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You forgot >Spending so much time hating on something you dislike is a symptom of mental issues


Oh yes, along with my personal favorite "there are no other subreddits dedicated to disliking things"


The only reason I'm here is not because I want to talk bad about Bitcoin. I don't care about it at all. I just find the things that Bitcoiners write so absurd that I have to share my thoughts with normal people. Talking with them is like talking with a flat earther.


Yeah, it's like saying there shouldn't be anti-cult subreddits.


I pretty much never came here until all the pro Bitcoin people started brigading and posting ridiculous shit and now I check it at least twice a day. When it was all anti-crypto posts I didn't give a flying fuck lol.


I hope you stick around for the Penis days and the “Oops! All Rugpulls” cycle that is going to follow this pump phase. It’s gonna be absolutely hilarious.


As long as the hits keep coming I'm here


Yeah the three year long dry spell is finally behind us lol, this is when it gets fun.


I'm pretty sure there's a subreddit dedicated to disliking the Detroit Pistons - to whit, the Detroit Pistons subreddit.


There are subreddits that mock and dislike: meme stock holders; flat Earthers; anti-vaxxers; sovereign citizens; Donald Trump; shit-kicking Trump supporters; MLMs, etc.  I would be willing to bet there is a lot of overlap between these groups.


Just let it die/implode then, your post history is seriously worrying. You spend hours day hating on people. It's not good for your health, mental and physical. You ain't gonna sway anyone to or from crypto in an echo chamber. Off topic: your claims on ETF inflows being cancelled out by GBTC is wrong BTW.


It's fun to watch you crawl out of the walls like cockroaches whenever I insult your fake internet money 8B total inflows... Pathetic. How does it feel to fail so badly? You guys are an extension of incel culture. Worthless men


Well now you're just lying to yourself bud. 10 billion in 2 months, and "Most successful ETF launch of all time". And you can't cry Tether this time. I recommend pulling the plug on your Internet because bitcoin isn't going away.


8B in two months net. IBIT set a "record inflow" that was matched that day by a greater GBTC outflow. It's a pathetic amount of real money. Bitcoin died in 2022. This is a thin pump by tether. Looks at all these huge drops. Only a sign of what will come. Only true cultists can believe after any thought of utility or adoption died years ago.


I'm not speculating on spot price, but ETF volume and inflows are just getting started. They will ramp up when more platforms and wirehouses have access and the funds can be sold officially. It's not too late to just get some buddy, it might help your portfolio returns 👍


Don't you see how shallow this all is?! It will go up because everyone will buy it. Why would anyone buy this thing with no utility? Number has gone up so it will just go up forever? Gold is shit. Currencies are shit investments. 8B of inflows does not make a 1.3T market. It's a house of cards. Wake up


The utility is to escape endless debasement of fiat currency. To own something scarce and secure, that can't be taken away or debased. It's one of the few assets you can actually own. Some people see value in that. We are not the enemy. Yes it's volatile, but a new form of money monetizing from absolute zero is not going to be a smooth ride up. It's going to be riddled with uncertainty, resistance, attacks and hate, (case in point).


Nothing you've said is true. You can own things fine and have legal right to your property. The DoJ holds plenty of Bitcoin. Inflation is designed to keep money circulating. Scarcity itself is not important or valuable. Bitcoin isn't usable as money. It's a speculative funny money token. Look at the media environment - no one cares. The huge pump on little to no reason should be alarming. The whole thing is hollow hopium


They are all delusional freaks like this group. Seriously, get a life, all of you.


Spending so much time hating on something you dislike is a symptom of mental issues


I’ve been reading what you nutters post. Biggest load of nonsense. I see the same players saying the same stupid shit, over and over. You all are like an episode of Rod Serling’s Twilight Zone.


Spending so much time hating on something you dislike is a symptom of mental issues


It’s definitely not great for your health. Especially when this sub has been beating Bitcoin into the ground for multiple cycles and each time everything you all seem to think will happen doesn’t at all happen. The reason for this is you fundamentally do not understand the asset. It is the financial equivalent to the internet. It is completely decentralized and has no bias. Anyone can post something in a block as long as they pay the transaction fees. It’s accessible from anywhere you can get a cell signal or the internet, day or night. It is not racist(although racists can use it) it does not discriminate between a poor person using it or a rich person using it. It is secured by servers all around the planet rather than by guns and oil. It can be run off renewable power or dirty power. The point is it exists and it’s how we use it that you are mad about. If you don’t like it because of how humans are currently using it. Then help to change how humans are currently using it, because we aren’t going to stop using it. You all act like crime never existed before it, racism never existed, the planet wasn’t dying before it, when it wasn’t even up and running in 2008… it literally was turned on when Obama was in office…


But does it julienne fries?




Ah yes IT IS LIKE THE INTERNET that is a classic and I will add that. Good you have solved a problem that doesn't exist with money currently at the cost of the planet. Did you know there's an anonymous form of self custody that no one can take away from you and requires no internet? It's called cash


You think that there aren’t problems with our current money? 😵‍💫 And maybe it’s a classic because it’s accurate… https://youtu.be/KXIaILHl7Rg?si=pyvJhaHYMO7s0ka1 If you can actually stand to watch something you don’t agree with, this is a good explanation as to what Bitcoin is going through right now.


You fucking clown How do you pay your rent? Your groceries? Your bills? How do ALL economically significant transactions take place? Bitcoin adoption reflects it's utility. You can shove your crackhead YouTube sermons up your ass


Not that you will be open to hearing what the concept of infrastructure inversion is, but you might actually find it interesting. https://youtu.be/5ca70mCCf2M?si=GCSAkAZbXUWarB-i


>  The point is it exists and it’s how we use it that you are mad about. You don't use it though. None of you do. That's the point


If no one is using it then why are you mad about it? A store of value is a use. And the Bitcoin ledger is the most decentralized and secure network on the planet being used all the time, the transaction fees prove that. And guess what you have to pay the transaction fees in? bitcoin. So its use is actually to pay to use the network, which you can build applications on top of. https://youtu.be/5ca70mCCf2M?si=bwyb1whn_UwW4Do0


>  If no one is using it then why are you mad about it? Because it's hugely polluting and wasteful. Because it's a huge speculative bubble and traditionally when those have burst lots of vulnerable people lose a lot of money. Nothing you mentioned I'd a real world use case by the way. Store of value is just another way of saying speculatively gambling.  >So its use is actually to pay to use the network, which you can build applications on top of. Lol. You have absolutely nothing do you? Your one use case is speculation


Not to mention you don’t even know how to Reddit. You idiots downvote people because you don’t agree with them.


Spending so much time hating on something you dislike is a symptom of mental issues


I’m not hating. I don’t hate anyone or anything. I’m simply making observations


Spending so much time hating on something you dislike is a symptom of mental issues


Repeating the same stupid thing over and over does not make it right, it makes you appear insane


Spending so much time hating on something you dislike is a symptom of mental issues


This. As they hate on anyone else investing in anything other than PooCoin, PedoCoin, JizzCoin etc. They actually think that there is absolutely no other way whatsoever to make money apart from Coin Shilling.


He forgot Remilio. I don't know what Remilio is but I sure saw it a lot.


You also forget becoming weirdly religious and connecting Bitcoin to some bizarre version of Christianity.


Oh yes "perfect" "immutable" "unchangeable" Code as God


You forgot “if you hate it so much, why don’t you short it”




"It will actually save electricity and reduce global warming." - they actually say this.


"It is helping to stabilize the power grid in Texas."


Oh yeah I've encountered this, it's incredible. Guys are practicing The Big Lie. It's so 1984


"You're all just bitter because if you'd bought bitcoin X years ago, you'd be millionaires by now. You missed your chance. Please ignore that I bought in at 56k a few weeks ago."


Yes lol and the variant: "If you bought Bitcoin when this sub was founded instead of complaining you would have 1000000% returns"


How do you know deflation is so bad if we've never tried it?!? What do you mean no use case? How about banking the unbanked? It is gambling just like the stock market is gambling.


Oh yes definitely forgot about the whataboutism. Everything on earth just exists because we "believe" in it so as long as we all "believe" in bitcoin we are set!


It can't be a negative sum game because price always go up!


That's what I got from my crypto 'investing' relative. For him, putting money into crypto is just the same as broad index funds or bonds where 'you could lose it anyway'. It's like saying you could die anyway whether choosing to lie in bed or base jump with no chute.


>How do you know deflation is so bad if we've never tried it?!? Have we tried sitting one of them down and forcing them to read an economics and/or history textbook?


You HAVE to watch AmericanScreams episode about the buttpump conference in Miami. There was an "aspiring sovereign individual" spinning his wheels about children having rainbow flags and... being vaccinated (the horror!!1) and he also whined about THE FIAT CARTEL while shilling his book. According to this narcissistic loser, there is one economic textbook that everyone used and it's written by The Fiat Cartel. And you only get to call yourself an economist if you agree with The Fiat Cartel. And buttcoin is so much better because reasons now please buy my book because I know everything better than those smelly eckshpurts and muh fiat cartel. The Fiat Cartel. THE FIAT CARTEL!!!1


Fiat cartel. Good Lord... Like, I wish the powers in the world like the Fed, the UN, the CIA were ever half as competent as the conspiradorks think they are.


Needs numbers so they can act like CZ 4!


CZ is their God. It's weird.


Like middle aged pyramid schemers worshipping the 19yo daughter of the head schemer. It's so strange and kinda creepy.


- I would be rich (if I sold)


Yes! But I'm going to hold forever as a hedge against fed dollar debasement!!! The US dollar is in free fall!!!


Don't forget "it's just like stocks" either


>I've made SO MUCH MONEY but I need to post constantly about it because it's actually $300 in unrealized gains Lol killed me there


I was laughing at Byzantine Generals!!!


Is the reason you don't have a founder and thusly no name, is it because he is a shill?


they should pin this post to the pro crypto subs so as to help those guys with their spelling and grammar when they feel moved to post here


They never give the most compelling point: computer money = lambo.


You should add in some of the new slang. Retardio is popular on ct


wait, you can't smell them? was i the only one?


This is Tom Cruise and I approve of Bitcoin. Have fun staying poor. #Scientology






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Some of these talking points seem like fair points. I guess you could inoculate yourself to all of them, but then you'd be a closed-minded idiot. As we hit all time highs, I was curious what the "cope" would be here.


Ah yes I should open my mind to fake internet money. How enlightened you are


Seems you have your own talking points. At least I can trade my "fake internet money" for fiat money, aka money back by nothing as well. Except I have a whole lot more than you.


Yes I'm poor! So poor!!! Should never have gone to medical school I should have read books about not understanding inflation


Enjoy your debt while AI replaces most of your specialities. Speaking of fake internet something, congrats on such a popular post on the internet. Your parents must be so proud of all the validation you got today from strangers. Must beat having money that doesn't come from the gov't or your parents. Ps. doctors are notoriously shitty at business.


I cry myself to sleep every night. If only I had invested in fake internet money!!! I might have been something!!!


Next time you're filling out red-tape insurance bullshit instead of actually helping someone, know that today alone I made more from Bitcoin than you'll make the rest of the year. And what's w/ the repetition? Oh, yeah, a dumb doctor who only got where he is b/c of memorization. Enjoy being a white-collar wage slave while I go to my athletic club and chill.


Lmaoooooooo Yes I'm sure you're retired with millions which is why you come over to Buttcoin to gloat on your way to the country club! If only I had THE GENIUS to see THIS MOST PERFECT MONEY THAT HAS REVOLUTIONIZED OUR LIVES


Brigading is not an issue. Mods of crypto subs are well aware that Reddit has an eye on that problem, it's not even allowed to create posts about your sub. It's people like me who are checking in once in a while to see how happy you are when prices drop or how salty when prices are at a new ATH again. It shows in this post too lol


People are salty about scammer pitching obvious scams to people


Why even waste time hating on it instead of enjoying something you actually like? Is there really that little going on in your life?


Lol yes classic. "Why hate on the cult of fraud and pollution? Why not leave them in peace?!"


"Why do you hate MLMs so much? You just hate women being empowered! If you dont like it just ignore it!!1" Buttcoin really is Mary Kay for men. The exact same stupid talking points that pyramid schemers love to throw at anyone who asks questions like "if NeTwOrK mArKeTiNg empowers women then why are they all broke useless losers when the pyramid is done with them?"


Double irony that you're here to post this then!


I don't hate you guys at all I just have a curiosity looking at the logic of people on the wrong side of history 😂🤣


Well it's been 15 years and I've never been wrong yet!


Oh yeah that's a good one, I hope OP adds it


Save us the repetition as well: * Tether = BTC price manipulation * No intrinsic value * Mocking "wE aRe sTiLl eArLy" followed by saying this bear market is different, it'll never recover, and it'll DEFINITELY never touch ATH's again * "We hate it because we care that people are losing money" yet laugh when the price tanks during bear markets * "There's no use case"/"Bitcoiners are overblowing the inflation issue" then when people from Nigeria/Venezuela who are experiencing hyperinflation comment on here, giving them asinine advice like investing in US securities despite not having a reliable entry-point * "sEvEn TpS" despite Lightning Network existing * "It's a unregistered security" despite SEC saying it's a commodity


Looks like it touched the ATH then took a big shit lol Every market in the world has access to better investments than Bitcoin Lightning network usage is falling lmao because it's shit and Bitcoin is just a gambling token for idiots Love the constant cope of "my use case lives in a different country"


>"It's a unregistered security" despite SEC saying it's a commodity This just has so much Alex Jones "You can't trust the mainstream media"..."It's in all the papers folks!" energy. I am glad the US Securities and Exchange Commission is giving your unregulatable, distributed and stateless currency an air of legitimacy. Pick a side.


> people from Nigeria/Venezuela who are experiencing hyperinflation comment on here Example? 


You guys all go around proclaiming yourselves captains of industry; what is the name of your founder? edit: So you really didn't put a lot of thinking in your parody called rumpcoin.


Here's the thing: It's not standard to have a cult leader.


It’s perfectly fine to call Bitcoin a sham and acknowledge people making money from it at the same time. Just stumbled upon this sub a day or so ago and the salt and gloating on both sides cracks me up.


Why would a scam be ok? A scam that produces billions of tons of e-waste and CO2? That helps criminals, Hamas and North Korea? Bitcoin is contemptible. We mock the participants because it's a stupid pump and dump controlled by fraudsters that only an idiot could fall for but don't think it's "harmless". It causes plenty of harm.


Jeez, you not only drank from the punch bowl but took an iv of it.


Oh yes all criticism is invalid because I have such heavy bags


I didn’t need your buzz word filled response on crypto. I’m in no way a supporter of it myself but you people sound like a political debate between extremist sides.


"Buzz word" lol. It's a zero sum game designed to extract money from the stupid to the more sophisticated. There is no "both sides". Crypto is a flaming pile of shit. You sound just like a so called "moderate". The Republicans want to ban abortion, ban homosexuality, and install Christian nationalism but OH BOTH SIDES BAD. No one respects your bitch ass fence sitting.


Again, your salty echo chamber response is an example of what cracks me up about this sub.


Go fuck off and buy Bitcoin then. See how that works out


I do have a small amount I’ve been holding onto a while. I’ll go sell it for the small gain I have and you can continue your daily negativity posting in this echo chamber sub.


"Both sides are crazy" "Actually I have crypto" So you're not neutral you're just another sucker handing over your cash. Noted


Well yeah, it’s possible to make money from bitcoin. It’s also possible to go to Vegas and come out ahead but that doesn’t make it a viable investment strategy.


If I see a valuable position in stocks I’d buy it, if I see a solid money line I’ll place a wager, if I’m smart enough to take advantage of a cryptocurrency pattern I don’t mind throwing money into it.


The money people are making in Buttcoin comes from other people getting scammed. Some old lady is eating cat food tonight because an asshat on the internet convinced her to take out a reverse mortgage and dump it all into a shitcoin. Good for you though. Have a laugh.


Really… you really think there’s a large elderly population who actually knows how to buy Bitcoin and is now eating cat food bc of it. I’m not laughing that I made money, I’m laughing at this sub that sounds like a flat earth society.