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+1 Baratza Encore Their motto “don’t dump it, fix it!” is exactly what BIFL is about.


My Encore just quit working. I emailed them and they sent me info on diagnosing the issue, which I did. It's the motor. They are shipping me a replacement motor free of charge. Honestly, they have the best customer service I've experienced in recent memory.


god damn thats sweet! Do you share the registration/ serial number of the unit? A friend is selling her Encore but I am not sure if they will honor any repairs if I send them. Dont think even has her bill anywhere around.


I shared the serial number. It’s been long enough that I no longer had the proof of purchase. Their customer service is legendary.


Glad to hear a good recent experience with their CS. They were bought out recently and I was worried their service would decline


How in the world do you keep it clean? Every time I grind static cling makes a mess of ground beans all over the counter


I read a tip somewhere to add a few drops of water to the beans before you grind, and then the static is not there. Works like a charm for us!


Get a spray bottle, like one for cologne/perfume and spritz your beans when measuring out your dose. Makes it coat more evenly and quickly.


Just let it sit for a few minutes or stir with a metal spoon.


I had this forever too and it drove me mad. Then I switched from mass produced beans to local beans and had no more static or “fines”. Must be how they’re manufactured? Give that a shot. Letting the beans sit for a min or two after grinding helped to a lesser degree, also stirring them with a metal fork.


Do you have to measure beans every time or does it do portioned grinds from a hopper like the OXO? 


Out of the box you’ll need to measure the beans or set a timer. You can “mod” it to have a timed switch as well for like $12 with a part directly from baratza.


Oh that’s awesome! I just stand there and count like a simpleton! I’m going to have to go look for that!


Nice! I didn't realize you could add that in! 


I wish my fiancé would like coffee a bit to actually want to grind some so I could buy her this. In the one that makes her fancy coffees but I don’t like coffee myself.


This. It is not under $100 (at least not in Canada), but well worth it.


Aren’t flat burr grinders preferred over conical burrs?


Yes, but op has a budget.


Second this, get the ESP version if you can/need.


Hey, that's the one I finally bought! So far I love it. I didn't know that was their motto. I also didn't know you have to clean them occasionally ... that fine leftover coffee powder does get stuck in the crevices over time.


Another vote for the Baratza. I think they are over $100, however.


I have it and it’s nice. But I also had a krups cheapie for ten years before that - upgraded for consistency and grind selection rather than durability. Coffee snobs call those cheapies “spice grinders” and I was hoping it would make a change I could taste. Tbh can’t, the cheapie krups tastes the same and I could buy a dozen of them for the same price. On balance, pretty sure I lost money for not a lot of gain. But I have a basic palate and make cheap bean drip coffee.


Yea probably not gunna make a huge difference if you have cheaper beans and it’s through a drip machine. I have an espresso machine and use quality beans, and it would certainly not work with a flat blade grinder.


Yeah I need a pot of Don Francisco every day or I start climbing the walls. Actually have an espresso machine sitting in storage, maybe I should dust it off and see if I can taste the difference there.


This makes total sense. I also have a Krups cheapie and it’s great at what it does, which in my case is grinding for the drip coffee machine. It also seems to be invulnerable, so it’s got that going for it (it actually went through a full dishwasher cycle once, and still grinds like a champ). I use my Encore for espresso as I do need a more consistent grind for that.


If you're okay with hand grinding, get the 1zpresso JX-Pro. I've used it twice a day for about 4 years straight. Dropped it on hard floors many times and haven't had a single issue with it. Can grind for anything from cold brew to proper espresso with very precise adjustments.


This is surprisingly the only good answer here. But a caveat is, how do you like your coffee and what kind of coffee do you like, OP? And do you expect to be wanting to delve deeper into the subject of coffee? Don’t get a grinder with blades or ceramic burrs. Get conical or flat steel burrs. Hand grinders are the only truly BIFL option, due to electronics not really being a BIFL category. Look into the cheaper 1ZPresso Q models or the new cheaper Kingrinder P models ( there’s plenty of YouTube reviews online). These grinders have really good value and provide a quality consistent grind, plus you can take them travelling as well. Yes, hand grinding is not for everyone, but some of the larger models (i own a 1zPresso K-Plus) grind much quicker due to the larger burrs and are super easy to adjust and dial in, too. One last piece of advise: whatever grinder you get, consider getting one that does a decent job all the way down to espresso and all the way up to French press and cold brew, because your coffee preferences might change over time and then you have the right equipment to experiment with different brewing techniques.


This is the answer I was too lazy to type. Well said. JX-pro would definitely be overkill if you're only ever gonna drink drip.


Only note I’d add here is that if you’re mainly an espresso drinker, just keep in mind you’ll need a good amount of strength to grind your beans. I have a JX-Pro and tried making espresso once and was surprised by how much force it required. Most people probably don’t want to do that first thing in the morning. But I suppose it makes sense with how fine it needed to be ground. Maybe it was just the beans I was grinding, I only tested that batch. For coarser grinds like pour overs, it does a great job. I ended up getting a Baratza Encore ESP for this which has been mentioned a bunch already. Not as BIFL as the hand grinder but still pretty good for electric grinders.


finding hand grinding first thing in the morning a nice part of the routine. 


or timemore - They are sturdy. been using them for 2 years - every day.


Baratza Encore - It's a little bit more expensive than you listed, but this will last a lifetime. Any parts can easily be replaced and it has a rock solid warranty. I worked at a coffee supplier for 3 years and we put pounds of coffee through that grinder every day and it never missed a beat.


I've had a Baratza for about 7 years now, they're great. The motor being easily replaced was what made me feel not terrible about paying for it.




I mean that’s true of any motor




Not at this price point


I don't really see how anything could go wrong with this thing besides the motor eventually burning up. BIFL to me also means easy to replace the parts that are going to wear out at some point. I doubt I'll ever need to replace the motor, but at any rate I bet I have this grinder the rest of my life.


My Encore motor just went out and they are sending me a replacement free of charge.


That's what we have and it's fantastic.


This. Have had mine for 4 years with no issues.


Is it quiet?


Lol no, loud as fuck and takes a long time - I had to switch up my order of operations to set it grinding first while I fill and pour water, etc. Pretty sure my neighbors hate it. But a very consistent and delectable grind.


I upgraded the burr with the M2 version Baratza puts in their more expensive grinders and now it grinds quicker and makes considerably less noise. I get way less fines in my grind too 


*side-eyes my 3 foot tall commercial grinder* How deep do you want to go down this rabbit hole? Honestly, for a hundred bucks it's basically an Encore or a hand grinder.


If you really can't go to the 150 mark, I recommend a capresso burr grinder that you should be able to find under 100. It basically takes the good parts that make a quality grinder and simplifies it to a basic setup. It won't be as good as a grinder that feeds grounds vertically (can clog or you have to shake/tilt it to get all the grounds out) but I had one and loved it. Not BIFL, but decent quality when I started my coffee hobby. the plastic bowl would crack on me though. Just make sure you stay with something that has a conical burr. Even quality flat cutters aren't as good as conical IMO.


I've had a Capresso burr grinder for probably 15 or 20 years now, and have used it pretty much every single day during that time with no issues. No cracks in the plastic, although you're right that you have to shake/tap it to get all of the grounds out. Hard to say if they're still made with the same quality - IIRC I paid \~100 for it almost 20 years ago, so with inflation, it's possible that the current \~100 dollar version isn't as well made.


I have mine packed in the garage as a spare lol. I never actually got rid of it because it still works. It was all the plastics and switches that kind of had issues. Probably manufactured around 2010-2015.


OXO Coffee grinder has been great for me. Bit loud but they’re all loud to a degree…


This [OXO Grinder](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07CSKGLMM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1) works great at the top of the budget. I've used it for four years. With occasional cleaning, it should last a while.


Yep, OXO daily for years, like at least 5 years. Seems to still work great. We use it on nearlty the finest setting.


Mine has been flawless for six years. I use the coarsest setting for cold brew, and the middle setting for French press.


Love my OXO grinder, it's been a workhorse for a few years now with 0 issues - best option in your price range, imo. You'll see a jump in quality if you go higher, but sub $100 I don't think any non-hand grinder beats it


I love my OXO, and it portions a grind from the hopper which, apparently, a lot of grinders don't do? I'm way too lazy to measure my beans every time lol


They say the key to superior coffee is to use a Burr mill grinder. I think they only come in a higher quality


If it's "a few times a week" and reasonable quantities, Porlex manual grinders have been great for me. They use ceramic burrs. I've had mine for over 10y and it's still doing its job. And you can find replacement parts to fix them if you manage to break the ceramic (a violent drop/shock can cause that).


I love my rocky


Me too. Mine is 19 years old. But it was like $280 back then. Maybe I’ll have to replace the burrs at some point.


Hard agree. There are heaps on the second-hand market and the burr plates are cheap and easy to replace.


We got the kitchen aid but grinder and use it every day and it has been flawless and much quieter than any other grinder I’ve ever used. It is mostly static free but if you end up with a little static there are two metal pins where the grids come out- qtip and some alcohol to clean them and it’s back to 100% in a few minutes- the manual doesn’t tell you that at all I had to hunt for a solution. I’d definitely buy it again. Bonus is ours matches out mixer and looks great on the counter


I’ve had this for 20 years with no problems.


Also use my kitchen aid burr grinder every day. I love that I have the grind and time dialed in for a full pot so it's idiot proof to get the tight amount. Also, very quiet for a grinder. Thanks for the static control fix!


It bugged me a bunch when it first happened because it was supposed to be static free- but it makes sense that the oils from the coffee would need to be cleaned on occasion. For us it’s about once every 4-5 months I’d guess that I need to clean it


I have a Bodum grinder I got on sale at target for like 20 bucks. It’s lasted 8 years so far, no issues. I like things as simple as possible. I suspect it will last my whole life, or at least another 8 years. Would love an antique glass bodied hand grinder though.


Don't mean to get too off topic, but is there any consensus on whether virtuoso is worth it over encore? It's counterintuitive, but I'm leaning virtuoso because I'm somewhat casual and want the timer to avoid measuring. I also see people recommending to upgrade the encore burr, but at that point you are almost paying for virtuoso anyway.


If you like the timer, then get the Virtuoso. I single dose every time so I preferred the on/off switch of my Encore and upgraded the burrs to the M2 inside the Virtuoso. Would highly recommend whichever of those options fits your workflow the best. I upgraded just this week to the Fellow Ode 2 but most people should be very happy with the budget Baratza offerings. 


I was shopping hand held burr grinders last night, with prices from $30 to $160. Might be worth a try.


I borrowed my moms antique hand crank one and it never made it back home lol. Been using it for the last 10 years no issues and who knows how old it really is.


We’ve used the Kitchenaid coffee grinder for years with no issues.


If you already have a Kitchenaide mixer, I am very happy with the coffee grinder attachment and would recommend it. I got one off of Amazon for $70 and it works great. I didn’t want a separate appliance, and to be able to use something I already have to power it with was nice.


Probably is not available in the US since no one mentioned but Comandante C40 is the best coffee grinder ever and it’s indeed a buy it for life product https://www.comandantegrinder.com/


The grinder is more important than the coffee machine. I would get a Breville Smart Grinder. Keep saving until you can. It's not worth rushing into something that isn't fit for purpose.


I have a Krups OneTouch I got from Goodwill 11 years ago. I use it daily and it works just as well as the day I got it - probably just as well as the day the original owner bought it.


You’re not going to get a bifl for $100. Not even a hand grinder. If you’re not using it that often, buy small batches from local roasters and have them grind it to the coarseness you prefer (cold brew is usually a very coarse grind). A good bifl grinder will start at $300. I am a big fan of fellow ode grinders. They’re excellent and easy to maintain, clean, replace/align burrs yourself.


Had a Kitchenaid going on 20 years…it can be done.


Your $100 budget isn't really BIFL. r/GoodValue would be the most suitable subreddit. That being said, an ideal choice for you should be the [Baratza Encore](https://www.baratza.com/en-us/product/encoretm-zcg485) at $149.95. It has 40 individual grind settings (including a coarser grind for cold brew\*) and uses 40mm Conical Steel burrs with manual dosing. 1 year manufacturer's warranty in the USA. Baratza claims the Encore should last 10 years with typical residential usage. Failing that, [they seem quite good about offering spare parts](https://www.baratza.com/en-us/landing/product/parts). \*[Tony's Coffee recommends any setting from 35-40 for cold brew](https://www.tonyscoffee.com/brewguides/cold-brew/), although they prefer #40.


Hario Skerton, if you don’t mind manual.


Anyone have experience with the new grinder from Mochamaster?


Far from $100


I've also heard good things about the Baratza Encore, though it's $150. I've been using a KitchenAid Pro ginder daily for about twenty years, but sadly, it's been discontinued. But I see both available used on Facebook Marketplace for about $110. (I'm in Denver.)


Following recommendations on here or r/espresso for a decent entry/mid level burr grinder, I got a fairly new Ibertal MC2 secondhand for around about your budget. It is not easily adjustable, so it's not really suitable if you're going to want different degrees of fineness/coarsenes, but I only really make espresso based drinks, so it suits my needs perfectly. It takes a while to get it dialed in, but once you have, it is regular and very reliable. A case of set it and forget it. I've used it daily for about the last 8 or 9 years together with an old Gaggia Classic which I got from a thrift store/charity shop for about $20/£15! As a set-up it's not super fancy, but it totally exceeded my initial expectations, and I couldn't go back now if I wanted to.


Just adding to the chorus here, but if you want something near to a BIFL grinder, it's Baratza. Something broke? No worries; that part is replaceable...


Buy a Rancillio Rocky second-hand. They are cheap and produce a great grind (flat burr). The burr plates can be easily replaced and you are good to go for another 10+ years.


The timemore c2 is a manual grinder and an absolute beast. I opted manual because of size of my kitchen.




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Have had the cheapest Mr Coffee model since I was in college (18 yrs ago) and it’s had nearly daily use! Looks like it’s $20 now on Amazon.


My capresso infinity weighs a ton and has lasted for almost 10 years so far..


Been using an electric Krup grinders for years.


I think another good one other than the Baratza Encore is the OXO conical burr grinder.


I have a $20 Cuisinart I’ve been using daily for 12 years.


I have a DeLonghi burr grinder that’s held up to daily, heavy use since 2008. The labels have worn off over time, but apart from that it works amazingly. I love it. I’m an insufferable coffee snob also. Unfortunately, I’ve looked and that model no longer seems to be made, so I can’t vouch for the currently available ones. FWIW though!


I’ve been using the cuisinart burr grinder for about 9 years. As long as you clean it semi regularly, it is great.


I have the mochamaster blade one and have been using it for 10 years there is no need to replace burs either. It sounds like your standing next race track when you use it.


Ditto the Baratza. My husband and I have owned a coffee company for 40 years and this is a great grinder for home consumers. It should meet all your needs.


I have a really old wooden one, maybe 40 years old or something. It wasnt' cheap at the time I think it was £50 or something but it's worked perfect every day since. I wouldn't spend a fortune on a coffee grinder, there is this the KinGrinder P1 that is cheap and works and doesn't suck. It got a good review from Hoffman for what that's worth? What more do you want?


Ha ha I think $100 is cheap for a good quality coffee grinder. So you wouldn’t like my recommendation


I've had the oxo conical burr. I bought it at a discounted rate from BB&B 6 years ago. It is used consistently and still going strong!


My Black & Decker grinder has been with me for almost 10 years and shows no signs of stopping


We’ve been very happy with this one from Costco [https://www.costco.com/capresso-metal-die-cast-housing-conical-burr-coffee-grinder.product.11378793.html](https://www.costco.com/capresso-metal-die-cast-housing-conical-burr-coffee-grinder.product.11378793.html)


OXO "Conical Burr Coffee Grinder" $99 Great feature: batch size and grind are set once, and then you turn it on with a single big ass button.


I would invest more than 100$ in a decent coffee grinder. Plus: a lot of problems are caused by the coffee u grind. Especially when there r little stones in it. Which there r constantly. At the price point u suggest a good brand is Rommelsbacher. I myself would invest in a pro grinder were u probably only have to buy new grinder disks if necessary


I was using encore before switching to commandante since it is more capable for making espresso. Encore serves me well, but don’t forget to clean the burrs monthly on monthly basis and the frequency also depends on the roast level of your beans.


I've had a basic red Kitchenaid coffee grinder for over 20 years. I can't even find an image of the model. Deep stainless cup with a plastic lid that fits over the whole cup and you have to push down pretty hard on the top of the lid to make it run. Holding it the whole time since pressing it down also makes a seal to prevent the grounds from being spun out of the cup. I can find one ebay listing for it. Seems like it only existed for a red hot minute in the early 2000s.


I'll mimic others, the Baratza Encore is great. 100% user serviceable, you can practically buy all the parts for one off their website and assemble it yourself. I got mine used off eBay for $100, but they occasionally have refurbished units on their website for less than MSRP, especially now that they released a new version of the Encore.


I get vintage Braun on eBay 80s or earlier. It’s not a burr grinder though.


We’ve had Mueller Austria for 4 years now and it’s worked very well.


For what it’s worth, we go through coffee fast enough to have our local coffee shop grind it for us. We keep it in an airtight container on the counter. The Bunn grinders at the coffee shop will typically do better than any at home grinder, and an airtight container is pretty cheap. Of course, this is a specificuse case, and we are lucky enough to have a coffee shop that will grind our beans for us


It’s my understanding and belief that air tight containers are insufficient for coffee freshness for coffee snobs. Even vacuum sealed is insufficient compared to immediately freshly ground.


For snobs maybe, but even James Hoffman grinds his the night prior for his daily morning drip. I’ve found the freshness is ~80% for zero grinder maintenance and zero room taken up on the counter. I spent the money saved on a moccamaster and I’m not looking back lol


For filter-coffee or espresso? My Wilfa hasn't been around for so very long, but it is promising and isn't showing any signs of weakness (yet). Might be a little more than your budget. https://wilfa.com/products/svart-aroma (It's for filter-coffee and espresso.)


I have had my wilfa for 10+ years. It’s good enough for filter coffee but not espresso.


I have been using the amazon $15 coffee grinder once a day for about a year. No issues.


I've posted mine here twice and get downvoted to hell because it's not fancy enough. Lasts forever. Sorry, can't have it because it doesn't produce a high enough quality grind for the coffee snobs even though it lasts 20 years (I'm on my 2nd in 30 years).


I'll bite- what kind of grinder do you use? (I'm not a grinder snob.)


just a simple KRUPS F203 for $20, I bought my last one in 2018 and the prior one was around 1990. We use it daily. 20+ years is BIFL.. ..and the original one actually never died... it just got duller and slower until we couldn't stand it.


Upvote for simplicity. We had a Krups that lasted forever, too, like literally decades.