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This is why I enjoy MAC athletics - nobody has the resources (or cares enough) to try this insane shit. It's just mostly mediocre football played in subprime tv slots, like God intended.


I will never forget going to the CMU WMU game, and a) getting in free and b) having a cop on a horse grab a half gallon of whipped pinnacle vodka out of a girls hand on the sidewalk, take a sniff, say ‘I have never seen that flavor before’, and hand it back. MACtion is what football is about imo


Central/Western weekend is the one time I'd love to go back to college


I was crashing at a friends fraternity house, fell asleep at like 2:30 am to levels by avicii blasting, woke up at 6 am to levels by avicii blasting


I went to both Central and Western (don’t ask) and CMU/WMU week in Mount Pleasant my freshman year was one of the most epic shitfests I’ve ever had the pleasure of being a part of. Definitely underrated outside the mitten.


While I generally agree, Toledo had a pretty big point shaving scandal a while ago


Those dudes from Detroit were all about those weekday MAC games!


Every update is like the Ents slowly ripping the dams open at Isengard


Every time I F5 I’m half expecting to see something like “Harbaugh wrote a $100k check to stallions with the memo line that says “sign stealing expenses reimbursement”


[I just keep imagining everything going down like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgf6Es1Sj68)


“The closer we are to danger, the farther we are from harm” - Connor Stallions












As a Michigan fan and LOTR fanatic. I hate you


Lord of the ‘Rines


Release the river!!


Think you can do a postgame fun-facts style TL:DR of it all?


🎵They’re taking the hobbits to Isengard🎵


Honestly I’m just really happy to have a cfb scandal that involves actual football. Obviously this is really bad, but it’s not *bad* bad in the way that makes me feel gross and guilty for watching the sport. Feels really nice to hit F5 and laugh at how crazy some of these new updates are getting


Idk man, I think my favorite college football scandal of all time is going to be when the UT coach’s stripper side piece’s monkey bit a kid on Halloween.


I still think of the name Pole Assassin sometimes and laugh. That was definitely a good one too


It was one of those scandals that kept giving. Pet monkey bites kid at Halloween party at coaches house. Okay, weird but college coaches can be quirky. The monkey belongs to his girlfriend who met on recruiting trips and then left his wife for. Well that’s interesting. The girlfriend is actually a stripper named Pole Assasin and uses the monkey in her act? Whaaaat the actual fuck


That was an amazing couple days on social media as bits kept trickling out, and it became increasingly impossible to explain to my wife what I was laughing at.


>and it became increasingly impossible to explain to my wife what I was laughing at. ​ Reason #45812 I love my wife: she may be a bigger sports (and college football) fan than I am, and follows along with stories like Pole Assassin like I did. We can both laugh at the same damned things, and each of us can't wait to share the latest revelation with this or that story to the other.


That thread is r/cfb hall of fame. Watching those updates come in was wild


yeah, as bad as it is, it's refreshing that is doesn't involve a coach whipping their dick out. yet...


Tomorrow's news will be that Wyld Stallyns' fetish is to rub one out in a gender-neutral bathroom at every stadium in the B1G.


Enter Pole Assassin


I love watching another fan base squirm that prides itself on not being like everyone else. Also please tell me they cheated while getting dick dragged by Kirby. Please.


They cheated while getting dick dragged by Kirby.


For that matter, they cheated while getting teabagged by KWIII.


Kenneth Walker doesn’t care if you have the signs. Kenneth Walker goes where he pleases


Yeah, sign stealing doesn’t help too much when the running back decides on a whim that he wants to go the other direction entirely cause the vibes look better over there


Oh god, what if other teams are doing this? OH GOD! What if MY team is doing this?!


My God, If we were doing this and our defense was still this bad...


Is this is a troll 2 reference?


Harbaugh is eating her. And then he’s gonna eat me. OH MY GODDDDDDD


You can't piss on hospitality!


George Hardy is an amazing actor. He could’ve been big. But dental school called, and he answered.




We are going to have to tighten our belts by one notch. And so will your mother and sister.




[whispers] noted football terrorist Jeff Lebby was caught on the Tulsa sideline in Norman during the 2014 season, before his Baylor team played OU (There was no attempt to hide it, he was just chilling, so apparently he really just didn’t know he couldn’t do that, which…yeah, in hindsight, he didn’t know a whole lot of things about a coach’s responsibilities at that time)


MLB sign stealing moment


Nothing to get upset about, it's just a piece of metal




Broke: Conference realignment Bespoke: Michigan's public self-immolation


Instead of suspending Harbaugh, can we chain him to a chair and make him watch the “trouble with the snap” play on repeat while feeding him nothing but tofu? I think that’s a just punishment for this


Vegas is scared Michigan is gonna steal their signs too


Well I guess they won't be able to continue to kill the spread if that actually happens




Starting lines: O/U 15 wins vacated


I’d bet Wyld Stalions’ salary and bankroll on the over.


I'll take the over


The Fanduel promoted advertisement between this post and the comments is just wildly hilarious.


The last people I would want to make mad are the people that built a city in the desert


You never fuck with the money. A good bit of life advice and business advice.


And they built that city on all of the holes in the desert graves they dug


Who knew football gambling would be equated with maintaining the integrity of the game? It’s almost as if *integrity* has obtained an entirely new definition.


All I know is that "The Game" is going to be absolutely bonkers insane this season. I don't think the world is ready for this.


30 million watching


We're also playing with (big) house money since we literally cannot lose this game. Either we win, or it never officially happened lol


Whatever Ohio State fans are feeling throughout this scandal has to be one of the best feelings a human can ever experience.


I barely remember that we beat Penn state at this point


I’ve already forgotten where Hitler was born.


Holy shit dude lmao. I freakin LOVE the self-loathing masochist MSU fans still hanging aroung r/CFB after the year weve had. Been spitting gold for weeks.


This is, bar none, the funniest comment I've seen in this whole thread, I fucking can't.


same and i was cackling at the penn state dig right above. i almost forgot we lost too bc of this lmaoooo


Me too, better blast his face all over the jumbotron to refresh my memory


Shit, I barely remember we lost!


I told my wife yesterday that it was up there with our wedding day as one of my happiest days in recent memory. At this pace, wedding day will be a distant 2nd by Friday.


Imagine you got tormented by a childhood bully, until one day you beat the shit out of him so badly he tucked his tail and left you alone for about 15 years. Fast forward to adulthood, and out of the blue he’s back in your life. He’s somehow even more obnoxious and arrogant than you remember from your childhood. The worst part is he makes it his mission to call YOU arrogant and obnoxious whenever he can, and everyone else in your life sides with him for reasons you can’t even begin to comprehend. He’s incredibly self-righteous and holier than thou about everything, but somehow you’re the only one who seems to notice it. After two straight years of this agony, it comes out that he’s been running a Ponzi scheme this entire time. His self-righteous bullshit was exactly that, bullshit. He built his entire life around the idea that he’s better than you, and it was a complete and utter sham. And everyone knows it. That’s how this feels.


I am 41 yrs old. This is relatable.


Some more fun stuff: [Normal Oregon Duck Fan](https://twitter.com/a_zinger/status/1716984336250208384?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1716984336250208384%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=) [Free Ticket!](https://x.com/tylerhack6/status/1716993056832893040?s=20) [Some more spice](https://x.com/Birm/status/1716973304639008937?s=20) [Anotha one](https://twitter.com/a_zinger/status/1716978041556250651)


Yeah, I was part of that thread on the Ducks forum earlier, and it was wild how everything fell into place this afternoon. Within about two hours, we went from a poster mentioning he saw this guy filming at the UW game last year to getting confirmation Michigan had sent someone to that game and the seats were on the same side of the field as where the poster took the photo.


Thank you Ducks for providing evidence to uphold our conference's integrity. Your service has been noted.


Man, we’re not even in the Big 10 yet and this conference is insane.


I promise this isn't a normal season lol. Usually we make fun of Iowa's offense, Nebraska's one score game record, and argue about who has the best corn.


No one knew what 2 decades of OSU dominance could do to UM. Well, now we know.


Cheatbaugh couldn't take being fired by his alma mater and the school he loved. Now he may end up killing it lol.


>he and the others were never allowed to talk to Harbaugh directly about it Nothing says "everything we're doing is in accordance with the rules" like making sure you don't talk about it around the people who will need plausible deniability later.




This one is SPICY


bro i bet there were like only like 5000 people or less in the stadium by like halftime because of how bad the weather was should be easy to spot the person if the rain didnt mess with the camera too badly


word has been since this started that we were one of the schools that reported this with video evidence. so that would not surprise.


Thank you


It’s not going to stop oh my god lmao


When it rains, it pours.


Officially in the ‘refresh and get ready for the craziest shit in the world’ era of the scandal. As a neutral observer this is fun lol


I'm just a regular human Oregon Duck Fan This is just how we talk in Tucson Arizonia


It was kind of Michigan to leave a trail evidence as wide as the state of Texas. Thanks, Wolverine bros!


Twice the pride double the fall.


Those arrogant Michigan flairs who have been popping off with delusional.nonsense takes over the past two days are awfully quiet. Meanwhile -- thank you to all the Ohio State, Penn State, Michigan State, and Notre Dame flairs doing the Lord's work here.


It is no secret my fanbase sucks but I will always hold that michigan is just as bad and much more arrogant.


Being an alum of Loyola Chicago (endured Michigan fans in person at the final four in San Antonio) and being from Cincinnati (lived and died by UC, couldn’t stand OSU growing up), Michigan fans are entirely worse on a different level.


dawg we are so cooked


Lincoln Brisket style.


This is insane. My shit post about a venmo guy going to osu-uga is looking more and more plausible every hour. I'd like an armchair detective flair mods!


Dude didn't even keep the venmo private.


Rules and ethics aside, this is the most embarrassing op sec I have ever seen! "My friend is paying me to cheat but I can get away with it if I wink and never talk directly to Jim Harbaugh who is paying for all of it lol."


Dude what the hell


People thought the initial report of Michigan’s “vast spy operation” meant a Mossad like counter intelligence op, but really it was more of a Tonya Harding’s ex husband type op


Jeff Gillooly!


Supposedly the NCAA has already been sent an hour of evidence footage.


Nobody sent it to me, I need to see it


I also need to see it. For evidence reasons.


Ugh! You mean they posted on one of those disgusting ex-B1G Champion websites!? I mean, there are so many of them though. Which one did they post them on?


so that last one either proves Harbaugh was in on it, or proves he isn't - magic johnson


No way Harbaugh didn't know. Minter was getting info from him on the opening drive of The Game last year using his laminated sheets. No way they were not pre prepared.


Holy cow if those photos are legit, how stupid is Michigan to not even attempt to hide what they were doing?


Do people not understand that it’s ok to use cash?


Lmao holy fucking shit. This is wild


Totally was just a lone actor though right?


This is so bad lol. The only hope Michigan has to not get fired into the sun is praying there isn’t a paper trail of payments from the coaching staff or anyone outside of Stallions in the university. They MIGHT be able to get away from more severe punishment if that is the case. If not, then it’s show cause violations and the program gets nuked from orbit.


>praying there isn't a paper trail of payments from the coaching staff or anyone outside of Stallions You mean like Venmo receipts?


Could probably directly talk to venmo, especially if Vegas gets involved cause then feds might get involved. Supposedly one major sportsbook has been advised to take michigan off the books but idk about the source on that one.


If the gaming commission gets involved (I don’t think they will and I think the post here is bunk) then all bets are off. That’s federal agents poking around your shit.


If any of these people get reached out to they probably have receipts. Hell, they even say michigan was financing everything. The vast network really was real lol.


Nothing substantial has come from the 2015-2019 timeframe where Connor was "volunteering" his time. Feels like allegations before 2021 would release a new tier of fucked Certainly expect reporters are going to dig up what he was actually doing all that time, and potentially his role at Navy as well.


Last week this was a "haha, let's mock Michigan but nothing will come of it" story. Yesterday this was an "I'm sure they'll catch a fine and maybe Harbaugh gets a game or two tacked on to his suspension next season." This evening this is a "Holy shit, Michigan might get banned from the conference championship and postseason by the Big Ten despite being the #2 ranked team in the country."


Couldn’t agree anymore. Up until a few days ago I thought this was just a fun story being blown up by Ohio State flairs and shitposts, but we’re officially in batshit bonkers territory and I love it. Whenever I see the newest update I legitimately don’t know how it can get any worse but somehow it does!


At this rate The Big House gets turned into a Spirit of Halloween store, right?


I’m glad I’m not the only one!! This seems like a really bad movie plot!! 😂


Holy shit, how quickly things went from “lmao way to be over dramatic with your accusations of a vast network of spies” to “goddamn, they really did have a vast network of wannabe spies doing this shit blatantly out in the open”.


If you offer a college kid a free football ticket, plane ticket, hotel, food, and a bit of cash any of em will do it.


Wow. This is genuinely impressive detective work.


I can't take all the credit, one of our forums has been great at this. I just want to share it with reddit.


The dates on these posts are wild. How did they get away with it for so long?


One rumor at each team's forum. Nobody saw all of them enough to start drawing conclusions.


OSU should be training an AI on every FBS programs message boards to find more evidence of Michigans cheating


Lemme get more of this


All I have right now. If I get more I'll try to remember and respond again.


These message boards are the gifts that keep on giving


The sleuths of legend.


At this point I’m shocked it took this long to catch them.


One rumor on each fanbase's forum isn't much in isolation. Nobody could see it all together until now.


Oh man that is insane lol


I am doubting Sam Webb and Steve Deace saying this is a nothingburger.


This is absolutely bonkers


Holy shit lol


Totally a nothing burger though.


We are seeing lots of stuff like this, I am wondering how this stayed this quite this long.and what really was the straw that broke the camels back for the info to flow


All isolated at different schools. Nobody knew so many message boards had these issues so they were likely dismissed.


> Normal Oregon Duck Fan The fan who posted that on our board said that was his brother who caught that guy and confronted him. His brother reached out to the AD to let them know but never heard from them after that. He said his brother is contacting them first thing tomorrow with this picture lol.


The Ducks are upholding the sanctity of our conference. For real though this shit is wild.


lol I cannot imagine confronting some rando in the stadium for filming a televised game, god bless your brother.


Well, there’s actually a whole video of the confrontation and the guy filming, but the poster just posted a screen grab because he couldn’t upload the video.


You're telling me there's tapes?


Damn you brought the heat with this one.


Pls add this one from October 12: https://x.com/tylerhack6/status/1716993056832893040?s=20


Already on there, second link.




I don’t think we will beat them. But man do I want to beat them even more now. It would be so hilarious.


The game thread will start with 100k people looking for shaadenfreude and end with 10k random flairs complaining about penn states offense


I am the world’s biggest Penn State fan. Ignore my flair.


Allar plays better at home. I hope he gets a signature win.


If you beat us by like 30 points it will single-handedly destroy Harbaugh's entire legacy at Michigan, even if signs have nothing to do with it lol


There is some serious juice in this thread


This thread? There's serious juice in every Michigan thread for the last 40 hours


Welcome back to the NFL, Jim Harbaugh!


Lol that Chicago job looking real good to him now


CONFIRMED- Harbaugh not going to LV Raiders




Of course I know him... he's me.


The group of UM flairs commenting gets smaller and smaller in each thread


Hey man, I’m still here because the jokes are sublime and there’s no good crime shows on tv after the writers strike.


Them writers wouldn't ever come up with a juicy of a series as this one. But seriously, it's gonna get better. But first it's going to get worse way way worse


The writers would look at this and go, "NO one will believe anyone is this stupid."


I actually feel bad for them. If Oklahoma got caught doing this I would probably react the same way. I feel like most fans would if it was their team. Accepting the reality that this is actually fucking insane and a huge deal is not a pleasant train of thought if this is a team you have supported your whole life. This is an unprecedented situation. One that the NCAA will have to set a precedent for that will deter any team from doing something like this again. That’s why I wouldn’t be surprised if the punishment is extremely severe. If it’s not, other teams will try to cheat in any way they can (and do a better job of hiding it) and use this situation as the benchmark for how they should be punished if they get caught.


I totally get the reaction from Michigan fans


At this point I can either roll with the punches and joke about it or delete Reddit, so since I’m still interested in football I guess I’ll just keep suffering


As someone with experience with a program run by idiots for years at a time, it helps to remember it’s a fucking game that, at best, gives you a shot of endorphins to make it through until Wednesday for a few weeks every year. Good luck.


Guys it's been more than 40 hours and it won't go down, I'm supposed to call a doctor now right?


Nah man just roll with it


Not that air tight, is it now Edit: didn't think I would need to clarify I was indeed, making a joke


I had the exact same thought, but I think he's implying the source is a good source. Not that the source doesnt share information. Just poor phrasing?


Honestly I would have to see the lines disappear to believe it, that would be wild but I would be shocked if it happened.


I can promise you one thing. I am going to keep posting about this.


Dad said we have to share with MSU flairs though


Yes please


There’s enough for everyone here. Maybe even Notre Dame.


The more the merrier tbh


By the looks of it, you and every other Ohio State fan as well.


I would be ashamed if they did not.


Fr. If they weren't capitalizing on this I'd call them out. " I thought this was your eternal rival"


"I'm doing my part!"


“The only good ~~bug~~ Michigan Program is a dead ~~bug~~ Michigan program!”


Let me know if you need any help


The 30 for 30 on this whole thing will be amazing.


I, for one, am *shocked* that a Michigan Man^TM would lack integrity.


["We are a beacon of greatness in a sea of cheaters and bagmen."](https://mgoblog.com/mgoboard/we-are-beacon-greatness-sea-cheaters-and-bagmen)


"You want to be above reproach, especially when you’re good, because you don’t want people to come back and say, 'They're winning because they’re cheating.' That’s always going to be a knee-jerk reaction in my experience, since I was a little kid. "We want to be above reproach in everything and do everything by the rules. If you don’t, if you cheat to win, then you've already lost, according to Bo Schembechler. And Bo Schembechler is about next to the word of God. It’s not the word of God, but it’s [close."](https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2028267-arrest-of-49ers-aldon-smith-makes-san-francisco-anything-but-above-reproach)


Put this shit in the Louvre


Ahh yes, when I think “sports gambling”, “integrity” is the first word I think of.




They both get to share the big house