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This makes it sound like you dropped an urn on it


My first thought, too…: “What the fuck are ‘grandma particles’???”


a reset of the clock so the alarm doesn't go off at 4:30


Ground from a grandma mill


You dropped an urn on me Baby


Every good thread needs a Gap Band reference


Yes, i mean dust.


That is *not* what we understood


The model is ge 7-4624b for anyone who want to know. There is also the ge 7-4634 which is a little more fancy.


Or ol' gran was instantly vaporized near this clock.


I had a similar one that I cleaned up and got working. I had it in my kitchen, and one day I came home late and the radio was playing even though the radio switch was in the "off" position. I tried to fix it, but that radio just refused to turn off lol


I had a similar thing happen with a clock radio, though not one as old as the OP's. I ended up cutting the wire to the speaker and now it's just a clock, no longer a radio. It's in my kid's room since he doesn't need an alarm clock for a few more years.


Was it definitely 100% the radio you were hearing? Or was it catching the aetherial vibrations of the land's past occupants?


I had one of those too. But mine would stop. And randomly go off again later 😂 it was either haunted or broken, not sure which 😂


Bought mine in 1981 for college, and it’s on my dresser now. Still working.


Picture please?


Nothing can wake a person from a dead sleep in such a violent way as the sound from this alarm clock. I would wake up from across the house when my dad’s would go off. You wake in a full-blown panic with this thing.


Why didn’t he just set it to radio alarm


Irregular hours and zero tolerance for sleeping in.


I can hear this picture


It’s probably been about thirty years, but I can hear that goddamned alarm like it was just this morning.




I heard that. And I had the same visceral reaction as when that same sound was in a TV commercial -- like an immediate "oh fuck!" of the dread of getting up and going to work.


It’s the best at what it does, I made it my phones alarm to -actually- get my ass out of bed. Best part is that this was always my DADs alarm clock so I just heard this goddamned thing for years from the OTHER room every morning at 6. 😆


I had one of those and I regret giving it to goodwill. I got rid of it because the red lights tormented me when I had insomnia, especially when I knew I had to get up early. The radio reception was amazingly good, considering its all self contained.


That’s a great one! I lost one of these during a move. I found several on eBay and had considered picking one up. I had this one through late elementary school I’d say.


Those things go for like 150 on ebay. Tried to buy my old Sony clock radio to replace it after losing it during a.move.


Looking at a listing for this model: $18.99 Needs cleaning.


We're still rocking our 1983 Magnavox clock radio.




Holy crap, I had the same alarm clock for close to 25 years. Parents bought it for me in 1st grade, used daily thru elementary, middle school, high school, and college. I remember laying in bed and hearing about 9-11 as I woke up on the West Coast. Gradually replaced it with my cell phones alarm sometime in the 2010's.


sister had one like that and I had one that was a little more kind of boxy looking like a square cross section across width and height. I think if we still had them, they'd still work. But we don't. I managed to find out usually that the clock's battery backup was dead after a storm and not getting up on time, but TBF, android seems to update fairly often and not have the alarm on by default when I wake up. Same effect except android updates are probably just for the benefit of google or whoever extracting even more data from us.


May also be foreign to people, but we used to actually listen to terrestrial radio on these things at night, too. Zeppelin o'clock was 10pm every night as I was going to bed to catch the early jr high and HS bus. Folks my age (middle aged now) may remember when you'd listen to the radio and hear people you knew call in once in a while.


Or fall asleep listening to the end of the ballgame.


yes. I don't even know if baseball is on the radio now. you have to pay cable to see it (or mlb paid subscription) even though the facilities are paid for with public dollars. Stupid.


Lol literally the 2nd thing this sub has posted in the past 48 hours that I’ve also owned. Sold mine at a garage sale years ago though, and it was a darker stain on the wood veneer.


This clock lives in my bedroom and has woken me up every school and work day since 1992. I found a second one at a flea market which now lives under my living room tv


I used one of those for years when a friend left it at my place after spending the night for a few nights. I had an expensive Bose Wave Radio that would crescendo on as not to startle you when the alarm went off and you could turn it off with the remote control. That feature caused me to sleep in too many times. I used this radio with the immensely loud and annoying buzzer as an alarm clock and never slept in again while I still had it.


Pretty sure my mom has used this alarm clock since the late 70’s


Pictures you can hear. That buzzer could wake the dead.


I have this exact same model sitting on my nightstand. It's literally the only appliance that has survived the last 5 moves intact. During the last move, it started to downpour as we were unloading/organizing stuff and the old GE clock radio somehow got forgotten on the ground outdoors. It sat out there for 4-5 hours in the rain. The speaker and circuit board got absolutely soaked. Later that night, I found it, brought it inside, then hit the guts with a blow dryer. After a few minutes of blow drying, it powered right on and for some inexplicable reason even had better sound quality. It was one of my biggest "WTF" moments with any electronic device. I have a feeling this thing will outlive me.


My mom might still have this


Got the same one in my garage at the moment!


I bought the exact same clock in 1990 It was still going strong when I lost it in a fire in 2009




This is cool!


is that real wood ?🥹




I literally have this on my nightstand


Was your grandma in that Spielberg War of the Worlds movie or something?


I love the smell when it's getting pretty warm. MMmmm ozone. I can feel those buttons, lol.


Used to get these as a gift when you opened a bank account.


I love old clocks like these. I have a couple that are going strong


I have this exact one, it was my grandfather. I use it everyday


Why on earth would you voluntarily submit yourself to this alarm clock? Just seeing this picture has brought back traumatizing memory of the air raid sound this god awful device from hell made the morning after it's red, beady eyes gazed into my soul as I slept.


I used to have this clock :(


I have the same one from grand-father it still buzz loud enough for everybody in the house


My Dad had one of these when I was growing up on his bed side table and will never forget the alarm tone. Can you still buy these?


How amazing that it still works.


My parents had this when I was a kid. My dad would sleep through the alarm but it would wake up the entire house.


Forgive my ignorance, is it a battery powered Radio?


That thing will outlast humanity


I had the same one for many years. Unfortunately it became unreliable after spilling a glass of water on it. Alarm like an air raid siren. I miss that alarm clock.


Last time I saw a radio was when I was a little kid.


No cigarette burn on the speaker grill? I'm calling this a replica.


Alarm went off as usual. Got up, showered, dressed, Wah? Still dark. Wah? Looked at another clock and - - it's 3 AM. The time set buttons on this clock are unprotected and I guess the cat walked across it during the night.


Had this exact same clock. Still worked perfectly fine after 30 years (can't for the life of me remember why I got rid of it now....)


That thing woke me up for the better part of a decade and a half. I can still hear it in my nightmares.


Made to last Jesus


The digital one? Meh.