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The number of butters here currently claiming "it's just like stocks" makes me disappointed.


I mean it's just like the stocks they buy, which are exclusively meme stocks.


“If we all buy then it will go up and we will all be rich” has the same value in crypto and in meme stocks: it’s a great way to lure in suckers.


At least meme stocks have rules they need to follow.


They think "stocks" means daytrading on a leverage position based on technical analyses they watched on youtube. Even then crypto is significantly worse in every way.


Yes, they're very confused when you mention dividends, voting rights, equity, etc.


It pretty much is. Flip back through ye olde historical records. Regulations were added due to the scammery around everything. Even OSHA exists because people can't be trusted to handle their work safely or honestly


Where does the revenue from holding Bitcoin come from?


It's not a revshare token like fjord. I got 30k last week parking it in merlinchain for an airdrop. You can lend or do whatever if you want to take on platform risk.


Bitcoin is a result of having a society without hope.






It is not cash.  Cash has a stable value Cash is almost free to transact (bank transfers are free, physical cash obviously is, except for businesses some small fees to bank it. Bitcoin has high fees for most payments. You need to spend $100+ at a time to be worth it vs. credit card payments of $1 can work.  Cash does lose value generally but it isn’t meant for long term value storage.


Yesterday a guy apologized to me in DM for trolling while and I quote "being balls high on amphetamines". Yes, its the trash here.


That's just crypto bros in general, they are all extremely trashy. Shiftless drug addicts who live out of the same car they drive door dash for. Wannabee day traders and drop shippers. Crypto promises huge returns to people so long as you don't ask questions or contemplate that you might be the greater fool here. So it attracts a lot of the dregs of society that would normally be glued to the scratch off machine.


Whenever I look in a trolling posters post history (those without brand new burner account anyway) it's always the same (excluding crypto) subs that pop up:    Pokémon, drugs, povertyfinance and my absolutely favourite for the irony - fluentinfinance


That fluentinfinance sub is essentially just a right wing hack forum. There’s a bunch of mouth breathers that spout insane shit there and get highly upvoted


Yeah it's absolutely insane. Ironically named


What is wrong with Pokemon?


I've not got a problem with Pokémon it just seems to be a recurring theme. Maybe being of a certain age and believing in collecting rare things? I don't know 


Wow…generalizing a whole group of people. Yes, I am sure every single one is as you describe. Why do you hate so much? Who hurt you?


Well, Bitcoin is doing immeasurable damage to the planet to support a speculative bubble for manchildren. I'd rather we didn't destroy the planet for no point


Just saying what I see. Even right now I am arguing in another thread with a crypto bro who lives in his van and digs through trash for a "living". You seem to be the one offended here lol. Hit close to home?


Lol…you can view my history. I own my house and am pretty happy. Reddit started showing me this subreddit and I found it fascinating. I have crypo as 20% of my liquid assets. I only invested 5% of my liquid assets and now it is 20%. Feeling pretty great.


Nobody asked? Here you are, another crypto bro that thinks he is the main character and that we give a fuck. You fit the stereotype, bud. Now fuck off. 


Lol can you read? Seek the help you need. Your hate will eat your soul. Really, seek the therapy you so need. Wow Let me guess, living in a van?


Lol. I have nothing to prove to you. You’re pathetic. 


A Prius then. Hope your luck turns soon and that you can control your vitriol. It only impacts you. :)


I’m great! Thanks for your concern!


> I only invested 5% of my liquid assets and now it is 20%. Feeling pretty great. #Stupid Crypto Talking Point #23 (Anecdotes) **“I made a lot of money on crypto [therefore it’s a good scheme for everybody else]”** / **“Crypto changed my life“** / **"I can buy stuff with Crypto"** 1. It’s more likely you’re actually lying about your crypto gains, or they’re trivial. 2. Whatever you can buy with crypto is extremely limited and is usually dark-market related (like drugs, gambling or shady hosting) or trivial (like coffee and t-shirts). *And* you're paying a premium making such sales over comparable sites paying in fiat. 3. If you do hold crypto that you bought for less than current market “price”, it’s more likely you think you’re “rich” but haven’t actually cashed out, which remains to be seen if you actually ever will be able to. 4. There are multiple fallacies involved in this claim: The[ Gambler’s Fallacy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gambler%27s_fallacy) that suggests because something special happened once, it can likely happen again in a predictable way, and [Confirmation Bias](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation_bias) – the notion that many people fixate on positives while ignoring the more common negatives. 5. Even assuming you have made money in the past, it’s a well known fact that in these cases: Past performance is no guarantee of future returns, and since you’re still holding crypto, it’s in your interests to promote such fallacies in order to drive up the price of your holdings. Since crypto is a negative-sum-game, it’s impossible for even a significant amount of people who play the market, to come out ahead without the vast majority losing. Therefore it’s mathematically impossible that this scheme will reliably produce positive returns. 5. You may not care that your profits come as a result of fraud and others losses, and promoting everything from money laundering to human trafficking, but other (moral, ethical, empathetic) people do.


>Why do you hate so much? Who hurt you? #Stupid Crypto Talking Point #27 (hate) **"Why do you hate crypto?"** / **"You all are haters"** / **"Why so salty?"** / **"You wish for other peoples misfortunes?"** 1. By and large, we do not "hate" bitcoin or crypto. Hate is an irrational, emotional condition. Most people here have a logical, rational reason for being opposed to crypto. (see \#2) 2. What we do not like is **fraud and deception** - this is mainly what our community opposes, and the crypto industry is almost completely composed of fraud and misinformation, from claiming that [blockchain has potential](https://ioradio.org/i/blockchain-claims/) to pretending crypto is "digital gold" or an "investment" when it's really a highly-risky, negative sum game, speculative commodity. 3. It's an offensive distraction to suggest our reasons for being opposed to crypto are because of "hate", or "being salty" and supposedly jealous of not getting in earlier and making money. We recognize there are many other ways of creating value that don't involve promoting everything from cyber terrorism to human trafficking. 4. While some take amusement at the misfortunes of those playing the crypto Ponzi scheme, one main reason for this is because so many in the industry are so immune to logic, reason, and evidence, many of us feel they have to become cautionary tales before they finally learn (and some never learn) - what we celebrate is perhaps the chance that many of those losers finally see the error of their ways. You can lead a crypto bro to [evidence](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tspGVbmMmVA) but you can't make them think.


My wives boyfren is a Bitcoiner 😩


These were the same people here a year ago calling us mean for making fun of their bags lmao Fuck um


It's still worthless just the price has changed.


They got nothing better to do but wait for their lambo to be delivered and their wife swappin bimbo to be born yet.


That would require them to sell, which they are terrified of doing.


What are you talking about, they aren't scared, they are HODL'n just like good little soldiers.


Sodliers sodliering.


Worse yet, they’re DCA-ing, throwing good money after bad to get their average Bitcoin price down. So not only are they HODL, they regularly set even more money on fire and brag about it.


Yes, but this is good for Bitcoin.


Haha all these idiots are HODLing because they are told to HODL. They are waiting to be TOLD when to SELL LMFAO. Which obviously will never happen.


That one guy needed to get back on his meds.


OP is worried about 14 year olds wasting their nonexistent money or what?


I have the feeling of that r/buttcoin was made by bitcoin holders who sold too early and cry eternally here? You all should have let go of this and moved on instead of sitting here irritatingly. 🤔