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The dad in the coraline meme is wearing an MSU sweatshirt.


Pretty sure the older brother (John Cusack?) in stand by me was supposed to play football at MSU.   Maybe I am not remembering correctly though.   I wasn't a fan of Don't look up.  But the physicists were from MSU I believe.


Walter Hobbs from elf played QB for MSU in the 60s I think. James Caan Never mind I just looked at his wiki, he tried out for the team but didn’t make it


I am pretty sure James caan actually went to MSU.  So maybe he tied that in there.


I watched Stand By Me maybe 20 times as a kid and never picked up on that, but when I rewatched it a few years ago it really stood out.


There’s a grand funk railroad album where one of the members is wearing an msu jersey on the cover. It’s driving me crazy cause I’m pretty sure I own that album but I can’t find it on my shelf and I can’t find a pic of it online. But I remember noticing it at the record store and buying it specifically for that reason lol. It’s like a # 79 jersey or something, always wondered what the back story was because that would’ve been before college football jerseys were common to buy at stores and it’s a really random number.


Also the girlfriend in Evil Dead 1 and 2 wears one (maybe also a flashback in Army of Darkness?). Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell grew up in Royal Oak and went to Groves HS, and Sam went to MSU.


Bill Mechanic, a producer of the movie, is an MSU alum, so that's why he had it on. The dad was originally supposed to wear a Michigan sweatshirt, but Bill Mechanic said fuck that, and made them knit an MSU sweatshirt.


Maybe it’s generational, but I always thought of American Pie as the most prominent pop culture reference for Michigan State.


The 1992 presidential debate that MSU hosted is prominently featured in the documentary The War Room. One of Clinton's staffers is running around in a Michigan State sweatshirt for a big chunk of that sequence


Better Call Saul didn't have to remind me of the 2010 game against Nebraska, but they did anyway


They really nailed the kinds of things that Nebraska fans were talking about in 2010.


It made me happy before i remembered where we were


I already liked Kim, then I found out she's a Royals fan and like turned to love.


Speaking as an Astros fan, it's gonna be a sad day when Kauffman finally closes


Man, you're telling me. I totally get why folks want a downtown stadium -- it would be so cool -- but a lot of my childhood core memories are tied to those old orange nosebleed seats.


The quality of the writing on those was unbelievable. I'm pretty sure someone on the writing team is a Nebraska native (based off a number of references in BCS and BB) but it's really just exquisite screenwriting knowing what you're talking about so well.


Burt Reynolds landing the plane in Cannon Ball Run wearing the FSU hat.


Adam Sandler being from FSU in the remake of longest yard. There is a FSU flag in the background of Zombieland 2. It was the new logo, which wouldn't have existed because of the zombie apocalypse.


Fun fact: Both Paul “Wrecking” Crewe from The Longest Yard (remake) and Shane Falco from The Replacements lost the 1996 Sugar Bowl. The reason for this is really cool, too. There WAS no 1996 Sugar Bowl. Not technically. The 1995 season was one of those odd years where the Sugar Bowl was played on NYE, and then the 1996 season had it on NYD on 1997 as usual. Therefore…no 1996 Sugar Bowl. Obviously you could probably infer that they mean the Sugar Bowl after the 1996 season, as most CFB fans refer to bowl games colloquially for the season they were in, not the year they took place. However, I still think this is a really cool piece of trivia.


Ours is also the Longest Yard. It didn’t age well.


Didn't he play for FSU?


He did. Teammates with Lee corso


Roommates even!


My grandfather lived in the same dorm as them during that time too. Although he wasn't a football player they put him in the athletics dorm cause he was older and back in college on the GI Bill


Thank you for bringing this to my attention


Not quite a cameo but a the crowd doing the chop in Robin Hood Men in Tights


Didn't he play for FSU?


Yes in 1954 and was roommates with Corso. Had a knee injury than car accident his sophomore year.


First that comes to mind for me is Dusty wearing an OU hat in Twister


fun fact: my dad was a backup role to Bill Paxton....my dad was in radio and did voice acting as a side hobby.....he obviously never appeared in the movie but oh what could've been


That’s pretty cool. Was he ever on set?


He was on set when they filmed in the Ames/Boone area




Or all the times that Jim Ross wore OU stuff in WWE.


I also like 1955 OU getting a shout-out on the radio in Back to the Future


king of the hill easily


Also works for Rice, hahaha


Probably Oklahoma too…not sure if the Aggies got a shoutout in there or not


You know the best thing about living in Wichita Falls?




I grew up in and still live here. A lot of people do say that. It's my home though.




North Texas? More like South Oklahoma


SOSU is Texoma’s university for a reason


You aren’t in Oklahoma? As someone who has to drive through there twice a year oklahmoa can have it.


C'mon bro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYFtskeZrNg Don't be a south Texas pig jockey


I figured it was a reference. Been awhile since I’ve seen that show.


Beating Texas in a corner kick to the end zone is greatest play all in Nebraska history.


[Texas v. Nebraska](https://youtu.be/KEyUyAyA0nY?si=cLDyNa0z_212t_wm)


"Is it okay that I don't want to live anymore?" "Yes, Bobby. That's normal." Hank is truly a lifelong Texas fan.




How can you forget the Tommy Lee Jones masterpiece, Man of the House?


Wow I’ve never heard of that before. But sweet Jesus the licensing on that alone woulda covered all the Cheesecake Factory Vince could dream of. This looks like a movie the longhorn network made up and then somehow landed TLJ.


Cartman dressing and talking like a southern slave owner with the university president when figuring out how to not pay the crack babies


i love when he says "i aint arguin!"


“You have some mighty strong lookin’ workers here sir…”


Ah Stoodint athuhleets that's brilliant suh


There is a very early episode where Cartman visits his family in Nebraska, and they are all watching a football game


That was a very strange appearance for Ole Miss.


UGA (the dog) has a cameo in "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil". The most recent mention I can think of is when we had a slight mention on the latest season of Futurama where the TCU Hypnotoads were playing against the Georgia Bullfrogs. Probably ended the same way.


Not really an answer to OP’s question, but the campus shots in Road Trip were filmed at UGA. ETA: we were in the Apple keynote presentation last year. Also Squidbillies


There was also that time on Inside The NBA when Charles Barkley had to sing Glory Glory due to losing a bet when Auburn lost to Georgia.


That is an iconic reference. But Early Culyer is the most accurate.


How I Met Your Mother- Marshall randomly wore a retro Benny Oregon State t shirt in an episode. I don't know of many other background things like that.


WSU also wins their March Madness bracket. The constant mentions in that show to the PNW always led me to believe someone in the writers room was from the Northwest.


I remember watching that episode with my wife and when I saw Benny I started cheering and my wife was like “what did I miss?” LOL


He wore a bunch of random college sweatshirts. I remember Pitt in another episode. 


For some reason, it seemed like every time there was a football game on in the background of an episode of The League, it was an OU game. Super strange for a show about pro football! I think I heard at some point that a producer or network exec was an OU alum.  And shoutout to Philip Seymour Hoffman’s vintage OU hat in Twister! 


I think something about not being able to use nfl footage in the show and the mouse had a hand in it being on Fx(x)


If I remember correctly it was from either the first or second season and it was OU Texas Tech. Probably the second or third episode and I think it was when Andre moved into his penthouse


Speed is the only answer for Arizona


“You and the wildcat” The baseball team is referenced in Richard linklater’s Everybody Wants Some


[Fight On](https://youtu.be/m3t_FRgJ__s?t=190) being played during the pseudo football scene in Disney's Robin Hood.


I’ll give credit where it’s due, this one is iconic, very cool.


USC’s music for “Conquest” being played during the Roman soldiers marching on Spartacus


Also Boyz in the Hood is a good USC movie


On Wisconsin as well


Air Force 1. According to imdb it's footage from the 1992 Michigan-Notre Dame game.


CJ got [punished](https://youtu.be/Wbc2DLPI7OI?si=-WZjSyTSVeKpR--h) on the West Wing bc she made fun of Notre Dame during Michigan week.


God. I just want this rivalry back.


I used to love when Michigan would start the season vs ND then end vs Ohio st


The world as God intended


To add onto the West Wing reference, CJ went to Berkeley for graduate school. Edit: https://youtu.be/dYuv86il3Pk?si=voWSqVXNjffdkQaq&t=43 > Josh Lyman : You know what, C.J.? I really think I'm the best judge of what I mean, you paranoid Berkeley shiksa feminista... Wow, that was way too far. > C.J. Cregg : No, no. Well, I've got a staff meeting to go to and so do you, you elitist, Harvard, fascist, missed-the-dean's-list-two-semesters-in-a-row Yankee jackass.


She’s a paranoid Berkley shiksa feminista!


Indeed! God I love CJ


This is the one I thought of. Also, that movie is how I know I'd make a horrible president. I wouldn't have fought off the terrorists because I would be barricaded in that room watching until the end of the game.


I would have drop kicked the person who told me the final score.


Get off of my plane!


I'd have done the throat motion like in the Dictator


“My Princeton Tigers would beat your Cal Bears.” “At *what*?” “….logarithms.”


The Boomers generation answer is The Big Chill, my parents must have mentioned it 100 times


The movie Jumper has a Michigan game playing in the background at a bar and there's U-M paraphernalia everywhere. Also the TV show 8 Simple Rules (RIP John Ritter) has his character watching Michigan v. Ohio State game. Go blue


Johnny Utah or Shane Falco count?


Shane Falco always counts, my man!


Does Forest Gump count? Also Breaking Away for Indiana


[He might be the stupidest son of a bitch alive, but he sure is fast!](https://youtu.be/0YAKkHutmFI?si=n8g4Ry-l9kKUbPgc) Side note: I wonder who we could say that about in recent college football history.


Henry Ruggs


Imagine getting the Tide Pride blue hairs with 50 yard line seats to do a card stunt.


The Submarine movie "Crimson Tide" with Gene Hackman and Denzel Washington had overt references.


Not exactly background, but the Kiffin's Krimson Korner recurring segment on Tosh.0.




Same Actor "Pain heals, chick's dig scars, glory lasts forever."


In my friend group if someone is headed to the bar, fridge, cooler etc. All you have to do is shout Utah! and a beer will be promptly delivered. And now I just realized this inside joke with my friends has been going on now for over 30 years.


Somehow there have been two main characters who were formerly Ohio State QBs, both played by Keanu Reeves funny enough. Johnny Utah in Point Break Shane “Footsteps” Falco in The Replacements


Shane Falco?! You mean Footsteps Falco?! From the Sugar Bowl?!


Every time I heard Joe Flacco's name, I couldn't help but say Falco? Footsteps Falco?


Saved by the Bell has a football cut a way scene that's an Ohio State game from the 1980s. That one alway sticks out to me.


Richard Lewis was an Ohio State fan, so our gear (and a random ohio state vs Georgetown basketball game in the background) appeared on Curb.


DiNozzo in NCIS was a track guy at Ohio State


*BASKETBALL Starting Point Guard* who lead the team to the Final Four, but lost to UCLA (season 1 episode 19). The fictional Game was played in Baltimore (season 8 episode 22).




One of the bodyguards in the bar at the beginning of The Rundown was from OSU.


Tom Tuttle from Tacoma, Washington singing the WSU fight song in the 1985 movie Volunteers.


Harrison ford was watching a Michigan notre dame game on Air Force one https://i.imgflip.com/10knrg.gif Also back to the future 2 biffs radio lists a Michigan Indiana score from 1955


Our whole campus is in Animal House which is fun!




The LA Coliseum is obviously in a ton of movies, but the best is either the shootout at the end of Money Talks or Kurt Russell's basketball game of death in Escape from LA.


How they got away with that shit is beyond me.


70’s were unhinged and filled with lots and lots of drugs.


I don’t think people cared as much back then. There’s an old news interview from the 80s where Chris collinsworth is bragging about how high school girls are his favorite because it’s easier to trick the younger ones. Dude was creepy as hell and proud.


Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, which takes place during RRS (OU-tx). Edit: If I remember correctly, the opening scene is also with some students traveling to Dallas for the game.


They are! Fun fact: they pick up a Burkburnett radio station, which is west of Ft. Worth. But they pass a mile sign that says Mesquite and Dallas, which means they’re coming from East Texas. So who knows where they really are


[Jim Carrey in Yes Man?](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/qDdlSjRRLK12mBWirjF4jltE6s4=/1400x1400/filters:format(jpeg\)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/6257405/Jim-Carrey-Yes-Man-Cornhuskers.0.jpg) [Big Bang Theory?](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiIKAU1ao4-hkCAm-VcolZE_4gNFC7XZ-I_v3uAt7dXTFXQv81gz4bmOjf078JMuhu81KjUAggxJSIgYHO2kKePEXrSfJsQdeUP7ACNRow7WAwKXihNW1xeOmRdGALDNkuPuR7dDw/s400/big-bang-cornhusker.jpg)


"Gary, this is Joe. All-star quarterback from the [University of Nebraska](https://youtu.be/3HMqaWE4Eh0?si=j2EWfis-FKdl1El2)"


There's a lot of Huskers memorabilia in Teen Wolf (set in rural Nebraska). There's a Nebraska calendar at their house and a bumper sticker in the coach's office.


Zach Galifianakis’ character wore an East Carolina jersey in the 2012 movie, The Campaign, with Will Ferrell in it. Funny film.


My dad still quotes that movie at me. "Yes, I've had five or six small-batch bourbons."


Funny that they decided against making it about SC politics despite every other thematic indication to the contrary.


Galifianakis is also an NC State alum if I recall too.


[Senator Armstrong played football for the University of Texas](https://youtu.be/U5DIddYUWUE?t=801)


Dr. Ian Malcolm from Jurassic Park is a mathematician at the University of Texas at Austin who specializes in chaos theory.


[Cowboy Bebop ](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/cowboybebop/images/e/e2/Tom1.PNG/revision/latest?cb=20131205183854)


there's a Gamecock sticker on the wall in one of the locker room scenes in Rudy (but of course that's a football movie). But the best has to be the [Simpsons](https://comb.io/a1ge91)


Omg why didn't I know that existed I love that


For whatever reason a particular scene from The Dukes of Hazzards comes to mind. At the end when Governor pardons the Duke boys for their crimes he shouts Go Dawgs, then the whole courtroom starts barking in the background lol.


Futurama, Fry's mom is a Badger and Packer fan. She talks about the Badgers winning the Rose Bowl.


USC-ND game also featured in Godfather Pt 2


Nelly wearing a Tech jersey in the "Air Force Ones" music video


The Adam Sandler version of The Longest Yard where Burt Reynolds plays a former Oklahoma Heisman winner


The movie also mentions App State as an easy tune up game…in 2005. 


App would then win back-to-back-to-back FCS national championships and most famously, in 2007, upset Michigan. In short, Adam Sandler caused App State to beat Michigan.


Hey I made a whole shit post about that awhile back.


We took that shit personally 


The original there is a guy that played for Oklahoma State .... Penitentiary.




Burt Reynolds...who actually played for FSU.


Buddy was watching Skinemax one night and the male lead mentioned Syvelle Newton lost/won a bet for him. It didn’t make any sense, there’s no additional context, it wasn’t a production even tangentially about sports/gambling… I think we even discussed it with Syvelle online at some point and he was completely unaware of it. I’m sure there are “better” answers but this was the strangest one I’ve got and I think about it fairly regularly. Edit: I’ve uncovered additional details! >It was called “The Girls Guide to Depravity.” > >The idea is that one of the girls was “stalking” her crush as she thought he was avoiding her to cheat on her with another girl. She decides to follow him and confront him, only to find that he’s attending an in-person fantasy football draft. > >He welcomes her into the party and she’s sitting there, embarrassed. So it wasn’t betting it was fantasy football. If anyone has ever drafted Syvelle Newton in fantasy football they probably didn’t have a very good team. Got bless the guy, loved his time in garnet and black, and frankly think he would have been a legend if he was just a tiny bit younger and in a more QB-run friendly offense.


In The Devils Advocate the main character (keanu reeves/satans son) is from Gainesville and it was made in '96-'97 so at one point he's reading a paper that has the news of us winning a natty on it and Danny Wuerffel on the cover


[Not the most famous, but one of the most recent](https://thespun.com/.image/t_share/MjA0NjczOTAwMjYzNTE1NDY3/screenshot-2024-02-28-at-40806-pm.png) RIP Richard Lewis


John Wayne whistling The Rambin Wreck


[Jerry Maguire](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iW7j_M25P8A)?


Michigan in the Big Chill


K-State was talked about in the remake of the longest yard. But way more obscure is 2012 footage of Collin Klien in the show the OA on Netflix as highlights for one of the characters.


'I played football at K-State' 'Bullshit, under coach Snyder?' 'K-State penitentiary'


I have 2 very light ones. In Zoolander, when they're in the coal miner's bar, he asks his dad who's winning the match. His dad says "State" and you can very easily convince me that it's Penn State on the TV. Then this one is still a football movie, but in Rudy, when his dad says "This is the most beautiful sight these eyes have ever seen" you can hear either the ND band playing "Hail to the Lion", as the crowd shots were from halftime of a PSU ND game.


Has to be Penn St, right? If you’re looking around coal mining country, Virginia State, WV State and Kentucky State are all small HBCUs that don’t even play at the FCS level


it's definitely penn State when they pan to the TV


There is another one in modern family, Ty Burrell (an irl Oregon and PSU grad) says something like we got our butts kicked by Penn State.


Well it takes place in coal mining country in New Jersey, which for the record has absolutely never existed, so PSU would have been the early/afternoon regional broadcast on ABC.


We were also in Rugrats.


Which episode?


[this is the clip at least](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pn30hLo01jY&pp=ygUSUnVncmF0cyBwZW5uIHN0YXRl)


PC Principal from South Park went to Texas A&M


Not sure if this counts, but the alabama marching band in forest Gump is played by members of the usc marching band. You can even see one of the band members doing a Fight On hand gesture.


A&M in The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas (1982), w/ Burt Reynolds. Back to the Future Part 2: an A&M game was on Biff's radio. We've Never Been Licked (1943). A WWII morale film .


PC principal in South Park is an Aggie.


>We've Never Been Licked (1943). A WWII morale film . It doesn't get more A&M than that


Tom Selleck wearing his USC class ring as he constantly moves his hands at his desk in Blue Bloods


[Hingle McCringleberry](https://youtu.be/RGJb2iLvOKE?si=S7pEBK0Wc7K8BjA_)


Not exactly an “appearance” but Ari Gold from entourage is a Michigan/Harvard grad. His character is about what you’d expect from a Michigan/Harvard grad.


A bit off track but it was cool and funny seeing Michigan State pop up in Don't Look Up. I'd take a class taught by DiCaprio for sure.


The Coraline Dad is probably the top choice for this question, but I think Don't Look Up might be number 2. Or maybe the characters from American Pie talking about going to MSU / UofM. Edit: Pretty sure characters in the Evil Dead series have worn MSU gear, also, thanks to the Sam Raimi connection.


The first 2 I can think of is the radio announcing Iowa lost to Ohio State when Biff is checking scores in Back to the Future 2. Or Cindy's real boyfriend in Can't Buy Me Love played football (I think) for Iowa and shows up in 1 scene wearing an Iowa jacket. Iowa has much better appearances in football themed movies and shows though.


in addition to the other USC references mentioned, there’s a usc game on the tv in a season 3 episode of the sopranos


Michigan Notre Dame being on TV in Air Force One. GET OFF MY PLANE


Will Ferrell once played an OU student on SNL’s weekend update, though he was introduced as being from The University Of Ohio.


I hope that year we beat our bitter rivals Ohio of Miami.


the USC football team was in the movie Babylon. critics seemed to hate that movie but I've watched it several times. really hate that rat eating part though, makes me sick. I really like old school Hollywood/California movies just like I'll watch any shitty sci-fi.


The legend Chris Daugherty wearing a Block O hat on Survivor season 9


In the Big Bang Theory episode "The Cornhusker Vortex" Nebraska is playing Oklahoma on the TV. Nebraska is also very prominent in a part of the movie Yes Man with Jim Carrey (and I think they are playing Oklahoma State).


Somehow we have not one but *two* movies where Keanu Reeves plays a former QB for us. Only one of which is a football movie.


Oh shit, did Neo used to play for Ohio State?


Tanner Foust drove a McLaren onto the 50 yard line of Faurot Field during an episode of Top Gear America.


ND-Michigan in Air Force One


Does an American Greed episode on Art Schlichter count?


In the final season of the office Kelly gives away all her winter clothing announcing that she and her husband are moving to Miami Florida. It is then revealed that her husband took a job teaching at Miami University in Oxford Ohio and she is unaware of the difference. I was a freshman when that episode came out, we were all pretty psyched to get mentioned There’s also the opening scene of the movie ides of March.


Sir Mix-a-Lot wears a UW sweatshirt in part of the baby got back music video


USC vs. ND is also playing on a TV in a scene in *The Godfather Part II*. How many other rivalry games have been background noise in even one seminal American classic, let alone two?


That Key and Peele skit is pretty funny


In the movie You, Me and Dupree a WSU game is on the TV. I think they were playing Arizona.


Probably the ferry from the Outer Banks to Chapel Hill, mentioned in the Outer Banks show. Armando Bacot starred. James Taylor - “Carolina in my Mind”. That guy who murdered his family and was the subject of a viral mini-documentary on YouTube was wearing a UNC shirt when he got booked/interviewed by the cops. I think Chapel Hill was mentioned briefly in an X Files episode. Recently saw an episode of one of those NCIS/CSI/etc. shows that referenced the 2017 MBB championship.


"You Can't Take It With You": It won the 1938 Academy Awards for Best Picture and Directors. It is comedy about a man (Jimmy Stewart) who falls in love with a woman from an eccentric family living in New York City. Hiding up high on a wall in the family's living room is an Alabama Pennant.


Reba McEntire had her show "Reba" on the WB back in the early 2000s. The son was a Houston Cougar football player, so a lot of UH merchandise.  My wife worked at the off-campus Rother's bookstore at the time the TV show contacted her for stuff. It was neat seeing some of the merchandise she designed pop up on later episodes of the series. 


The funniest one is in the opening of the pilot episode of Brooklyn 99 they are in an electronics store and the 2009 South Carolina-Ole Miss game is playing on the TVs, you get a good look at Stephen Garcia at one point lol (the good guys won that one) That clip must have made it into some stock b-roll or something because it showed up several times in the early 2010’s outside the scope of ESPN/Disney who I assume were the image rights holders




Not a visible appearance, but Adam Sandler having played for FSU in the Longest Yard


Tom Tuttle from Tacoma


Breaking Away is probably the only piece of fictional media to ever mention IU football ever


One of the actors in Tin Cup is a TCU grad, there's a few scenes where he's wearing a TCU shirt or hat.