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Urban Meyer - notable expert on cheating


***On his wife…


I'll never forget the name Cayman Nebraska, but I will forget the name of someone important 5 minutes after I meet them.


I frequently have to call our internal support department and half the time forget who I'm speaking to 5 seconds after they say their name.


Is it really cheating if theyre swingers?


That's actually a surprisingly complicated question, I could see a lot of different answers but it requires some discussion and some information that I don't think we have


I love the idea of him saying this while finger banging a 44 year old at a BW3s


And paying players.


ok I know you all already understand this but its worth emphasizing that this statement was at least in part made because Urban fucking Meyer wants us to believe that he didn’t pay players


That’s why it’s cheating, because everybody can do it openly now instead of Urban being better at hiding it


It wasn’t exactly hidden lol. Zeke Elliot leaving campus with a used dodge magnum and magically coming back with a new camero convertible was pretty obvious lol


I quickly read that as leaving campus with a used magnum and coming back with a camero. a weird trade


A masterful trader lol Like those tales of people who start with a pencil and trade up to a mansion.


Not a bad trade for an enterprising baby mama


18 years later, that’s how E-Zeke became Ohio State’s top prospect


Urban Meyer's greatest contribution to OSU was the creation of the Super Player program. After being conceived in a test tube, these players are grown in a sterile environment without ever knowing their parents. They aren't taught the 3 R's growing up. No, under the watchful eye of Meyer they are only taught football and how to not feel pain. All it cost was a measly Camero.


Could just be on a "test drive" or "leasing" the vehicle.


Longest test drive in history


"Want to buy that Mercedes now Mr. Ewok?" "Give me another month, & I might be sure"


I'd always heard players would get access to "special financing" at used lots around Columbus where they'd basically have $0 payments for 2-3 years, but the APR was ~50%. These lots were betting on guys getting into the NFL and just paying 2.5-3x the sticker on the car once they got drafted.


Leasing, on the world’s most favorable terms and a monthly payment of damn near $0.


I mean the Columbus dealerships have pretty much always allowed OSU players to drive their cars for free. See: Terrelle Pryor


When I still lived in SLC (now back in California), I knew people in Utah athletics. The higher-ups didn't miss Urban Meyer, who they saw as selfish, and of questionable trustworthiness as a person. People were pissed because in that undefeated season, he gave up on recruiting halfway through the year and was pretty openly looking for the next job. Even before Whitt got a team to a BCS game, nobody in the building was sad about the change.


It was known he was merely using Utah as a stepping stone to a top tier job, so it wasn't too much of a shock. But there was certainly no love lost back then. Now, no one there knows him or has first hand knowledgeof his scuminess, just of him, save for Whittingham so he comes around every once in awhile.


Yeah, I knew people back in 2006-12. I imagine a fair number there now didn't experience Meyer themselves, and therefore have an easier time appreciating the Fiesta Bowl banner. They weren't the ones who were spurned, and things turned out well, so why be bitter?


Yeahhhhh I think that's quite common unfortunately. Jeff Brohm had his brothers and family doing the questionable stuff while at Purdue, and a lot of the admins that I knew really thought they were sketchy. I don't think they interacted with Jeff often, but I've heard some stories about the rest that made me OK with him moving along.


Considering everything we learned about him and how he acted towards coaches and professionals during his time with the Jags, that’s not shocking at all.


He didn’t. Other people did and he was happy to turn a blind eye.


Of course he didn't, the bagmen did.


plausible deniability.


Back in the Chip Kelly era, way before the NIL era, Oregon constructed a revolutionary nutrition system that included customized meal plans for every athlete featuring grass-fed steaks, individualized smoothies, and so on. There was a whole team of nutritionists and trainers dedicated to the success of each individual athlete and included daily health monitoring and training sessions. Every athlete was provided with clean, organic, healthy foods to optimize their training regimen at the school and develop the type of body they needed to succeed on the field. Many programs copied this, and even the New England Patriots adopted some of it. Meanwhile, at San Jose State, they had to hold a fundraiser to afford to feed the football team pancakes for breakfast rather than have them be on their own for food. But sure, it's NIL that's making the sport unbalanced.


This is a perfect illustration of how NIL is just a progression of the inequality of college sports, especially football, that has existed for over a century. It's not ruining the sport. It's just the modern version of what's already been happening since literally forever. The game has *never* been played on a level playing field, and the disparity between the very top and the next tier below is probably more vast than most fans realize, let alone the chasm between the top programs and a G5 school.


I mean, it is ruining the sport, by accelerating the inequality that was already happening Edit: That’s not to say I think NIL should be stopped, because players having the rights to their own image and likeness is important and the fact that they make money from it is a good thing. I just think they need to put some kind of guard rails in place to stop the current bidding wars over players that I think is really detrimental to the sport.


Completely agree. The main problem with "NIL" right now is that it's got nothing to do with NIL In other sports leagues, if a franchise colludes with a business to offer an advertising deal in exchange for coming to their team, then that is tampering and would be considered circumventing the rules But somehow in college football, when a school blatantly offers advertisement deals in exchange for recruits or transfers, it's all totally fine It actually makes no sense. NIL is supposed to let players make money from their name. I have no clue how that equates to teams now being allowed to directly offer players money to play for them. It wasn't allowed before, so I don't know how it's allowed now. They're circumventing recruiting rules in a million different ways and yet it's being allowed because schools are vaguely connecting it to NIL


Signing bonuses/employment contracts during recruitment is a step past where we are. So we have these brazen “NIL collectives” but they’re legal, and the players don’t get money until they’re on campus. Signing bonuses and employment contracts are a step beyond where we are now. The obvious rule being broken is that NIL is supposed to be fair market value. “Market value” is extremely vague, that’s why the rule doesn’t work, but consider that there’s no way these deals provide ROI for the businesses… unless they treat it as a recruiting tool for their favorite CFB team. It’s not legitimate marketing unless it’s a Caleb Williams commercial or a low $ deal. It’s happening like this because those in power waited for the Supreme Court to get involved.


"fair market value" is whatever they're willing to pay, not what you feel they should be paid. You think the courts would have stopped this reality?


What I think players should be paid is irrelevant. These marketing activities are not worth what the players are being paid. We can compare them to what pro athletes get for similar activities and see that CFB players get far more. These NIL deals, in reality, are compensation for playing at a specific college. If the NCAA and schools got ahead of NIL (by allowing it earlier, of their own will not forced by the SC) the system would be better structured now.


The entire sport has always been an oddity and made little sense in the grand scheme of sports/business really. This just continues that trend. The part that makes sense is: there is money available, and until recently, the players couldn't get after it. Now they can. It's early in this new area and it's breaking previous established processes. Players are trying to get as much as they can (awesome, good for them), but that is causing serious problems in the sport because there is a new money vacuum in town and it's wrecking the existing money vacuum's processes. The central governing body tried to keep control of something they'd always controlled in the past, and another more powerful governing body has lately (repeatedly) told them they cannot do this any more. It's ironic to me the only way out of this is for the schools / NCAA to do something they've tried to avoid their entire history: collectively bargain with and start paying, with new rules, the players.


It is a bit wild that we went from players not being allowed to monetize their YouTube channel to players being offered millions to switch teams as if there was no in between.


Its a business relying on athletics that's been oddly bolted to educational institutions. Two more opposite pursuits cannot be imagined. I can't imagine this ever splitting apart but it is the fundamental flaw of the system. Its why there cannot be leagues and salary caps the way the NFL works.


I disagree. I don’t think it is accelerating it at all and I actually think it plus the transfer rules loosening have made it much more difficult for top teams to keep their talent. Washington made the NC last year. Georgia, Alabama, Ohio State, LSU all disappointed. Texas and Michigan had their best years in decades with Michigan winning it all. NIL is spreading the opportunity around.


Texas and Michigan aren’t exactly underdog programs. They are succeeding now because of NIL, because they have money to dish out to good players to get them to transfer. Washington built their team from good players from lower-tier teams - Penix was from Indiana and played a huge role in getting them to the top. Georgia, Alabama, and Ohio State all finished in the top 10 because they are consolidating talent. We’re also still in the very early years of this new system. I guarantee it will get worse in the future if nothing is done. If rich programs can buy the best players, they will buy wins, no doubt.


>I mean, it is ruining the sport, by accelerating the inequality that was already happening I think this is the issue in a nutshell. NIL didn't create inequality in college football. It is however expanding that inequality. NIL needs some tweaking.


Opening the flood gates all at once was the worst mistake. At his point its going to be incredibly had to dial it back because the NCAA (or whatever comes out of them possibly failing) will face so many lawsuits from players.


Unfortunately, the obvious idea would be capping player payouts, but that just hurts the players and doesn't actually fix the issue.


You mean the sport in which ~15 schools have won 85% of all AP national championships all-time? The sport has never been equal. Programs have been offering benefits to players since the 1900s. There has always been an arms race between the haves, and there has always been massive gap between the haves and havenots. The only difference now is that NIL has brought these things out into the open.


I agree it’s ruining the sport .. the issue isn’t the money per se but the fact kids can transfer and play for a different team the very next year ? It just makes things unstable . Not even the NFL works like that


So, you’re saying it’s just like everything else?


The first "modern" powerhouse in the 90s of Nebraska was because of their investments in strength and conditioning, and so on


And so on is doing a lot of work to describe the 90s Nebraska teams. 


Well it _was_ their strength and conditioning. They were just unnaturally productive in the weight room, okay?


What exactly are they feeding the non grass fed cows?


What do you think they do with "processed" players?




Hang on, let me get a pen and paper.


Corn, mostly. Corn and hormones.


You forgot the antibiotics.


Grass fed beef can have antibiotics and hormones 


I think Most dairy farms I’ve seen don’t use any hormones. But yeah the feed is corn, soy, and I think some grass.


They don’t use the hormones that are banned by the USDA…but yeah, they still use hormones.


TIL.... Iowa's football team has the same diet as cows.


I like corn


Everyone likes corn. However, grass-fed cows are a healthier meat with better nutritional value and fewer negative byproducts.


It has the juice!




Is this a serious question? In case it is, cows that can't be kept on grass (summer from grazing, winter usually from hay) are fed pellets which are a hodge podge of grains with a large amount of that grain being corn. to those saying "antibiotics" that's only on large (and primarily "factory") farms. Small farms don't pack their cows with hormones b/c they don't have to. On most (small) family farms, the cattle have plenty of room to roam, plenty of grass to eat... until winter and then their feed is subsidized with pellets. You don't need to pack them with drugs until they are in a crowded environment. source: I grew up on my family's small ranch of >100 head of cattle on 120 acres. Edit: As for hormones, I dont know if it was as prominent in the late 80s when we sold our farm as it is now. I know we didn't do give our cows hormones. We gave them no medication unless they absolutely needed it.


Undrafted San Jose state players, obviously


Smaller cow


Grass fed beef with hormones, or corn fed with hormones. I dont mind hormones, it makes our food cheaper and population more sustainable. But with that said, grass fed either with or without hormones is superior to corn fed. But when I was a broke college kid playing football at d2, it didnt really matter, wed get one custom meal per day usually meaming steak and premium foods, but otherwise we all ate at the public dining hall or upperclassmen cooked their own meals. Grass fed is a very very miniscule gain compared to eating corn fed in larger quantities, but if its available at thr full quantity at a program, do it. The slight gain is worth it when you are competing against the best of the best. At big progams, the amenities like custom nutrition, more recovery resources (trainers, physicians, most of all equipment) are a huge advantage NIL or no NIL.


Go Spartans!


Yeah I’m the only one allowed to pay players. What a dick.


"Wait, now everyone can pay players? That's not fair!"


Yeah, also Saban was essentially saying the same and quit before the playing field was leveled.


Anyone who thinks NIL will level the playing field instead of widening the gap is dumb.


Probably does level the playing field some among the very top teams, but definitely widens the gap between them and everyone else.


It levels the playing field between the elite teams now that they don’t have to worry about being caught.


Fuck Urban Meyer


Gotta agree with the Florida fan here. Fuck that guy


The depths to which I agree with this sentiment is greater than most would find reasonable. It was the only sentiment that came to mid reading the headline.


Finally good to see the gator fans figure out. One day we will have them saying fuck the gators


They probably will after their hell of a 2024 schedule


I'm honestly so scared for this season lol


Brother the fact that there is no reason on earth for yall to beat UT this year is the most terrifying thing to me.


I feel this fear. As a Georgia fan who lives in Tennessee.


As a Georgia fan, I’m willing to shake your hand until our game


I am looking forward to it... A LOT


I say it during every single game already


The irony in him saying this lol


What did the finger say to the bang?


As if he didn’t cheat when he coached that’s hilarious.


Jumping on this bandwagon for sure. What a schmuck


Florida fan here, fuck Urban Meyer. He was happier just paying them before NIL.


Wise words. 


But sticking ur fingers in a coed’s butt at a bar when you’re married isn’t cheating


He wants to be one of the few to pay off players.






Flair twin!




Wasn’t he married when he shoved his finger up that girl’s ass?


His wife was watching his grandchildren while he was out


It'd be irresponsible for him to bring his grandkids to work in a completely different state, then afterwork drinks. He was obviously just being responsible, leaving them with their grandma.


Big Nude Saturday lmfao


Famous grinder


Gave the old spider 2 Y-banana


Just come to a Bible study like Aaron Hernandez did


Because everybody knows that Urban Meyer did it ***the right way***. Right?


Forget the dumb take and hypocrisy and blah blah blah.... Forget all that and soak this in: "During a recent interview with Lou Holtz on The Lou Holtz Podcast,..." Wai... sto... Whut? This is preposterous. May. 2024. Holtz. Podcast. The Lou Holtz Podcast. We did it! Have a good weekend everybody.


At least now some people will know where Lou Holtz is


I can't think of a worse voice to listen to on a podcast lol


Some of these guys put their name on a podcast, collect the revenue, and then have an actual host facilitate and do a lot of the intro and talking. I'm sure Lou Holtz just chimes in on occasion, maybe asks a couple of questions, and then let the rest of it run its course


That was my first reaction to Tom Brady and Larry Fitzgerald's podcast. I only listened to like 2 episodes for part of them. Tom and Larry talk a lot, but then the third host is just some guy whose name I cannot be bothered to remember.


So my father had me watch his notre dame motivational speech videos back in the day to encourage me to do my best…I was like 12 and they didn’t do shit. I had no idea who this man was lol


I can one up you, Barney Frank.


Someone say soak?


Urban was just there so he could report back to Ryan Day exactly where Holtz is.


Everywhere Lou Holtz coached and left, was investigated by the NCAA. NC State, Notre Dame, South Carolina. There isn't a college coach from one of the big conferences that can look in the mirror and say "My program was clean, top to bottom".


ND investigation was absolute horseshit (Dunbar scandal).  The other thing the NCAA was looking at ND for was because Bob Davie is a fucking moron and basically admitted to firing legendary OL coach Joe Moore, for being too old.  ND was sued and obviously lost.  


I wonder how many millions of dollars Urban was paid to coach kids he thinks shouldn’t profit from their skills


That’s not really what he’s saying at all, though. He thinks they absolutely should. He’s basically saying a Terrell Pryor situation should be allowed, or any opportunity to make money off of a billboard, dealership commercial, autographs, etc is all good. He thinks the collectives, and basically shell groups used to just pay players to come to your university is wrong. Or, at least the way they operate he thinks is just an “arms race” and isn’t doing what NIL was supposed to be doing. It’s literally the same thing people complain about in here when NIL and unlimited free agency is brought up. I personally wouldn’t go so far as to call it cheating, but it definitely isn’t what the O’Bannon case was trying to establish. But, well, we’re here now and one way or the other it will get regulated and streamlined, and we’ll find something else to argue about because there’s always new ways to gain an advantage. 


The NIL collectives are great for benefiting players who aren't the stars with name recognition. Unless you're among the top 5 linemen in the nation, as a lineman you probably aren't getting many sponsors.


>He thinks the collectives, and basically shell groups used to just pay players to come to your university is wrong But it's totally cool for those collectives (aka boosters) to raise millions of dollars a year just to pay coaches to come to your university is totally kosher, right? That's the hypocrisy I'm calling out. Nobody was gatekeeping what a legitimate way for Urban Meyer to get paid was. The idea that everyone else should be totally free to capitalize on the market value of their skills, but somehow the players have to do things "the right way" is a total farce. The idea of an "arms race" of NIL being a bad thing is a further hypocrisy because just financial competition is exactly why someone like Meyer leaves BG to go to Utah, leaves Utah to go to Florida, and then chooses to come back to Ohio State when they return to coaching. Not only do they have significant financial interest, but the "arms race" that these schools participate in to set their coaches up for success with facilities upgrades, assistant money pools, support staff, and recruiting budgets is pure free market laissez faire capitalism that I'm supposed to believe shouldn't apply, and ONLY shouldn't apply, to the players? FOH, Urban


It isn't cheating when his teams are the only ones buying players. Now that it's fair game for everyone, obviously the system is broken.


So his problem is just that NIL is pay-for-play. That seems like it’s best feature!


He's a POS but I definitely agree with him. NIL was supposed to be about chicken sandwiches not paying players.


Happy we crushed that man’s soul


It’s not often that I root for Alabama, but that was one of those times. Fuck Urban Meyer.


Urban Meyer is such a scumbag, that both programs he won championships for are both telling him to fuck off. That’s a real achievement.


Under the table payments weren't cheating?


Urban prefers to have boosters make payments ‘under the table’ if you catch my drift…


Yes, he is familiar with the back door deal


Oh fuck you


“I don’t like that other people and conferences get to do it now”


Fuck that old bitch


Tell this college bar finger banger to quit talking


My favorite part of the whole NIL shit is how easy it would be to end it. All of the rich boosters would simply have to stop pouring money into collectives. They can't help themselves though. They can't because they know the other rich turds with too much money won't stop. All of these people, who I am willing top bet are paragons of supporting capitalism miss the hilarious irony. They hate the system so much because they have to pay people to do something while supporting the system because it benefited them greatly. Their demand for quality players skyrockets the price for a limit supply and they hate it so much. I am very curious to see what kind of effect NIL is having on overall donations to athletic departments. I want to know if fundraising for all of the new facilities is struggling as these guys are dropping that money for players instead of weight rooms or practice facilities.


I will admit I have no sources, but I find it very hard to believe his Florida and Ohio State teams were not paying handsomely. I think the only question is if he gave any input or simply went with ye olde “don’t ask, don’t tell” approach.


I don’t think if you gave him a full year that he could coherently explain what is “cheating” about allowing players to make money off of their skills 1) like everybody else in every other job can do, 2) when it’s always happened anyways under the table, and 3) when it’s the players and not the coaches that people pay to watch or go to the games to see.


The Ego has spoken.


Urban is an expert in "cheating" 😏


Even if you agree with his point you probably don’t want him being your spokesperson


Wow, Urban’s opinion is a real thumb in the asshole of college football’s powers that be.


Interestingly, Urban Meyer doesn’t think fingerbanging a coed in a bar is cheating. So I’m not sure we should consider him an expert on the topic.


Did anybody actually read the article? The headline doesn’t match what he was saying.


This is reddit we don't do that here


Aka fuck you got mine. Coaches are the only ones who should get paid right Urban?


"If NIL were a kicker, I'd Chun-Li that ass."


Best comment in the thread


If anyone would know about cheating, it’s Urban Meyer.


Well he’s an idiot so…


No Urban….. “Finger banging another woman that’s not your WIFE!?!?!?” Now THAT’S cheating 


Ok grandpa, let's get you to bed.


Old man yells at cloud?


This should be fun......




It sucks when everyone else pays their players too........


Meyer will burn in the 7th circle of hell. From a Jags fan


He should pay his money back.


Is it terrible NIL take week or something?


Stfu Urban


He knows all about cheating


People who dont play college football will never understand the scope, just as the same people didn't understand college football before the NIL era. Its game of jekyll and hyde, most of the inner workings of a program is not revealed, even if you think it is. They show on the inside only what they want people to see. As a player that started before the NIL era, played during the transfer portal and NIL era, NIL is very raw at this point and could be very harmful to football once we see a full 5 year class change (yes, most redshirt and play 5 years other than draft prospects). It is changing the culture of teams. It is no longer individuals uniting for a goal. It is individuals seeking compensation regardless of the teams success. You used to have players commit on a programs merits, chemistry, winning culture, etc. Now it is how much they make as individual players. Outside looking in, they see this as empowerment to players. It is empowerment to only certain players. I dont necessarily disagree with athletes earning income of of literally name image likeness, when I heard the release, I thought it would be very beneficial. The reality is that it has reshaped the game. Saban survived and won ships through many eras. He survived the transfer portal era recently, but not NIL, because of their philosophy. They recruited guys on culture, and they would be allowed to seek compensation after committing to the school either as individuals or through a school committee. This is IMO how it should have been. I was shocked initially when these players have contracts for NIL before even committing to the school, and the contracts contingent on committment to that school. This is not what it should have came to. Smaller conferences are already not that relevant, but now they will become obsolete. Soon the only conferences that will get any attention are big ten, acc, and sec. The college football playoff though is not setup this way when they transition to 12 team, and this is likely to result in more criticism than not. Many lesser conference teams will get in over teams on the bubble from a big conference. Overall, NIL is the right idea, but the lack of regulation is making it a mess. I aint no communist routing for any control, but with all other aspects of college sports highly regulated, it seems silly that a school can promise a contract before they even commit to the school. I hope competition remains competitive in college sports, but its about to be even more isolated to the power 5 than before. And the thing is, most people will think this is good from the outside looking in, because they are the viewers, and viewership is key. It may be the end of competitive college sports, but fans think this is a phenomenal redesign. And because that's who funds everything, I guess they are right.


I can't say I've ever cared what Urban Meyer thinks so I don't think I'll start now.


Urban Meyer talking about what’s reasonable for others is rich.


And him letting a girl 40 years younger than his wife grind on him is cheating too, so he knows cheating.....


Yeah, I mean the days of a star player going from a junker to a brand new sports car magically over night is totally a much better situation.. Or is this one of those it was better when only the absolute big dogs could do it and get away with it?


Well, he is an expert on the matter


He cheated on his wife. He should know a thing or two


Isn’t it ironic


Pot meet Kettle.


Sweet headline. Read the article.


I mean cheating is definitely something that Meyer would know about


Urban as head of NCAA infractions committee would be like having Joe Kennedy lead the Securities Exchange Committee. "Takes a crook..."


From the article: >During a recent interview with Lou Holtz on *The Lou Holtz Podcast,* Urban Meyer made it clear that he actually supports players being allowed to earn compensation from endorsement deals or promotional opportunities, but that’s not what he has seen happen. Instead of simple promotional or endorsement opportunities for players, NIL collectives have formed to essentially pay players through donor money – and Meyer is not a fan of that. He's not against them getting NIL money from businesses, he's against NIL collectives funneling money to players.


But he was all for boosters throwing money at players under the table. If you believe the article, I have a bridge to sell you


I honestly agree with him, but he’s such a goddamn hypocrite


Nah nah we gotta hear him out, man is an expert at cheating


Urban meyer bought plenty of Ships he can fuck right off


No, Urban, cheating is when you go to the club without your family and let a young co-ed grind your junk, or somewhere close thereafter.


Uh huh, because you're the cleanest football coach of all time, aren't ya Urban?


Funny hearing all these boomers who were paying players under the table for decades now complain when everyone can legally do it. Same with Saban crying while having a team full of guys all driving brand new cars and trucks for a decade. 


Moral pillar, Urban Meyer


This is so brand for Urban Meyer that it feels like a parody.


Well….he would know about cheating, wouldn’t he


Well, he did do all his cheating behind closed doors.


This dude sucks.


Cheating. Just like what you did to your wife.


“That’s cheating…and I should know, ask my wife”


Who cares


Glad an expert is weighing in


Coaches are against this because they know the Universities cannot afford to pay both huge salaries to coach staffs and players. Has nothing to do with cheating or fair play or any of that shit. However, I do foresee Universities changing their offers of scholarships to sports players to include a minimum amount of time spent at the University before the pay is permanent, meaning of they agree to come play at the University of Google and one year later they are gone, they'll end up owing the money from their first season back to the University. Probably become a way for new Universities to bait player into the xfer portal by agreeing to pay their first year costs back to the former university. Time will tell..


He's just being salty because the money that would have been directed to the coaches by the boosters is now being directed to the players instead. There is nothing "cheating" about NIL and paying players for their labor.


It’s unfair to pay more for the best coaches!!!


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuk fL. also, Urban Meyer


Then go coach high school asshole