ftw


To be fair, there is an insanely unsynched full traffic light intersection at every parking lot crossed by an alley in Buffalo. It’s really frustrating. On a main artery at 2am? Here is a 10 minutes pause at a T bone to a closed restaurant for you to enjoy that Tim Hortons cup blow across the street. The series on Elmwood between Hertel and Amherst is nuts. First it’s a full red light for a small manufacturing plant on one side and a dildo store on the other. No street. After that it’s two sets of lights 20ft apart in front of the Pierce Arrow. Delaware and Kenmore causes accidents by consistently leaving a car caught in the middle, and just north of Delaware Park on Delaware there is a red light for no reason at all. There is nothing but the fronts of apartment buildings on both sides. It takes 45 minutes to get from downtown to UB on Main St. Again doesn’t matter if it’s 2am. This is everywhere. I don’t run them or condone it, but it’s always made sense why people go on the color of “fuck it”


The weird lights at Pierce Arrow made more sense when there was still the fire station there.


Continue to drive defensively and ignore the ignorant.


The best rule of thumb for this is: none. Stop signs and red lights are NOT optional, no matter how rushed you are.


This is not optional - a stop sign means stop a red light also means stop…anyone that’s not following these “rules of the road” will find out!


It’s all laid out in simple english in the entitlement handbook. I assume you just haven’t picked up your new copy yet.


I slowly rolled through a red late,late one night.Like 1AM.I think south on Pearl street on the city.Noone around I stopped at the next one,because i saw out of nowhere,a cop pulled up next to me on the right.It was a lady cop,before i could utter a word:SHE WENT UP ONE SIDE ONE OF ME,AND DOWN THE OTHER!Never even turned on the flashers."WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?IF IWASN'T ON MY WAY TO A CALL RIGHT NOW,I'D GIVE YOU A TICKET!" It was right aftet that,i decided i wasnt going to try that again.Scared me straight.BTW:Then before taking off,she pointed sstraight at me and and said."DONT DO IT AGAIN!" So,no i wouldnt try it.Also real quick,a lot of people think the Buffalo Police have too much to do find traffic violations trivial.I'd been pulled over several times,for MINOR violations.Got a ticket a couple time


Also remember: it's apparently totally acceptable to pull up on the right side of someone who is stopped at a four way stop sign and just turn right whenever you feel like it. Bonus tip: a sign that says "right lane ends" means you should aggressively hop to the right lane, accelerate rapidly and assume everyone is going to let you through


I have lived in the same house in Amherst since '15. Four way stops at every intersection. It's only in the last 2-3 years I see multiple people multiple times a day blowing through those intersections. Rolling stops are one thing. People aren't even braking. I haven't seen Amherst PD doing shit about it.


Incorrect flair. This is a Shitpost.


what’s funny is that there’s actually no limit to how long you’re allowed to stay stopped at a stop sign. i’ve been honked at, and that’s usually my cue to sit back and just sort of take in my surroundings. unless the honker tries to pass me, in which case i will accelerate very quickly to make sure that i don’t slow them down while they’re behind me. until the next intersection. when i just kinda sit back…


I wish I were that brave but I don't want to get shot by a road rager


yeah i’m empty inside so it’s like whatever


You're almost as bad. I'm guessing you also sit in the left lane to police people's speed as well? All of these behaviors are childish and dangerous.


I hope this is sarcasm. Otherwise it's the stupidest thing I've ever read.

