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Cant believe 12 people in a locked closet are making these decisions


They don't make decisions, they get told what to do and find a way to rationalize it


Yeah tbf no one seemed to like this group even before the decision was made. On that we all seemed to agree.


I actually believe this now.




They can literally just copy the FCS playoff format and I'd be happy with it


I'd prefer it in the 16 team format as even I think 24 teams is a bit excessive, but 16 teams, 8 auto-bids for the 8 best conferences gives everyone a shot and is in line with literally every other NCAA sport where half the field is auto-bids.


Named 'Boo Corrigan' no less. AD at NC State. I'm amazed Washington still got in tbh.


It’s a big 10 team.


By that logic, two SEC teams got in... Wait, that totally tracks.


I’m going to yell his name really loud at the home opener next year.


When you realize that all of this is always about the money, it begins to make sense.


Based on this argument (and the Jordan Travis one), if FSU isn't at 4 then they should be at 7. Putting them at 5 is some pretend concession that winning their conference is both more important than SOS but not important enough without any proof that they should lose to leave them out. One key reasons the Pac-12 died is because they were effectively eliminated in September or even the preseason. Somehow this was worse given how they had the early marquee win against the same conference that kept them out, didn't lose, and the ACC was an overall decent conference and interesting title race. Saying your undefeated team is not invited basically confirms your conference was eliminated.


disgusted hurry physical innate fine flag cautious rainstorm chubby governor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't want to play Georgia they should be in /s


I don’t want to play New Mexico State. They should be in


I don’t want to play the Philadelphia Eagles, they should be #1


Stupid sexy Britain Covey


Why is Washington in over Georgia? If they played tomorrow on a neutral field, I would definitely take Georgia. Therefore, Georgia should be in in the playoffs over Washington. This is the "logic" being employed by the committee.


Also - Why then is FSU still above Georgia in the rankings?


Because the whole thing is a farce and maybe they wanted to stop Michigan from winning a title….I don’t know but leaving an undefeated power 5 champion out is ridiculous


The real reason is they needed a SEC team in there. They couldn't justify putting in Bama over Texas because Texas is also a conference champ and has the H2H over Bama. So, they had to kick out FSU to get both Texas and Bama in. If UGA won, it would have been UGA, Michigan, Washington, and FSU 100%. They wouldn't have had Texas jump FSU because that's a simple thing to defend. "It's an undefeated P5 champ vs a 1 loss champ. Wins and losses matter". But without a SEC rep, they had to pull some bullshit to get one in.


If they’re doing that, the playoff should be Michigan-Alabama and Georgia-Ohio State


Stop, the committee can only get so erect


Unironically agree *sobs through my mimosa*


Ranking FSU behind Bama but in front of Georgia makes no sense. If Bama it's better than current FSU then so is Georgia, they just wanted a SEC team in.


That’s my selfish gripe. If you’re judging a banged up FSU team, there’s no way they are in front of Georgia.


They could've made the 4 team playoffs simple. Win your conference, rank by record first, then H2H, ranked wins. Set a criteria and stick to it, constantly changing it to be subjective just go back to the AP


then you wouldn’t need to give those 13 committee members attention + a feeling of self importance + money though… think of them!! garbage people perpetuate garbage systems


I don't want to play Iowa, they should be in.


I’d rather play Texas than Georgia, so Georgia should be 3 by this logic


> I don't want to play Georgia they should be in /s You didn't want to play us either. Can we get in!?


But you’re completely right. Anybody in the country would rather play UW, Texas, probably even Michigan than Georgia this week. And might rather play UW or Texas than Ohio State. That’s not how any of this is supposed to work. I can tell you right now the 4 teams I’d least want to play this time next year, so why play the games?


The most annoying thing is that their reasoning should have Florida State ranked like 7th or 8th now, but they're not


This but unironically. If we're really using that criteria, why aren't they in? Everyone would rather play Washington than UGA (except Oregon).


So why isn’t UGA in? Cause I sure as hell wouldn’t want to play them!


That's what I'm saying, Georgia probably beats Bama 7 times out of 10. They are still probably the "best" overall team in the country. Where is the logic there?


Georgia would be favorites against any team in the country. They were -5.5 against Bama for a reason, and a fluky toss up loss doesn’t change that. A real power ranking playoff would be UGA, Michigan, Bama, Ohio State. What we got is a weird hybrid of “most deserving teams that will be less than 14 point underdogs to Michigan”


Right, by that metric (which is bullshit) Georgia should be in and Texas out. If it's not something that can be definitively earned by actual results on the field, it's not real. Thank goodness we have arrived at the final fake national championship.


This dudes a fucking hack.


BOOOOOOOOOO is his name




Did you think about the fact that all 4 teams you chose would be in either the Big Ten or SEC next year? Nope, never crossed our minds. Riiiiiiiiight. The playoff going forward is a Big Ten-SEC invitational. Other teams are there to make up the numbers...until a few years from now when the Big Ten and SEC decide they don't really need or want them at all.


I mean FSU would be the only non-B1G/SEC team if this was a 12 team playoff


Don't 5 conference champions get an auto-bid in the 12 team playoff


Wash, Texas, Alabama, Michigan, FSU... 5 champs, lol I know the way I worded it sounds like I just included Texas and Washington in their new conferences


My guy it’s going to be the SEC invitational *featuring* the Big Ten


All the committee chairs have been. Its a job requirement. No one with any integrity could go out there and make those kind of statements week after week


Why is the NC State AD so obsessed with tearing down FSU and making excuses for why they didn't deserve to make the playoffs? Is he stupid? He has to know the death of the ACC basically kills NC State's relevance


sleepy tim robbins looking mf


God I want Norvell and all FSU media to go off be and loud as fuck about this


They seem to have a new “standpoint” every year. Seems like goalpost moving to me, but what do I know?


The goalposts are $$$ and SEC bias.


That’s the neat part, they’re the same


the criteria changed every year to give the committee cover to put in the teams they want. we’ve known that since 2015.


It’s either to get the SEC in at all or to get 2 SEC teams in. That’s it.


Are you kidding me? Literally just your feelings about a team?


Instead of going by specific reasons to select a team, they selected a team and then created new reasons to validate it.


I know the BCS rankings jumped Bama in over Texas while putting FSU at 4, but at least then I can rant about hard, unfeeling computers instead of "vibes."


As the committee passed the penjamin around, they realized the vibes were “off” with FSU, very sus and mid.


He couldn't say the real reason so he had to come up with some BS


Ya we all know the real reason.


Just have a preseason tournament between Alabama, Georgia, Ohio State, and Michigan every year and call it a season. Fucking sham.


What’s baffling is he could have just not said this, but he chose to anyway. I’m convinced this is supposed to be as controversial as possible to accelerate conference consolidation.


Let’s just let Vegas pick the fucking playoff then!


Why even play the season?


I would boycott the bowl game if I was fsu. This shit is so rigged and downright wrong.


Agreed in all counts and I have to imagine the FSU admin thought about it. Ultimately they won't because of 1. The seniors who want to play that one last game and 2. The extra 3-4 weeks of practice which is so valuable to a team. 3. The experience of a high level bowl of the players, and the support squads (cheer, poms, band). But if I were an FSU fan, 0% chance I spend a penny to watch. Edit to correct funny typo.


Better: agree to the game, get the practice time, let the support squads do their thing... And then just don't take the field. No game. If they boycott, the bowl just gets the next team. It's all gone a week later. If there's no game, someone is losing money. Lots of money. And that gets attention.


They get 6 years of practice? Lol


FSU has been doing some cutting edge research in the area of time travel.


Training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber like fuckin Goku lmao


That’s what I’m saying if our results and games don’t matter why play in another game? Get fucked committee


So, they punish Florida State for winning ugly the past two weeks with a backup QB and then a 3rd string QB. But reward Alabama for struggling to beat a 6-6 Auburn? Right...


New Mexico State 31-10 Auburn Alabama 27-24 Auburn Auburn would rather play Alabama than New Mexico State. CFP pick Aggies to playoffs?


But you don't understand. That's a rivalry. It took gut and heart to win that game...... I hate everythinf


Also: https://x.com/dogwood_maple/status/1731368129664536704?s=46&t=wrovJ5hkyjF8c8Nl5dqn1g


That truly is fucking ridiculous I don't have a dog in this fight, but when it comes down to it all any SEC team that was undefeated would have been given the benefit of the doubt. Are we not giving FSU who beat 2 SEC teams and ran their conference that same benefit? Edit: For the Alabama fans that think y'all are gonna roll over Michigan when you needed a miracle to beat a team that lost to new mexico state and stevie fucking wonder in the review box to beat Georgia bless your hearts.


Did you see Stevie catch that falling mic stand? He would have been all over that 4th down play.


FSU won by a bigger margin too… And with their 3rd string qb ranked Louisville by a bigger margin than Bama beat unranked Auburn…


But they eye test that only counts if you look at yesterday!


my question is why does the eye test only count for offense? cause FSUs defense looked elite yesterday! and Bama's looked like shit against fucking Auburn a week ago!


Well I mean we struggled against Auburn too! Can’t all be New Mexico St levels of elite.


>Bama's looked like shit against fucking Auburn a week ago They didn't even look that good yesterday. Yesterday's game was more Georgia playing bad than Alabama playing great.


Idk what I would do if I was a FSU fan, I’m fuming for yall rn and my team already made the playoffs


I mean aside from the immediate anger I think it reallllly sucks for the integrity of the sport going forward. Especially with the explanation afterwards.


Bama faced an LSU missing 4 starting DBs, their star DT, and the #1 QB in the nation got knocked out in the 3rd quarter.


It means more tho


Yeah but that was Week 1, FSU is a different team than they were then without Jordan Travis, therefore that LSU win is null and void. - CFP Playoff Committee, trying to justify ignoring on-field results


LSU FSU game never happened because it was so long ago the committee forgot about it


Yea fair Bama’s close win against unranked Auburn also happened ages ago in Week 13, they’re a different team now too since then


That just makes sense. LSU was 0-1 after Florida State beat them but were 6-3 after losing to Bama. /s


What a fucking joke. How can this committee think they are doing anything other than play favourites.


S/o to the bama flairs saying it's copium to be mad about the FSU snub




But it's not rigged




I mean this is quite simply the committee telling everyone you need to be in the B1G or the SEC to be in the playoffs. They killed the ACC today.


The craziest part of all of this is that we have 3 Natty’s across two teams over the last 10 years. That’s better than everyone but the SEC.


Literally. All four teams will be in those two leagues next year. Sickening


Acc sucks this year only 12 teams going bowling.


This just in: ACC is no longer a P5 conference


Really though. The decision today expedited the Power 2 conference movement by a huge amount of time


Cool then why not drop out Washington and Texas and put in Ohio State and Georgia. They’d be favored by more, so obviously they’re better What a fucking joke. The committee actually pointed to some bullshit like potential Vegas spreads to leave out an undefeated P5 champ


After FSU had covered the spread three weeks in a row without their starting QB


Bama bias is real and will forever be real. Go back to the BCS bc this shit is just reprehensible.


Final BCS had Bama at 3.


This is the funniest part lololol


I’m fine with a computer saying they’re a top 3 team. I can’t stand this fake bullshit spun by the committee.


at least under the BCS you could trust it was analytics and not politics


Didn't the BCS heavily weigh polls though? There's still quite a bit of bias involved.


Analytics are inherently political


they're political sure, but they're a priori political the computer model doesn't change late on a saturday night to spit out the result you want.


Certified vandy bro


BCS had Alabama over FSU …


BCS had Bama at 3 and FSU at 4 Edit: I’m dumb and can’t read for shit


I miss the unfeeling cold computers.


Can I introduce you to my wife?


The unfeeling cold computers had Alabama 3


There is an advantage to Bama being the best program in college football history.




Then it'll be like 2017 again where Bama was the best team, but there are serious questions over whether they should have gotten the opportunity to prove it in the first place.


2011 has entered the chat


That'll be incredibly funny


They're going to and the salt levels on this sub will be unprecedented.


BCS has Alabama in as well


What the actual fuck Look we all get it. Bama is the better team. FSU looked horrible last night and lost their starting QB But they won out and won their conference. What’s the point of even playing the games if this is what happens? What’s the point of being in a power 5 conference?


Scrap the regular season, just seed the playoffs based on recruiting rankings. This is such horseshit


A&M will finally make the playoffs.


They also only looked horrible because they played with a 3rd string qb who will only play for that one specific game.


So a dirty hit by Florida kept you out of the CFP...




Yeah y'all should have Rodemaker back pretty soon right?


He was just in concussion protocol and was a game time decision


In the fucking rain too. Receivers dropped everything


The power five is dead my brother. Committee stamping it today that from here on out it’s just the SEC and Big Ten


Yea, let's just quit the season when our best player goes down.


You know people keep saying Alabama is better What proves that? They barely beat auburn, USF, Arkansas (WITH their Qb) while FSU’s only close games healthy we’re Boston college and Miami Sure, Alabama’s schedule overall is tougher. But that doesn’t automatically make them better. And common opponents, FSU neutral beat lsu by more than Alabama beat lsu at home while Daniels missed the whole 4th quarter. There is no logically sound argument for Alabama above FSU.


Might as well just give Bama the spot at the start of the season.


I don’t want us to play Michigan state again, can we put them in at 4?


You know what, fuck it I’m cool with it


That's a disgusting statement. WHY PLAY THE FUCKING GAMES THEN!?!?!


The question is who would bring in more TV revenue and I’m tired of nobody saying it


Every year it's some new criteria with these fucks. Thank god this is the last year of this bullshit. Boo, do us all a favor and thow yourself in the fucking trash on the way out.


Not how that works you old fuck


“We looked at the resumes and Florida State just didn’t have the types of quality losses like Alabama”


FSU Quality Losses: NONE CFB Playoff Committee: Who is “NONE”? Must be some super small school we’ve never heard of. How embarrassing.




That's too subjective. The games on the field were played. Florida State won all of them.


Yeah, I’m skipping the playoffs this year. Not watching any of them because this CFP is a joke.


Why stop at FSU? If we are using that logic Georgia and Ohio state would probably be favored against every other team in the playoffs. So why not put them in over Washington and Texas? I don’t understand how you can only apply this on a one case basis.


College football goes: 1. SEC 2. Other power conferences 3. G5s


I assume you're including the ACC in the G5s category


Gee, who would have thought that the only major sports post season format with no objective qualification criteria where everything is decided by 12 mouthpieces would have issues??


Then why not put UGA in over Texas?


2014 TCU and 2015 OSU say otherwise


The committee bent the knee to Greg Sankey and ESPN


"The questions we do ask from a coaching stand point is how much money will ESPN lose if we don't include an SEC team?"


I can’t fucking wait for expansion. So done with these dipshits.




Basically, we should let Vegas set the playoff field based on who would be favored.


Nice to invent new standards whenever they are needed.


That's a rubric you apply as a tiebreaker to teams with the same record


So you can cheat and be ranked #1. But if your 20 year old QB gets hurt you’re fucked.


There's literally no argument you can make to justify Bama over FSU that you couldn't use to justify UGA over Washington


Goalposts are moving like they are the Supreme Court


Obviously you want to play the Bama team that played Auburn.


It’s a fucking disgrace. Just say “we want to see the ratings and money not the merit” …


so they’re literally just picking based off vibes


It's basically who recruits/portals the best team on paper now. Just Sim the games because they don't matter.


Y'all laughed when Harbaugh said we were America's Team. Look at us now.


Bro what kind of bullshit reasoning




Fucking cowards




Abolish the committee.


Why play the football games at all


Cool, so why did Georgia and Ohio State get left out for Washington and Texas? Just no consistency to the logic.


By this logic, South Central Louisiana State University Mud Dogs never should have made it to the Bourbon Bowl without their star player.


Stares in 2015 Ohio State


Okay then by this logic put georgia in and take out texas or washington


Oh shut the fuck up you do what ESPN tells you to do, no more no less, and everyone fucking knows it.


Unpopular, but did anyone want to see that FSU defense? I know it's all about the QB, but that defense looked really gnarly. I wouldn't want to go against that D.


Translation: We just wanted Bama in because they're Bama.


I understand why they did it tbh. Alabama pulling out hard fought wins vs juggernauts: USF, Arkansas, and Auburn prove they are a top 4 team. /s


Texas has the worst loss.


Those who cannot do, pick


This is all Auburns fault


FSU should just say fuck the sugar bowl and schedule a neutral site game with Liberty kick their shit in and claim a natty fuck those committee losers


This is the stupidest argument in sports. \- Signed Michigan fan who wanted TCU last year


That's funny because out of everyone who was in the mix I wanted Georgia or Ohio St the least.


CFP Committee 🤝 SCOTUS Make bullshit ruling, then create justification out of thin air


CFP wants that Bama and Texas rematch


The questions I ask from a any stand point is I don't ask questions because Florida State had a perfect season and that's the end of the conversation.


I'm no coach but I wouldn't want to face that FSU defense, that's for sure. It's stupid we'll forgive teams for having a bad defense but not for having a bad offense


Why isn't the question: who got it done on a P5 schedule all year without exception and who didn't? Not like FSU filled out it's non con with patsies, it played two SEC teams.


Also everyone just because we expand next year doesn’t mean the shit show ends. We will still have these fucks ranking and end up deciding the 12. There will still be more bullshit it will just move from the 4-6 spots to the 8-12 spots. I think we have to change how the teams are selected bring back the BCS ranking system.


Fucking clown. I would guess teams don’t want to play the team that hasn’t lost a game in the field. But opinions win football games now I guess.