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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Get her spayed, otherwise it wont stop💀




I dont want to get her spayed until she is a littler older. She is a purely indoor cat with only female siblings so there is no risk of her having kittens.


Each heat cycle increases her risk of mammary and ovarian cancer. After two heat cycles her chances of getting cancer raise by 25%.


Yep. My cat… my soulmate… I had her for 16 years and she died a couple of years ago from a malignant and rapidly spreading mammary cancer (granted I had her fixed young,) but it was NOT fun. I 0/10 recommend taking ANY CHANCES on that. Please get her spayed. Witnessing cancer in an animal that can’t be treated is pure torture for both animal and the human.


I got it, Friday Feb 23rd my little girl is gonna be spayed, rabies, and the distemper vaccine. Thank you for this information so I can help my baby live a long life… here’s us gettin a nap in! https://preview.redd.it/5srewr0sh0bc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a14202feb5b17a4d67ee746c9d08e319d8ce209c


Aw so sweet. Looks like my girl that I have right now. You’re welcome! Well deserved nap


Omg this comment… it made me cry and hurry over to my apl site to get my baby girl the closest available appt. I had no idea about this. I’m brand new to being a kitty mom. My babies were born in may… she hasn’t had a heat cycle yet but I’m terrified of it happening now. I hope I can get her in before it happens. Here I was worried about my boy being neutered and I should have been getting my girl in. She’s my heart and soul - I couldn’t imagine having something this awful happen to her.


I’m sorry. It is pretty rare but I was one of the unlucky ones. I gave her the absolute best care and she was very loved. I’m glad you’re going to take care of yours. It’s definitely worth it. I’ve been a cat owner for roughly 25 years and only saw the cancer once but one time was enough


Man, I’m sorry it had to happen to you. It sounds just so awful. Ive been a cat lover for a long time but this is my first time being a cat mom myself. I was just gonna get the one, which was her. But my girl and I made a decision that we were going to get one of her brothers too because we didn’t want her to be bored all alone while we work all day. So now we have her and her closest brother (which there were four and they’re all, all black).


Yes, absolutely this. Get her fixed.


Don't forget pyometra, too.


THANKBYOU iv been screaming this and people never know about the ovarian cancer


After each heat cycle you lose 25% of the protective benefits from mammary cancer. After 3 heat cycles, spaying has no protective benefit against mammary cancer (still lots of other benefits!)


any medical issues about male cats?


For male cats they have an increased risk of testicular cancer and UTI if they aren’t fixed. There’s also hormonal/behavioral reasons that make it very beneficial to do, like it’s very common for males to spray around the house, act aggressively, or try to get outside and roam to mate if they aren’t fixed.


She will perpetually try to escape when she is in heat, it happens to a lot of people


OP I'm backing up the comment below. My kitty didn't get fixed until she was probably close to 2. (I was very young, naive & parents were also naive, eventually they got her spayed). She developed a mammary tumor (breast cancer) when she was about 13. I made the decision to proceed with surgery and it was expensive and invasive. She healed in about 2 weeks but it was the longest 2 weeks of my life.


My parents vet said they normally wait until they are 2 to fix cats. I think that vet just sucks though now 😭. Im so sorry you had to experience that with your kitty.


Your vet absolutely 100% sucks oh my god. Spaying at 2 years is only recommended for large breed dogs because that's how long they need to fully grow their bones and joints, etc. A cat can be spayed as early as 4 months with no issues. Please get your cat spayed, it will save you hours of sleep and thousands of dollars later 😔 My family didn't get one of our outdoor cats when I was very little spayed, and she developed severe pyometra and died a painful death. I promise it's worth it to spay her ASAP.


Im so sorry you had to learn the hard way with your kitty. I am thankful for everyone here correcting me. Luckily I use a different vet so when they open monday I can talk to them about it.


Hey OP! Super proud of you for taking the advice of others and not pushing back- we all learn as we go so it is super important to listen to the advice of others with experience, though many people struggle with that, so I’m really happy to see that you were so quick to come around! You are a responsible pet owner and I love to see it. Good luck with your little babe! 💗


Thank you, that helps a lot. There are a few people being a little nasty about it, but I really just want whats best for my baby.


Yeah I get that, sadly a lot of people aren’t very kind when it comes to this issue and while I understand how passionate people are about Spaying/Neutering, as I am a massive advocate of pet sterilization as well, people need to understand that there is such a massive lack of education when it come to this subject for a large majority of the population. When it comes to educating others on this matter it requires a lot of tact, and some people struggle with that since they are so passionate so they come off as rude or pushy (sometimes they just are rude or pushy!) but I’m here to affirm & let you know that as long as you are making sure she cannot/doesn’t escape your home and you are going to consult with a different veterinarian and get her spayed as soon as possible - then you are doing all of the right things! 💗 She is lucky to have you! :)


Ik some places won't spay while theyre in heat, in the case that you need a temporary fix for the screaming, naturvet melatonin works wonders on my girl (she cannot be spayed due to medical reasons, so these treats saved my life)


Most vets will either charge more for while in heat or refuse to spay until after heat cycle ends. But it’ll be worth it to get her fixed asap. Some vets have a pet care plan that if she’s young enough it’ll cover her spay, certain tests and vaccines for a monthly price instead of all up front. It may be worth checking with your vet for that as well. We did that with our youngest cat. Also, she’s adorable and looks a lot like my Reaper too!


I think folks just get a bit frustrated when cats haven't been spayed when they should have. Seems like you've understood your error and are working to rectify it. Fingers crossed on her part.


Thank you for being willing to learn! So many people choose their pride over the well-being of the animals in their care. We see that a lot in this sub so that’s why some people are being aggressive In their language.


Best of luck with your baby! Spays can be a pretty intense surgery but your vet will know what's best for you and your cat. I think it may have to be after her heat, as there's a lot more blood in the area during heats which can make spaying a little difficult. Hopefully it works out that you can get her fixed soon!


Thank you!


Unfortunately there’s a lot of vets who have taken the big dog study and applied it to all manner of species, including small breed dogs inappropriately as well. Also there is still no consensus among researchers on even if large breed dogs truly need to wait 2 years as the body of research isn’t large. A lot of people who are resistant to spaying/neutering in general though seized on the large breed dog study to megaphone it everywhere.


Every single place i read and vet I have talked to has explicitly stated it needs to be done before 6 months. Your vet is dumb.


Most vets spay when a cat is two… two pounds😬 some wait to two and a half pounds or three. Unlike dogs there is no benefit to waiting to spay


Your vet is almost certainly working off of severely outdated information, or at the very least is unwilling to consider all the variables. As others have said, two years is only "normal" for large breed dogs, and really is still a risk because way too many people can't keep their dogs from getting pregnant for that long. With cats, it's five to six months. Definitely no more than a year! Thank you for being open to learning <3


Yeah the vet was going on extremely outdated info for my ball python as well, its why we switched to a new vet. Thank you for being understanding 🩵


thank you for being accepting of advice, thats super rare on the internet 😭 i wouldve thought the same if a vet had told me that, so you’re definitely doing everything in ur power right rn


Kittens can be spayed as early as 2mo old. They simply need to reach a weight threshold and be in good health. Otherwise be ready to be in this situation every couple of weeks. Edited: corrected 4 into 2 months, given the multiple comments.


As soon as 2 months actually


Then you will keep having to deal with this. She can't help but to scream when she's in heat and the cycles won't stop until she's spayed. Kittens can be spayed by 6 months. I'm not sure what ur waiting for


I was waiting because of fear of what happened when my parents cat got fixed and because of bad info from my parents vet. I am calling monday when the vet opens to schedule it!


Please spay her as soon as possible! She won't stop until she is and the longer you wait, the more and more health issues can arise. Me and my partner almost lost one of our cats this week due to her not being spayed. (She is now and is doing fine.)


Im glad your baby is ok! Im definitely looking into it now and will call the vet monday when they open to schedule it.


Until you find a stray/feral male unfixed cat coming in somehow. Just spay her. The benefits outweigh the risk. Unless she has a heart condition or something spay her ASAP.


The risk of mammary cancer, which tends to be pretty aggressive in cats, is reduced by 98% if you spay them before their first heat. It then decreases and after their third heat the benefit is minimal. If you’ve never seen mammary cancer in a cat, it’s not pretty. When they have to have a radical chain mastectomy, it’s incredibly painful for them. Not to mention leaving them intact opens up the possibility of pyometra, from which cats can quickly go into septic shock or have their uterus rupture. Then you’re looking at a 5-10k hospital bill with no guarantee your baby makes it. Spay your cat. It’ll save you money in the long run. What is your reason for waiting?


I was waiting because of my parents vet. My parents had their cat fixed and he got an infection and their vet said it was because he was to small. Their vet said it was best to wait until cats are 2 so that everything is fully grown and not to small that its harder to do the procedure. After talking to some helpful people here I have learned that vet is just plain awful. I will be calling Monday to schedule her getting fixed.


Good! Sorry about the misinformation from the last vet :/ I can’t imagine living with a girl kitten in heat for TWO YEARS lol. they are a lot to say the least, regardless of the very real health risks. I am glad you’re learning and doing what’s best for her <3


Yeah I just want whats best for her. I am so mad at the last vet. And yeah 2 years if this would be hell 😭


OP I understand your parents had complications with spaying your other cat, but that’s a rare occurrence and waiting until 2 years old is only standard in larger dog breeds (I’m talking GSD, Golden, Samoyed, etc.). You 100% need to get her spayed NOW. It’s different with cats and won’t harm them even when they are spayed at 12 weeks. You’re doing her a favor because if you spay her now you’re reducing future cancer risk and also you don’t have to deal with her yowling.


That's torture for a cat and older cats can't get spayed without risk. Sure whe won't get fucked but she has instincts telling her she needs to be while she isn't able to, spaying will solve this and spaying is safer for younger cats than older cats.


Going through heat greatly increases their risk of mammary cancer in the future which is very malignant in cats.


You want to get cats fixed as soon as possible, imo.


OP she’s ready to run out at any chance because she is in heat. Please get her fixed asap, she is old enough. Its more about weight not age


I am calling the vet Monday when they open to schedule it! I have gotten good info here that I will use to talk to my vet.


I just really want to hear your reasoning here? The earlier the better… like I’m genuinely curious if there are any pros to waiting.


I was waiting because of my parents vet. My parents had their cat fixed and he got an infection and their vet said it was because he was to small. Their vet said it was best to wait until cats are 2 so that everything is fully grown and not to small that its harder to do the procedure. After talking to some helpful people here I have learned that vet is just plain awful. I will be calling Monday to schedule her getting fixed.


Yeah that sounds like an awful vet. Kudos for you for taking her in asap!


Thank you! Yeah i am honestly fuming rn because of all the shitty advice. I have a ball python and they gave me shit advice for her to, which is why we switched vets in the first place. I guess I should have checked the other stuff they said to lol


honestly I’d consider reporting them, vets are notoriously difficult to pursue any kind of legal action or get reprimanded though but at the least you could write some reviews letting the public know what “advice” you were given 🤷‍♀️ local Facebook is your friend here lol




You’re misinformed. Just get it done.


I'm a veterinary professional. 6 months is completely safe for a female cat. Any longer and you're just increasing the possibility of long term health problems.


I understand that it can be scary to have her go in to get spayed. It is a more invasive process than a neuter is. That being said, once the vet seems them old enough to handle anesthetic well, they really should be spayed. She'll keep going into heat until she gets either spayed or pregnant. A good vet will help you through the process. They should be able to help answer questions, and even tell you the health benefits of it. It reduces cancer risks, obviously prevents pregnancy, and it takes away them going into heat. It's a very uncomfortable time for them, so you'll actually be saving her a lot of discomfort long term. Even though she's indoor only? She still really needs to be spayed. If nothing else, if she somehow did find herself outside for any reason, it would prevent the possibility of her coming home pregnant. Again, I completely understand that the risks of surgery can be scary, but they're worth it. Please talk to your vet about it. They'll help you plan out the right timing for your baby girl.


indoor cats escape, especially indoor cats in heat who want to find a male asap. and a male will waste no time on finding her with that screaming. plus, as other people have mentioned, cancer. get rid of the risks, get her and her siblings spayed


hi hun, my dog died from ovarian cysts because my mom didn’t want to spay her.


In the defense of OP the vet I worked with always wanted to wait til they are a little more developed before spaying due to how it effects growth. He always recommended this with dogs so I’m assuming it’s the same with cats.




Getting her spayed is probably the one and only thing you can do. If you do not get her spayed her heats will come more frequently. She will also be subject to uterine infections. Get your cat sprayed.


I am looking into it, im just a little nervous because when my parents got their cat fixed he got a bad infection and almost died. I use a different vet though so I will talk to them about it


That's good. It's very ,very rare that they have complications with spaying or fixing. You vet will guide you and reassure you through the whole process.


Thank you, I am honestly terrified but I will still talk to them about it Monday when they open


It's all going to be good..and that is a sweet kitty 🐈.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Good bot!


I understand your hesitancy as I have a Foster Program and know sometimes we worry because we love them. The Vet you speak with on Monday will be able to understand your concerns(If he is a good Vet) and will check kitty to make sure she is ready to be spayed. If they have Upper Respiratory, etc. They will put off spaying till she is over it. Also you will be so happy once she is spayed and she will be happy too. 💓 It will be fine- you sound like you are a great fur parent!


Thank you for the reassurance. Im going to need a lot of it when the time comes for her to get spayed 😭


My cat got an infection, too and its because she didn't have a cone on long enough and licked her wound. I'd say this is the most common cause of infection. Just keep her in a safe, clean, enclosed space for a week or so and get a reliable e-collar. Those inflatable e-collars are the best in my experience because they just don't come off. She's not going to like it, but it's the best thing for her, I promise! You could always get pet insurance if you're really worried. It's less than $200/yr typically and that way if there's any emergency regarding her spay, you have a reasonable deductible. You just have to book 2 weeks out for it to kick in. Hope this helps friend!


What pet insurance do you have that’s less than $200 a year lmao I can’t find one that’s less than $30 a month


I was a vet tech for almost a decade, I saw a couple thousand spays. It’s one of the most common surgeries a vet clinic performs. I can count on one hand the number of times I saw complications. They’re so rare. Find a good vet and follow the instructions they give you. It’s the best thing for your kitty 🐈


One thing that has been recommended to me by vet friends (most especially with my foster cats who had FIV, or any other kind of immuno-compromised illness) is to ask the vet for antibiotics following a procedure. If infection is your concern, talk with your vet. They might be very willing to send you home with antibiotics along with her pain meds.


Look. Life is crazy. You have decided that your baby girl should suffer constantly, every month+, for life, because maybe something could happen. Stop it. Enough. Get her spayed. If you love her, you will do so. If not, please give her to someone who will. Yes, it is that serious. Do right by her. You are her world. Act like it.


Lmao shut the fuck up


And more illnesses


Why did you not get her spayed - especially after the first time? Spayed cats suffer less health complications later in life too.


May I ask what health complications? When my parents got their cat fixed he got a really bad infection and almost died. The vet said it was because he was so small it was more risky and he was 8 months old at that point. Im just scared of the same happening to her.


I'm sorry but that vet you went to was terrible. I work with a TNR (trap, neuter, release) group and we spay and neuter kittens as young as 12 weeks old. If you watch the kitten, make sure she doesn't lick, bite, or scratch the incision, she should be fine. Also cleaning your litter boxes daily doesn't hurt. But you should get her spayed ASAP. Wishing you the best!


I do clean my litter boxes daily and sometimes it happens twice a day when my boyfriend and I both do it lol. And I do use a different vet then my parents so hopefully it wont be the same as my parents cat. Ill definitely look into it! Thank you!


use a recovery suit. it’s much more comfortable than the cone. she’ll be able to eat and use the litter box without making a mess and struggling like she would with the cone


Ill see if i can get one! Thank you!


We had our sweet kitten spayed this summer and she just wore a baby onesie! You have to cut it a bit to fit but she didn’t even notice it and it was way cheaper than a recovery suit. Just another option!




I definitely will, and I didn’t know about the infections and cysts. I’ll definitely look into getting her spayed soon. I use a different vet then my parents do so Ill talk to them about it and hopefully itll go ok.




I think about 8 months, but we dont know exactly how old she was when we got her because we got her from my great grandmas farm. I think she was 5-6 weeks old when we got her May 29th.


The fact that you’re getting so downvoted is ridiculous and shows that Reddit commenters just care about being right and not helpful. You’re just asking a question and obviously had a negative and probably traumatic experience. Jesus can people be a little bit more useful?


Yeah it really sucks but at least I did get told that my parents vet was super wrong and I can get her scheduled asap


honestly i think your parents’ vet just sucks.


The only way to get them to stop screaming is have them spayed as soon as possible.


For cats, there is no benefit on waiting to get spayed. As long as they are 4-6 months old. There’s nothing else to stop them from this behavior, while waiting multiple heats actually increases the risks of mammary and other cancers. If she’s in heat, she will also try to get out (or attract intact males) - vet assistant


Thank you, I am looking into getting her fixed now. I will call my vet when they open monday and see if I can schedule it


She’s old enough to be spayed. Way old enough. Please spay her


Get her spayed. You have to wait for the heat cycle to end I think, but check with the vet. Until then, put up with it, and take it as a lesson to get it done sooner next time.


Get them spayed


I dont want to get her spayed until she is a littler older. She is a purely indoor cat with only female siblings so there is no risk of her having kittens.


Your decision. Cats can be spayed once they reach 12 weeks.


Cats can develop bad habits when not spayed by 6-7 months old. Your cat has already peaked sexual maturity, and 8-months is now bordering on leaving it too late. Cats can be spayed from 12 weeks, but should be spayed by 6-months ideally to avoid bad habits, and other problems. Book in for a spay ASAP. Quite honestly, your cat is going to go into heat every few weeks and scream all night until you do it.


You are your own problem. Why ask questions and not listen to reason? Help has been given.


I am, if you would look at my other comments you would see I am calling Monday to schedule the appointment. There is no need to be rude


You really came to the wrong sub if you wanted to avoid rudeness.


Get them spayed


Spay the kitty. She is old enough.


Get her fixed. It will 109% stop your problem


I get your scared of doing the surgery because of past experience but infections are one of the risk’s associated just like any other surgery. Look around for a nice clean vet you’re comfortable with and get it done. You never think your pet will escape until they actually do escape and get prego.


She’s adorable. The screaming will stop when you get her spayed like others have said. Enjoy your life with the new kitty!


Too bad there isn’t some kind of medical procedure that could be done that would end this problem permanently… /s


On a side note she's is cute as a boot. The black nose!


Thank you! She is absolutely adorable and she melted my heart from the first picture my great aunt sent me of her. https://preview.redd.it/ra3flntbfvac1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08b7b0e9d4a5bb382581e27ca4ad5c1d195a973b


You also want to get her spayed asap as this will not only stop the screaming but also lower the risk of thinks like pallometra and many other illnesses. If you are worried about infection then before to take the necessary measures to reduce the risk. Keep her in a cone until her stitches he's heal, keep her from jumping up and down on things, keep her away from other cats who may turtle with her and open the incision, and if your vet gives the okay then apply an antibacterial supplied by the vet 3 times daily. Hope this helps!


Spay her???


Get her fixed…


I haven't read the comments yet, but I bet they'll all be along the lines of Get Her Spayed! Count me in line with those comments. She won't yell like that anymore once she's spayed.


Dont wait!! My kitten was only about 8 weeks old when she first went in heat... She looked like she felt miserable. Definitely book and appointment to have her spayed, she'll thank you for it!


I am calling monday to schedule it when they open!


Get her fixed.


I feel for you, ours is in her first heat and just inconsolable that there are no male kitties to be found. Ours gets spayed in 9 days. Get yours spayed!


I will schedule that appointment monday when the vet opens! And yeah it hurts to hear her crying all night. It sounds like she is in pain 😭


It is a very uncomfortable time for them, and something they cannot control or get relief for. You're absolutely making the right decision. Hopefully they can get her in soon for you.


Spay her. This will keep happening on a monthly basis either until she gets pregnant or spayed. Heats are also not comfortable for cats.


Get her fixed, that’s the only thing that will stop it. Or wait until her cycle is over That’s the only options you have


You would have to look it up, but there is a spot beside their tail you can press to relieve them for a few hours. It will get you through the heat even if you do spay.


Thank you! Someone posted a video on it and Ill definitely try it


She's a pretty thing. Everyone, including her, will be happy when she's spayed.


Aww she’s precious. Get her spayed.


Just wanted to say - your cat looks like toothless


Why did you wait so long???


My parents cat got fixed at 8 months and he got a really bad infection from it. Their vet said it was because he was so small and that they like to wait until they are 2 yrs so everything is bigger and therefore easier to not mess up. I have learned that that vet is awful lmao.


It’s hard to watch your kitty or puppy be uncomfortable with a cone on. I find a onesie to be even better than the cone because it also protects their incision and they are free to move their heads as they want.


Why TF is she going into heat? Get your cat fixed!


Wait for her to stop then get her fixed...


Spay her?


She won't really stop for good unless she is spayed. Whatever you do do not scare her, yell at her, throw things at her, or hit her when she is annoying you. She is yelling out because A) She is doing her mating call, and B) She is in pain which people often forget. It's a fairly common reaction to get annoyed and react harshly to get her to stop but this will only hurt your cats feelings and her bond with you. If anything giving her attention, keeping her calm and keeping her content will probably be your best bet to lessen her screaming.


Cutie, but you need to get her fixed! If not , let’s say the situation def, won’t get better!!


Get her spayed. Shouldn't even be a question. Should have been done immediately.


Spay her


You fix her


There was a video showing a woman relieving her cats howls by massaging behind the bones of the hind legs. Maybe try to search online for that video. It immediately quiets the cat…that is until the next howl session rolls in.


Getting her fixed is the only thing you can do, and those bad habits will likely already stick since it seems from your replies you’re saying you’re “waiting till she’s older.”


Get her fixed. I got mines fixed this past Halloween and it was the best 200~ bucks I've ever dropped.


maybe get your cat spayed and you won’t have this issue….




Only way is to get her spayed. Our Benjii would sometimes calm down if I held her and cuddled her but it wasn't for long.


getting her fixed is the only thing to stop it


Some state have financial help for getting Pets fixed. Here in NH it's called a plan b applications. It's $40 with shots compared to the $500 without the assistance. Please look into low cost spay and nutter in your area. It could save you tons of money


So cute


Make the spaying appointment now. I was unaware of my kitten's true age, and she went into heat. (this was years ago) She was miserable; a Siamese, she yowled with classic volume. Singing to her seemed to help, then I put on some opera, and she seemed calmed by someone in clearly more distress than she was. Whatever you do, keep your cat indoors, now and forever.


people have already discussed getting her spayed but until then [you can try resetting the router on her](https://youtube.com/shorts/Rn9HIMtLLjA?si=ELFLuq2uQ2ICgAMG)


Get her spayed. This will continue until you get her spayed.


Look into a cat onesie, I did that with my cat instead of a cone and she was able to be herself while healing. Just make sure she doesn’t lick her wound and take her to get the sutures removed two weeks after surgery.


Get the cat spayed. Thats it, that's how.


Get her spayed immediately


Only way is getting her spayed. Hope everything goes well


The best way is to spay her quickly. Some vets will say 2 pounds or six months will be the earliest for spaying. I am glad she is an indoor cat. Utterly cute. If money for a spay is hard to get together there are programs out there that will spay or neuter a pet for much less. In Texas, it is called TCAP. They can spay/neuter and give shots for a flat fee of $50. I know that sounds odd but in the bigger city, a spay alone is $300. Just check with your city and or state if you need help. Again a cutie little tux kitty!


Get her spayed!


Get her spayed


Get them spayed


It's basically impossible without letting her get pregnant. I had brought in a cat a few years ago under the impression she was already pregnant. Later found out she wasn't, as she went straight into heat after what we thought were signs of labor (never had a pregnant cat or a cat in heat as my childhood cats were fixed as soon as possible.) So this was my first exposure to it and it was horrible. I still shake at this one part of this song because it sounds exactly like her screams. I tried waiting until she was off her heat cycle because you pay extra sometimes to get them fixed in heat. She never had long breaks. It was like she was on every 2 weeks. I learned it's a normal thing for indoor cats as they only have artificial light to indicate the seasons. So obviously, her cycles were gonna be long. I bit the bullet and got her fixed whether she was in heat or not. I couldn't wait any longer. She was driving my husband and I CRAZY. And this was during Covid so appointments were already super hard to secure without waiting MONTHS. I had to beg for an opening sooner because I didn't want apartment neighbors to start complaining and we really just couldn't take the screams. After she got spayed it was wonderful. No more screaming. She was normal, not overly cuddly but still cuddly. She got along with my dog. She calmed down really well. If you have low cost clinics, go to one of those and try to get her done right away. I took her to a local low cost clinic but there could be a humane society or altered tails that offer cheap alternatives compared to vets. I know my vets costs like 300 for spays but the clinic I took her to was only 100. (Shots/ cone included). If the humane society's or altered trails could have gotten her in sooner, it could have been like 80-90$. I know if you're REALLY strapped for cash, they have a voucher program that you basically only pay 20$ deposit and meds. But it's limit 2 per household.


Cbd treats helped mine! We couldn't get her in immediately so she was a big scream a couple of times and it saved my sanity hehe


Q-tip..... Yes it's exactly what you think. I went to school to be a vet tech and the vet who was our prof told us to stop a heat you can stimulate their vulva with a q-tip. The stimulation itself causes ovulation to occur which will stop her heat. Until next time... So Spay is the obvious best answer. Ain't no one wanting to do that to their cat!!


Random comment, I think I have the same shower curtain as you. Is it a map of the world?




Simple solution: GET HER SPAYED. Be responsible. Is she even vaccinated?


She is vaccinated, and she is getting her booster hopefully this week. We will schedule her appointment for getting her spayed Monday as well


Cats go into heat every 3 weeks after the 1st heat. Get her fixed. Your causing yourself and the kitty problems in the long run if you dont


https://youtu.be/Rn9HIMtLLjA?si=WywaFDajwQFP7v6P Haven't tried it myself but I figure this would be helpful for the time being.


Thank Goodness your spaying her! I thought I had good patience threshold and it went out the window so fast when my girl was in heat and then she peed on the couch. She’s strictly an indoor cat and I wanted to kick out into the porch until it passed (I didn’t haha). I did have an appointment booked, however our one vet doesn’t do spays and had to wait like 3 weeks for the other one come. Then she went into heat like a week later and could not to it! Had to phone different vets and plead with them to get her in. The next closest vet is about 1.5 away, so that was a fun drive as well hahaha. Now she’s good!


God I don't miss that screaming.


Dude. Fix your fucking cat...


Update here because I cant edit the post for some reason: we just dropped her off to get spayed! I am terrified and sobbing rn but its being done. Wish her luck!


How is she today?


Shes doing good, she’s already trying to climb everything again. I stayed up all night watching her because I couldn’t sleep lol. She slept like a baby and then after taking her meds this morning she started trying to climb a bit. Im going to take pictures of her incision every morning and night to make sure it doesn’t swell or get puss without me noticing it. She seems happy though!


Scream louder than her to assert your dominance in the household


As everyone says, the only way to stop it is to get her spayed. It’s hormonal, she isn’t going to stop because you play with her. I work with a cat charity and we spay hundreds of strays every year, I can only remember 1 complication in that time and that was an allergy to anaesthetic.


Rub her booth a little bit. Just a little


Seriously, spay her already


It’s time to spay her, there’s no reason to wait. 2 lbs is the minimum weight.


Put him on ice. /s My buddy and his gf had a female cat in heat. She kept presenting her bum to literally EVERYTHING that moved in that house including the vacuum cleaner and screaming her little head off. The only solution they found was to wait it out…though my buddy did threaten to put her in a sandwich, which worked about as well as you’d expect 🤣




Yours is so cute!!




Have you thought of getting her fixed? Or are you an idiot?


Get her spayed. That's how. It's unsafe for her to not be spayed. My female was spayed at 6 months, I adopted her from an animal shelter. How old is she?


Shes about 8 months, and Im calling the vet monday to set the appointment up


Imagine you had a Cow bell hanging round your neck.


You can either get her fixed or be a bro and help her get laid.


Lol don't be one of the vegan anti animal cruelty snowflakes. Take the fuckin cat to the vet and get it fixed. If you live with roommates, and don't do this.. don't complain if one day your cat "ran out the door".


When did I ever say I was vegan? And whats wrong with being against animal cruelty? I am getting her fixed, I was waiting because of bad info from a previous vet. I am scheduling it tomorrow.


Put her in the fridge

