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Backyard Brawl, I miss it!


This and Keg of Nails, these rivalries could return if us and Pitt can get into the Big 12.


Please please please please please please


Cmon down!!


It's back. It's fun. I HATE WVU. Eat shit pitt


I never miss it—I’m an Indiana and UNC guy (so more of a basketball guy)—it’s so goddamn fun at night. Just like Bedlam in Stillwater—just a wild time!


Eat shit Pitt


The egg Bowl, Backyard Brawl, and Holy War always seem to give crazy games.


The dog piss game cemented the Egg Bowl as a must watch matchup, what an all time CFB fuck up moment


That and the fact that there's a brawl pretty much every 1-2 years in this game.


The Piss and Miss was a god send for the Ole Miss program, and it's largely viewed that way from the fanbase.


Some fans really disagree but I LOVE playing the game on Thanksgiving. It’s just… *chef’s kiss*


I don't care about the Lions, Cowboys, or whoever else plays on Thanksgiving. I care about the absolute shitshow in Mississippi on Thanksgiving nights.


Second for Egg Bowl.


Putting my vote in for the Egg Bowl. Not only is it one of the purest rivalries with classic dynamics (suits and ties vs. Cowbells, flagship vs. aggie school, old money vs. farmboys), it's usually played on Black Friday , which means that I can devote myself fully to beer, leftover turkey sandwiches and rivalry hate.


God damn this made miss college football more than I already did. Can it please be September already?


Damn you must get pretty beat the day before to lose track of time. The game is played on Thanksgiving Day.


USC-Notre Dame, Egg Bowl, and Holy War: all great for neutrals I wont choose my flair one but for those of you who don't watch UW-UO you're missing out


Notre Dame-Michigan > Notre Dame-USC


El assico always makes for great entertainment.


Whoo our state is almost famous!


It would be if you could actually convince people to call it “El Assico”


Far more common to hear now than 10 years ago.


For the uninitiated, this is a [great summary](https://www.bannersociety.com/2019/9/9/20856722/iowa-iowa-state-rivalry-el-assico) of the game. It’s pain, fun, more pain, and lots of beer wrapped into a 4 hour spectacle.


My most favorite description of el assico is "Imagine two groups of Stormtroopers in a firefight against each other."


This is the answer - the ugliest looking yet most hilariously dysfunctional hate pairing of them all.


Love how we make presidential candidates sit through that shitshow


They say its the presidency that ages a man. Nope. This game takes years off lives.


Football’s version of “you spent all this time trying to figure out if you could, but never asked yourselves if you should”


This is it


The War on I-4 :(


For a game that was played like a dozen times that one had some nastiness to it.


It really did. Besides the whole Big East debacle, the hate was inevitable. We were each small programs trying to swim with the big fish. We each would shank each other in the back if it gave them a step up over the other. I'll never forget the USF Big 4 billboard. They'll never forget being ranked # 2.


Not to mention that it was also a City vs. City rivalry, never have I hated going to Tampa more than to watch a green team play in a RED stadium. Pathetic.


> green team play in a RED stadium. Pathetic. This also explains why I don't like the Red Sox in baseball, it's a red team playing in a green stadium


Rip. It will be missed 


Man that rivalry had some absolute classics.


The 2017 iteration is still one of my favorite games ever.


I’ll never forget that game, so much fun watching the Milton-Flowers duel


Egg Bowl on Thanksgiving is one of my favorite personal traditions.


I lived in Mississippi for a while. The Egg Bowl may not have the national name recognition that The Game or the Iron Bowl have, but within the Mississippi borders, it’s just as intense.


The perfect finish to the holiday. With a side of pie of course.


USC vs Notre Dame, UM vs MSU, Stanford vs Cal, FSU vs Miami (although I hate both), Texas vs Texas A&M


The Big Game, an ACC classic.


Great list. I would add Pitt vs West Virginia. Question, why would an Ohio State fan hate FSU? I don’t remember the two schools ever playing each other.


FSU hate is right and natural. The CFP selection committee never played the Noles, and yet, the hate was obvious and pure.


I enjoy Mizzou vs. the death penalty Backyard brawl UNLV vs Nevada Airzona vs ASU Just to name a few under the radar one I hate Oregon State vs. Transfer portal


In order for it to be a rivalry, Mizzou has to win for once


Sorry, but death is undefeated.


Mizzou vs The Death Penalty is my personal favorite


UNLV/Nevada and Arizona/ASU is some real hate. They definitely feel the most animus of the ones out west imo.


Can confirm I don’t get along with our southern neighbors


The saddest part of this thread is that we’re talking about so many century old rivalries in past tense. Regional rivalries are what make college football great and they shouldn’t be going away at the alarming rate that they are.


Exactly. I went to the Backyard Brawl in Pittsburgh with my friend who is a WVU alum. GREAT GAME  and atmosphere. It was/is the largest crowd to see a sporting event in Pittsburgh - ever! How can this game not be played every year? Eat shit Pitt!


Damn. I understand the chickenhawk below, but what the hell did we do to Oregon State?


We hate everyone right now. It isn’t personal.


It's not you, I promise. You just happen to be in my sight at the time of the post


Colorado Nebraska seems to have some real hatred


Nebraska-Oklahoma used to be top 4. Those were the days. (I say being born in the 90s not knowing those days)


Curious, which one of these “big-4” is left off back then?


Iron Bowl most likely. Mainly because Tennessee Alabama always seemed more important of a game.


Thank you! Third Saturday In October is THE Alabama rivalry game. There is only one team that cigars are smoked when we win, and it’s not Auburn. I don’t care how many times in a row Alabama beats UT, it’s never enough. Losing to Auburn is embarrassing, but losing to UT is painful.


As an old head, Tuscaloosa native and Alabama grad, I'm obligated to say that this is recency bias. Tennessee was always a big rivalry game, but it didn't elevate in stature until the '90s. The first nationally telecast Iron Bowl was 1964. For the next 20 years, you'd be more likely to see Alabama-LSU on TV than Alabama-Tennessee. Meanwhile, the Iron Bowl is Bama's most televised game over the last 60 years. One big reason the Iron Bowl is a bigger rivalry: [40% of the last 60 Iron Bowls have come down to the last seconds, had a shocking ending or both](https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/1862jx6/40_of_the_last_60_iron_bowls_have_come_down_to/). The hatred between Bama and Auburn was so great that we refused to play them for 40 years. After the series resumed, we refused to play in their city for the next 40 years. It took the death of Bear Bryant to make the game a true-home-and-home. Yeah, Goosetree lit the cigar after the '61 Tennessee game but that was because it was Bama's first win over the Vols in like 7 years. Bama won the national championship that year, so for superstition's sake, just about everything Bama did that year became a tradition: * The Tennessee victory cigar * The birth of our first sideline mascot * Holding up 4 fingers after the 3rd quarter (the first school to do that, I believe) * Wearing crimson helmets during the regular season (until 1960, Bama had mostly worn white helmets, with black helmets appearing in the 1920s). * Bear Bryant leaning on a goal post to check out his team during pregame warmups (he might have been doing this earlier than 1961, but the earliest photo I can find is from 1961). There have been FAR more books written about the Iron Bowl. I can think of only one about the Third Saturday in October. Daniel Moore has made only a handful of Alabama-Tennessee paintings. He has over 100 Alabama-Auburn paintings. I love how the hatred of Tennessee has turned up since the arrival of Peyton Manning. But long term, the Iron Bowl has been a bigger deal over the last 80 years.


Oregon-Washington, the Holy War or Tennessee Bama


Holy War needs to be immortalized with both teams always wearing home colors.


It's quite common these days for home colours for BYU v Utah.




As a biased individual who has to deal with Oregon fans, the UO-UW rivalry is a sleeper to literally everyone outside the PNW. It is undoubtedly the biggest rivalry west of Texas, and the toxicity (especially from Oregon fans, unbiased of course) is not too far away from the 'big 4'. I think the big difference is that the rivalry is much newer.




The Border War was one of the longest running and best rivalries before realignment messed it up. Minnesota vs Wisconsin is a good one too. Nebraska vs Oklahoma, Pitt vs WVU and a ton of other good ones that have gotten ruined over the years because of greed. For ones still ongoing Farmageddon is always fun.


And many more are going to be ruined... 


Regardless of how good the teams are Farmagedon is consistently close. I’m really hoping for a top 15 matchup one of these years so the game can get some of the recognition it deserves. Also if Yormark lets the streak die I’m gonna be pissed


Civil conFLiCT No I will not be taking questions.


the only rivalry that truly matters


The rivalry was such a meme that I want it back


That’s why I love it. It has the greatest setup for an actual rivalry that it must be one. They *left the trophy*?! The disrespect. The contempt. Hollywood can’t write a better script. The nfl can’t write a better script! Pure cfb soup right there.


Lol, well said. It should become a tradition that the winner throws the trophy in the garbage.



look, it's not too late. you all still have the trophy. [https://theathletic.com/5046482/2023/11/09/civil-conflict-rivalry-trophy-uconn-ucf/](https://theathletic.com/5046482/2023/11/09/civil-conflict-rivalry-trophy-uconn-ucf/)


Okay, but it’s a three sport battle for the trophy. We can do football and then Men’s and Women’s basketball to decide it. No particular reason on the last two sports….


Utah-BYU Florida-Florida State Minnesota-Wisconsin


Third Saturday, FSU-UF, FSU-Miami, Magnolia Bowl, Clemson-SCar, USC-ND, App St-GA Southern


Third Saturday in October.


I really wish we’d bring back the [double home unis](https://www.secrant.com/rant/sec-football/its-been-52-years-since-alabama-and-tennessee-both-wore-dark-home-colored-jerseys/104728673/) in this game, like the USC/UCLA game. The crimson & orange combo really pops.


especially in late october when the leaves are changing.


MSU-PSU because the Land Grant Trophy is the most beautiful trophy in the world.  I miss the FSU-UF games from the 90s. Those players grew up playing with and against each other. I never missed it


Literally nothing is better than the land grant trophy


PSU are cowards for not continuing the Land Grant matchup every year. This unrivaled BS they have going is trash.


Most beautiful trophy in the world…sir do you not remember $5 bits of broken chair trophy


I also miss the 90s. 


Where is the Egg Bowl love?


It’s my fav for non my team


I honestly thought the egg bowl would be 90% of comments. It may be one of the more popular single choices, but I thought more people would say it.


Farmagedon is a great rivalry. CU Neb was fun last year. Excited to the Border War back on.


u/EWall100 knows ball


I like Bedlam


USC vs Notre Dame, Battle for the Jeweled Shillelagh


I like that wooden phallus


Texas-Texas A&M: legit excited that Texas is joining the conference so I can see this one again. Backyard Brawl Used to be Miami-FSU, Nebraska-Oklahoma back when those were legitimately meaningful. Motion to put the Egg Bowl on Mt Rushmore of rivalries since half the comments in here mention it and Army-Navy is unwatchable at best. I know we’re not suppose to say that, but come on. I served in the Navy and don’t bother with it.


Backyard Brawl is right up there, so glad it's finally back


>Also, the answer can't include your own team


Excluding the Holy War, and that Apple Cup (which are both easily top 10 games) I think Oregon-Oregon State (the game formerly known as The Civil war) is my favorite because I guess I'm a sucker for instate matchups. Outside of my home region, I would pick Florida-Georgia because "The World's Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party" is a great name.


>the game formerly known as The Civil war The game forever to be called The Civil War. Just like it's Red River Shootout.


WLOCP is also a "former" name




I liked Bedlam. Seemed that whenever Texas really needed OU to take a loss to help Texas get to the conference championship, OSU would deliver!


Texas went to like 5 B12 title games in 28 years lol


That sounded low, but tbh, I really had no idea, so I went and checked: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big\_12\_Championship\_Game](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_12_Championship_Game) In 22 seasons, Texas made an appearance 7 times, winning 4. OU went 12 times... winning 11! Damn son. Anyway, I don't know how many times OSU actually gave UT a boost by beating OU; I'm not willing to do that level of research. I just have strong memories of rooting for OSU - not only because I like to root against OU (of course), but also because UT really needed it.


How the Egg Bowl manages to always be stupid and close for no real reason still amazes me.


\> Also the answer can't include your own team COME ON MAN RIVALRIES ARE ALL WE HAVE LEFT




So you’re asking what everyone’s favorite rivalries are after the Big Four, Wake-UNC-Duke-NC State?


Upvote. My ranking of ours, though: 1) State - U*NC-CH 2) State - Wake 3) Wake - U*NC-CH 4) U*NC-CH - Dook 5) State - Dook 6) Wake - Dook


I think this is correct for football.


Beat me to it. Well done sir!


There's more hate between the NC big-four schools than any other in the country, and I'll stand by that. Throw in ECU, too, and there's for sure not another 5 schools in any state that hate each other more than we do (except when any of the other four are playing against UNC, then y'all seem to be big fans of each other).


Catholics vs Convicts


Sounds like an MXC episode.


Arizona vs Arizona St, Territorial Cup is brutal. I have seen so many fist fights in the parking lot, at concessions, in the stands during the game Our teams are never great so the rivalry is only for bragging rights, but sometimes the worse team robs the other of a prime bowl appearance a la robbing the scum devils of a rose bowl


So many of my coworkers graduated from out of state or NAU and it’s always so much fun to explain how much these two schools dislike one another. One of my biggest secrets was that I grew up a UofA fan but ASU offered me a fuck ton of money so I know where my loyalties are. #1 in innovation baby!


My sister went to ASU, and I married into a 3 generation ASU family (my wife went to UofA tho lol). Rivalry runs deep around here, it never stops


Iron Skillet has fun history, Backyard Brawl is a classic, basically any obscure Big Ten trophy game is up there, and the Egg Bowl is immaculate


Texas Tech and Penn State


Those bastard nittany lions


Hit them with a tortilla!


Georgia vs Athens-Clarke County police department


Too one sided to be considered a rivalry




South Alabama vs Troy. I don't know why, they just seem to really care about football and theyve been pretty good over the past several years. Quintessential Funbelt stuff.


Shout out to my undergrad! SOUTH IN YOUR MOUTH!


It’s in the state of Alabama, football is about the only thing we care for


Bedlam goes hard. I have zero family or close friend connections to OU or OKST, but I was already graduated and out of college before I figured out that Bedlam is not quite a nationally renowned rivalry on the order of OSU-Michigan or Alabama-Tennessee.


I like the Cocktail Party, Egg Bowl, and....the Oregon v Washington game whose name escapes me. I can remember the Apple Cup and Civil War, but not that one.


There is no name for Oregon Washington.


There are 100 names that people try to give it and they are all dumb.


The B1G Drizzle. I say that as someone who lives in the Pac NW. 


They just call it the B1G West Championship Game


Well that explains why I couldn't remember what it was.


The Keystone Classic always feels like a missed opportunity, it only we had Pitt and PSU in the same conference (be it Big Ten, ACC or Paterno's planned Big East).


Egg Bowl is a fun appetizer for the Thanksgiving weekend so that’s one I usually enjoy. Michigan Vs. Michigan St. is also great when both teams are good. Some others would be: Baylor Vs. TCU Michigan Vs. Notre Dame Washington Vs. Washington State


Second Baylor v TCU


Notre Dame vs. USC and Alabama vs. LSU are my two favorites.


The ND USC uniform combo is elite tier


And yet it may not even be the best uniform rivalry game we play


One of my bucket list games is bama @ lsu night game




Holy War, Texas v TAMU, and of course The Rocky Mtn Showdown.


I know we can’t vote for our own but the lack of world’s largest outdoor cocktail party is concerning just in general, GA/FL is fucking amazing. My votes are for egg bowl and civil war tho


Hell yeah, doglover!


- Ga Southern vs App’s deeper than hate game  - brawl of the wild  - battle for the bones, but only because of the trophy 


In case any of y'all want some context on how the Deeper than Hate rivalry is peak CFB spirit... >[After the Apps completed the upset, students tore down the goal post and exited the stadium. In the way were the Georgia Southern team buses. In circumstances that are still up for debate, the goalpost ended up going through the door window of one of the buses. To add insult to loss, a pizza order that was intended for the Eagles’ locker room was intercepted by said student mob and stomped on.](https://www.underdogdynasty.com/sun-belt-conference/2019/10/28/20934976/a-feeling-deeper-than-hate-revised-georgia-southern-eagles-appalachian-state-mountaineers-rivalry) Other notable incidents include: - Snow game in Boone and Southern is getting shut out. App students stomp "can you score" in the snow hill on the south end of the stadium. Fight ensues, cop slides down the hill trying to break it up. Southern fans petition to have the game reclassified as a hockey game - someone once thought it was a good idea for the Southern band to play the halftime show in Boone *in front of the student section.* Went as well as you'd expect that to - In a game that featured a laser pointer scandal and a campus building next to the stadium catching fire, the biggest story of the game was someone stealing an ambulance, then leaving it in the parking lot of a nearby apartment complex - While they were both FCS, this rivalry produced FOUR games in which one was ranked #1 in FCS and lost (App won 3 of those games)


Just about any combination of Pitt vs WVU vs Penn St. Great shit talking and some real hate.


The Holy War is the correct answer in my completely unbiased and factual opinion.


Backyard brawl is wild


Egg Bowl is a family Thanksgiving tradition!


The triangle of Ole Miss, LSU and Arkansas produces a lot of great games.




>Also, the answer can't include your own team


He's an aggy, you can't expect them to both read and comprehend the instructions


The exact same people get automatically accepted into both of your schools.


Ooooo, I forgot about that one. That will be fun for an outside observer.


I've always liked the "Big Game" Cal vs Stanford.


I miss the black diamond trophy game. Some of my earliest CFB memories are growing up in Virginia and watching that game


Deeper Than Hate and The Old Mountain Feud


A&M has never been my team, but my whole family grew up around them before I came around. And I have a massive hatred of UT. So the A&M UT game has always seemed like one of the largest rivalry’s to me. Kids who grew into CFB after 2011 don’t know how big that game runs


Kansas Mizzou Border War. Most rivalries lead to violence , violence led to this rivalry


MSU - Michigan has had some bangers throughout the years USC - Notre Dame USC - UCLA Stanford - Cal Oregon - Washington ASU - Arizona Clemson - South Carolina WVU - Pitt Texas - Texas A&M


Is the Brawl of the Wild too much of a homer answer?


>Also, the answer can't include your own team






Clemson v South Carolina Clemson v Georgia App State v Georgia Southern Air Force v the inferior branches


I scrolled through for a while and was surprised I didn't see USC-ND. I was fortunate enough to go when I was in college (neither were good at the time) and it was still a really cool environment.


Bedlam was always fun to watch to see two conference rivals try and kill each other. Recently, Bama v Georgia has been consistently amazing. Oregon v Washington has been great too. Underrated is USC v Utah — always a good game.


The Black Swamp Showdown, aka The Battle of I-75, Toledo vs BGSU and One Hundred Miles of Hate, one of the best rivalry names I've heard, between Middle Tennessee and Western Kentucky


This year I learned that Toledo has a (non-functioning) rocket outside their stadium aimed at BGSU’s 50 yard line lmaooooo


Lehigh vs Lafayette


I don't think these are the four best, but I really enjoy watching these rivalries for a number of different reasons. Even though one is pretty much on hold. Minnesota-Wisconsin, Washington-Washington St, Wyoming-Colorado St, Michigan St-Notre Dame (Montana-Montana St gets a hell of an honorable mention)


Egg Bowl and Backyard Brawl are top tier hate games, so probably those


I miss seeing Penn State vs. their pre-Big Ten rivals. Eastern teams like Pitt, Syracuse, WV etc. + ND + the occasional Bama.


Clearly, not enough of you are aware of one of the most bitter and petty rivalries in CFB: App State vs Georgia Southern, aka [Deeper than Hate](https://www.underdogdynasty.com/sun-belt-conference/2019/10/28/20934976/a-feeling-deeper-than-hate-revised-georgia-southern-eagles-appalachian-state-mountaineers-rivalry) Yes, I am biased, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong


The Egg Bowl! Florida vs. Geogia Civil War


Battle for the ~~gem-studded dildo~~ Jeweled Shillelagh.


The Border War between Wyoming and Colorado State.


Egg Bowl, WLOCP, 3rd Saturday in October, and Sunshine Showdown


Without my own team, I enjoy the Territorial Cup and Holy War.


Battle of I-10 NMSU vs UTEP


Egg Bowl


Not Bedlam? Since I can’t pick my team…The Civil War is fun.


West Coast kid: USC v UCLA.




*Cries in Big 8*


Either Bedlam (Oklahoma vs Oklahoma State) or the Civil War (Oregon vs Oregon State). Hmmm, interesting that both are "OU vs OSU."


conFLiCT forever


Can’t include your own team. Bad rule. Like I care about this Mount Rushmore you have. It’s the Egg Bowl. Give me Mississippi State tears or give me death.


Georgia-Florida, Florida-Florida State, Florida State-Miami, Alabama-Tennessee, Notre Dame-USC have all produced more national champions in the last half century than OU-Texas, Army-Navy and The Game. So I’d go with one of those.


The battle for the Michigan MAC Football trophy. 3 way trophy rivalry. If that doesn’t count then the Wagon Wheel trophy game between Kent and Akron.


I don't care if it's because I'm a Mizzou fan. The Border War is the best rivalry across CFB, arguably the best across any sport in America. It's literally rooted in civil war hatred, slavery, voter fraud, and the burning of Lawrence. It transcends sports, altogether.  Kansans and Missourians despise each other despite cultural, political, and religious sameness. The branches may look the same, but the roots are different.