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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This baby is not breathing well either. Watery eyes can mean conjunctivitis or a herpes infection. But that breathing makes me think that this one might have an upper respiratory infection, if not something more serious. I saw in one of your other comments that you're not supposed to take the kitten to another vet. Screw that! Take the cat to another vet. Its breathing is very bad.


The more I look at that video... it looks like the baby could have pneumonia or a heart condition. Either way, its lungs are full of fluid. Please take the kitten to another vet. I can't believe a vet could see that video and not tell you to bring the kitten in immediately.


Upper respetory infections are so easy to get as a cat. My cats caught something when i lost them inbetween the move. It's bad for them.


I’ll add that I will add L-Lysine as a supplement with normal meds (with my vets approval) whenever I notice a cough or runny eyes from my cat. Might be something to consider with your vets approval.


Isn't it for the feline herpes virus? (Those symptoms can be caused by the feline herpes virus, including an upper respiratory infection)


Nope! It’s just a supplement that helps their immune system.  I used to volunteer at a cat shelter and we’d do lysine first for a few days, then mild meds, then jump to Clavamox while putting the lysine in their food depending on how bad the symptoms were. 


I cannot upvote this enough. He needs urgent help


Yeah I second this. Its breathing looks weird to me.


I secind this. Not every vet is the same, and if I had had the option to take my cat to a different vet, I'd bet my life she would still be with me today.


Oh, i am so sorry for your loss😥❤


I’ve wondered this too. What did the other doctor do wrong. if you feel ok to share please. Been through a loss and i keep wondering what if. I know i did all i could but still. What if.


Yep, it’s more the breathing than the eyes. Bb got something respiratory happening. Fast breathing, little nostrils flaring, and retractions…needs vet ASAP. Edit: also appears underweight, stressed…poor little bb. Thank you for caring for her. I see she’s on antibiotics and 10 days is a long time but she needs a further work up…cultures or something could be a viral infection where antibiotics won’t be effective she’ll need steroids and supportive care, could be something else…I do human healthcare not cat…but love cats. Wishing her and you the best. Hope to see positive updates ❤️‍🩹


The breathing is disturbing; I barely noticed the eyes.


This. Looks like textbook URI and the kitten needs a trip to the vet immediately.


Agree!!! Another vet! I asked one vet for eye drops for my little guy. She didn’t do it! I took him to another vet and got my antibiotics for his eye!!!! Thank you Dr. P!!!!


I came here for the breathing post. 💯 agree.


Ah... thats what my watery eyes are about. thanks.


Came to say the breathing is a concern as well


Cats have feelings too. It’s probably sad.


I'm no vet, but it's clear as day this poor thing is dealing with an infection, maybe respiratory or another thing requiring antibiotics maybe. I find it sad a vet can look at this and be like, nah let it continue laboured breathing and exhaust itself to death.


See?!? How would you feel if you were sitting there like that?! For fuck sake.


I’m not sure but you need to take her to the vet asap. Could be a reaction to the meds or possibly a heart problem. Either way, baby needs medical attention asap


Since I’m fostering to adopt-I have access to their vet for free until she is officially adopted. I sent her the video, but she didn’t seem very worried. Not that I don’t trust the vet, but I definitely thought something else I wrong(not supposed to take her to a different vet)


This is making me mad at that vet. Shes already 10 days on antibiotics, she should be doing better not worse if it was the right treatment. She needs to reassess her if a new symptom emerged or id go to a different vet.


I agree. I’ve had kittens require strong drugs than what they were initially given because they were so sick. Or more doses. I’ve had vets adjust medication over the phone for this reason. Bring her in again.


Pls take this r/IllegallySmolCats cutie to the vet. You can also post on r/AskVet but I would take her to another vet or *tell* the fostering org's vet that you think it's sensible to bring the kitten in for a physical exam rather than 'FaceTime' consultation! Don't take no for an answer - even if it turns out it's not anything serious, then all it shows is you prioritize the kitten's health over everything which they want in fosters! Good luck & pls post an update :)


Take her to a different vet


Your vet may not be taking it as seriously because she knows her services are free for you so she might not want to prioritize people who are in the fostering to adopt program. Aka she isn’t making any money off of it and wants to provide more of her time to paying customers. Idk if that’s how it works but your kitty needs medical attention regardless of what she tells you to do. Please get a second opinion for your kitties sake


A similar thing happened to me with my rescue. He had FRV was snotty and wheezing with an infected eye. The shelter took him for a free vet visit before they let us take him home, said he was fine and would recover. Less than 24 hours later his eye had completely swollen shut, he had green snot and a fever. Emergency vet appointment required to give him IV fluids, anti viral meds and eye drops. Please take your kitty to another vet.


Just curious, did the rescue you got your cat from reimburse you for the emergency visit, considering their rescue vet gave you the a-okay? I'm guessing not, which is shitty, but I also understand rescues don't have much in terms of funding so it's a tough situation.


Nope, they made us sign at the time of pick up that any further vet visits would not be covered. But we were so keen to get him to a proper vet we were happy to pay.


Ahh yeah, it's always something small in the contract like that. Either way, good on you getting your pet the proper care he deserves regardless of having to pay or not!!!! At least it takes pressure off the shelter so they can keep doing what they are doing, still annoying tho.


One thing I will say that was a strike for me against the shelter is when we first met our kitty he was wheezing and I said to the volunteer this kitty is sick and needs a vet. She tried to play it off that it was dusty in the shelter and he just had allergies but they would definitely take him to the vet for a check. They only took him in the day we were scheduled to pick up him which was 10 days later. Poor baby had no treatment for 10 days and not surprising he got worse 😞 he's all good now though! No flair ups for over a year.


I had a similar experience as yours. The shelter i adopted one of my cats from was actually a charity section of the vet i was using at the time. So it's a shelter, from the vet, you'd expect the cats to be kept healthy right? When i brought her home, i noticed right away she was under weight, i could feel each of her bones (but she went back to a normal weight quickly once in my care). Also, within the first week, i noticed the sneezing and watery eyes and brought her for a check up. They gave me antibiotics and eye drops and told me it was just a small URI. I didnt know better at the time, so i just accepted it as they said. Anyways after several bad experiences with that vet, including the time that they basically threaten to kill my cat on the surgery table if i didnt pay an extra fee other than what was included in my adoption fee to get her spayed, i realized they were all about the money, that the "charity" was probably all just for a tax credit and i stopped going there. Anyways since then, i moved to a different city and its my current vet (whos an excellent one and whos a true animal lover) who diagnosed my cat with FVR at 7 years old.


Literally no.




Get her back there then. She should be getting better by nown


I dislike this. Honestly, if it were me I’d exaggerate her symptoms a bit and badger the vet until they saw her. Advocate for this baby. She’s really struggling to breathe here.


I stopped fostering because the foster vet was absolutely awful - and we legally weren’t allowed to take the fosters to another vet for treatment without adopting first. She let at least two of my kittens die because she wouldn’t take my concerns seriously. Broke my heart and I couldn’t do it anymore. If you have the option to go to a second vet, GO! A second opinion could save a life ❤️


UPDATE: I reached out to the rescue and they were able to take her in to watch her for a few days. This was a different person on the staff that I reached out too, so I’m hoping that they will take care of him. As of now, I only know that she tested positive for coccidia and most likely has an upper respiratory infection(not confirmed for uri-but vet believes so). I’m not sure why people are sending me death threats and telling me I’m the problem, I was simply looking for advice. I do not OWN this cat because I am fostering to adopt, since she is not old enough to legally be adopted out. Therefore, in the contract I am only able to return him to the rescue, where he will receive medical care. I will be taking her back probably in the next 24-64 hours-and will post an update once I learn everything.


People are sending you death threats?! The internet is full of morons. I'm glad you got them to review her, hope she recovers and is back with you soon.


I foster and that’s all you can do is get advice from the rescue and do whatever they allow you to do it’s basically their cat! Don’t feel bad you did everything you could and the kitty is getting care now. I just felt like I needed to tell you I totally understand and get the position you are in sending lots of good vibes for you and the kitty


I hope everything is okay!! She's a cutie and I'm sure she's a strong girl!


I'm not sure watching her will do anything at all. Professional advice is needed immediately to diagnose what could be a critical condition. I hope she's okay! Thanks for the update! I would have sent that video to a vet to get advice too btw and they will tell you what it could be and contact the shelter as Animal Welfare can kick their door in if they don't do anything!




I went through a similar situation with my last foster fail. The non profit who offered to help us in the beginning did not do much but cause stress and then cost me money. They also did not seem too friendly whenever I had a concern. And when they took my baby for observation they said 24 hours and it turned in to 7 days where they didn’t even try to keep me updated. He tested positive for something but they never told me what it was and didn’t put it in his paperwork when adoption day came. I hope you have a better experience and they are helping the sweet baby. The video concerned me by the way the baby is trying so hard to breathe. I know that worry and stress you feel especially when they specifically say do NOT him/her to another vet. It makes you feel helpless when they won’t listen to you. If you need any one to talk to for support you can dm me. Like I said I went through a similar situation and can definitely relate. Please keep us updated and I hope the baby gets well soon!!


I wish the little kitty the best and I'm so sorry that people think it's appropriate to mistreat each other online on what is a help page. Hopefully more intensive care will help the kitty breathe better. They definitely looked rough.


Thank you for the update. Fast healing to the kitty! It looked like feline herpes. I have 4 cats and it went through them like crazy until I found out about the yearly vaccine for it. (All indoor kitties). It does start out watery eyes and then into upper respiratory then into pneumonia and other issues. It's pretty scary one. Glad kitty is finally getting help from a great staff member!


Wait there is a yearly vaccine for herpes in cats? My little one had it , the vet never mentioned there is a yearly vaccine?


Yeah its yearly. It's mixed in with a few other things. I think its called the distemper vaccine. I'll have look at paperwork. The three vaccines that they usually give kittens you are actually supposed to do yearly. I didn't know that until a vet mentioned it to me even though my cats are strictly indoor. There's a leukemia one that's yearly and a third one. I'll look at my paperwork and let you know. I just book the appts, haul all cats down at once and pay lol. Also microchip a cat isn't expensive and you don't need to pay a vet check up fee on top of it. It varies from vet to vet but it's about $40 to $50 for a microchip.


Thanks for the update. I hope he gets better!


I'm so sorry that your recieving death threats, when you were asking advice about a situation in which you *should* be able to trust a professional vet. I hope the little kitty is okay and improves, and honestly I wouldn't listen to the idiots sending threats. Absolutely ridiculous.


Thank you for the update, thats good to hear! And thank you for caring for this little baby and asking reddit because you were listening to your gut feeling that something was wrong, even though that first vet told you otherwise ❤️ Im sorry about those messages and that some people misunderstood you so much. You did the best and everything you possibly good in the circumstances. Cant wait to hear back on how shes doing!


Please please update - the breathing looks so serious and she looks like she's dealing with so much discomfort/pain that it's absolutely heartbreaking. Take her back at your first opportunity, don't wait three days, as this kitten could very well die in your care in that time or reach a critical point where immediate life-saving treatment is required and you find yourself racing against the clock to get her medical help (which would also end up being a lot more intensive and expensive...not to mention that if the vet doesn't have information on what exactly is the cause, they will need time to figure that out - that time should be spent NOW while it's still available.)


Any follow up? Thanks!!


UPDATE: Got her back this morning! She had an URI, the fast heart beat was only a reaction to the medication. All tests came back okay and she tested negative for coccidia. She has some gel for her eyes-which has went almost away, and is taking doxy for another 2 days. FIV NEG—hoping to get spayed in 1-2 weeks. https://preview.redd.it/5p4hkfqradad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b809f2a1692a87f9f204ce5a3ffe31eb49adc57a


Hell yeah, thank you for taking good care of a fluffy lil gal.


You're fostering to adopt meaning you intend for this cat to be yours. The fact that it is not at this time is only a technicality. This cat is meant to be your family member and it is your responsibility to provide life-saving care to her for the rest of her years with you. The rescue sounds neglectful. My family once adopted a puppy from the shelter and he had parvo. When he started showing signs of illness we took him back to the shelter and they did very little to help. He absolutely should have been inpatient at an emergency vet. I was a child at the time and likely will never forgive my parents for not handling the situation properly and letting that puppy die alone in our garage. It would not surprise me if the rescue informs you in a couple days that they put the cat down. I'm not trying to be harsh but please take accountability for yourself. If your intent is to adopt a pet please keep in mind that you are responsible for their life and that is a sacred thing.


His little body is working so hard just to breathe.I would honestly got to the emergency vet. Cats in respiratory distress can tank very quickly


Vet stat! This baby is suffering


I agree, but please, if this person is asking for help, and you do want to reply, at least tell them WHY you think they should.


Vet immediately kitten is struggling to breathe also, maybe bad URI


Thats what im thinking.


I’m more concerned about the breathing. Like everyone else said, go to the vet. I hope your kitty is okay


He’s having breathing issues as well. VET IMMEDIATELY. Screw the lady telling you that cat is ok. HE IS NOT OK. His breathing is very wrong. Please bring him to the dr now. E: sorry, she she she she.


I think the watery eyes are a SYMPTOM of something else going on…I was trying to watch the eyes, but the more I watched, the more and more apparent the labored breathing was sending warning signals to me. Please go to a different vet asap. Mention the labored breathing, because that just is not normal.


That breathing is not good sign either. Please take him to the vet.


My cat was breathing a similar way and we rushed him straight to the vet, he needed fluid draining from his chest and they discovered a severe heart murmur. Deffo get this wee cat checked out


The most concerning would be the kittens breathing pattern… you should take your kitten to the vet


Her eyes should have cleared up by now. When my cat was sick and got eyedrops prescribed her eyes started to clear up within a couple of days. Her breathing is also very worriesome, if you cant take her to a different vet then insist on taking her to the vet you have been. Say anything you need to to get her in


Breathing issues are always a vet visit. This is a no brainer.


Former vet tech here- this breathing indicates either a severe respiratory infection or possibly a heart issue. This is worth an emergency vet visit to a different vet then the one who gave eye drops and clavamox to treat this.


pneumonia? breathing looks urgent care vet like now


If you don’t want the guilt of something happening to that baby, take him to a vet. Or spca and tell them you found him and want to see what’s wrong. Maybe they’ll check him out for you and tell you. But the breathing is not normal. And you can tell he’s weak in his face and eyes


Take him to the ASPCA and then tell them that the actual person in charge (rescuer) of this kitten was telling you it doesn’t need medical attention. The ASPCA may make note of that and keep it on file in case someone else complains about the rescuer not allowing animals to get the help they need.


She didn’t like taking it that’s for sure.


Please update us that you have taken this poor little guy who is depending on you to look after him to a vet.


And is having trouble breathing, vet ASAP


Get this baby to the vet ASAP. His breathing is not well. My beautiful 15 year old boy had breathing issues that looked like this and we found fluid around his lungs and heart. He ended up suffering from heart failure and passed recently. If you have an ER vet near you, take this baby there right away


They’re hyperventilating and struggling to breathe. Get them to a vet ASAP.


Just take the kitten back to the first vet and insist on getting her checked out by the vet again


The breathing is the real problem. Get that cat a chest X-ray, echocardiogram & heart ultrasound stat


This is a very sick kitten with respiratory issues. Reach out to the rescue and get them to arrange a vet visit urgently


I’d get a second opinion because kittens in respiratory distress can fade quickly.


The breathing problem is an emergency. Go to the nearest veterinary ER as soon as possible.


Please take this baby to the vet ASAP. Babies and seniors are at most risk for dying of infections and diseases if not seen by a vet as soon as possible.


OP, if you cannot afford to take the kitten to a different vet, then please physically go back to the lady vet with the kitten and INSIST on further testing. Being there in person with a sick kitten makes it a lot harder for them to say no to you. Be polite and respectful but assertive that the kitten is suffering.


Thst kitty is having trouble breathing. This is a upper respitory infection and needs seen by a vet asap for proper meds , this will not go away on its own


Emergency vet asap!!


He looks sick... The breathing is not right. Take him to a vet.


Vet asap


Vet quick. Baby needs help


definitely find an emergency vet 🙏 asap


VET NOW. No excuses, this can get deadly quickly.


Please help this poor kittie asap


Poor kitty doesn’t look very good 😢 please take to the vet 💕


Honestly this looks life threatening if not treated soon. Vet asap, and I wouldn't waste your time with the free one who saw the video and thought nothing of it


Her breathing is also labored!! Vet, now.




Poor baby girl


Poor baby. Hope the vet can get you in ASAP, OP.


Vet. Now. Please.


That baby is pretty sick and needs veterinary care. As soon as you can manage it, like now.


Looks like it has a respiratory infection. It needs a vet


Take your cat to the vet. I think he/she might have an upper respiratory infection.


The eyes are also concerning to me. If that is not how that sweet baby's eyes normal look that is a sign they need the vet. It is usually a sign they are sick


Please take the baby to a different vet 🥺 he clearly needs to see one. Watery eyes and rapid breathing like that isn’t good.


ᴱᵐᵉʳᵍᵉⁿᶜʸ ᵛᵉᵗ ᵃˢᵃᵖ


The baby most likely has gone on to developing a respiratory disease infection, maybe even pneumonia. He needs emergency care!


Your kitten has a respiratory infection


He seems unwell to me by the way he looks.


Vet tech here. Bring this kitty in right away. She is having difficulty breathing.


Also respiratory


The kitten is breathing hard. Looks unwell ...


I understand but this is why I advocate so hard about taking your cats to a FELINE ONLY vet. You aren't going to get proper care at a normal vet. I understand it's a foster and that is out of your control and I'm glad you took it to emergency. Normal vets are NOT recommended for cats because 90% the time they aren't diagnosed properly or are rushed out with a baseline diagnoses. A feline only vet is better equipped to deal with sick cats since that is ALL they focus on. I adopted 2 cats from the humane society and I told the vet they were using to go F herself she said it was allergies and sent me home, both cats were ill I could see it. Snot coming put, they even had a cough. Took them to a feline vet and they figured it out immediately. Both had bad upper respiratory infections. Got them treated and they were good as new!


You need to take that kitten to a vet


I don't get why you people that post on this sub don't just go to the vet, honestly


Get a second opinion from a different vet- this breathing isn’t normal


That kitten seems very ill. I noticed in a comment that the vet wasn’t concerned. That vet is wrong entirely, a wheezing cat with weeping eyes is a bad sign. Get a different vet, for this kitten’s sake.


breathing hard too, take to vet-but I am sure you have heard this already. Beautiful kitty.


Please take the kitty to a vet ASAP. Hope everything is ok with her.


Please tell me she saw a Vet immediately!?


Rhinotracheitis. You kitty needs to go to the doctor asap!


Vet visit


VET NOW. Not in the morning, or later. Emergency vet no matter the time of day. NOW.


definitely agree on the upper respiratory infection! this is exactly what my baby looked like a few years ago and that was her diagnosis, cleared up quickly when i got the proper meds. either way the breathing is definitely the most concerning thing and i would get them seen as quickly as possible.


Wtf take her to a vet


VET!!!! I’m more concerned about the breathing problem!!!!!!!


call the vet, keep her warm and hydrated


I honestly think your vet should admit him to an animal hospital where he can be watched and they can get to the root of his illness. I just went through this in March with my baby. Listen to your gut. Raise hell if you have to to get answers and be taken seriously. I did and it saved my cats life


cat is quite sick looks likw


She is struggling with breathing. Get her to the vet!


She can barely breathe


This looks like the same thing a feral cat that lives near my home had this past winter. He had very goopy eye discharge and as he breathed you could hear the congestion in his lungs. He doesn’t let us pick him up so we did the best we could and kept him hydrated, and provided a warm place for him to stay dry. It cleared up in 2 weeks. Because it’s a kitten you’re dealing with however I’d definitely take him/her to the vet tho.


Your cat is struggling to breath not sure if you have eyes but this cat needs to go to a vet asap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Watery eyes is a clear sign of an upper respiratory infection, if not something worse. You need to get the little one to the vet asap so they can get on antibiotics




…upper respiratory infections travel to sinuses, pressure tear ducts; fact, kittens have very little everything in reserve to fend off such infections.




Cats literally dying a slow death, take your time eh.


This poor kitty. Take her to get seen asap please!


Take that baby to the vet instead of asking Reddit!🐾




If they’re anything like me they probably want to make sure they aren’t overreacting. Do you know how many times I’ve rushed my cat to the ER bc he was acting weird only to be told “he’s just in a bad mood” “he’s just angry” “he a ‘bad mood’ kinda cat”. So yes, sometimes it helps people to ask for a second opinion to make sure they are correct about their observations. The real question is why are you so mad about someone asking if their cat needs help. If you read the thread you’d know that she asked the rescuer if she could take the cat to the dr and the rescuer said no. So op came here to get a 3rd, 4th and 5th opinion before she goes against the actual owners call and brings the cat in anyway. It’s perfectly logical. Go find a diff battle to fight.


Mine was found on the highway with a bad eye infection. Gave him eye drops and fed antibiotics for weeks, and it cleared up the infection, but he's had watery eyes ever since. Vet said it's probably herpes. We've had a happy 3 years with his watery eyes, and hope to be blessed with many more.


Yeah same mine got FVR from the shelter as a kitten and she has had watery eyes ever since and breathes a little louder than normal cats, but i remember after 10 days on antibiotics she was starting to do better, not worse... The labored breathing is concerning


My caught cause respiratory infection with watery eyes and congestion. Amoxicillin 7 days


or lukemia


cat might have feline asthma by the way its breathing


How is her belly? Touch, does it feel firm? This could possibly be Ocular FIP, in which case you need to join either the FIP Warriors 5.0 or FIP Global Cats Facebook group ASAP. FIP is not a death sentence but it is so important to start treatment asap. It is unfortunately, not a legal treatment in most countries but there is an incredible network that makes it accessible. We had one of our kittens about to die and were connected with the group and the medication saved his life.


My cat gets a watery eye and itchy ear from her idiopathic rhinitis.


Looks like pneumonia. Take her to get X-rays and antibiotics


She could have Felv


Man up and take the cats to the vet and say her breathing is wrong. The vet saying it's nothing to worry about is an idiot. I 100% agree with upper respiratory infection.


I am not a vet but am a human nurse and cat mama— this babies breathing looks rapid and labored ☹️. I would bet she has an upper respiratory infection. Best to take to a different vet asap.


This kitten is sick :( please get her to the vet. Could be a simple URI but the heavy breathing looks like it could be pneumonia.


She's so cute! I hope she gets better soon!


hes breathing harrddd. send him to a vet, he may have some lung infection


I would be more concerned about the labored breathing 🥺


Yeah I immediately noticed the labored breathing over his eyes. His eyes don't look too bad but might be part of a resp virus


She needs a vet and likely needs fluids. The breathing is not good at all.


EMERGENCY. This kitten needs help NOW before he smothers to death. My kitten was diagnosed with pneumonia and the next night she had to be put down because her lung tissue was dying and so was she because her lungs were so full she was smothering to death. She looked like this kitten does right now.


TAKE HIM TO THE VET! It’s not breathing well and looks like it is struggling. Please take him to the emergency Vet asap. Heart failure happens within hours. I hope I’m wrong here to freak out . But please take this baby to the doctor.


This looks like upper respiratory infection. Very easy to treat with antibiotics. Will not get better on its own, could turn into pneumonia. Also, if he gets so congested that he can’t smell his food, he will stop eating, then it’s not easy. Get him to the vet ASAP. Don’t worry about the possible herpes, lots of cats have it. Once the URI is resolved, his eyes will clear right up. He will always carry the virus, but it’ll likely lay dormant as long as he’s well cared for and doesn’t get another illness.


My one cat has symptoms exactly like this - he’s had an upper respiratory issue since I brought him home about 10 years ago. Feline asthma! I give him a puff from his inhaler twice a day and he’s usually quite good but he’ll occasionally cough like he’s getting a hairball up. His eyes can get watery and his breathing can get fairly laboured. It’s super common, and usually fairly treatable but he needs to be properly diagnosed :)


Poor baby is sick. The rapid hard breathing means the heart and lungs are struggling. Could be serious.


Her breathing reminds me of my cat, who passed away due to heart failure. He had a similar breathing pattern. Please take her to the vet. :(


That baby is having a hard time breathing.. needs to go to the vet immediately. When they are small, they can go down hill quickly. Especially if it's pneumonia or F-hiv.


The breathing


Really bad upper respiratory infection!! Your local aspca will be a lot cheaper and might work with you on the price… if it’s really that bad give a 1/4 of a children’s Benadryl tablet …. But recommend but will give the baby a little relief! My vet taught me this it’s not just from the internet or something


Forget the watery eyes, this baby is having trouble breathing. This is an emergancy


Plz save her she’s in pain and sad


Poor cat. Hopefully their person takes good care.


I agree about a vet but , do you use any scented products around the house? Plug-in air fresheners, diffusers, scented candles or wax melts, strong scented cleaning stuff et cetera et cetera? They can be highly toxic to cats . Hope she is okay 🩷


L-Lysine works great 👍


because he sad ☹️


Does she always breathe like that. I’d take her to the vet as soon as possible. She won’t be comfortable poor baby 😿












Poor baby is allergic to you,I think you need to be re homed.