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This sub is the first thing butters check in the morning, isn’t it?


They are all altruists that really, really, really want us to become millionaires just like they will. The thought of us staying behind and not getting lambos keeps them awake at night.


*effective altruists. Like SBF.


It is.


This sub lives rent free in their head. And they still won't cash out.


At least head of cryptobros is the one place where I don't need to pay rent.


This whole sub is for people who have btc living rent free in their head. You guys are hilarious


We’re living rent free over here, all because we refuse to buy their magic internet money lol


Totally rational investors. Definitely not fomo driven.


>We’re living rent free over here, all because we refuse to ~~buy their magic internet money lol~~ relieve them of their bags. FTFY


Lol another brigade post. When are you cashing out? Not profit until you sell. 


In the same way it's not a loss if they don't sell.


False. When you buy in, your expenses are whatever the price you bought for was (plus fees), and your revenue is exactly $0. You are at a loss of 100% until you sell (if you can).


I quess I missed some quotes and /s on my comment


The /s is vital. Otherwise mocking statements are often indistinguishable from Butters sincerely held beliefs.


Nah, that money is not in your bank account. All loss until you sell.


Well technically with an asset like btc you dont nned to sell it. you could borrow against it use that money to buy real-estate and deduct the tax from capital gains.


I'd take my initial investment back once the price doubles, then let my profits ride until they double again.


I did that long time ago (even accounted for inflation).


\+1 for adjusting for inflation


😂 It's the exchange value. Fiat 💩 is worth less and less. No need to sell. Wait till the rest of you catch up and desperately look for exit from 💩. No need to cash out. You can buy actual assets directly with bitcoin in a growing number of places. Exchange your bitcoin for a nice property in Dubai. Why not. Enjoy the pump. Or hold as the fiat trash 💩 goes towards zero against bitcoin 😂




“We getting cold hard cash” “I’m not cashing out” Take your pills dude


Saylor, SBF, Bitboy…all methheads.


So best case scenario you’ll make the same profit as us on Bitcoin.


So you literally have nothing.


So you don't have nor want cold hard cash like you said?


You probably have a whopping $1k now. Congrats.


Less. He’s a poor kid in the Philippines. Probably wasted most of his childhood playing Axie Infinity to “earn” crypto.


Not exchanging sats for "dirty fiat", then brags about the DOLLAR PRICE of holdings. Says he has cold hard cash, but also that he is never cashing out.  Haha pick a lane man. Do you or do you not have cold hard cash? Only way that happens is if you sell. Do you or do you not care about dirty fiat? If you care about it, then number go up is significant. If you don't care about dirty fiat, Bitcoin valuation should be meaningless to you and you would have no need to brag about the dollar value of your Bitcoin.  You guys are so contradictory is hilarious.


Then you don't have cold hard anything. It will crash and you'll be stuck with bags when everyone with a brain sells out.


Lol then have fun becoming poor! 


You should do it before the line goes back down my dude


OP why do you think that anyone here has anything against you trading distributed tulips for dollars? You keep looking at the chart, but that doesn't change the fact that bitcoin is completely useless in real world except for speculating. This shit destroys environment, creates e-waste and makes it easier for criminals and terrorists to circumvent laws.




There is no better argument, a bitcoin is no better or more useful than a tulip. The transaction speeds are so low and the cost to make a trade in the blockchain is ao expensive that the only way you could use bitcoin is to use it through an exchange, which not your keys not your crypto means most people do not own any btc at all. Regardless if you think 60k is a lot of money, enough to gloat, you should follow the wsb rule that if it’s good enough to post it’s good enough to sell. Because there are no insurances that the line will continue to go up just because it has gone up so far


ok, what about the other points though? Ease to ignore a log in your eye while making strawman arguments? How can you even compare dollar to bitcoin? One is a currency and the other one is a "store of value" can you pick your lane?


You come here taunting some kind of a chart. If bitcoin is so great maybe you will educate us plebs on the fundamentals of why it's so useful and what makes it valuable other than FOMO?


Did you say "cold hard cash"? :-D ...you funny.


These idiots own themselves every time, whether it’s getting scammed or maxing out their cash advance on credit cards with 30% interest rates to buy this trash.


As a butter, this made me chuckle as well


>While you guys pumping your dicks we getting cold hard cash Isn't the point that you don't? Congrats man, your Line Went Up.


While we have new cars you have your “funny” one liners


I urge you to max out your credit cards with cash advances and dump it all into Buttcoin (assuming you actually have credit cards any with reasonable lines of credit). Then kindly post proof of your transactions. Your move. Everyone here is waiting.


Nope. No credit cards. No job. Just sitting here with no savings or diversification. Me stupid. You smart


Yeah buying into the most obvious pump and dump of all human history! You sure showed us


I’ve been buying for years….


A smart person would take profits, but you are just gonna ride it back down like the dumbasses you are. HODL lmao


Sure am. This is my play money. I put in what I can afford to lose


So what's your plan? Never sell? I don't know why you guys hate money


It’s called a hobby. I have other accounts I pull for money.


You can only have new cars when you sell. What are you, some type of cowardly Paperhands?


See this comment is actually funny. Touché


I actually don't buy "new" cars, they are a tremendously bad "investment" and I barely drive. I have a pretty old truck that has some rust and is way overdue for an oil change. I don't have your massive stacks of satoshis but I am richer than I ever thought I would be. Why can't we both just be happy with what we have?


I know I’m just poking fun and everyone is super angry. I don’t have a new car either. I bought a house last year so zero chance


Well I am not and I think it's stupid to be angry. You guys are happy Line Went Up and good for you. Do I think you should sell? Absolutely.


Thank you man. This is supposed to be in good fun lmao


Unfortunately, the 'in good fun' posts and the 'bragging assholes' posts (which unsurprisingly vanish when Line Goes Down) can be a bit hard to distinguish. Congrats on the house. Tied to some Crypto success, or just general work/savings/etc?


Following this so I can see your new car Go ahead Post it. Lemme see your new ride


Show us how much money you made


That would be reckless, wiener




Dude, that comment was funny…


> While you guys pumping your dicks we getting cold hard cash. Except you won't cash out, since they don't WANT you to cash out while the slot machine shows a green number, so you actually have nothing. Then the price plummets again, bringing this sub in an awkward position because we can't make too much fun of r bitcoin when it has the suicide hotline as a pinned post, like the last time we saw this kind of price movement. Stay safe.




> While you guys pumping your dicks we getting cold hard cash. Okay so you’re not getting cold hard cash? I’m confused.




That’s actually…not how we measure wealth. We aren’t holding cash like Scrooge McDuck.


Unless something changed it’s how you measure wealth too. 1btc still equals 1btc and you certainly can’t do any more with it than you could 15 years ago.  I don’t mind that you’re coming in here smug. But at least be honest that big dollar number is all you care about.


You’re a child playing in a casino and think you can hang with the adults


That's not even a response to anything I said.


Weird to be lectured for pumping dick by someone who is actively sounding as they lecture.


> While you guys pumping your dicks we getting cold hard cash. - If you haven't sold, you do not "get the cold hard cash", regardless of what number you get by multiplying your bitcoin holdings by the price the last person dumped on you guys for. Quite the opposite, until you sell you are at a _loss_ in terms of actual money. - Due to the nature of bitcoin as a negative sum game, any profit you make requires a _greater_ loss by some collection of others. I'm well aware that theft - including theft via investment fraud - can be very lucrative, but even if it was legal I wouldn't participate because I have ethics.




> The greater loss is you not getting in now you just venting No, it isn't. I have never and will never lose a cent by _not_ buying bitcoin. In fact, I'm on average richer in the world (this one) where I don't buy any than in the world where I do. The same applies to you.


So you cashed out? If you did and made a profit congrats. If not don’t be the last man standing.


Well, that depends. Are we still attempting to argue that inflation and the "animal spirits" are what's best for everyone?


We don't want to buy your Girl Scout cookies.


>We don't want to buy your Girl Scout cookies. They'd get so many more takers for their "MLM for him" if they *were* selling Girl Scout cookies.


What happens when the idiot money that fuels this rocket runs out?




Ah yes, satoshis vision has been fulfilled when *checks notes* black rock gets involved


Fighting the system together with black rock… yeah, right


Amazing how you guys don't understand how ETFs work. BlackRock does not give a fuck about Bitcoin, only fees


I think institutional money will drive this next run.


That's what you guys say everytime. And no blackrock making fees off your gambling isn't institutional money.


Nice. How much money did you make when you sold out?




Ok. I hope things work out for you and you are able to time the market.


Well, it is a good time to cash out and realize your gains in real money. You gambled and won, get your deserved W. I'm not a gambler, and I don't want to transfer wealth from gamblers to myself, so I won't partake.


Everyone already knows at this point that the "price" of BTC is being manipulated to go up and up. Even if it hit ATH and reached a new one, it wouldn't even matter in the long run because other indicators show that interest and investments in crypto are going down.


why do you care what we think? why are you here?


Not sure about OP, but I’m here because I visited a funny post once and now Reddit suggests this every time BTC pumps 😂


cool story bro


1. You sound exactly like the type to say "I told you so". 2. Your first sentence contains two half finished ideas, both starting with "but", but neither thought is completed. 3. It's not a matter of getting rich suddenly: we fundamentally disagree with BTC. 4. Nothing wrong with "pumping our dicks". I've been doing it for 47 years, and hope to die with my dick in my hands. 5. By all accounts, "we're still early", so we can change "you hateus cos u anus", to "u is us", just by dropping our scruples and executive functions. (My apologies to my junior high English teacher.) BTC won't hit $1M for another few months. 6. I'm putting this in list format to help with your attention span.


Yawn, check back with us when it reaches 1 million. Chump change right now in the Ponzi scheme of things.


RemindMe! 6 years


Jesus that is a horrible username, fitting for an equally horrible person.


When the price movement is based only on scarcity and demand and no underlying value it won’t stay up for long or remain so. Unlimited number of other crypto coins available. None actually gaining traction as currency including Bitcoin.


English isn't even my first language, but man... nearly had a stroke trying to make out some of your words. I guess this is a fair representation of the target demographic of these scams. Please, whatever you think about bitcoin, and no matter how optimistic you are about it, don't throw your life savings at it just because it barely recovered the 2021 peak. Keep a little BTC on the side if it makes you happy, but go on with your education and get a real job with real fiat money flowing in. It's the best advice I can give you.




I understand bitcoin extremely well and have done my due diligence. I also have a fair share of experience with many assets, as well as probably twice your age. But that's alright, I could be wrong too. All I'm saying is, don't throw your life away on a bet like this. Be smart and diversify. You won't regret it.




No worries 😉 You have a good one too.


I have never seen a bunch on middle aged men gloat about making 5k so much in my life. Yes your pet rock that doesn’t do anything went up (still quoted using real money), congrats you’re still poor lol.


OP invested in Safemoon in the past. Enough said.


Ooo, this is getting juicy. Some whale out there is starting to salivate. They can dump into this without the rubes noticing.


I laugh man it's obvious this isn't gonna end well. No doubt they about to pass the ATH, and it's gonna pull back so hard. So much exit liquidity about to hit the stock market. Oh lord. Let my companies get some of that sweet capital.


I’m with you, brother. I have 10,000,000 Bitcoin, we’re going to the moon!


Lmao the number will just keep on going up forever! Keep stacking! "Serious money" fucking lol. Nothing but fake unbacked dollars to lure idiots in. You guys are the dumbest people on the planet


Candlestick chart, he must be really smart.


1 BTC = 1 BTC no cash for you bud, but enjoy the line go up 😘


How are you getting “cold hard cash” unless you sell?


Line goes up. Are you going to come back when it goes down too, or will you do the usual and slink back to the crypto subs?


So you have cashed out your bitcoin and have realized gains?


Don't get me wrong. I am really glad for people making money with Bitcoin. I'm also glad for people winning the lottery. Both are just not valid investments in my opinion.


Why do you need cash if you have Bitcoin?


!remindme 2 weeks


Are all those alt coins/ shit coins pumping too?


I don’t care.


"We getting"... nice literacy.


Well, I saw USDT marketcap going up and knew the cartel was going to pump... The fundamentals hasn't changed, you know. BTC is still only useful as a Ponzi fund.


Just imagine how fast it will crash when people will try to convert it to actual real money.


If Bitcoin bad why line go up? ;)


anyone who doesn't own at least a little bitcoin is a fucking idiot


Everyone, lets gather to celebrate my 10 year Reddit Anniversary today! For 10 entire years I have been called AussieCryptoCurrency and in that time I have seen nothing, passing up all opportunities for Moon, becoming more bitter because HFSP. Today I am strongly considering conceeding defeat- afterall, good investments like this come once in a lifetime, and at 10 years into this thing, I realise ***how early I am***. All there is to do is hang my head in shame, knowing my lack of understanding a butthurt is what made me not buy BTC to my detriment. PS. I still hold 8.42 BTC - oh $800,000. wow. Fellow Buttcoiners- how do i prove the sale so i can show them what early looks like?


This is still just the beginning... 🥹


SELL SELL SELL the dump is coming!!


The bust Phase will be epic this time. I am looking forward to it


Oh wow $60,000 for something I don't want to buy


So where is hard cash exactly? All I see on the pic is some shitcoin changed numbers compared to another shitcoin.


Wait til you try to cash out.


Good luck buying a cup of coffee


Are you a ruzzian by chance? They also have an unhealthy fixation on dicks and anuses.


How much do you even have. I bet its like not even a coins worth


You haven't got any cash, because you're too stupid to sell. But don't worry, the "whales" will.


You haven't got any cash, because you're too stupid to sell. But don't worry, the "whales" will.


You haven't got any cash, because you're too stupid to sell. But don't worry, the "whales" will.


Cash out. Sell. Make your money. It's just a graph until you do that. If you sell right now for more than you bought for I'll be 100% happy for you to say I told you so.