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It would be really nice to have a private range lane like that where you can draw however you like. Lucky.


Yes it very nice especially on rainy or cold days where I can't go to the outdoor range 40 mins away. This indoor range is unlimited time as long as you have the country club membership which is own by the same guy so it nice for sure to be able to just book 2-3 hours and not having to hear anyone want to me shoot. These private lane are pricey if you don't have membership though


6/10. Would be 9/10 but we didnt get to see that secksie belly


I'll make sure to undress next time šŸ˜˜


Youā€™re on the right track. I donā€™t know that measuring accuracy and your draw are metrics that should be connected. Draw mechanics certainly set up grip and consistent presentation. Those lend to accurate shooting but theyā€™re not directly connected. First shot accuracy is more about trigger manipulation. Accuracy over strings of fire is about grip and vision. Each built on the other - both positively and negatively. If youā€™re looking to improve your proficiency I canā€™t recommend enough to do classes with high end instructors. Draw mechanics from appendix: Point 1 Tactics or Modern Samurai Project. Shooting performance: Baer Solutions, Ben Stoeger, JJ Racaza, Rune Nation, Achilles Heel Tactical Itā€™ll change everything for you if you can make any class from any of those guys


Yeah will try to schedule one of those training class for sure. Thanks for input bro


Iā€™ve done classes with most of them, and some others I was less impressed with. One rule I generally find to be true is itā€™s worth it to travel and/or wait for a class with a good instructor. As opposed to finding a local class with someone that might suck and be a total waste of time and money.


Yeah I look some up and will need to commit at least 3-4 days traveling and taking those classes cause some of them are two days courses too. Current work schedule is not feasible but hopefully in Spring for sure.


Dry fire and shot timer Iā€™m a really new shooter so take me w a grain of salt but Iā€™d say ur grouping is rlly good at that distance, go for speed Get a shot timer to run drills, and do lots of dry fire when you can in between. Do USPSA if you can! Thatā€™s an excellent way to improve tbh and itā€™s not expensive to compete


1000% this


1) Your belt is way too lose and/ or your holster sucks. The amount of messing with your gun to get it back in the holster and situated including pointing it at your other hand is crazy. 2) Your extraneous movements and exaggerated movement in your draw is slowing you down. 3) accuracy wise youā€™re headed in the right direction but your target defies indicating extra movement somewhere leading to that leaking low and left. U/efficent-ostrich195 has the accuracy requirements correct. He is someone whose advice you should be following.


The holster is Velo4 it definitely me not cinching my belt tight. Will reevaluate the equipment thanks for the tips bro Yeah will need to work on those unnecessary movements for sure Thanks for the tips bro


What he said is dead on šŸ‘†šŸ½ your doing to much with that draw . Try dry firing at home and drawing at home before you start with the live fire . Get a better belt or holster because you should not need to adjust every time you shoot . The only thing that should be moving is your arms thatā€™s it . When you master that then add the moving back or to the side .


Belt and holsters are good it just me not cinching it tight enough tbh It tenicor zero belt and velo4 holster I just loosen the belt cause I was sitting in my car and move to the range and didn't cinch it tight enough. Will make sure to do it in the future and work on the movements


Yea it takes time and no one is perfect but remember start off slow and do it right and speed will come .


What the point of press checking immediately after chambering a round


Thought the same thing


John Wick does it


Saw it on a video game or tv and heā€™s replicating it in real lifeā˜ ļø


Ensure a round actually chambered?




It's about maximizing the chances that everything works perfectly in the off chance it's needed, man.


Donā€™t most handguns have a LCI? My Glocks and Berettas do.


Takes one second to press check so does it really matter? Plus for Glocks only way you can check beside press checking is to see if the extractor is slightly protruding. With S&W M&P (which OP has) all they have is a peephole on top of the chamber to see if thereā€™s a round in the chamber. Unless u live in a ban state where thereā€™s a clear loaded indicator device on the gun, press checking is faster.


Yessir exactly. Glad to see people who understand different guns instead of one size fit all. The LCI in these M&P suck ass tbh and most M&P people just press check it way faster


Redundancy doesnt hurt. Can you give me one good reason why not to do this other than its redundant?


They just picking on whatever they can to hate me instead of giving actual inputs. There are some very helpful dudes in this community but I feel like more than half of the people here are fat dudes who shoot once or twice a year but have the loudest and most obnoxious personality instead of being helpful. I wonder if they're like that irl too or just behind their keyboard "Go out and train bro!!" Me going out and train and asking for inputs and taking constructive feedbacks without having an ego and thanking the helpful responses. "Reeee why are you press checking and racking slides multiple times to make sure they're empty?! Reeeee" Is what they're doing


If I had a nickel for every time I thought I chambered a round and the gun then went click, only for nothing to pop out of the chamber, I could buy a single round of 5.56. So now I sanity check when I can, just cause it makes me happy and costs me nothing. Beats winding up dead, or worse, looking like an idiot in front of all my oper8r friends


Yeah idk why these guys so PRESSED about me press checkingšŸ˜‚


Sometimes rounds nosedive and when you rack it it doesn't chamber. Happens in matches often. Usually over stuffing the mag causes this and other things too but overstuffing is common especially in extended mags for competition.


Yeah it happens to a couple of my other range gun with extended Basepad. People like to nitpick the smallest things man can't make everyone happy. In another thread there were a dude hating on me for showing gun empty and making sure it safe. People just overly cranky when it behind their keyboard


Your draw shows everyone here that youā€™re very untrained ā˜ ļø also youā€™re justifying ā€œpress checking ā€œ a pistol with a loaded chamber indicatorā€¦..you KNEW the gun didnā€™t have a mag in it yet you repeated racked it 5x then loaded it, press checked it, and tapped the back of the slide knowing it fully chambered a round youā€™re trying to look operator ASFUCK. Please stop the video game bullshit and get trainingšŸ‘


If you ever handle these M&P METAL LE you'd know the LCI is not as obvious/reliable compare to the M&P without optic cut and have those indicator on top of the slides I am getting training that why I post here to get tips to improve on the next session and have classes line up when time permits. Why don't you post some of your draw vids so we can all learn from you bro? Sound like you're a professional shooter with 1s draw to shoot hitting your A Zones Everytime through a pin hole so I could use an example from the grand meister šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


You saw your gun chamber the round and you still press checked it stop trying to look operator brošŸ‘ go get trained by a instructor dry fire practice drawing doesnā€™t equate to being trained by a instructor so posting ā€œdrawsā€ on social media doesnā€™t mean anything. Youā€™re practicing a draw at a single lane at a gun range thatā€™s not training with a instructor, you want me to post practice draws to social media? What is that gonna prove? You became defensive when commenters called you out on press checks and your sloppy draw you made this post and complained that the opinions from people are ā€œhateā€ grow up brošŸ‘


You saw your gun chamber the round and you still press checked it stop trying to look operator brošŸ‘ go get trained by a instructor dry fire practice drawing doesnā€™t equate to being trained by a instructor so posting ā€œdrawsā€ on social media doesnā€™t mean anything. Youā€™re practicing a draw at a single lane at a gun range thatā€™s not training with a instructor, you want me to post practice draws to social media? What is that gonna prove? You became defensive when commenters called you out on press checks and your sloppy draw you made this post and complained that the opinions from people are ā€œhateā€ grow up brošŸ‘ Iā€™ll gladly pm you my 1ish second draw if itā€™ll make you feel better ;)


Such bullshit OP saw and heard the gun successfully chamber the round and still press checked the gun, he only did it to look OPERATOR ASFUCK online which is why he racked a empty gun multiple times. ā€œPress checks are a thing of amateurs ā€œ- James Yeager


Bruh you can hate on me press checking all you want but personally for me racking it multiple times is just a good practice whenever I want to make sure the gun is clear. I always rack it a bunch of time then inspect the chamber. It just safer that way šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Rather be extra safe that there no more rounds left in the gun.


Rack it once and inspect the chamber in the same action... Lets say by some weird scenario it still had a round chambered after the first rack, you then proceed to manipulate the gun multiple times giving you more opportunities to ND. Minimizing the manipulations of a loaded gun is safer. Minimizing manipulations is also more efficient.


That what the second and third racks are for. Plus visually inspect the barrel. Sometimes I finger fuck the barrel too


A single rack with a visual inspection is all that is required, if you have any uncertainty at that point then you finger check it, but that only applies if you have limited visibility. If the first rack didn't clear a round, there is something wrong and the odds that a second or third will change things are infinitesimally small, which is why you should always verify with a visual inspection, and if you are going to do that then multiple racks are pointless. The only time a second rack is warranted is when you are demonstrating it is cleared before handing off. If you can't verify it's cleared on the first rack every time you have no business handling firearms. If something prevented the round from extracting on the first rack, continuing to rack it just increases the odds you mess up and ND.


https://preview.redd.it/7mnznnkq7xqc1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a510a267d7a282d66c6408888fc84f333f64c431 Would you look at that? Turns out, James Yeager is the amateur.


Lol that so funny man šŸ¤£ I didn't even bother looking up the dude he quoting I thought it was just some Fudd from years past I appreciate you spending time talking to the troll for me. I was busy at work and reading his response and you destroying him is hilarious. I think you're right, this dude just one of those keyboard warriors. It not like I'm being defensive neither anyone who own newer M&P 2.0 (2.5) know the LCI is just badly designed and been bitch and moan at in the S&W sub for a long time. Probably can't even run a mile without dying or bench 225 for reps Now I took a closer look at this dude profile he apparently a security guard irl? That explains the insecurity and troll ass attitude instead of giving constructive feedback like you and other helpful dudes on here šŸ‘


Copying what you see on tv and video games is a good fundamental thing for concealed carry /s


Really? Cause the OP gave a pretty articulate reason for why he does a press check.


Seeing and hearing a gun successfully chamber = immediately press check firearmā€¦ā€¦.that makes sense šŸ‘justify your video game replicating all you want


I would continue explaining, but I'm pretty sure you're one of those shoot 6x a year dudes who pretends to have any semblance of competence so I'll just save my breath. Plus, that James Yeager cum has burned holes in your brain from all the times you've deepthroated him.


Loaded chamber indicators donā€™t exist on current gen M&P 2.0s I guessšŸ‘ weird that youā€™ll comment about another dudes cum on a gun subredditā€¦ā€¦untrained people and their useless unnecessary wannabe operator bullshit never seems to amaze me.


Pick a drill, any drill, we'll compete based on HF. Loser has to publicly create a new Reddit account and get both accounts admin banned by Reddit including an IP ban. Or... just pussy out and take the L.


Force of habit. There's no point I just do it out of habit everytime I'm about to holster my gun. Aside from that is the group acceptable for 15-18 yard out draw from concealment?


Well you hit it but you can definitely pull that group in more. Keep it up


Thanks bro šŸ‘




The lower left leaning were my fault for not controlling triggers adequately. Need more dry fire practice. The upper headshots and top right shots I was just trying to hit them and see if I can or not. I just need to keep practicing more consistently tbh


Yeah, dryfire is an answer. The low left is what most righthanders fight. Ben Stoeger does a cool video about "overgriping", not quite the right term, with the non dominate hand to clean that and other stuff up. Worked for me. If you are not shooting with a shot clock you don't know if you are improving. Also, a guy above (A_really_clever_pun) is super right. Learning from some no shit really good shooters/instructors will make an absurdly big difference and save you thousands of rounds.


Yeah I'll need to schedule a class this summer or spring for sure. Right now I'm working on transitioning to a VP role at my firm so I can't really take off more than two days in a row unfortunately and these classes of the reputable guys all far af from me and require at least 3 days traveling commitments Yeah I'll watch that Ben stogger video for sure thanks bro


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-1peBVqGpk Long and has rifle in it but awesome.


All the extraneous motion is not needed for your draw?


You're talking about the stuffs I do before the draw practice or during the live fire draw practice. If it the latter I am working with an instructor next month and taking a class in May to improve myself. Doing 100 reps of dry fire a day right now and shoot 500 rounds a week to slowly improve my skills. I could definitely be faster but I ain't Mr. Bryan that take a lot more practices which will only come with time and consistency which I'm tryna crank up to 1000 rounds a week when my work allow. End of quarter so been busy and don't have time to shoot as much as I'd like.


Maybe I'm just jealous, but 500 rounds a week is kinda crazy, let alone 1000. Outside of recoil control, a lot of work can be done for free with dry fire, especially since you have a dot that gives really good feedback as to how the gun moves in your hand when you pull the trigger.


I'm luckier than most to be able to afford shooting that much for sure thanks to my job which paid well. When Academy got that Monarch 9mm Sale last year which was 20cpr I applied for the Chase Ink Card which gives you back $750 when you spent $6k so I went ham and basically applied for the Academy card to get the discount and then spent $6k on ammo to stack the cash back bringing my CPR to 17-ish CPR for $6k worth of 9mm. That why I'm shooting so much lol


What's the interest rate on that?


It was 0% for 15 months intro offer. But I pay it off right away the moment I swipe the card. I use my credit cards like cash, swipe then go to the apps and pay them off right away I do not carry any credit card balance. Only debts I have are on my rentals portfolio


Damn, nice. Could be tempted to buy new guns or start getting into reloading, or just actually get out and shoot haha. Not a bad choice.


So how many rounds did you get for that? Like 30k or more?


I should have been more clear didn't spend all $6k on the 9mm I bought 15k total. The rest I put toward a new treadmill for cardio in the office and some gym clothes for my girl. I wanted to send it all toward ammo but I was in the middle of moving into a new house at the time and wasn't sure how much spaces I'll have so didn't go full ham


Sure. Don't move backward Don't move your shoulders. Don't move your head and bring the gun to your eyeline.


Got it. Isn't moving backwards while drawing an important skill too in defensive situation though? I saw lot of video on YT of those army and spec ops guys saying you should practice drawing when moving backwards too aside from just staying still and draw Will work on the shoulders movement The head movement is just my habit of shooting AR it hard to break lol But will try


FWIW, Iā€™d focus more on getting the shots off a little faster. Misses donā€™t stop gunfights so Iā€™d worry less about movement but at the spec ops level theyā€™re worried about different things than I am.


First off sorry for coming off like a dick. The world of its too hard to improve is excuses and not true. The tacticool vs performance based groups exist and knowing both well is worth while. Check out msp or point 1 tactics for a training class in your area!


No worries man everyone got their off day at least you give constructive feedbacks which is helpful for me in future practices Unlike some fat trolls who keep REEEings about a press check or how many times I rack the slides lmao


All that dosnt matter. Let's talk about performance. Take a modern samurai class and you'll be amazed


This isn't true it happens quickly stop doing more shit to get a worse result.


Give me some pointers then instead of being passive aggressive lmao. Y'all always preach go out and practice and shits but when someone post asking for training tips y'all just make comments like these šŸ’€


Ahh yeah if your hitting the dude at all every single round your doing good


Thanks bro šŸ‘


That looks great to me. I would only suggest keeping the muzzle down range if the gun is empty or not. Looks like you were muzzling a bit of the ceiling and side wall at the end. Overall Iā€™m really impressed by the talent and hard work you put into it.


Thank you for the input bro appreciate it šŸ‘


Seems others have made the comments about your movement. One thing Iā€™d say, is work on the draw. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. On some of them it seems youā€™re really pushing down on the gun prior to draw, (maybe like some said itā€™s because the belts loose) so maybe get a claw or a spacer and see if youā€™re able to get it off you some? Saying youā€™re having trouble getting your hand on it at first, just seems youā€™re really balls to the wall/pushing down to get it and then drawing. So back to basic here on drawing, and the ideology of slow is smooth, when you start adding speed to any drill fundamentals start to fall apart and itā€™s okay, happens. I think itā€™s partly why youā€™re way low left and on the cardboard on some of those shots. Iā€™m not an all star shooter nor do I hit bullseyes every time just hate shooting low left it sucks haha. Also consider when you knew you were out of ammo, through a reload in there. Never hurts to do it, less of the mag flip, more of getting into the routine of practicing reloading. Helps so if you have a failure, or youā€™re dry, you get into that mindset of you know what to do because youā€™ve seen it. Also maybe this is just the Range Officer in me, you have good trigger discipline, but you sort of hang around with that gun down and away sometimes. What Iā€™d do, is shoot, keep gun on target, and then holster. I think you were trying to see where you hit, then you lifted the shirt up, and then holster. Some ranges are picky on that shit, leaves too much time for an error, I guess. (Thatā€™s nitpicky shit for me) Also I do agree with buddy, press check is kind of dumb when you just .5 seconds ago dropped that round in and know very well it seated. Just for example sake, if you press check some more competition guns at least like the 2 I have the DH3 and a X5 sometime they hang for a second while press checking and then go all the way into battery. I donā€™t know feel like a press check could cause a gun to hang and give you that tap rack situation. You know if youā€™ve been around that specific gun for sometime the difference of when it set and ready, vs a round not being set. Good looks though, itā€™s more than so many folks we see buy guns do, so keep at it. Just stay slow for a minute and work to speed up. Throw reloads in there, have a buddy load the gun, get unexpected situations.


Thanks for the detail input bro. I will make adjustments on next range day and adjustment to my movement and the details you noted šŸ‘ Another note is those strays that outside target is not mine but from the dudes before me in this suite. This unit got those fancy camera that shown you your hits on a digital screen so the further stray I got was the lowest left that still barely on the target


No worries man. Takes time, but like I said youā€™re doing more than most!


Yessirrrr shoot whenever I can and getting my girl into it too. Although her clothes make it impossible to carry and she doesn't wanna deal with Phslter system lol


A few things to point out from my training experience and the folks I have talked to and trained with. The issue with Targets like that is they have you shooting lower than you would want on a normal person. Look at something like a USPSA target as the 2 main boxes will show you a better spot to aim. Generally speaking, it's like if you tape a note card 4" X 6" note card on your chest with the bottom about inline with your nipples (with the long side pointing towards the head) and then a 3" x 5" card where your eyes are making a sort of disconnected "T" shape. I would say you had maybe 2-3 good hits total if it were an actual person that would stop the fight rather quickly but the majority of your volley of rounds ends up being intestinal shots. Secondly, I would say accurate fire is far more deadly than volume of fire and because the majority of your shots while "good" in comparison to the red dot. Wouldn't work so well in against an actual target shooting back.


That is very helpful with those precise measurements. I'll look into getting some of those targets like you said and train with them after I go through my current stacks of these targets thanks bro


You're re-holstering way too quickly and aggressively. You are clearly a strong guy, but you need to do that much more slowly. If a string or other item of clothing gets into the trigger guard, you're giving yourself no opportunity to correct the problem before the gun discharges. Very dangerous.


Will keep in mind and adjust it. Yeah I need to control my strength more you right


I commend you and your effforts to improve. Good for you. Sadly, people, largely are just haters and those that criticize donā€™t practice or regularly train. Dry fire, professional instructors are excellent steps to improve. Continue your journey, ignore the trolls. You will likely be the one that saves a trollā€™s life. Stand tall, press check with pride, practice safety and continue to throw rounds down range!


Thanks bro. Appreciate the input. Yeah man I realized most people in this sub are probably fat dudes and cranky people who don't really go out and train or shoot much and just treat this like a hobby sub. There are some good information here from some dudes and I appreciate their inputs but some of the dudes responding to me made me question if they're this geeky irl cause ain't no way people this autistic if they don't have a screen and keyboard behind them


No need to put your shirt over your head lol


Don't want it to snag but yeah a bit excessive šŸ˜‚


In all seriousness, reps , reps and more reps. That's the route.


No, it's not. Only because you should always strive to do better.


Just think if you loaded the gun the correct way, you wouldn't have to do a press check. šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ


Yeah, I found it odd that he fast racked the slide only to do a press check. Just pull the slide all the way back and let it chamber properly... The current way he's just wasting his time by having to follow up with a visual verification.


Video game operator dude really presschecked and tapped the back of the slide like he didnā€™t see the round chamber correctly ā˜ ļø


I don't think he did see it chamber, he was trying to look so cool pulling the slide back fast with a forward grip on the slide. I also don't get why he clears the gun multiple times to then chamber a round... just a bunch of pointless actions to try and look cool. He's setting up for a drill, just do it the efficient way, or look like a dumbass saying "look at me, I'm operator af!".


Rewatch the vid he was looking down at the gun while he was doing all these useless actions, thatā€™s exactly what heā€™s doing heā€™s trying to look operator. So cringy and utter useless manipulations Iā€™ve never had to press check a gun like I donā€™t know the condition that my gun is in.


Are those cardboard hits on the left from you doing this same drill? No offense or disrespect intended, but if so, you need to tighten that up a lot before you consider engaging at that distance in a real life scenario. Each one of those clean misses off the paper is a bullet that could hit a bystander. Your draw, time to first shot, and follow up cadence seemed reasonable to me until I saw the misses. If I were in your shoes, Iā€™d repeat this drill at 7 yards until all your hits are in the 8 ring. Again going to a real life scenario, a threat 45 feet away is enough time to not fire and find cover.


Those are not mine. It from previous dudes in this suite before me. The most off shot is those strays on the left that still on the target lower left side Thanks for the inputs will keep practicing šŸ‘


Gotcha. In that case youā€™re doing good. Iā€™d personally want it tighter, but Iā€™m guessing youā€™ve got the same attitude. We can always do better. šŸ’ŖšŸ»


Yeah my groups at 7 and 10 yds are a bit bigger than fist size. I just want to try 15-18 yds cause I been practicing 5-7-10 distance for the last 6 months lol Appreciate it bro šŸ‘


One thing for sure is that your case for your pistol seems way to lose you need to make sure your pants are tight around waist and case is very secured sloppy can cause hang ups and accidents


Yeah the holster is good it tenicor Velo4 I just did not cinch my belt tight enough. Will make sure to have it tighten better in the future


You should pull your cover shirt up some more, makes that re-holster way cleaner with your shirt that much further out of the way. I havenā€™t pulled my shirt up that high since I was a kid taking a leak.


Looks like youā€™re moving a lot more than you need to when you draw. Youā€™ll be faster if you only do whatā€™s necessary to draw and fire.


Your welcome bud the case looked great I was just worried on every draw how lose things looked and when you seem to put it back in you had to hold it and stuff. But overall your draw is great you seem focused but in real life situations everything seems slow motion and very difficult you need to always keep you under control is all. Thanks for great video


Thank you for your input brošŸ‘


15-18 yards is a long way away... Most defensive gun uses are within 7. if I'm 15 yards away, my first reaction is to get more ground between me and the bad guy... unless the bad guy was attacking someone I love, then I'm closing ground. You are responsible for every round out of your barrel, with stress and adrenaline, are you really comfortable taking that shot from 15-18 yards?


You want your group to be about the size of a tea saucer at whatever distance youā€™re shooting at. Also, be very careful to not point the gun at your hand while you reholster.


> Also, be very careful to not point the gun at your hand while you reholster. Was going to comment on this. OP is hitting the target so no advice from me, other than he is clearly flagging himself on reholster.


Gotcha I'll just keep practicing then


Nice job with the reholstering slowly and precisely. Donā€™t see that as often as we should!


Thank you! I tried to at least get the safety basics correct. Heard too many horror stories of dude holstering too fast while live firing practice


https://preview.redd.it/tkkegc0kkrqc1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f558859631a60b0e6944f72da0b25164488ec03 The target after 50 rounds. Distance 15-18 yds Draw and shoot from concealment.


You're getting good advice, but from a safety perspective it looks like you're flagging yourself on reholster.


Yeah I rewatch and y'all right will keep it in mind for future reps


Is this a shootsmart? I swear Iā€™ve been to this exact place in dfw..


If you canā€™t cover your grouping with a quarter, you need work.


difficult to tell with your japanese porn hands.


Lol funny you said that. I dated a couple Japanese chicks in the past and they're freaks in bed just after the Viet and Chinese girls. Those demur and gentle personality can be a sharp contrast in bed for sure.