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Our trolls are getting awfully repetitive.


Running low on funny copy pasta material too. Now it's just lame.


The fact that I do not want to lose my money in a rigged casino? Not rocket science.


Because we don't want to? Because we think it's stupid? Because we think it's bad? Because there are better ways to make money? Because we arent financially desperate? Take your pick.


Do you mean shorting it? Because the market can stay irrational longer than I can stay solvent. It's a highly manipulated market and the only way to avoid losing money on it is to stay away from it.


It's like if the guy had confused "being against gambling" with "thinking the ball is going to land on red, not black" 


"I don't understand, if this is a sub truly dedicated to hating heroin, why aren't you all out getting high on it?" Like, this is your argument.


Why is everything about making money to you? What about making decisions about what to do with our precious time on earth based on what is ethical, or what brings us joy?


Why don’t you show us how much money you’ve made?


I am not betting against human stupidity. Shorting a bad investment can also be a bad investment, at the end of the day, this is completely speculative, it's luck either way.


Let's say Bitcoin's price is a [beauty contest](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keynesian_beauty_contest).... Paraphrasing: >This idea is often applied in financial markets, whereby ~~investors~~ speculators could profit more by buying ~~whichever stocks~~ bitcoin that they think other ~~investors~~ speculators will buy, rather than ~~the stocks~~ *anything else* that has fundamentally the best value. Because when other people buy ~~a stock~~ bitcoin, they bid up the price, allowing an earlier ~~investor~~ speculator to cash out with a profit, regardless of whether the price increases are supported by its fundamentals. So, perhaps there are folks out there that don't find it agreeable to profit off of a later person. How awful.


ever since the runup stalled out this posts have been getting more and more boring.


2/10 repetitive and unimaginative


I can smell the desperation from here. They don't see you as a human being, they only see you as a commodity. You want exit liquidity, every single thread like this is the same. I'm sure you've tapped out your friends and families already with this "life changing financial opportunity." 🤣🤡🤣 The greed & fear index is at 86+. Sure let's all buy BTC now at $61K. /sarcasm. Have fun holding those bags.


Oh wow, another totally organic, definitely real account coming here to implore us to gamble in the casino that is totally unregulated and rigged.


Just because I think it's stupid doesn't mean the price won't keep going up. That's true with a lot of things e.g. over-hyped stocks, weird modern art, rare wines, etc. Dangerous game to short anything which rampant speculation can keep pushing up indefinitely.


You don't understand why we're not putting money in a financial system we don't trust? For real?


Another one of these fuckwits… Yawn


This is copy/pasted verbatim from the last 39 times this was posted


Everyone earns their dollar the way they deserve. I make money, but I choose to do that in an ethical way. 


Well for one I think its morally wrong to scam people. 


Few do


I just look at funny posts that show up on my feed, laugh, sometimes comment, and then look at other subreddits. I'm not here to throw my money anywhere. This is purely for entertainment. I don't know why this is so hard to comprehend but I guess if someone spends every hour of the day obsessing over bitcoin or whatevercoin then they assume others are doing the same thing?


Don't touch the poop


Don't worry, few understand. The missing piece of the puzzle is that we don't know what the price is going to do, so have no means of making money on it.




Oh, hey! You should make that its own post! We haven't seen nearly enough of that style of FOMO!


At least we have children, nothing clenches a woman's vagina as hard as talking to a cryptobro.


Wallstreetbets, pennystocks, bitcoin. You wouldn’t understand why people are against gambling. Good luck with your get rich quick schemes.