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Donut Media. They kinda just became sell outs imo. Sure they need to fit the algorithm and all that but I miss the Up To Speeds and such.


the hard truth is donut was always rough, their "up to speed" series was poorly researched and edited, particularly when it came to the racing episodes they did. wikipedia spec vids.


Idk I think other than the bad sponsor segments their content is still good, they toned down the energy a lot in the past while and it's a welcome change


Are they still doing the secondary bar that lets you know how long the segment runs for? Cause thats baller and allows for you skip that shit easily while getting a bag.


I was never too big a fan of Donut. I always looked at it as like, the most generic car content possible. Their videos were just so uninteresting to me.


They really peaked when I was getting into cars, so the videos helped expand my car knowledge. So yeah it was generic but I ate it up because it was mostly stuff I didn't know


Yes, they had good shows now they do the worsts shows only


Never liked them. They always seemed so annoying and cringy to me. Seeing them in racing games like Dirt 5, FH5 and The Crew Motorfest is painful. Especially their cringy FH5 stories.


So true, started watching a month or 2 before money pit and loved them. I just scroll past now.


I really miss their science garage videos. I always thought that style of video could easily rabbit hole down so many avenues and topics, for ex: the whole world of race engineering and set-up given all of the different series and how those series/teams achieve performance.


It's fun to watch but it's all sponsored garbage , no unique skills or knowledge


I honestly don't get how you and other people thought James reading off Wikipedia was better than all the hands-on stuff they do now, most recent example being the Ford Ranger Baja build, or the PT Cruiser video.


Blackpanthaa, SlapTrain, CarThrottle Didn't really grow up with him, but MuYe was fun at first, but it got progressively more annoying, and the "lol bass boost funneh" got old pretty quick.


SlapTrain and BlackPanthaa were always annoying lets be honest here šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yeah we just grew up


Yeah and MuYe barely uploads anymore, dude takes monthly breaks after uploading one video now


Yeah I was only subscribed for a month before it got annoying


Then again Car Throttle had Alex, Jack and Ethan all leaving in a short span of time so its not even the same channel you grew up with.


I think blackpanthaa is good YouTuber yes he might not be serious but I think in real life he really seems like a great dude so I like him but everybody got their opinions.




He got so annoying so quickly it's actually concerning.


Man I used to be one of his first 10k subs. Now he's just kind of annoying


Yeah he got that donut media energy and I donā€™t like that heā€™s making content more for 12-13 years old


WhyBeAre. he hasnā€™t uploaded or streamed for 10 months as of i know of though.


I miss him


damn I forgot about him, I watched his BeamNG vids as a kid and it got me into cars in the first place :/ if I remember he had health issues that made it hard to speak and I think he got doxed as well?


Wait, are you suggesting that WhyBeAre in any way fits this meme? I seriously cannot imagine why somebody would find him annoying...


Didnā€™t read the meme just the caption.


Well thats strange.


Pants, Slap, AR12


Heavy on ar12. I loved him back in his fh3/4 days, but now his content is just loud=funny


To be honest, even though my love for cars and racing games still burns bright, I hardly watch car or racing game content creators anymore. The video game industry is in a very bad place right now, and depending on your preference of vehicles, the car industry isn't heading in a great direction either. As a result, content creators in both segments aren't as interesting as a result, at least to me, and the usually grating ones have only gotten worse to maintain a decent view count from younger viewers. Probably the only car/racing game content I watch these days on YouTube are reviews of old racing and/or driving games, which are usually made by smaller channels with viewcounts under 5K.


That sounds nice. Would you mind sharing one of those videos or channels that you enjoyed? Thanks!


Not my comment but ColorShedProductions covers a lot of older racing games




Typical CanadianGTR Edit: IT GOT WORSE https://preview.redd.it/fngjhsywp33d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f8818e0e4784873848e5162d54ae88a5387c0cd


He's the only person i can think of, that isn't either working for reddit or a reddit mod, that deserves the title "Professional Redditor".


Hoonigan. After Kenā€™s passing it started to go down hill. And after they sold it it went even quicker.


Drive on Ken šŸ˜”šŸ•Šļø


His wife and daughter have a YouTube channel now, but they do not upload often.


Yeah I am subbed and to vin Zack and hertz and suppy as well.


Lia's insta is more active, plus I think since she started her single seater racing career things have been rather quiet on other forms of content.


Hoonigan was sold to WheelPro's and went to shit well before that tbh. There was like, a good 6 months before Ken passed when the only thing they uploaded was Head-to-Head and the dyno test videos, literally the lowest effort stuff they've ever made. Prior to that, key personalities like Dan had already left and others like Scotto, Hurt, and Vin were already working on other projects and barely showed up in videos. I mean, it was to the point that people on the subreddit were going crazy over them posting a video of Scotto just driving around LA because it was the only interesting content for months lol. After Ken passed, It seems like they just gave up tbh. Hoonigan has become nothing more than an overpriced T shirt brand, it's a damn shame.


To be fair I hadnā€™t watched any YouTube for months before hand so I honestly didnā€™t know that. Thank you for correcting me.


Hoonigan was sold? To who?


Hoonigan was sold to WheelPro's prior to Ken's passing.


Canā€™t remember now would have to google it to find out.


Slap Train


He was the shit in 2016


Havenā€™t heard that name in years.


Regular Car Reviews when he stopped making absurd jokes.


I still like the channel a lot, but itā€™s definitely very different now than it was. Itā€™s understandable given how long itā€™s been & how much people change in a decade. Iā€™d be remiss if I didnā€™t admit how much I miss the plain stupid humor of the old videos though. Iā€™ve always loved their humor even if some of the jokes have always gone over my head. In a sea of rigid, monotone reviews they certainly pulled off a special formula https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=buQBrCL58aA


He's been more or less back to the gratuitous over the top humor the past year or so, maybe not to the same level but I still find him entertaining


I think the obvious one is Blackpanthaa. Back during like 2016-2018, his videos were pretty good. But after a while, something changed. He began clickbaiting more and more, and his shilling for EA and NFS Heat (which wasnā€™t that good imo) just became too much. I think Iā€™m still subscribed to him, but I definitely havenā€™t watched him in at least 3 years. I was never into many of the other big names, like AR12 or Slap Train. In fact, I really donā€™t watch many racing game YouTubers anymore. Whitelight is probably my favorite, and heā€™s not really strictly a ā€œracing game YouTuber,ā€ he just makes a lot of high quality video essays, some of which happen to be about racing games. Outside of that, Iā€™ll watch Kuru and DustinEden from time to time, and I still love Shinyodd (though he rarely uploads anymore)


I still watch blackpanthaa & ar12, I made a tier list here a few days ago but got wayy too much hate for it so i deleted it, I just don't want to read 20 inbox replies saying "ohh you must be 12". I honestly did not expect it to be such an incredibly hot take šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I unsubbed from goosiest & MuYe, both are clowns KuruHS kinda got boring for me, he also has a weird hate boner for NFS Unbound when it's a solid game at the end of the day. I prefer dustineden or dove_7 over him


Muye still has good ideas which is a shame though. I however prefer to watch the car mighty counterparts if they exist.


MuYe used to be kind of good, but his content became straight up insufferable as he got more popular.


I agree, He kept doing the "every time I do X, Y happens" videos which got stale, he has a really slow upload schedule too nowadays he uploads once a month and only a 10 minute video


Eden and Dove are slowly becoming my favourite.


KuruHS really fell off and yeah it's getting annoying with his attitude towards unbound and how complain about how new game doesn't have mw05 physics


Lmao yeah, kuru is basically stuck in 2005


Kuru fs was interesting before, but now it just feels like ā€œletā€™s see how many times I can play nfsmw2005 this year differently than last yearā€. And it gets even more annoying when all his opinions on games are all compared to mw2005 too. Like I get itā€™s a good game but limiting yourself doesnā€™t help


Kuru fell off hard. I used to watch all his streams and videos, but now they are unwatchable. These days his videos are 15 minutes of complaining about random stuff and that's not fun.


I think mute can be funny be if heā€™s pretty childish and car mighty is just and upgraded version of him I used to love goosiest when I was 12 and 13 but heā€™s just too loud for me. I like blackpanthaa and ar12 because they just seem like great dudes to hang out with irl and are more than juste content creators.


For me it was StraightUpHippo, back in the day (2018-2020 I'd say). In the good old days of NFS2015, he had great content, but then he started doing all those weird video and audio distortions, saying random phrases that were "cool" back in the day (like esketit), and inserting random memes that didn't have anything to do with the topic in the video. Last time I checked, he took a long break from YT and now he's posting GT7 multiplayer content. I'm not interested in watching his new videos anymore, but I wish him the best, he seems like a chill dude.


Blackpanthaa and muye


Donut media, goosiest and muye (got i can't listen to either or them, both sound so annoying and horrible, goosiest especially double annoying),


Yeah I agree with this, Goosiest's voice is so annoying šŸ˜‚


Yeah lol he seems like a cool dude but man heā€™s annoying


Drew Peacock, I found his videos shitting on stupid Facebook listings funny but the videos where he would go to car meets and rag on all the cars there killed my interest in his content


Oh I think heā€™s funny the Ā«Ā build Ā» he shits on are pretty shit so itā€™s justifiable




I kinda miss his ā€œsecrets, glitches and easter eggsā€ videos but heā€™s one of the most kind Forza YouTuber and a great news source when you need it.


He still makes those occasionally but you're right


Imo, possibly the worst Forza youtuber with over 100k subs His videos are uninteresting, you could get the same info but earlier and with less opinion (and also faster) by being in a discord or by visiting the original source for them (GTPlanet, Forza Forums, etc.)


his videos can only be watched on 1.5x or 2x speed. he stretches his videos unnecessarily long for the type of information he tries to get across.... lots of bloat


itsjusta6, started watching his content regularly when he just had more "realistically attainable" car builds, but now he's become just another "I Have a McLaren/GTR/really fast Mustang" youtuber


Yup, discovered him and thought it was such a grounded and realistic depiction of the process of modding up your car part by part, testing out your build, and racing against your friends, people you talk to at meets, or the occasional call out. Now the titles don't even grab me. Now it just feels content creator clout chase-y.




I fucking hate Aarrava. I saw one of his videos playing F1 games from his childhood on PS2 and he was like "OmG hOw Do I bRaKe? šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤Ŗ" and was just crashing intentionally into everything and acting like a fool


Oh my god yes, I used to enjoy watching him maybe 8 years back but couldnā€™t stand a few minutes nowadays


He became even more insufferable after Lando invited him to Quadrant. His fake laughs make my head hurt


i still watch him but some of his laughs are weird and i feel a bit scripted occasionally with forgetting to change his engine when he knows it worn. the story keeps me going


Straightuphippo and blackpanthaa they got so annoying and clickbaity i now watch kuruhs and dustineden they haven't sold themselves out and thier streams are so much fun


Black panthaa but i have moved onto better YouTubers nkow


I dog really watch them because I find theyā€™re dumb as fuck.


Iā€™ve honestly found a lot of entertainment in looking things like ā€œformula Mazda Forza Motorsportā€ (or something along those lines) and then sorting by newest and seeing what channels I find. Thereā€™s a lot of trash for sure, but occasionally I find some genuine guys who are entertaining and just vibe racing, driving or commentating!


Alex Gillon. They used to make good F1 content but then became very clickbaity


Muye, high quality content I just find it not funny


Blackpanthaa. Iā€™m so glad I grew up, his videos are terrible and he has such a weird shill attitude towards nfs and the crew(? I think, canā€™t remember havenā€™t seen him in years)


He completely sold out the zoomer clickbait titles and content now, it sucks to see Especially because his videos used to be SO good


His videos back in 2014-2016 were really good, I loved that time for YouTube despite the average quality games at that time


RynoGT4 I even know the video where I quit F1 2020 career mode he wanted to drive for hass but said he wasnā€™t going to now due to the Nikita massapin controversyā€¦.you could just take his car you know as it is wellā€¦you know ā€¦ā€¦..a fucking game




Blackpanthaa. Guy became so insufferable


For racing games, it is BlackPanthaa. Far too childish. For regular automotive YouTubers, I have unfollowed too many to count.




DUBZ. When I was heavily playing FH4 and FH5 I watched him a lot for some popcorn Forza content but his format got real old, real fast. Donut media to a lesser extent. I still watch the occasional video that catches my eye, but those have been less and less for awhile. Ever since the first money pit and hilow it's never really been to the same level imo


You guys watch sammit or tavarish?




Street speed717, dude became way too douchy


Not one person said haggard garage?


This might not be exactly in the correct category you mean, but YourPalsChrisAndAl were one of my favorites. I only stopped watching because they stopped making videos.


TheStradman loved his content liked the person he was but now his content is just the same all the time and it doesnā€™t change it.


For me, it was Hoonigan, Gingium, TJ Hunt, and Dustin Williams.


I would throw adamlz in there too


I watched camodo gaming but his content became so concentrated for childrenā€™s that I unsubscribed. Mark Rhoden is car influencer who tell good cars to buy on a budget but they started to get very repetitive and false, ideal media became a content milked that truly sucks.


YTK (Yuwan Thayakaran) He used to make cool cinematic content but now just makes lazy list videos


Viperconcept, Chip111r, and DDE


drew peacock


Was just wondering what happened to HaugenRacing....


Technically not a primarily automotive YouTuber, but SpeirsTheAmazingHD. Right as the pandemic started and from then on, he only makes GTA V videos


Honestly Jacksepticeye


Moist Critical. Fucking terrible.


Jackautomotive, he peaked during the FM6-FH3/FH4 era, now itā€™s recycled content




Tomcat, who I didnā€™t watch for years and is now a woman


Yeah that was crazy


Fr damn the mental illness is real


SuperGT, I used to watch him


I canā€™t stand super gt. Ever sense he became a real race car driver he got super pretentious and annoying


Asphalt 8/9 YouTubers are my goats. Don't play those them anymore so I don't watch the yters but damn they taught me how to try hard those games


Vsause is doing pretty good . Varatsium is doing fine too ( there are some ups and down but averages out ) . Sytropyro good . ( Electro boom is on my radar but I don't watch it ) Sci-show doing + seeker - good . PBS Numberphile , 3blue1brown ? Good . What da math . Many more ... PS : these channels can be categorised as Explanation or Independent