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I mean, he's right.


[He’s not wrong](https://youtu.be/C6BYzLIqKB8?si=E20okLqecjNN1JoS)




*stands up* I like spring games!


You and me both, brother. It's the hope that kills you, though! *cries in Aggie*


No matter what, the hope always gets you. As in: *Pick whatever side of the ball looks worse* “Well damn, maybe our [other side] is just strong, if we can just use summer to game plan and fix [first side], we might actually be able to make a run this year”


Meh, I watched like 10 minutes of Bama's. The Masters was on


While you were [relaxing and watching golf], I studied the [game of football]. While you were [relishing in the greatness of Scottie Scheffler], I studied the [biggest rival on my team’s schedule]. (I really hope you get [this](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-studied-the-blade))


I don’t Gump hard enough


Southern satire… (I hope ya’ll get this)


😂, we know there are some true sickos though watching the entire spring game play by play.


[lmao who would do that](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/324/912/a1d.gif)




I love TBob. He used to be a call a regular call in guest on our local sports station and he would drop in obscure Star Wars and history references when discussing SEC football


Chuu I done I called into Ryan’s show a few times myself when I go full sicko mode


I mean, it’s football, and I’ll take it. I go to *Vanderbilt* spring games from time to time.


Wow...you may actually have a problem




Yeah the problem is no damn football


...yeah but the Vanderbilt spring game isn't football is it?


It's kinda like when an alcoholic is willing to drink mouthwash, I reckon


Me watching the entire OSU spring game while doing hw with friends


I also had it on in the background. It was on Fox, it was easy. I was also watching the Tennessee one at the same time, but I live in Knoxville, so it makes sense right? I don't have a problem.


Nerd. But I’m also hitting lax and baseball as well this weekend in addition to the spring game so……


Anything to satisfy the cfb addiction Some years I’ve sat down and watched other teams’ entire spring games


You need help, but then again, I watch entire old school College Football games, so I probably shouldn’t say anything 


Are you even a Texas fan unless you hear “He’s going for the corneeer… he’s got it!” at least once a year?


I watch almost every spring game in the SEC every year. I am a man in the middle of a desert dying of thirst. I will drink whatever water I come upon.




I listened to our entire spring game... on the RADIO


There are people who bet on NFL preseason games too. People can be stupid.


Need to know how miserable I am going to be in the fall, Brian.


Spring games are worthless


Idk I learned from social media that Florida had only 10 players on the field for a field goal so it’s good to have confirmation that next season will likely be a disaster for them.


I feel like this is a prime example of something telling coming out of a spring game. Like after a few years these things should not happen.


A better story would be that the player missing was the K.


Which is what was being said last year as they constantly made similar fuck ups.  Glad they kept him around


Who needs that 11th guy anyway….


It was literally the kicker.


That’s the most second hand embarrassment I’ve ever had in my life. That’s absolutely hilarious but so sad at the same time.


Freshman year I got my first play time when someone forgot to run out on an extra point on the blocking side. Coach frantically said "quick, you're in!" Haha


Just being prepared in case the other team is on a power play.


"Florida is going to be as good as Notre Dame in 2024." *monkey's paw curls*


The other guy was trying to break his shoe throwing record


They aren't worthless. They just aren't telling. It's a practice. Reading anything out of a single practice is silly.  There's value to the players to get reps in front of a crowd and it's an excuse to tailgate a bit during the spring. I never expect to "learn" anything during the game. FWIW UGA's spring game was largely a non-event before Kirby. Then he came to a (rare) sold out basketball game against an undefeated Kentucky and asked the crowd to show up for G Day. He got Ludacris to come give a performance before kickoff. 


This. Georgia simulated an in game environment and got a bunch of reps down to the 4th string. They took it seriously and found some things that worked, some things that didn't, and what needs improvement. Not sure how this is considered a waste of time.   It's a waste of time to try and extrapolate too much out of it (for fans), but it's valuable practice and draws in eyeballs/publicity. That alone is worth it, barring injuries. 


The waste of time is the discussions about it on here (outside of injuries as you said). Espn talking about it is nearly worthless but they show the game and need to sell it and it gives the something to fill their 24 hour news cycle.


It's all about earning playing time. What level of intensity are these guys playing at, and how well do they do X and Y? Not much for fans to get from it, but the coaches get a ton


They are worthless from a fan perspective. Certainly they have value to the team, but as a fan, I have no idea if our new QB is going to be a star or if our secondary is just absolute garbage. (Leaning towards the latter until proven otherwise.)


Meh, the day out has value if you enjoy yourself. But I agree there's no value for anyone attempting armchair analysis. 


Disagree from a fan perspective. Especially for younger fans. Its a great way to get a younger fan into the stadium without the hassle of a real game/traffic etc.


For those who actually attend the game, sure. But this entire post has been about analysis of the teams, and spring games are worthless for that. The vast majority of any given team’s fanbase is not able to or chooses not to attend the spring game. I’m sure those that do attend have a great time, but the gameday atmosphere isn’t the topic of this post.


They really are. I think it would be better to have a fan day or something. Watching these spring games is like watching a bunch of players on benadryl.


That’s what we had. A glorified football field day.


Spring games are fun to attend and good for families, a lot who can’t afford to go to games 


For you, but not for the players and coaches.


Arguably even more worthless for the players and coaches. Only people who care about it are the backup players.


What actually is the justification for them? I've never understood it personally, but I figured there must be some reason otherwise they wouldn't be so ubiquitous.


It’s just a televised scrimmage that gets headlines moving and gives the fan a Gameday feel since it’s gonna be a while before any games actually start up. There’s probably money involved too even though these games typically are free admission.


Fan engagement and simulation for young players. There’s a hilarious trend right now where Mizzou and Texas fans keep calling us ‘Brokelahoma’ on Twitter because we charge for our spring game, but it’s because we put enough butts in seats that we can. So we make a little money off of it and fill up enough of the stadium to create a ‘game day atmosphere’ for freshmen. Having a spring game makes just as much sense—if not more—as playing in a bowl game. 


Feels like something that's a holdover from before college football had a 365 day news cycle. It was basically the 1 day every off-season to get excited about your team


I always thought it was a good excuse to tailgate in the spring.


Thank you. Reading some of the other justifications is sorta making me sad for people.


It’s nice to sit in the stadium in the spring and a fun excuse to get together


Hype for fans? Other than that, it gives newcomers a chance to practice for someone other than media and coaches. I don't know how useful that is though.


I mean, what's the justification for an MLB spring training game?


The justification for them is that it’s always been done this way. That’s it. No logical explanation just “tradition”


The only value I can see is if the team and coaching staff spends part of the day meeting fans and signing things. For kids seeing college players, it can be a big deal. Otherwise, you are 100% correct. Come to think of it, you might just be 100% correct if they just skip the game and instead just meet fans.


 "Well, I need a window seat because this *flower* is wiltin'. -Brian Kelly


I do believe I’ll give room service a jangle and have them send up some étouffée


A true southern gentleman


I love spring games because my team wins


Spring game hater checking in




What a weird dude


It’s only his 9000th season. He can’t possibly know what they want to know.


Exactly. I stopped going and then I just stopped watching them. It's like the NFL pre-season. It isn't something to hang your hat on or vice versa.


I actually like watching the middle and later pets of the game when a bunch of freshmen are getting liberal amounts of playing time. It’s always fun to get a first look at newcomers. But yeah, not worth going out of the way to watch, certainly not to attend (unless it’s a nice day and you want to take your kids to a free game or shoot the shit with friends or something)


I enjoy spring games, yeah they're meaningless but it's football and you get to see guys who will likely never actually get on the field 


It’s a great environment to bring your little kids to a game and not have it be the overwhelming craziness or cost of a regular season game and I’m convinced that’s about it


A lot of this.


I don't usually care for Brian Kelly, but today I'll make an exception.




I want to know everything 


I watched the highlights of my team's spring game. At the end, though, it's all kind of pointless. Imagine having a starter get hurt in one of these.


If our offensive line looks as bad as I expect it to, I'm going to have a bad time Saturday.


Shades of Roy Kent. https://youtu.be/g97PaR0NlFE?si=pZDJEIQhX3p7H7_E


Nothing more overrated in all of football than spring games and the NFL Combine


“Oh word?” - NFL preseason


Where else can I see undrafted D-III linemen play in a mostly empty NFL stadium then?


Thats not overated, most people know its useless and don't give a shit.


Do people actually still take those seriously?


Nah nfl pre season sometimes has competitive games


Try doing NFL preseason but at the end of the season for all the teams that didn’t make the playoff. Then you just have *Bowl Games*. 


This sentiment is going to kill bowl games man :(


Bowl Games are the NIT of cfb. Meaningless, no, but certainly not important either. Just an opportunity for some extra reps and gives fans one last game to watch. The results are completely irrelevant though.


I swear to god people on this sub will champion bowl games but clearly never actually watch them or attend them judging by the abysmal viewership and attendance.  “But think of the smaller schools!” Meanwhile the smaller schools struggle to even participate due to opt outs and transfers and view any bowl outside of the dope vacation in the Hawaii bowl as an annoying expense. 


Bowl Games being meaningless will in fact kill Bowl Games. Me acknowledging it doesn’t matter. 


This slippery slope has no off ramp. Essentially every game is meaningless taking this logic merely one step forward. Less college football is bad for college football.


‘Slippery slope’ is a fallacy for a reason. There’s a 12 team playoff. That’s more meaningful games than what bowl games have ever given us. Bowl Games were meaningless long before player opt outs, and that’s largely because there were way too many bowl games. College Football isn’t at risk because no one actually cares about a game between two .500 teams where both starting QBs are in the draft or the portal. 


You’ve committed the fallacy fallacy. Merely pointing out that something is a fallacy does not defeat the claim. The 12-team playoff did nothing to make bowl season better. All it has done is formalize who is competing and who isn’t. Only <10 teams have competed in earnest on an annual basis for a championship, and there’s about 15 more that can regularly delude themselves into thinking they’re competing based on current investment and past performance. There’s 100+ other teams playing to win enough games to make a bowl game. It’s tough to reconcile telling 75% of the sport’s teams their goals are unimportant and they should cease to exist with being a fan of college football. I see subtle movement of the goalpost here bringing up the new playoff, but I’ll engage anyway: a 12-team/11 game playoff with only 4/11 games on-campus during Christmas break between teams that probably don’t have any rivalry history has been *gained*. In return, the sport has lost a number of traditional regular season rivalry matchups that formerly had major implications for BCS/4-team playoff participation. Was something made better or was the product watered down and repackaged?


It’s a fallacy when you don’t provide any argument as to why you think the slope is slippery, and basically saying “I feel like it” isn’t an argument. It’s doing the fallacy. 


Forgive me for assuming you could fill in what “one step forward” means. You postulated bowl games are meaningless. Reaching a bowl game is the primary goal for the vast majority of D1-FBS teams. If their end goal is meaningless, all of the things they do to reach their goal is meaningless too. Since you either cannot comprehend or intentionally miss the point, in plain language that means the other 12 games are pointless.


Meaninglwss to you, not to the 120~ D1 schools that will never compete for a natty.


Giving all 120 schools meaningless bowl games would make bowl games even more meaningless. This sub loves to bitch about bowl games dying and then talk about them like they’re participation trophies for bad teams. If they mattered to those teams, their best players wouldn’t be hitting the transfer portal looking for greener pastures before the games were even played. 


>Giving all 120 schools meaningless bowl games Cool, nobody asked for that.


You just said that. Are they for the shitty teams or not? Say something substantive. Who the fuck are they for? Who is hurting by having fewer bowl games? What school is bad enough to be outside the top 25 and desperately wants [insert corporate sponsor] trophy against some other bad team?


Lol no i didnt say the 120 twams need a bowl Anyway, youre clearly either too stupid or a troll arguing in bad fait Bye


Did he say that in a southern accent?