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My worst possible dynasty already happened.


Don't worry, now it's only your second worst possible dynasty.


No this is way worse


Your worst possible dynasty so far...


Which one?


Listen, don’t get me wrong, I hate Georgia. I grew up in Alabama hearing bammers talk about turning our trees into firewood. That’s a different hate. Typically the Auburn fans who grew up in Georgia hate Georgia more… just how it goes.


Hey man, we hate y’all too ❤️


From my experiences with the area in professional sports, I want no part of a Boston College dynasty. However, the real answer is Texas A&M, easily


Man, imagine how awful a Boston College dynasty would be now that the 80% of the Patriots fanbase who only noticed them once they started winning needs another outlet for their front-running.


Living in MA I would say probably not tbh. Firstly nobody here gives a shit about CFB. Secondly, there are a *ton* of schools here and they already have rivalries with each other over other stuff. If you went to Harvard, BU, Northeastern, MIT, UMass, Tufts etc you’re probably not gonna just start rooting for BC because they got good at something. I’m sure you’d get *some* amount of bandwagoning from folks who never went to any of the schools here, but most people probably wouldn’t care too much.


As a Boston transplant that has no real opinion of people based on what New England school they went to, my experience is that besides BC alumni, everyone dislikes BC alumni lol


I would add to say that, unlike in the south where most people root for a big school AND their local school (random example: being a Tennessee fan AND a Chattanooga fan) in New England, most people ONLY cheer for their alma matter or local school. Even if their school is FCS, division 2, division 3 etc. (A Tufts fan is only a Tufts fan, a Harvard fan is only a Harvard fan, a Holy Cross fan is only a Holy Cross fan etc.)


> most people ONLY cheer for their alma matter or local school That seems perfectly sane.


I reading about different perspectives across different regions of the country. I'm from Alabama and you certainly nailed it about big schools and local schools. It's cool when you see the awesome atmosphere at smaller schools like Troy and Jax State because you'd think that everyone also being fans of the big schools would just suck up all the oxygen for the local small schools, but (depending on individual schools of course) it really doesn't.


All I know about BC is that the students there couldn't get into Notre Dame. And don't worry, everyone reminds them too.


ND t-shirt fans refuse to accept that some people would rather go to college in Boston, Massachusetts than South Bend, Indiana


I think it would be different in the sense that it is easier to support a pro team from the region you're in than a college team you didn't go to, especially one that's a private school in an area with a million other schools


Is this Coach Addazio's burner?


they get to hop off the pats wagon just in time for the celtics, this is absolute bullshit


Pshh college hockey is the real passionate college sport here


>the real answer is Texas A&M I would actually yeet myself into a fire.


That 11-year stretch where they won 10, it was almost impossible to be friends with an Aggie. Like they had no idea how to behave as winners. They just collectively turned into Ernie McCracken from Kingpin.


They don't know how to behave as losers either. Aggies just don't know how to behave period.


Texas A&M trying to buy a dynasty and failing is an overall positive for the outlook of the sport


>Texas A&M trying to buy a dynasty and failing Failing so far. As long as you keep gassing up your car, we’ll keep throwing money down the bottomless football well.


The real reason for buying an EV.


Username checks out


These threads make me wish I had more exposure to TAMU fans, in a morbidly curious and masochistic way. They always come up in these threads, but I have no firsthand experience with them.


I went to their midnight yell the night before their game against Alabama in 2019. A friend of mine worked at TAMU at the time and I happened to be visiting that night, and he took me there to see what it was like. It was one of the weirdest sports-related events I have ever seen.


If you’re ever in or near College Station, TX, let me know. I’ll get you tickets to a game and you can see first hand lol


Never been to Texas but I appreciate the offer 👍🏼


Imagine a religious cult but instead it’s class rings, military larping, and calling yourself an engineer while still a freshman.


There's a ton of those dudes at OSU. Navy ROTC "engineers"


A cult that wants to see bedazzled overalls wearing milkmen dancing around instead of real cheerleaders.


The only thing worse than this is the Blinn College graduates who call themselves Aggies


It's overblown. We're actually really nice to opposing fans. We're weird, sure, but not in a bad way.


Say what you want about Texans, we’re an extremely nice and friendly group of people and at the end of the day, most Aggies are still Texans. Y’all are definitely weird, but most Aggies I know are solid people. If you only get your interactions with a fan base anonymously over the internet, you’re going to be interacting with some of the absolute worst people that fan base has to offer and we’ve all seen our own fellow fans embarrass us all. Cant judge millions based on what some morons on Twitter do and say. I’d still like it if y’all lost every game this year tho


So I'm going to disagree slightly. I've been to other Texas stadiums in maroon over my years and not too many have been hospitable. Some are worse (cough Tech cough) than others.


Yeah, you got me there. Tech fans are the worst


In my experience Aggies are just extreme on either side of the spectrum of fan. Like there’s the ones that are calling for a Kyler Murray Heisman after watching two runs against a G5 school in September and how it’s very realistic that they could go undefeated this year, or they are so broken down and defeated that they just knew way back in the first quarter that UCLA was going to win that game


Oh yeah I absolutely knew that we'd lose that game Everyone else switched to a different room and put on a different game. But I just couldn't look away from the Trainwreck I knew was about to ensue lmao


[A&M fans to /r/CFB if this ever happens......](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6kIEfGNT-U)


By sheer money and location, it’s an inevitability that some day A&M will have a string of great seasons


I wish I shared your enthusiasm but Kyle Field must've been built on top of an LSU burial ground or something cause there's always some stupid voodoo shit going on.


but also with aTm just imagine how infuriating that would be for Texas. That would be some solace for me personally.


I live right next to A&M. Trust me, you do not want them to be good. They have all of Nebraska's delusions of grandeur and dumb traditions with none of the self awareness


But our delusions are cheeky and fun! Their delusions are cruel and tragic.


I swear to god I'm going to pistol whip the next guy who says delusions


*Hey Farva, what’s it called when someone has persistent beliefs despite all evidence to the contrary?*


You mean delusions?


Oh ho ho ho https://i.makeagif.com/media/5-15-2016/zh1SlL.gif On second thought, since you Longhorns are in the SEC now, I should’ve gone with the Verne Lundquist chortle meme. We miss Uncle Verne.


When we say Off-season Champions we say it ironically


Truer words were never written.


Nebraska at least is a top 10 program of all time and had one of the best dynasties in CFB History. It makes sense with you guys. A&M had.. a good QB once and a lot of money?


Tamu had a good string of years in the late 80s and 90s, unfortunately they were on probation for a good chunk of that. I've had an aggy try to argue that their program is just as good as Texas because both had several great coaches, but no one outside of CS would've known about 3 of the aggy coaches he named.


Yeah they were definitely stout back then but unfortunately for them they didn’t really win any hardware that people care about because it was a weird time in the SWC. They won it like 6 times in 10 years but couldn’t capitalize on any big bowl wins. Plus the conference was falling apart and everyone was on probation including them so even though they very well coulda still run the conference for that decade, there’s always gonna been that asterisk around their only period of success


I only started following college football in 2011, so I always assumed TAMU had a long history of winning they were looking to return to. I have since learned their greatest success since WWII was...winning the Big 12 a couple times then firing their coach after his second losing season.


The only won the Big 12 once.


A&M the proud CFB National Champions of 20__!!!


Solid point


Well you wouldn’t like what I did to Boston College in Retro Bowl College


They have a college version? I didn’t know this. I had to delete the pro one because I was spending way too much time playing it lol.


I have a brother-in-law whose entire family (wife and five kids) are Aggies. They live in Bryan and we see them every year at Christmas. Being Aggies is their entire, whole ass identify. They are already insufferable as it is. It’s literally all they wanna talk about. This is the correct answer.


I concur, Dr.


The correct answer is already in the works in Athens. Imagine Imagine a world where your child can't even go to school without some grown man barking at them. Trying to take an order at your minimum wage drive thru job and the person on the other end won't stop barking. Attending a wedding in Georgia where the groomsmen are wearing various former UGA player jerseys and the officiant is dressed up as Vince Dooly.... No need to wait for Hell guys, we're already living it


It is my own personal hell


Living in ATL the nightmare is inescapable. In 2022 after their first natty there was a Dunkin’ Donuts I would stop at otw to work sometimes. A couple weeks after the J10 incident I pull up to the drive thru and get hit with “Good morning, would you like to try one of our limited edition ‘Go Dwags’ donuts?”. Needless to say I’ve never gone back and sworn off dunkin ever since.


“The J10 incident” 🤣🤣🤣


I wonder if there are any other cases in CFB where a rival just completely owns the others home city.


This is traumatizing




It’s real at games yes. As a former season ticket holder they do it when they’ve been drinking dark liquor since 8:00 AM on Gameday. I never see it happening to the extent the original comment describes though (at children; outside of games). Every fan base just has a niche thing that’s perceived as “annoying” by rivals and that’s ours. Personally, I don’t bark. I just like to be obnoxious in other ways. I’ve suffered through “1980” my entire life. I’ve earned this much.


>  Every fan base just has a niche thing that’s perceived as “annoying” by rivals and that’s ours. That's not true. Some schools are just annoying about everything they do. 


I live in metro Atlanta and I have literally been barked at by an older man at the grocery store. I was wearing a Florida shirt, he was wearing a UGA hat.


They speak about tribulations like this in the Bible, man. Repent!!!


Those children won’t bark at themselves. 🤷‍♂️


This is absolutely true as someone born and raised not too far from Athens. Once they started winning it’s been absolutely miserable trying to have a discussion about football with their fans lol




My wife would have hit me with a chair if I even suggested something like that for our wedding.


I cant say shit. My wedding was on May 4th and I dressed up like Darth Vader while she walked out to the Imperial March. Jerseys are significantly less weird.


I’m a female Georgia Tech alum and had grown men barking in my face when I was 18. It was actually scary. That turned me against uga more than just going to Tech did.


Heaven is real guys


Don't stop, I'm almost there.


Hey look. We're winning this thread.


If we make 12 of these threads I'm confident you'll only win 8 of them


Duke or UNC. I want no part of their basketball-only fans discovering football and making it significantly more insufferable


UNC basketball fans are so obnoxious and only avoid hate because their rival is basically satan. 


Carolina’s greatest move is convincing the rest of the country they aren’t the same as Duke. They’re just as bad, or worse depending on your perspective.


1000% worse. Born and raised in NC, Carolina fans were/are soooooo much worse


The holier-than-thou attitude is insufferable.


UNC fans are already obnoxious in football and they’re not even national contenders. But every time a new quarterback shows any ability it’s all of the sudden a Heisman campaign


Can’t believe I’m sticking for fucking UNC here but their last 3-4QBs have been incredibly good.


On this we can agree. A generation later, it’s still insufferable. Makes you want to leave the conference, right?


>what would be the worst possible program to evolve into the next great dynasty and make us want to take it back? there is only one answer to this and it is Texas A&M. if you think they are annoying and cult like now, imagine them going on a Saban-like run and every fucking Aggie under the sun acting like Bama fans over the last decade. Alabama has ~200k living former students per a quick google. **A&M has something like 574k living former students.** A&M becoming an actual dynasty would be the biggest beating in the history of global sports: past, present or future.


This is the only answer. When your team is *already* a cult, it can only get worse when you ascend to Saban Status.


As a general football fan I honestly I really hope we don't get another Saban style run in CFB again. CFB is more fun when more teams think they have a legit shot of making noise most years.


I don’t think it’s replicable in an era of NIL, transfer portal, players expecting too much too soon and building their own brands, and everything else. We will probably see more of a concentration at the top, as schools like ours and other top, established, and/or rich programs are able to consolidate more, but I don’t know that I see that many championships in that short a time ever happening again.


I just threw up in my mouth a little.


Exactly what happened to me having to deal with y’all’s tidal wave of t-shirt fans after 2005. 👍🏼


The worst were the A&M support shirts. Makes me want to throw up


We all complain about realignment, PE investments, NIL, etc. ruining the sport. But the real death of college football would be a&m having any real and sustained success.


look at the 1930s for example, sustained Aggie success and a world war broke out


Listen, there's a reason that the era of Texas A&M success is called the Great Depression for everyone else


I'm seeing a fair amount of TAMU callouts, and that is valid. TAMU'S fanbase is estimated at [3.87 million](https://www.si.com/fannation/college/cfb-hq/ncaa-football/college-football-rankings-teams-fan-bases-ohio-state-texas-alabama-georgia-notre-dame) and their alumni network is some [574k strong.](https://largest.org/culture/college-alumni-networks/) The current zeitgeist seems to favor SEC teams (including Texas and Oklahoma), and for good reason: they've been running the table for a while now. However, hear me out: **Penn State is a sleeping giant, currently held under the thumb of Ohio State and UM.** * From the above links, they currently have some 760,000 living alumni. The single largest alumni network in the country. Their fanbase is estimated at some 6.36 million, when they're still the 3rd best in the old B1G at best. * TAMU fans can be insufferable, but I think people forget how bonkers true blue PSU fanatics are. I mean the ones that still hate the B1G for allegedly coordinating their votes to keep PSU at a lower rank in 1997 (I think it was 1997, but it was sometime in the 90s). The ones that still hold real hatred for Pitt and PSU's other old rivals. *Particularly* the ones that were/are Paterno loyalists. * Judging by the absolute craziness in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia pro sports fans, I can only guess that if Penn State starts running the table, their fanbase will be *absolutely insane*. On another note, the other alumni network larger than TAMU's is...Michigan. Ask any Spartan or Buckeye what it's like to be in a conference with a victorious Michigan, that will be the entire country if we go on a Saban-esque tear for the next decade. Ninja edit: formatting


Shoot me now for even imagining this.


Man, Alabama and A&M track their beef all the way back to Bear Himself. Don Meredith turned down A&M to go to SMU in spite of Bear Bryant coaching there at the time. Not long after, Bear took the job at Alabama, and the rest is (still heavily disputed) history. All connected by a Houndstooth fedora’d man who somehow still also remains one of the best coaches Duke has ever hired


Damn that sounds dire


Most Bama fans never attended the university of Alabama. As a child in Alabama you are pushed into the decision early on and their are only 2 choices. Roll Tide or War Eagle. Basically you grew up pullimg for the football team and then when its time for college other factors determine where you go to school. Tuscaloosa has a medium to low reputation as a crap city akin to Birmingham. I personally wouldn't send my daughter down there.


Yup. I think people realize how big football is in the south, but I don’t think people fully realize how that compares with also having basically nothing else going on in the state, in terms of sports. We don’t have anything else. College football is basically our professional sports. It’s always been shocking to me how little people in Alabama seem to be connected to nearby sports teams. At least for me, having lived in North Alabama all my life, I always wondered why more people weren’t attached to the Titans or Falcons, or Tennessee/Georgia teams in other sports. The only one that seems to have any real strong fanbase was the Braves.


I feel like you could swap A&M and put PSU for a lot of people in the northeast. I get a lot of vibes that the rest of the fanbases up around PA and the northeast tend to see us the same way as y’all see A&M down there


I mean Minnesota would be the worst from my perspective, especially if it was with Fleck. In terms of what would annoy the most people, probably Notre Dame although I personally wouldn't care that much.


I hadn't considered a scenario where we didn't have the little brown jug. That would be terrible!


I used to absolutely hate Notre Dame but enough time has passed that I wouldn’t really care if they went on a run. There are plenty of fan bases that would be worse


Hey! I got my entero-cutaneous fistula removed at Minnesota…I guess it would be the worst from a rest-of-the-Big-10 perspective. Besides, my Minnesota fallback fandom largely stems from the time I was a patient at Mayo, which has connections to the U of Minnesota system.


If ND was up next, I think people would go to drastic lengths to downplay their accomplishments. Just like I’ve been doing about this past years champ :D


Don't we already do that? I know I've tried.


A&M is the likely answer from student/alumni being insufferable angle. But, having been around in early 2000s, I will say USC. Mainly because of how the media/celebrity band wagon fan culture jumps on board. Having ESPN rate the 05 USC team as best of all time and going through the fantasy USC vs every powerhouse of the past and rating them the grand champion of all time prior to Texas beating them in title game was just a new level of insufferable for all college football. I still remember how even the Aggies made shirts “for one day only” supporting Texas in the title game. That was made possible by the unbearable media lovefest on USC.


USC is the answer for sure. They are the ultimate casual bandwagon school. Core fans of them are great, but everyone and their grandma would hop aboard and be louder than the obnoxious Colorado mess last year if USC built a dynasty


USC would the answer for the west coast. Or Colorado if Deion somehow pulled a championship out of his ass and stuck around


Washington is the TRUE answer to this on the west coast. 1) They look down their noses at Universities in college towns. 2) They think they are academically closer to Stanford than they are to Indiana (they’re not). 3) When they lose they default to talking about their great lives and jobs @ Amazon and assume the rest of us wait tables at Denny’s.


Take it a step further...not just USC, but USC specifically coached by Lincoln Riley. This sub would lose its mind.


We have had a couple years where our fan base has genuinely believed we could beat the Cleveland Browns. I imagine we were/are pretty bad.


> I still remember how even the Aggies made shirts “for one day only” supporting Texas in the title game. Yes.......one of the greatest mistakes in Aggie history as we have never heard the end of when UTx won that game.


I hold A&M personally responsible for that game now


This was my thought too, and I feel like another USC dynasty is something that could realistically occur. I was living in Nebraska during that 05 season and even the Husker faithful were largely pulling for the ‘Horns. A&M is a close second, but I’m pretty sure they cursed themselves for another few decades with the undated Natty stunt when Jimbo took the job.


Tennessee, without question. Look I hate Clemson as much as anyone but their run, while insufferable for SC, has been pretty tame overall. Any time Tennessee wins a few games in a row they break contain and go troll other subs or message boards with nearly incomprehensible nonsense.


These are unfortunately indisputable facts


That year with the back to back wins vs Tenn and Clemson we got a little bit of “oh the refs rigged it” from Clemson… but holy shit. Swear a few Vol fans were pulling some Freddy Krueger shit and posting in my dreams.


If it makes you feel any better, those same fans that went crazy also attacked those of us that didn’t hop on the conspiracy train. I was getting dozens of dm’s from my fellow fans calling me every name you can think of and getting reported for needing self help. 3 days after the 2022 South Carolina game, I deleted a 17 year old account and stayed off Reddit for over 6 months because I couldn’t take it anymore.


Imagine Vol Twitter during the Orange Supremacy Edit: I mean BIG ORANGE SUPREMACY


keep going, i’m almost there


>break contain Vol twitter is… special.


the reign of orange terror would be unprecedented and would frankly never be replicated for the rest of history


I like you. Let's be friends.


Orange team bad


Colorado with Deion. They went 4-8, are expected to win 5-6 games this year, yet the playoff/champ bets and noise are both still there. Could you imagine how impossibly annoying that spectacle would be if they were actually good? Might create something worse than we’ve ever seen in the history of all loud ignorant bandwagon fandom


I came in here with USC in mind, and after reading comments was half talked into A&M. But you sir are 100% correct.


Luckily this will never happen


At least he cuts entertaining interviews. Basically he’s a high tier villain pro wrestling manager


Oh god it’s 10000% Texas A&M, y’all want no part of us actually getting our act together. They might actually have to sever those deepsea internet cables to try and keep Texags from breaking contain.


Brother if the A&M dynasty kicks off Texags is inevitable. There is no containing that


Cutting deep sea internet cables won't protect the bulk of CFB from you unfortunately. Probably a few key 5g cell towers though


Texas A&M. My in-laws are fans and they’re insufferable enough already.


Everyone hates the idea of us being a dynasty. Look at A&M. Do y'all *really* want that cult reaching dynasty status? I can answer that. #NO. I'd sooner see a (🤮) Sooner dynasty than see an Aggie one.


I can live with that.


As a lifelong Mormon, my own personal version of hell is whenever BYU wins more than 4 games in a row. It might not affect the rest of you too much, but within my sphere and in the intermountain west, BYU being decent is just plain misery. Fortunately, it doesn’t look like we have too much to worry about.


I'm a Homer for them, but I can see the downsides of an Oregon dynasty. Nike will absolutely shove everything green and yellow down America's throat.


Honestly we don’t even need a dynasty. I think a lot of us would be set for life if we could just get one lol.


Believe me you do not want another USC dynasty in the era of modern social media. Something about the USC program attracts the biggest online and real-life shitheads when they're good, and we're all fortunate social media was only in its infancy at the end of the Pete Carroll dynasty.


Could you imagine a 2005 USC with all of those celebrities in the era of TikTok? Wow. I hate that hypothetical us already.


Texas a&m becoming a dynasty would be like Scientology becoming the new Christianity.


Texas or Oklahoma. That would justify the SEC's expansion and continued dominance of the sport.


Let’s hope for a big nope and a big yep.


It’s Tennessee. We would be unhinged for the entirety of the dynasty after fifteen years of pain and suffering in the wilderness that we were subjected to.


I loved when people would post about the programs they would like to see emerge after years of being down and Tennessee usually being at the top of the list….then 2021 happened and college footballs collective was like nah, we take it back. Ohh how beautiful a dynasty run would be though.


I so badly want to go scorched earth on everyone that talked shit about us for two decades. Nothing would bring me greater joy.


Liberty, or an equivalent evangelical institution.


Baylor for me would absolutely suck


Thank god GCU doesn’t have a football team


It’s just Liberty. No other religious institution in FBS comes anywhere close to them. Liberty is such a blend of religion and politics that it would be insufferable well outside of CFB.


Liberty makes Provo look like a good place to find drinking buddies.


*The Bob Jones Bruins have entered the chat*


Please, no. Bob Jones makes Liberty look like Oberlin. At least Liberty committed to the whole athletics thing: Bob Jones is a school so draconically strict and self-absorbed that the founder’s son eliminated athletics altogether (remember: this is a school basically right down the road from Clemson), before proceeding to try and gain exemption from Title IX AND Loving v Virginia. Source: me and my sister were (I hope) the final generation of our family (both sides) to be coerced into going to that school). The rules are so strict that you can’t even order food off-campus. It’s probably just for practical reasons, but since the school’s rules are so deeply intertwined with scripture itself, any violation can feel like a mortal sin. Imma stop now: if I start going off now it’s going to be hard to stop


The sheltered Christian world is so funny because the people I’ve met who went to Bob Jones actually talk about Liberty like it’s a party school. One dude told me that all the “bad kids” in his home school group went to Liberty.


There’s a school even worse than Bob Jones through all this: Pensacola Christian Gender Segregated Staircases


boys on one side, girls on the other


Northwestern because of how many journos went there


I tend to not hate teams....just fan bases. I have strong dislikes for three types of fans: 1. Bandwagon fans (or only support a winning team, not a school) 2. Fans who *think* everyone loves them and see themselves as god's gift to the world 3. Fans who turn a blind eye to either obvious/repeated recruiting/NCAA violations *or* refuse to admit money wins championships The answer is **Texas**. Side note: solid Pink Floyd reference, OP.


This sounds like Michigan to me Specifically the Walmart Wolverines. Most UM grads are pretty cool from my experience




A Liberty football dynasty would have real 1936 Berlin Olympics vibes.


I will be forever grateful to University of Oregon smacking Liberty down in the bowl game.


Could you imagine how awful a Texas vs. A&M national championship game would be for the rest of the country?


I’m already living this nightmare, friend


Yeah Michigan is the objectively correct answer to this question. It's like if a Yankees/Cowboys/Duke basketball 3some produced an offspring


If Oregon had a multi championship run the ringing of the division bell will have begun. I’d have no high hopes of reconciliation. That would be another brick in the wall for the death of CFB.


Honestly, I’m kinda surprised not to see Ohio State on here. But I’ll take it.


I am a little too (though I don't have any big quarrel with OSU). I assume since your team is literally always either very good or excellent and your fan base is aware of it, people don't see there being that much difference than if you started rolling off titles too.


Rutgers. I attended a Syracuse game at Rutgers in 2006 and the Rutgers fans there were so obnoxious. It was the first time that the team and its fans were getting national attention and they didn't handle it well. If "nouveau riche" was applied to fandom, then that was Rutgers in 2006. The fans were all decked-out in brand new attire (I quipped that I understand why it's called "New Jersey") and were super arrogant; acting as though this was some kind of birthright or how life as a Rutgers fan has always been. Meanwhile there is a wall of plaques showing the final results of every season of Rutgers football and the number of losing seasons is staggering... Rutgers was up by 28 points late in the 4th quarter and Syracuse managed to score a touchdown (against Rutgers' backups). My brother and I stood up to clap for our team and show them some support, and some douchebag Rutgers fans behind us started yelling at us and told us to sit down. They were not joking, they thought it was rude for us to be cheering for our team, even though we knew that we had no chance of winning. The next Rutgers drive was 12 plays of just giving Brian Leonard the ball to run it down the throats of our defense so that Leonard could set the record for rushing yards. Which he did, with 8 seconds to go. While it was a great accomplishment, it was dickbag Schiano move to jam another TD in against a 4-7 team rather than take a knee. In general, the fans were merciless and completely oblivious to their decades of ineptitude. Pray they never have that kind of success again, or at least that their 15 years of mediocrity since have humbled their fans.


Iowa. With no offensive changes


Imagine Iowa winning the Natty 3-0. Would be worse than that 2019 Super Bowl.


Sounds pretty amazing to me.


I'm on board with this. In fact, if we're talking about dynasties, I want a three-peat Iowa where the total score of all 3 championships is 9-0.


And after winning three in a row, the college football style of play completely changes. All football games have baseball scores. Punters, offensive linemen, tight ends, and full backs are now the most sought-after offensive players. Punters get the most NIL money. The GDP of Australia skyrockets as punters become their number one export. Quarterbacks are lucky to be nominated for the Heisman as it is all punters and tight ends. Defenses are made up entirely of ball hawking safety's, defensive ends and line backers. The line between defensive line and line backer becomes blurred. Chewing gum sees record sales. lol idk I'm out of ideas, someone please help me continue.


UVA. You have no idea how smug and INSUFFERABLE these guys are. You want no part of that. Their embarrassing football program ALMOST keeps them in check.


Tennessee is the only right answer here.


Rutgers and hear me out. NJ is basically a suburb of NY and Philly, where there is less than enthusiastic support for Rutgers. If Rutgers became a dynasty, you'd have a following but it wouldn't remotely the same as a team like Maryland having a dynasty. Rutgers would have a dynasty and very few locally would care. It would be a cash cow for the NCAA and royally piss off hard core CFB fans, many already believing Rutgers has no place in the B1G. Imagine a dynasty at a college where the mass majority didn't give a shit?


If Alabama keeps rolling without Saben, I will lose my shit.


If Notre Dame won a CFP, let alone became a dynasty, we would see such vitriol the Know Nothing Party would be re-established


Colorado under Deon Sanders would cause the country’s head to explode lol


I hope Texas A&M becomes a Saban level dynasty. The meltdown on this subreddit would be glorious lol


Tennessee. Their fans would still find a way to play the victim even if they won 10 championships in a row.


Probably Miami or Florida. Just my unbiased take


Miami plays the villain well


Yeah they are Ric Flair of college football. Over the top evil and funny at the same time. Honestly I wouldn’t mind a good run from them to spice things up.


Born to heel. Forced to be underdog by October.


We've seen what a Miami dynasty looks like. No bueno.


Texas A and M or a Penn State dynasty would be insufferable. Ohio State for me as well for personal reasons.


It’s Texas A&M hands down.


As an ASU fan, I'd hate a UArizona dynasty obviously But as a resident of Provo, UT....trust me, you do *not* want to see a BYU dynasty