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Assuming our standard position in any ranking ever at the 7-10 slot.


I feel like in 7 years there’s gonna be a statistic about Penn state making 7 consecutive playoffs yet never winning a game


"...winning every playoff game they've ever played in*" *except the ones they lost


SZD was joking it's James Franklin's to lose the first playoff home game.


"It is James Franklin's Manifest Destiny to be the first coach to lose a home playoff game." Alex kills me with his zingers! Was cracking up


It's crazy how we generate so much revenue and yet put so little back into the football program in terms of facilities and coaching staff and yet ALSO have one of the highest tuition costs in the country amongst state schools (it's something like $30k+/year including room and board). Like where tf does that money go?




> Like where tf does that money go? Money-laundering scheme for your wrestling program


Why does Nebraska have any incentive to improve anything with football WHEN THEY WERE NUMBER 6 TOTAL. I know they have some super fans but yeesh I didn't realize how much they support the overall department.


Think of how much money we'd dump into the program if they were good. We're still number 6 when we've been pretty bad for 2 decades.


We’ve been pretty bad for a decade. Before Mike Riley & Shawn Eichorst, we we’re averaging 9 wins. Bill Callahan even had us in a big 12 championship & Solich’s worst season was 7-7. A lot of schools would say everything before 2015 was not pretty bad.


>Shawn Eichorst 🤮


We had top 10 matchup between Nebraska and OSU on ABC prime time like 8 years ago, what an unbelievably steep drop since then


Because winning would bring in even more money.


Nebrasketball is also THE worst program in the P4+Big East based on conference titles and NCAAT wins. But top ten in attendance...


Nebrasketball was an entertaining team to watch. Hoiberg has an exciting offense. I think he will get some NCAA tournament wins if he doesn’t leave soon


I hope so. Next year will be tough since Reink Mast is out after having surgery, and Tominaga is gone now, but the program hasn't had this much momentum in a very long time.


It’s all for women’s volleyball


Because it makes Iowa cry.


This is from an older report 2022 I believe https://ope.ed.gov/athletics/#/institution/details So yes they had $197million in revenue but $160m in expenses, that’s still really good most athletic departments break even or lose money


Yes, but also keep in mind that the organization's goal isn't really to limit expenses. There is a lot of "pork" in that $160m


Have you seen their volleyball team?!


Well they sold out their football stadium for a volleyball game.


Probably their only true sell out in Memorial stadium last year.


The Athletic Department as a whole is thriving at Nebraska right now. The only outlier is Football. Basketball is coming off of their best season in years and an NCAA Tournament appearance (Which is good for us). Baseball won the Big Ten. Men's Track and Field won the Big Ten. Women's Soccer won the Big Ten and got to the Sweet 16. Volleyball set a World Record, won the Big Ten and made the Natty. Wrestling is #3 in the Big Ten behind Iowa and Penn State which is nothing to scoff at. Football really is the only outlier right now.


The Dallas Cowboys way.


People have said the same thing about the Knicks and Rangers (NHL not MLB). They're among the top revenue earning teams in their leagues despite having 1 title between both of them in the last 50 years.  The answer is, there's not a lot of incentive if your only goal is financial, but I can't believe that's the case at Nebraska. I think there's a definite desire to win, it just hasn't worked out for a while. 


Public schools only.


Valid, wonder where about USC and ND would rank - are there really any other private schools that are up there? WF and Duke would be somewhere..


USC and ND would be in the top 20 but Duke wouldn't be close. Keep in mind the same source put Louisville as the #1 revenue earner in basketball and they are barely top 30 total.


Kentucky fired Joker in part because decreased football attendance was limiting the athletics revenue they could spend on basketball.


Oh yeah, I’m very well aware that most of the revenue is through conference and then football - although basketball still has some kind of dent. I looked up and I didn’t realize there were so many private P5 programs, those 4 were at the top of my head


And that has to be total bs considering most of our games were half empty the last 2 seasons. Granted, Louisville when the Bball team is not historically bad is usually top 25, so idk why our standing specifically is what is giving you pause about the source. Louisville has been top 30 in every single "Top revenue earning Athletic department" list since at least 2012 when I started paying attention to them.


Nitpick. USC wouldn’t be in the top 20..they’d be behind UW and Oregon. They had the same media deal as UW and lower attendance in both MBB and football. USC’s Nike deal is not public but notoriously undersold


Yeah USC probably has the smallest fan base of all the blue bloods by quite a bit. They were the biggest thing in early 2000s CFB, so they can also have the highest following when they’re getting the LA bandwagon.


I think ND is maybe in the top 5. Top 10 for sure. USC is probably somewhere around 18-20ish Miami is on the list but maybe in the 30s?


I’ve seen similar lists that include private schools (assuming that they estimated) and Miami is normally 20-35 range on those, USC is normally 15-25. ND is often top ten. 


[Equity in Athletics (ed.gov)](https://ope.ed.gov/athletics/#/compare/details) comparison of Notre Dame and USC, this is from 2022 but still


Tweet underneath said ND was 215M and USC was 187M based off basic Google search, which is ND at like top 7 easily. Didn't verify, but maybe that helps


According to a post below, that would put ND at 4, behind Michigan.


Private schools in a P4 would be: Notre Dame (honorably in) BYU TCU Baylor USC Northwestern SMU Stanford Miami Duke Wake Forest Boston college Syracuse Vanderbilt


USC is above all of them besides Notre Dame


Cuse is a lot higher on the list than you might imagine. Normally when they are included in these rankings they break into the top 40-50. Not only do we bring in decent revenue for football, but even on an off year we average around 20k per game for basketball attendance.




> Highest Revenue Earning Athletic Programs in 2023 1. OHIO STATE ($279.5M) 2. TEXAS A&M ($279.1M) 3. TEXAS ($271M) 4. MICHIGAN ($229M) 5. GEORGIA ($210M) 6. NEBRASKA ($204M) 7. PENN STATE ($202.2M) 8. TENNESSEE ($202M) 9. LSU ($200M) 10. ALABAMA ($199.9M) 11. OKLAHOMA ($199.2M) 12. WISCONSIN ($197M) 13. CLEMSON ($195.9M) 14. AUBURN ($195.3M) 15. FLORIDA ($189M) 16. KENTUCKY ($174M) 17. MICHIGAN ST ($170M) 18. FLORIDA ST ($169M) 19. IOWA ($167.4M) 20. ARKANSAS ($167.3M) 21. S CAROLINA ($160M) 22. WASHINGTON ($151M) 23. OREGON ($150M) 24. MINNESOTA ($148.7M) 25. ILLINOIS ($148.3M) 26. TEXAS TECH ($146M) 27. INDIANA ($144M) 28. ARIZONA ($143M) 29. LOUISVILLE ($142.8M) 30. OLE MISS ($142.1M) 31. MISSOURI ($141M) 32. VIRGINIA ($140M) 33. N CAROLINA ($139M) 34. GEORGIA TECH ($133M) 35. VIRGINIA TECH ($129M) 36. KANSAS ($128M) 37. COLORADO ($127M) 38. UTAH ($126.2M) 39. CAL ($126M) 40. RUTGERS ($125M) 41. PURDUE ($124M) 42. OKLA ST ($122M) 43. NC STATE ($121.4M) 44. MARYLAND ($121.1M) 45. MISS STATE ($115.6M) 46. IOWA STATE ($115.5M) 47. ARIZONA ST ($114M) 48. W VIRGINIA ($105.9M) 49. UCLA ($105.4M) 50. SAN DIEGO ST ($103M)


Haha suck it FSU! We’re Number 1! But funny that people were saying we’d bring the conferences down and dilute conference earnings but we’d be number 8 in the SEC, barely top half but still top half, or number 5 in the BIG10, solidly top half


You go girl.


Is is sustainable though? More than $84 million in Clemson revenue came from donations. That is a huge number. Clemson is a small school and also has one of the highest debt levels in the NCAA. FSU has nearly twice the enrollment and $30 million less in donations. It's interesting to compare the balance sheets of Clemson and NC State. Clemson has really good revenue from donations and licensing fees. A ton of debt though. NC State makes $7 million more in media rights but our donations and licensing revenue are both lacking. State has the 4th lowest debt of all (public) P4 schools though at only $32 million (P4 average is $147.5 million). Clemson runs a really impressive surplus.


I suspect a lot of those “donations” are really just the annual membership payments to the booster program (IPTAY) for the purchase of season tickets. Those donations could go down in some years, but they’re probably more reliable than the one-time donation such as from a big name donor you may assume this represents.


Wouldn’t you be sixth? And depending on USC, potentially 7th. Not that it changes your point, but just for pedantic sake


Really cool for San Diego State to be right up there with UCLA


I hope someday we make that jump to the next level. The whole PAC thing stung, but the school will only continue to grow. Between the revenue from snapdragon and the success of the basketball team, I hope we can land somewhere better in the next realignment cycle


How do you feel about Busch light and big games at noon?


Them before us?! hgawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwd


If San Diego State was "Cal State" it would have already happened.


You mean if San Diego was UC. It is already a Cal State which is the tier 2 higher education system in California


I think he is talking about the school being literally named “Cal State”. Which isn’t possible because of the CSU system, but that’s not his point (I don’t think)


This is why the Big Ten move was made. Needed for sheer survival as UCLA Athletics doesn't get any funding from the school itself.


Maybe the UCLA AD shouldn’t have blocked the firing of the Pac12 commissioner when he needed it.


You'll get no argument from me, Dan Guerrero was a terrible AD


Obviously UCLA will be the higher earner when the Big Ten checks start coming in, but I can't help but laugh that they'll be paying Calimony despite Cal bringing in ~$20 million more right now.


Cal gets a $30 million annual subsidy from the campus general fund already (UCLA gets zero). It's been a gigantic disadvantage for us for a really long time.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't UCLA Athletics technically rent their facilities from the University itself in a way that reflects negatively on their revenue statements?


Yes they rent their facilities from campus, but it's just an additional expense and I don't think is reflected in the revenue number. Unpaid facility rent does make up a big part of that 'debt' you hear that UCLA accumulated during Covid.


I previously had another UCLA fan tell me that it was somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 million dollars worth of expenses that counted against their net revenue year over year. This effectively made the athletic department look like it was running negative when in fact they could be running net positive


That sounds right. It's because the university views the athletic department as a cost center, not as an asset to be invested in. We could be one of the richest athletic departments in the country but the academic side actively opposes that.


Chip really killed our football attendance and passion. Mora had a couple years where his UCLA teams were 1st or 2nd in conference attendance. I think we should climb a good bit back up these rankings with even moderate attendance.


UCLA's lack of revenue wasn't a Pac-12 problem; the majority of it is tied to ticket revenue (look at the top revenue schools; they all have huge stadiums and they fill them). UCLA moving to the Big Ten doesn't solve their attendance problem.


It's definitely some of that, which was self-inflicted. UCLA led the Pac-12 in attendance in 2014, and the AD's move was to double ticket prices across the board, you can see attendance start to plummet right when that happened. But that doesn't create a revenue hole that big. UCLA athletics doesn't receive any kind of subsidy from the university, which is typically counted as revenue, and UCLA also has a pretty terrible deal for concessions revenue at the Rose Bowl and I don't believe gets any of the parking revenue at all. All of it adds up and is caused by a campus administration that has hated sports for a while.


Idk about the subsidy part (I don't have the numbers, but I doubt very many top AD's get subsidies from their universities), but what you say about the Rose Bowl is true. Not having an on-campus stadium cuts into revenue since you have to pay the city of Pasadena to play there.


Top football schools also get a ton more in donations, which for nonprofits are revenues as well. UCLA has generally steered its big money donors toward academic donations in recent years.


UCLA’s move to the big ten will absolutely help (not solve) their attendance problem. Southern California is full of B1G transplants, who would love to see their team play UCLA in the Rose Bowl. This will become very apparent when you see Neb, Michigan, etc playing in the rose bowl.


Yes absolutely and I think that was a factor in the move. Rams games have great attendance because there are fans of every NFL team living in LA.


You’re right, but TV revenue will make ticketing less important.


has to be only a matter of time I assume before they are able to make the jump somewhere


Wouldn't be shocked if the big 12 took them, one of the bigger mid major basketball brands and gives them a foothold on the west coast.


I don't think it's out of the realm of possibilities, but I don't see it happening without some other west coast teams. Might be the in for Wazzou and OSU, maybe Gonzaga.


Gonzaga has been in the talks for a while, I honestly believe the WCC took Grand Canyon and Seattle because they didn't want to worry about backfilling.


Current tv deal bars it. It scales with more power teams like pac 2 and eventual ACC pickups but not for non-power teams. It’s a shame. I want San Diego and Memphis in the big 12


Correct me if I’m missing something but this has SDSU as the highest earning G5 right? Very impressive. Wonder where it’s all coming from


This includes donations and intercompany support (I.e. academic side injections of cash) It’s not true operating revenue


UConn also isn't G5


Higher than some big 12 schools.


Forget championships, Alabama can't even hit $200 million revenue.  I'd rather be Penn State, the Cricket Wireless of college football.  


Could be worse. You could be Mint or Straight Talk


I have cricket and it's unironically better than every major cell provider I've had (sprint, at&t, t mobile)


My cousin says the same.  She does a 4 line plan with her husband and two friends.  Has nothing but good things to say.


Man, we are so far behind the rest of the SEC. And there's no really good way to improve it.


Have you thought of making billions of dollars and donating it?


Hmm, I guess I could start by selling the double wide.


We should try not hiring a disgraceful coach. Also beat out Vanderbilt


I was really rooting for you with Leach


Miss him


Officially licensed cowbells.


They have those. In fact, they sell so many that it might actually be a decent portion of that total.


You should just drop to the sun belt and dominate 


And ole miss a long with them. Your neighbors in Arkansas will be happy to take all of your talented kids in who have P4(that's the number these days right?) football dreams.


Maybe try the really bad ways?


I'd be up for that.


Goddamn, Tech. Where'd all that scratch come from?


It's behind a paywall, but here is a quote from the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal >Tech deputy athletics director Jonathan Botros indicated fiscal 2023 was an outlier, though, in that Tech used contributions received in previous years to pay more short-term debt on facilities projects. For example, it recognized $7.7 million in contributions to pay short-term debt on the Whitacre Center for Athletics Administration, a $9.4 million project that started in 2020, and activated $5 million in contributions to pay on the new Tech baseball team facility, a $14.5 million undertaking. >"Instead of us showing the dollars that came in, let's say three years ago, toward this project, we showed them once we actually paid the commercial paper on them," said Botros, the department's chief financial officer. "A lot of that money sat in accounts, and this was something we did on many accounts. The interest rate environment was so positive for us the past several years that it was more advantageous to bring in donations toward facility projects and let that money sit because the interest earnings on it were more than the interest expense on construction. >"So why not let it sit there? And once that kind of flipped and now we've seen a higher interest rate on debt ... that's when we started paying a lot of this debt off." So I would say typically we are around KU in a normal year when it comes to revenue.


Shhhh let me enjoy being top in the big 12 at least for a few hours before you bring this buzz kill in


Sorry about that, I was confused. What I meant to say was >There are no outlier years....revenue is growing at exponential rates!


Ahh that’s more like it!


Still shows your leadership is pretty savvy. 


Oh I see, I was like where the fuck did that come from. 


whenever I see Texas I just assume oil money 🤣


There is definitely some of that going on. Notably, Cody Campbell and John Sellers of Double Eagle Development sold 71,000 acres of mineral rights for $2.8 billion back in 2017. Additionally, Dustin Womble from Tyler Technologies has been making significant donations lately. Many of the football and basketball complex projects bear their names.




They are out where all the oil is


Honestly, higher than I expected. 


Way higher


CUs revenue jumped over $30M from 2022. Considering his contract, Deion literally paid for himself lol


1/3rd of that is Karl Dorrells buyout Due to how government and nonprofit accounting is done, a lot of the revenues are just matching expenditures. Like how A&M’s revenue is boosted by the amount of donations to can Jimbo These types of graphics aren’t useful outside of ascertaining who’s got funding ability (top 20ish programs) and who’s utilizing said funding ability in a given year


>Due to how government and nonprofit accounting is done, a lot of the revenues are just matching expenditures. If you look at Vandy's federally mandated financial reportings, we have the greatest accountants ever because we manage to spend exactly as much as our revenue.


>These types of graphics aren’t useful outside of ascertaining who’s got funding ability (top 20ish programs) and who’s utilizing said funding ability in a given year anyone who has worked in higher ed financials or even in that world in a large company should know how little a report like this means.


Good that A&M is #2. All that money going to paying off Jimbo’s contract


Taking out jimbos buyout money would move A&M down to 6th on this list. I think that leaves them at only 3x the GDP of Mississippi.


Not all… just an uncomfortably high amount that will make us mad for another ten years


🎄are expensive after all 


Cults are really good at convincing people to give money for no reason whatsoever


We have reasons. Have you heard of our Lord and Savior Miss Reveille?


For those surprised that A&M is so high, we're also the second largest university in the nation by enrollment. [https://www.bestcolleges.com/research/largest-colleges-universities-in-united-states/](https://www.bestcolleges.com/research/largest-colleges-universities-in-united-states/)


*sad Sun Devil noises emanate from Tempe*


Don’t worry, nobody is surprised when Texas A&M is an outlier in anything lol


I'd be curious to know how much of Nebraska's was the one highly publicized volleyball event.


I mean tickets were only $5 right? So probably a few million with concessions but nothing super crazy 


I would go as far as saying selling out the Devaney Center for the other 20 or so home volleyball games got them more.


one of the very few women programs that actually earns a profit, a very bright spot in our athletics 


We've been in the top 10 of these financial lists for decades, so probably not much.


Almost the entire SEC and BigTen are in the top 25.


They make literally $30-$40 million more a year just from tv contracts. How is this still surprising to people?


Exactly. I think I better list would be without the tv contracts. Most of this list would still be there but it would be different.


Because football money is the only way to be there


There’s a new sheriff in town boys! Edit: in the Big12**


I seem to remember also that our expenses were yielding a net $0. But I like that top line number.


Fuck me, Purdue can't beat Rutgers at anything


We really need to join the SEC.


How have you personally seen a difference in athletic budget?


Have you seen the price of wine and cheese…? Only a matter of time before I’m feeling the effect of cheap red wine and thus the athletic budget.


Washington just a little bit better than Oregon, as always.


Is there a list of what the profits are? I think I saw Ohio State claim they are short $10 million.


I mean the competitive schools will just continue to funnel the money into their athletics (better stadium, facilities, and now NIL) so I will assume schools will try to keep as close to zero as possible 


OSU is at a deficit, I believe. However, they have 36 varsity sports to pay for, whereas #2 Texas AM only has 20. Hopefully OSU doesn't have to drop any sports from this $22m payout thing coming up.


26 and 22, pretty, pretty pretty pretty good


Was not expecting Tech to be #1 in the new big 12 but I'll take it.


Iowa we got all this money and no qb




Lmao they can’t even beat us in revenue


Nike stock is down like 30% over the year. Their primary benefactor has other priorities like trying to salvage their sports apparel market share.


Clemson and FSU are in the top 20 despite having a ~$20 million shortfall due to not being in the p2.


Only two non-P2 programs anywhere inside the top 25 here


People should also respect Louisville and their ability to monetize.


Our lowest ranking on this list since at least 2012


Dang. We Just barely missed it


Dough goes in, revenue comes out. Can’t explain that


Gang 🤝


If Kenny Pane wasnt a basketball terrorist we would be in the top 25 too, like we usually are


This is y'all's problem. You alienating yourselves by saying you aren't in the P2. It's P4 now.


Also, Clemson only has \~180,000 living alumni. Almost every school above us has 300,000+. Much smaller pool of resources for Clemson to pull from.


Whenever some jackoff poopoos Nebraska, this is what I’ll show them and ask them about their revenue hahaha.


This is the perfect drop for when some dumbass says Nebraska's days are long gone. Just a couple really good classes and you're back in the game.


There has to be a Nebraska revival coming with all that money and players getting paid now right?


South Carolina and Clemson both destroying North Carolina and NC State is just sad 


Louisville should make a big leap with the added benefit of having a functional basketball program again. Without Kenny Payne, they usually hovered around top 3-4 in the nation in NCAAB revenue, many times topping the list. I imagine we'll see them jump into the top 20 when we see this list for 2024. Football revenue should remain relatively unchanged, but it will be interesting seeing 3 ACC teams in the top 20-25 despite the huge media money gap between it and the B10/SEC.


Had the same thought. Being Top 30 despite the last 7-8 years is interesting.


But think of how much money Payne brought in with donations to buy out his contract


Keep in mind those are only public institutions. That list changes a bit when you add private schools. I know that Notre Dame, Miami and USC would all be in the top 25 (ND would easily be top 10) on that list


I’d be shocked if Miami was in the top 25. I like the U and used to live in Fort Lauderdale with many U fans. The way they talked about their AD I’d have thought they’d be way behind public universities in the top 25


Oklahoma being that close to Alabama after missing the playoffs is pretty damn good. I like where Venables is taking this program.


Just wait until we get the jump from joining the SEC. This is with Big 12 distributions.


The true measure of value for....\*checks notes\*....a non-profit academic institution?


I think we clocked in at the 20’s in the pre-2020 version so this is a nice little uptick.


It's a little bit wild when you consider the sports MSU doesn't sponsor. They have less opportunities to earn compared to say UM or USC.


The sports that MSU doesn't sponsor aren't really big money makers. Would they push the scale a tiny bit? Sure. But relative to Football/Basketball/Hockey/Baseball, they aren't gunna do a ton. And I say this as someone who wishes MSU sponsored more sports, not less.


Highest 2 non SEC/B1G are…… soon to be in one of those two


Given the last two years UofL had in basketball I'd say this is practically a miracle


Where is all our money coming from?


I'm assuming 1) TV contracts, 2) private donations, 3) ticket sales, 4) licensing agreements? If you sell 60k $100 tickets to 7 home games, there's \~$40 million revenue right there.


You do remember you’re in the Big 10 right?


Way to go SDSU! Rep the Mountain Best and the oppressed G6 as a whole!


Am I missing something or is Southern Cal not in the top 50? edit: Saw in another comment this is public universities only. So question answered.


Rutgers even sniffing this list blows my mind!


TV contract doing alot of heavy lifting


4 of the top 11 are old Big 12 teams. Sad.


when we finally consolidate and find our way back to regional conferences the old Big12/8 would be so much fun


How is Virginia tech and cal so high?




Imagine having revenue below $279 million. Smh


Momma says OSU is ornery because they got all them dollars and no recent championship.


What does momma say about A&M?


The medulla oblongata is where anger, jealousy, and aggression comes from...might be onto something here.


Aww, just outside the top 10 and a little shy of $200 million. Oklahoma really is poor after all.


Subtract the dead money payments to Jimbo and Texas probably jumps A&M


Add in the increase from SEC distributions and Texas is by far number one on this list


A&M and Nebraska surprise me... and honestly Tennessee


I mean A&M is practically a cult while the entire state of Nebraska bleeds cream and scarlet with many more that grew up here in other places now


At least we made the list 🤷🏼‍♂️😒