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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I would go back to the vet, this doesn’t look great and (I’m not a vet) seems like it has the potential to get infected while he’s adventuring around. Maybe keep him inside for a little while if possible and see if something changes.


I will be making him another appointment. Just wanted to see if there’s anything I could do to make him more comfortable in the meantime. Thank you.


I would be making an appointment with another vet. That vet now has a reason to label this as not a big deal since making something of it now makes them look like they don't know what they were talking about. It's always best to get a second opinion from a different professional. This is a scenario where an impartial vet greatly outweighs the benefit of an established relationship.


This!!!!! Second opinion always. I took a second opinion, and it saved my kitty’s life. 🦋🐾


This. "Skin condition" is supremely unhelpful. Like thank you Captain Obvious, it is a problem that is happening to his skin - so far, so good. So...can we have a diagnosis of what exact condition it is, and what the options are for treatment or cure? Get a second vet that actually runs some tests to figure out whether it's fungal, bacterial, the result of fleas or mange, an autoimmune problem like eczema or something else!


I had a vet that told me one of my cats had an "inflammatory lung condition" and that was the end. No meds, no further explanation. He had fucking asthma.


FYI, Asthma IS an 'inflammatory lung condition '. Your vet was correct.


Was the vet correct with the “no meds” part? Rhetorical question….


Sure, the diagnosis was technically correct. I also have some inflammatory lung condition, and asthma was the first thing I thought of. I'm not a vet, but the fact that I could see little white lines in his x-ray and my vet telling me "these are inflamed airways" tells me this may be a chronic condition. But there was no follow-through, and when I asked him about it, he refused to label it as asthma. I took him to another vet where he was treated with steroids and explained asthma in cats to me, which is more than the previous vet did.


Yes go to another vet!! Your baby should not live like this.


This is a big deal. It's either a parasitic infection, a yeast infection, or possibly something wrong with his immune system. Does Benadryl help at all?


No Benedryl is toxic but they have prednisolon for cats that helps stop itching in injection form too


Ibuprofen is EXTREMELY toxic to cats as it shuts down their internals. Benadryl can be administered 1mg per 1lb body weight for cats without being harmful.


So is acetaminophen (Tylenol) toxic to cats. 1000mg is a fatal dose causing organ failure.


I’ve had a vet recommend children’s Benadryl for my cat’s allergies


Hmm: Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) is commonly used for pets as well. It is hit or miss for cats, but it isn’t toxic. You just need to get the correct dose from your vet.


I've read that benadryl tends to make cats really hyper? Is that something that should give one pause or is it one of those instances where you have to consider whether the benefits outweigh the side effects on a case-by-case basis?


Don't give your cat unprescribed medication without checking with a vet.


They make shampoo for parasitic infections. I would wash the kitty with it and spray peroxide on the wounds and bald spots. Today I found a very young kitten that has a wound on its neck. He had a maggot infestation.


no peroxide, not for people either. causes damage to healthy tissue.


Only if used all the time . When I was slashed by my pigs tusk, I waited too long to get stitches. When I finally went to the dr, they said I should have used peroxide when it first happened. I said I was afraid to because of the reason you just stated. Dr said, they sell it for a reason. Don’t abuse it though


I second trying an allergy pill


When my cat over groomed himself, the vet told me that you can’t give cats antihistamines like you would for a person with an allergic reaction. Doesn’t work like that in cats.


I have a cat with environmental allergies who is prone to overgrooming, as well. I was also informed by vets in the three states I've lived in that cats, unlike dogs, do not respond well to traditional antihistamines. Benadryl is not processed the same in cats. It is less helpful, and there are generally other options that work a bit better. Prescription Atopica seems to be regarded as the first option to try. If that's ineffective, I've been told that chlorpheniramine is the antihistamine that seems to be the most effective in cats. That does help my girl some; the Atopica does not. She honestly has fared pretty well from getting steroid shots every few months more than everything else we've tried, though. I'll add that it looks like something else could be at play for this kitty, though. Those bumps on the ears make me think there's possibly something parasitic or fungal happening. I'd think the vet may want to do further testing. If the current vet isn't interested in investigating, then a new vet may be in order.


I agree it’s not an over grooming issue because the majority is on the top of the head and ears where they can’t groom. I really think mange or some other type of parasitic/bacterial thing going on. P.S. to OP if you ever read this, why is this cat outside? Find a vet to clear this up and then keep it inside. Depending where you are there are predators, or vehicles that could easily take your baby’s life, and clearly something that’s affecting it’s skin.


This. Most times, compulsive overgrooming isn't due to allergies, anyway. It's often treated with Fluoxetine (Prozac.)


Mmm to my knowledge they’re actually finding that most cats who were originally diagnosed with anxiety over grooming ended up having allergies when the cats were more thoroughly examined and proper food trials and environmental allergy tests were done. Our first vet told me my overgroomer was just stressed, but after we moved and tried a new vet she let me know that in most cases it is allergies. Turns out for my cat she was correct. After getting on hills dd and starting Atopica, my cat has stopped overgrooming. Her dermatologist is going to get her started on immunotherapy next month. I also read a study about this a few months ago, it said something like over 90% of cats who were diagnosed with overgrooming due to anxiety, actually had some form of allergies when all options were considered and tested for. I wish I saved it somewhere so I could link it. If I find it I’ll come back and edit the comment to include it.


Actually antihistamines like Zyrtec can work very well for cats. Many vets recommend using Zyrtec for cats, including my cat’s dermatologist. It isn’t a miracle worker but it takes the edge off for environmental allergy symptoms in some cats


Please do not give pets any pills without directions from a vet


My vet recommended children’s Benadryl liquid with no dyes. Dosage was given orally using syringe and vet determined dosages amount.


Let us know how he's doing please...poor baby


I'm not a vet an NOT trying to give medical diagnosis but I will tell you that one of my kitties has a flea allergy, so even with pills to kill the fleas that bite, their bites causes a something nearly identical as a reaction and it allowed mites to get at her as well. She's not an outdoor kitty, but I'm in a part of Florida that has both EVERYWHERE. If your vet is dismissing something this severe, I'd suggest a different vet. My poor baby needed a steroidal ointment that coated skin (she was super greasy for about a week) and that allowed skin to heal enough, and at same time she was also getting her meds and all brought down inflammation. After that, the mite issue was gone and over just a month, the rest started to heal, and fur and ears began to look normal(ish) again.


Poor baby! Our outdoor cat had something that looked exactly like this, but just on his ears and nose. The vet said he was getting bitten by mosquitos, and he was allergic to the bites and that's why he was scratching himself raw. I don't know if your baby has the same issue, but the vet gave us something to relieve the itching (I don't remember the medication, it was years ago), which definitely helped him stop scratching.


Yes! Please OP take cat to vet. I had same of this problem when I find a cat a long time ago with same skin. The meantime I wait for vet's appointment I used a cream I buy from amazon for the itchy and red to put on there body. The cream is called Zymox Topical Cream with 0.5% Hydrocortisone for Dogs and Cats, 1oz. Please test little first on cat's body to see if they reacts and there skin is ok with it.


I wouldn't use hydrocortisone without the advice of a vet. It can make things incredibly worse.


I agree totally. I had a dog with something similar and the vet put him on antibiotics along with simparica. A new vet is needed to rule out fungal infection etc Love you for caring 💞


Never rule out the possibility of mange. Some vets will do that because it is uncommon, but it is serious.


Was gonna say this absolutely looks like mange.


In some spots it does, especially in the thickening of the skin.


My kitty had mange (aka scabies) when I adopted her and this is what it looked like, esp on her ears


Same dude, came here to say mange


Yes my parents dog just had mange and it took them FOREVER to diagnose it because it never happens. The dog is old and they almost had to put her down.


It's that uncommon? Where I live, I know it's pretty common in coyotes... I don't know if it jumps around from them to cats, though...


she started showing signs just before Christmas because Thanksgiving and xmas last year and they didn't figure it out until AFTER Easter. Things they guessed it was: first it was fleas or dandruff then they guessed that it was a sudden skin allergy to dust or grass, and then cancer. She is a little Pomeranian, and she started to stink regardless of bathing and lose her fur. They tried random meds and nothing worked until they finally settled on mange and now she's 100% back to herself


Rescued an entire family of stray cats with mange. This is mange.


And OP said they're grooming obsessively. So probably itching horribly


That was my first thought. I've seen a lot of squirrels with mange, never a cat with it, but the lesions and missing fur on this kitty really look like it.


My dog growing up had mange and it took forever to get her diagnosed. She looked so much happier once it got under control 😭


I absolutely thought it looked like mange


Could be so many things… fungal ringworm, scabies, mites, fleas, mange, injuries from fighting other animals, allergic reactions… and the list goes on. Definitely needs vet care, identification of the condition, treatment, and figuring out if you can eliminate the cause. Cats live much healthier, longer lives inside than outside. 🙏🦋


I was thinking a really bad case of ringworm. They might have a spot they are traversing that's riddled with it.


The ears don’t quite look like fungal ringworm, though. It looks more like scabies or mange. The back of the neck looks like it may ah e started out as ringworm, but had been scratched open wide in a few places. Whatever it started out as, it definitely needs vet care at this point, and I would not take it back to the vet that had no worries about it. Poor thing looks pretty beat up.


100% different vet


Our cat had a bad case of ringworm when we got him, he had lesions on his ears like this. He was treated in about two weeks, but then my daughter got it from him and she gave it to me. It took me about a month to get over my case, but she had some form of ringworm for about five months. She couldn’t keep her toddler self from scratching, even with bandages and cream covering the infected areas. It was terrible, thought we’d never see the end of ringworm.


Yes! Make that baby stay inside. My cat thinks she belongs outside but anytime she’s snuck outside she heads straight under a car or another safe place because she’s terrified. Yet she paws and cries at the door on a daily basis. I just laugh in her face or ask her why she wants to leave me!


Because instinctually they do belong outside. I got mine a catio because the crying to go outside and die was too pathetic.


Could be mange, allergic condition, fungal, insect bites. Horse flies are horrible. There are other biting files too. I don't know as I'm not a vet or dermatologist. I would take him to another vet for diagnosis. And I would bring him indoors until he heals.


This is not medical advice but I have seen this in cases involving mosquito bite sensitivity. Mosquitos love to bite in these areas because these areas are very vascular. A Veterinarian can provide some relief for your 4 legged friend. Best wishes.


This is the answer. I had an outside kitty who had the same bites on its body but would clear up once fall/winter came and the mosquitos went away.


Yes, it is "summer based" either high-grass or bugs...neighbor black cat just started having same thing & my Dad's cat has gotten itchy in accordance with summer. Still take your cat to vet.


this is exactly what two different vets told me my cat had. looks the same as this photo.


My kitty gets similar wounds to flea bites. She starts having an allergic reaction and needs a shot of steroids to clear it up.


I have also seen this in cats suffering from "flea allergies". But the owner stated that they are using Revolution Plus which should be helping this cat. That's why the trip to the vet is important.


Have the same thing on one of my cats. Took a while to figure out because in my case the scabs /bumps aren't actually bug bites, they're an allergic reaction caused by bug bites. Vet said it could even be just one bite causing the reaction


is it possible to keep him indoors? One of my indoor cats got out and when he got back home, he had a skin infection. It wasnt this bad but applying some vet recommended ointment and keeping him strictly indoors helped


Definitely needs to see a vet, get a bacterial wash, and medicine to kill any possible infections!


I’d go to see a vet, perhaps a different one


Omfg this poor kitty needs help! Find a new vet and keep him safe inside!


This looks so very uncomfortable for poor kitty. Maybe mosquitoes and flies, chiggers, and other insects are biting him up? Once the skin is opened like this, he's extremely vulnerable. He's at risk of all sorts of illnesses, infections, and other dangers if living outdoors or even indoor/outdoor.


Looks a lot like the mange my cat had. Infected areas would start as a scab that would bleed and turn raw, then scale a lot, and then eventually go bald. If your cat has been losing weight and has reduced appetite as well, then you should definitely ask the vet to check for mange. It can be deadly for cats if allowed to proceed unchecked.


Very good info about the reduced appetite and losing weight;I did not know this and all the others suggesting that possibility had no other symptoms listed besides what they saw on the photo...I applaud you 👏


Vet Also don't let cats outside.


You leave him outdoors and this is what happens.


I grew up in farm country too and i understand the need for barn cats to keep the mice in check. I don’t like it when people let their cats outside, i have ran over a beautiful white cat during a snow squall and was very distraught , i have seen a coyote running into the forest with someone’s tuxedo cat in its mouth , 2 days later there are posters on all the telephone poles. Cats kill way to many birds for fun , it’s irresponsible for cat owners to let an animal that they love and care about take its chances in the wild.


Don't touch it, it could be scabies but we can't know for sure. Take him to another vet this not normal.


take your cat to the vet, and stop letting him outside. If you want your cat to live longer and not face any problems, you'd stop releasing him outside on his own. Take him out on a leash and harness, or let him into a fenced backyard. [Edit: some of you can't seem to draw conclusions on your own! I'll spell it out, don't let your animals outside alone, especially if you live in an area with foxes or coyotes. Had 3 animals in our neighborhood die in the last 6 weeks due to being let out in their own backyard unsupervised.] It is so dangerous to let cats outside, beyond how they can ruin the surrounding ecosystem. They could be hit by a car, taken by larger birds, stolen by someone who assumes he's a stray, and depending on the area eaten by larger animals like coyotes.


In my area there are racoons and bears, and one of my cats had to get all her molars taken out, so my cats are always going to be indoor cats. If not for the predators, my street is busy enough that I also don't want them hit.


Thank you, preach!!


Take him back to vet and if vet still doesn’t do anything more to figure out cause and treatment find another vet. Your cat looks miserable.


> Idk what to do for him. stop letting him outside


This looks like mange. An unfortunate consequence of being outdoors. Please get your cat treated (by a different vet if you have to) and bring it inside. (It could be something else but it really looks like mange).


Go to a new vet. in the meantime, you can get wipes like malaket or douxo from pet stores and wipe those spots down, they contain antibacterial and/or antifungal ointments which can help clean the areas and maybe help it from getting worse until another person can look at him... bring him inside for the time being and put a cone on. Make sure it's a plastic cone with good coverage, he won't like it but the inflatable and soft cones will not be enough to keep him from grooming. I would keep him inside permanently after this like many of the comments suggest but I can't control your actions...but to treat him in the short term you will need to keep him indoors so get a litter box if you dont have one already


Outdoor cats unless they’re a guard for crops or cattle is a bad idea for so many reasons. Not only does it shorten your cats lifespan significantly, it also affects the native wildlife population. Cats hunt just to hunt even when they have food at home. It’s a waste of food for any other animal who is meant to live out free. Keep your cats indoors!


Indoor cats also live 3x longer on average.


My girlfriends cat looked like this he was allergic to a tree in the garden which he refused to leave


Could he be getting into some poison ivy or something? I’d be bringing him inside, putting a cone on him and putting something on those spots! He’s gotta be suffering because those spots are red. Can you give a cat Benadryl ? I’d send these pictures back to the vet and say it’s getting worse.


Horse flies are OUT this year.


Get a new vet, and keep your cat indoors. Outdoor cats kill native birds, are at risk of getting hit by a car, are so much more vulnerable to catching diseases, vulnerable to being stolen, and many more risks that are simply not worth it; the injuries probably come from him being outside if I’m being completely honest. Please get a second opinion, and keep your cat inside.


One of many reasons why I'm against the idea of outdoor cats.


Take it to the vet maybe??? I don’t get this sub


Cats shouldn’t be outdoors and this is a great example of why. It’s neglect & irresponsible. Your cat needs a vet now, and they need to live indoors.


It's either sunburn or fly bites and both are very common on black cats. Why not keep him inside?


Can you try to keep him indoors? This kills me to see man. Idk how y’all just let your cats do this, I’d be having a full blown panic attack until they come home. And not to mention keeping them indoors prevents this kind of thing. Def looks like mange, may not be but either way whatever it is, is NOT good. Get them to vet please😫


Vet, please!


I have no idea why this post got recommended to me but that looks pretty damn bad. Like...potentially mange bad. I'm going to assume you already called your vet for an appointment before posting this since your post makes you sound like you're a caring and responcibile pet parent and getting professional help is all you can really do right now. I'd figure out a way to quarentine the pet so they don't go out making it worse or spreading it to neighborhood animals while not spreading it to you or any other inside pets. I will say I'm a little annoyed the vet didn't elaborate further or apparently didn't provide you with something to treat the skin condition. Next time needle them with questions about what the skin condition is and what should or could be done about it. I would be fuming to see a "skin condition" progress this far and the vet did nothing to head it off before my pet started looking like it was about to go full feral zombie. This is going to come off as bitchy af but I would go so far as to consider finding a new vet if this second visit isn't met with a helluva lot more concern than "it's a skin condition."


If you can bring him inside, definitely do that. Other cats and wild animals will likely start picking on him or attacking him because he looks weak. If it’s some type of infection or environmental allergy, it will only get worse by being outside.


Allergies, cancer, idiopathic alopecia, FIV/FeLV, immune disorder...the possibilities are endless. Did they do bloodwork, combo test, and fecal? That's where I'd start. If all that's good...it comes down to how much so you want to spend on him, unfortunately. Skin scrape, biopsy, derm specialist, etc. I'm most concerned because there are obviously open wounds. Don't know if his skin is cracking on its own or he's scratching it. I'm sorry I don't have better answers. Cats are little enigmas.


Looks like injuries from fighting with other cats but I’m not a vet. Either way your cat needs a vet checkup because those could cause him complications


Get the boy inside and keep him there. This is exactly why cats shouldn’t be outside :(


Find a new vet


Wash your hands after touching your cat, this could transfer to you and your family. Spend the money and take him to a vet. No one online can give you the diagnosis and medication you’re looking for here.


Go to a better vet.


Mange and a crappy owner.


Outdoor cat ownership is irresponsible. Shame on you. Keep him inside. Take him to a vet, probably a different vet if your current one thinks he looks like hes doing ok.


His face is swollen man you have to take it to a vet and keep it indoors for a bit. Please.


Looks like scabies but im not an expert he needs a vets asap and plz keep him indoors best of wishes


More stupid people letting their cat outside. I have no sympathy for you when your animal dies.


the issue is it’s an outdoor cat.


https://preview.redd.it/1k74egsazk7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8323cf979825d34edf5dc4865b9971f75fc071eb We out ours on a leash and we are outside with him 90% of the time. When I work from home, I point the outside camera on him and watch him from my phone. After an hour or 2, I'll let him in and he then goes for his biiiiiiiig nap. He is very vocal and harasses us 24/7 and this calms him for a few hours.


Is he on any medications besides the flea treatment?


Vet time fir sure this needs treated asap.


Looks like it might be ringworm. Or some other sort of fungal infection. He needs to go back to the vet asap.




My cat gets like this in the summer; we had tests and he is allergic to mites and moulds, so damn near impossible to treat completely. He is on steroids tablets.


Look a lot like mange imo. Definitely a vet trip needed here




My stray rescue had feline lice. Very uncommon but he had similar wounds on his ears. Also PLEASE keep your cats inside.


this is why we should keep our domesticated animals indoors 😁


Looks like infected bites


It blows my mind youd see this and go "whats wrong with my cat" and post it. Like theres not something obliviously wrong. And as if anyone on Reddit can accurately tell you whats wrong. Dude take him to a vet.


This looks like the fungal infection ringworm, a test you can do at home if you have one is to see if the patches glow under a blacklight. If it is you should be wary of your own skin as well as it is highly contagious even to humans!


this is a great point but I will say me and my vets misdiagnosed my cat with ringworm via this method 😭 Apparently things other than ringworm will glow under a black light... And a lot of things look like ringworm too. it's a good way to start though, and if it glows then it's at least a sign the vet should send for cultures to test if it's really ringworm


Why can’t he be an indoor kitty? 🥺


Mites or fleas. Check inside ears


Looks like a mange


Skin scrape at the vet! My dog has a case of genetically inherited mange (I could not tell you the medical term but basically some form of mites) that will never go away, he has to be on Bravecto for the rest of his life to prevent excessive scratching and bald spots. But it took us some time when he was a puppy to figure out what was wrong with him. They scraped his skin and tested it and that’s when we found out


Just keep your cat inside. Small domestic cats shouldn't be left outside unattended for lots of reasons, mainly being hawks and other large predators or infections


It's what happens when you leave domesticated animals outside, they get sick and infected. Take him to the vet and be more responsible by keeping him indoors, this would not be an issue at all if he didn't have access to god omly knows what, in the area he roams outside.


Omgoshhhhh vet asap now. It's seems to be spreading and this kitty needs antibiotics and probably an anti itching meds. Go


Reminds me of mange


He needs a vat app ASAP. That looks infected, painful, and itchy, and he'll keep clawing new wounds open as he itches and scratches himself. I'd recommend, if possible, letting him be an indoor cat as my guess is this is due to allergies from outdoors. Moat cats nowadays are safer and healthier being fully indoors, but I don't know your situation.


First mistake was an outdoor only cat


Get that cat back to a vet


Please go to another vet and also keep him indoors


Go see another vet. Open lesions are not a “skin condition.” They are a MAJOR cause for concern. This isn’t normal and it does not look like allergies. Could be something immunorelated, mange, fungal, bacterial, literally absolutely anything. He needs a skin scrape done.


My family had a cat when I was younger, and he looked like that. He was allergic to fleas.


I'm not an expert, but I have been volunteering for many years with shelters, and this 100% looks like an allergic reaction. Try switching to a different flea medication and/or food.


The one on her shoulders looks iffy but the one on her leg looks good (for a wound) the ears look like flea bites you could use a once monthly preventative. Maybe give her a bed and a box inside for a bit?


Go to a vet


can you please get him fixed up and keep him inside?? cats can still go outside safely with a harness and such


Looks like it could be mange. See a vet


I'm not saying this to be a jerk, but you need to start by keeping him indoors. My feelings about indoor/outdoor cats are irrelevant here, and I sure hope anyone else who advises this does so in earnest as well. The reason I say keep him inside is because if this is environmental, it's likely something from outside or is exacerbated by something outside. Bring him to a different vet and ask if this may be mange or an atypical presentation of eosinophilic granuloma (commonly called rodent mouth for some dumb reason). This is a highly concerning skin condition and I cannot imagine how painful it must be when exposed to direct sunlight. Best of luck for your little guy


this is what happens when cats live outside


It looks like your cat might be having a reaction to Revolution. It's on the back of his neck where he can't reach, so it's not from him scratching. I'd say it looks like mites.


Looks like it could be mange


Don't let your cat roam around outside


Poor baby, it looks painful. The fact your vet isn’t concerned enough to figure out the issue is a red flag. If it were me I wouldn’t give this vet anymore of my cash, switch to another vet straight away


Keep your cat inside😐


Keep the cat indoors... it's easier to keep up with it and safer .. Outdoor cats get into bad situations


The problem is you let your cat outside.


"whats wrong" "outdoor cat"


Could it be demodicosis? It's easy to diagnose. They take sample and look it with microscope.


She looks like she’s been badly wounded fighting or someone hurt her. Take her to the vet straight away.


Looks like mange or ringworm. Either way, it’s pretty contagious and will not go away on its own. You’ll need medication or medicated baths.




They need a Vet ASAP could be anything from a fungal infection, other type of infection, injuries from fights with other animals, so many other things too. They don't look like they should be outside. I know letting them out feels like giving them freedom but it puts them in dangerous situations as well as harming the local animals that cats terrorize. Take them to a Vet, speak with them about how to manage your cat, and then go from there.


If he is outdoor it is possible that he even got into a fight with other street cats .




Make him an indoor cat


Take him back and stop letting him out until he’s better


It’s obvious you like your cat - the monthly flea treatment, shots, and quality cat food make that obvious. Some cats love to be outside, so could you build him a catio?


How could you let the poor boy suffer like this? I doesn't matter what the vet said previously, his condition has deteriorated and he should be seen by a vet ASAP. How can you be cruel enough to watch an animal that you are supposed to love, and care for, live in agony? Keep him indoors.


This is why cats should always be indoor cats. Domesticated for a reason.


Your cat's problem is you let it outdoors.


Take bro inside maybe?


Mosquito bite hypersensitivity. See your vet to be sure. Very uncomfortable for kitty. I had an indoor/outdoor cat that used to look like that during mosquito season. We treated him and did our best to keep him indoors during those months.


Just saw the part about already seeing your vet. Either find another vet or ask your vet if he or she could reach out via the Veterinary Information Network (VIN) if they have a subscription. It’s a vet to vet medical assistance site. There are cat specialists there who help other vets diagnose and treat some of the trickier and/or rare cat issues.


Maybe scabies




Could be pemphigus foliaceus, my cat was diagnosed with that a couple years ago. It’s an auto immune condition that is managed with steroids, very rare in cats (our vet said she’d had 1 other case in her 20 year career). She was originally misdiagnosed with ringworm, and it can get bad really fast (risk of secondary infection). Not saying that’s what this is, but I’d highly recommend going back to the vet (or finding a new one) since it’s getting worse.


Could be mosquito bite hypersensitivity.


This looks like a food allergy my old cat had. Turned out he could only eat one kind without this happening. It was purina one hairball formula. Anything else, the rash happened. Maybe there is a food allergy






Get a second opinion stat


My aunt’s cat had ringworm and it looked a lot similar to what’s going on here. Take the cat to a different vet and get a second opinion




Mosquito Bite Hypersensitivity - usually includes the pinnas of the ears and the bridge of the nose. The bites happen where the blood vessels are closest to the skin.


Looks like warbles.


My wife’s mamaws cat looks like this every summer idk what cause it but vet just told them to keep vasoline or triple antibiotics ointment on it


Do you have mosquitos? I’ve seen mosquito allergy present like this on one of my fosters many years ago.


Definitely either go back to the vet. I personally would seek out a second opinion, as opposed to returning to the same vet. There are open skin wounds here which are high risk of getting infected if that hasn't already happened yet. I wish you and your little guy the best of luck.


My cat had this and its an allergic reaction in their skin that causes Dermatitis. My cat was allergic to fleas and if he got even one bite he had this horrible reaction. I'm sure it can be causes by other irritants.


Our cat started showing signs similar to this albeit not as severe. But the bumps on his ears and his face were similar. Brought him to the vet and they couldn’t figure it out. They gave him a medication and that helped somewhat. We moved somewhere else and it got worse again and I started to suspect seasonal allergies because the ragweed was high in both places where we moved him. We stopped letting him have his supervised back yard time and it completely went away. We even had to stop letting his brother out because he was so sensitive to it, he’d react again after rubbing on his brother or cuddling him. He hasn’t been outside in five months and it hasn’t flared up at all. See if the vet can narrow it down more like others have said. Ours couldn’t and we figured it out by process of elimination. He’d itch himself sore and bleeding and lost all the fur on his ears before he figured it out.


Looks fungal


Get a second opinion Find another vet!


Could be from fighting, could be scratching fleas, could be a skin condition. Definitely take to a vet.


I’m not sure what that is, but please have your cat checked for thyroid issues while you’re at it… hyperthyroid in cats can make them overgroom- and it can be quite noticeable


Is his feed and water in metal dishes? If so, try glass or plastic containers. He might have a metal allergy.


Either it’s fleas biting it or it’s allergies because it’s allergies season rn for animals go to your vet and ask about a topical or antibiotics


Mange is the first thing that comes to my mind. Vet required. It wont heal without professional attention.


Is it real hot outside where yo are?


Take him to another veterinarian.


it looks like mange