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How much pain is too much pain 


One loss for each consecutive grey cup appearance. It's the handicap that must be paid the year.


Can’t run. Can’t pass. Cant catch. Can’t win. Fuck sakes. At least that boy can kick a fucking ball.


Starts from the top down. There was very little effort from management and coaching going into the season, and it’s spread all the way down the lineup


Why is this being downvoted? I don’t think he’s wrong 


He's not. When other teams fans can also see Bombers being very casual during pre-season, something went wrong from the top level. Someone checked out up there and now needs to face the music.


I upvoted bc I agree


It’s like a shitty tv movie where the best guy doesn’t need to practice and then loses to the fucking nerd. This team is injured 4 weeks in. Our secondary can’t do a damn thing. I was excited to see strev get some time today but he under threw everything. Collaros had some great passes into Calgarys arms.


Are you taking about the Bombers or Stamps?!


Well with our team riddled in injury’s and still pulled out an OT game I would be concerned for the stamps too.


Talk about face planting into a win. I'll take it


That last regular possession for the bombers had me worried... ohhh shit they remembered how to football!!!


That illegal block in OT was peak Stamps.


I can’t get over the stupidity of taking a major foul on a useless, unnecessary return attempt to get pushed out of FG range. Its hilariously dumb.


Bruh me and the guys around me were all screaming "GO DOWN GO DOWN" as well like we all knew some dumbassery would happen


That or Michel running out of bounds instead of going down in bounds late in the 4th


“If Winnipeg lose this game I’ll Hawk Tuah” - me in the game thread  I’m a man of my word 


I'll meet you outside a Boston Pizza


Why a Boston pizza and why outside 😭


r/CFL lore goes deep now. Near decade old boston pizza stories & ice cream promises




In my car


You're gonna hear about this for the rest of your time on reddit lol




Where's my ice cream!


yeah, we were all promised ice cream, totally forgot about that!


uh oh, I've opened a can of worms


> Why a Boston pizza It's a Canadian cultural institution. > why outside It's a classy joint


you next or?


Apparently I'm not down on the kids lingo these days. What is Hawk tuah dare I ask Edit: I have been informed. Neat...


Oh boy, who’s gonna tell him? 


![gif](giphy|XepEEIO0SCFLMT6tUL) This viral video featuring a girl talking about how to treat a phallus


Have you not been on the internet for the last week?!? I commend you


How is this even possible? Lol


I sometimes forget that people aren't as terminally online as the rest of us


I feel like this is one of those that you don't have to be. It's literally at every turn. I've had people send me at least a dozen remixes of it. Maybe it's just my friends lol


True. I was the first to share it in my group and then my one bro has gone overboard sharing every single meme about it he sees lol


Honestly I'm usually up on the memes but I somehow missed this one. Just hadn't entered my media influence until today it seems


just you wait, it'll happen to you too. one day you're cool and you're with it, then you wake up and what you're with is no longer it, and whats it is new and scary! (I'd heard it a few times but assumed it was a dance move or something. didnt care enough to look into what it was. whod have thought r/cfl would be the explainer lol)


So the Bombers are pulling a 2011 Lions trying to go 0-5 next week to win the Grey Cup, right?


Don’t give us hope like that (That was the Bombers that the Lions beat in that Grey Cup too..of course 😂 )


Yes, I was there. What a great day! 


It was also the start of a three year run of teams winning the Grey Cup at home (Lions 2011, Argos, 2012, and Roughriders 2013)


If only the Canucks won that year as well.....


That's the thought I had. I mean I'm confident in the team we have, but we still play the Bombers three times and we often split Labour Day. You could easily see a West crossover this year.


2011 was a strange season in hindsight, wasn’t it? Teams like edmonton and Winnipeg had good seasons out of nowhere only to return to mediocrity the next season while the champions had an abysmal start to their season Weird year


Welcome to the pit of misery Winnipeg!!


If we were to guess that the Elk and Bombers would have the same record after 4 games, what would we have guessed that record to be?


Would have been no need to guess. We're talkin Elks here.


We re fielding a peewee team what’s your excuse 😉


Way way too many penalties. Dumb ones. Coach needs to fix that right away.


Gonna optimistically call this game an off-night for my horsies. Worst they've played all season despite coming away with the win.


an I-statement roast, well done


I was yelling pretty loud at my TV when he decided to take the ball out of the endzone on the interception. Then when I saw the flag I was like yep that sounds about right.


I mean, there’s not really a reason to not try… But you cannot do anything that even remotely resembles a penalty.


Fumbling the ball, taking a penalty there's a few reasons not to try. Especially when you have one of the best kickers starting at the 35 and all you need now is a FG to win.


Fumbling the ball is really only bad if the other team returns for a TD, which is probably less likely than you returning the INT for a TD


Yeah I was thinking that when I went to sleep. If Calgary fumbled then Winnipeg isn't getting another possession out of it.


imagine being 0-4 lmao


Yeah, can you imagine? Sure glad my Ticats are only 0-3. Edit: Fuck






Is that like being 0-9? :D


Joke doesn't work as well when you're punching down, sorry And I'm an expert in things that don't work. I'm an Elks fan


And Paredes with his kids on the field... how can you not love the guy?


I do not love the guy




I think him kicking the game winner was one of the few times I have, even if it would've been better if they tied.


Very entertaining game. CFL has had so many thrillers this season


Exciting ending but majority was a snooze


I like the defensive battles. Makes every yard seem so valuable.


I did take a nap during the 2nd so, facts


On the contrary, I was extremely bored the entire time.


Oilers Lose Great draft for Flames Canada advances at Copa America Stamps win Great week of sports!


Must you bring up the Stanley Cup? ☹️ My Habbies had a great draft too. Or so it seems; we need years to assess it fairly. But we got 2 good forwards in the first round and we got Saku Koivu’s kid too! We are so thin at forward; it’s honestly really bad. Good for Canada! Gg Stamps.


The Bombers are making me sad again for the first time in 5 years.


Almost as exciting as an 0-0 Canada-Chile soccer match..


So a few take aways.....Having your backup qb not throw a single pass from the 3rd series of preseason till the middle of game 4 was not a wise decision. Also continually shooting yourself in the foot with an incredible amount of dropped passes and dumb penalties rarely ends well. Outside of that I thought the 4th quarter and OT were really exciting. The rest of the game was a bit of a defensive snoozefest.


I think it was 0-6 and then they won every single game after that. But yeah.


Bombers got two tickets to Paredes!


I remember being a little disappointed that the Riders hired Marc Mueller over Buck Pierce.. Not anymore!!


I was so happy with the Mueller signing - young, fresh mind at OC and probably a +5 buff from the Lancaster familial aura.


I can’t believe I feel bad for Winnipeg.


I'll have you re-assess after the three games we play them. It might still be the same after that but I'd be shocked if they don't win at least one. If they somehow manage to go 0-3 against us, they ain't even making the crossover.


Welcome to the basement, Winnipeg.


There is room for you here. But I bet you won't be down here as long as us.


Meh, maybe you'll pickup a new coach that knows how to drive a ford.


Can't compite, they only drive Chevy's.


Not panicking yet. Debate me


If it was a healthy roster playing like shit, I'd be panicking. But this is basically half the second-string roster playing starter reps right now, and it's early in the season. So it's not indicative of how the team can and probably will play when healthy.


Agreed. We have far too many rookies that don't know our systems yet. It's evident when they're just a fingertip away from the ball, or they freeze and turn the other way and realize they've missed the play.


6/9 teams makes the playoffs, and just need to be playing well at the right time.


That’s the way I see it. You can’t really judge many parts of the team when most of them have only played a couple of games and there’s only practice chemistry between teammates. The defense has been able to keep us in games and once we get Kenny back or sign another WR( Lucky Whitehead 🤞) I think we ll be back to winning.


You guys sound like only the Bombers have injuries. Pretty sure Collaros hasn't been hurt in 4 years while every other team has played with their backup for half the season, just for starts.  I'm so enjoying watching you all whine.  Remember who you pass on the way up, because you'll see them again on the way down. 


I'm gonna be so fucking toxic in this sub when we go on a heater. These constant comments that just shit on us non stop are just fueling my future trash talking lol.


Coach mule's decision to stick with 35 year old Collaros instead of going with the Brown future is looking like a key to Winnipeg's undoing. Combined with injuries and treating the pre-season like it was a joke it results with a terrible start to a team that used to look unbeatable.


Brown looks like he hangs out with Gardner Minshew lol


The Winnipeg offense looked better today than in the game Dru Brown started in Calgary last August


I'm ngl I'd have the Elks ahead of Calgary in the power rankings


Elks honestly don’t look nearly as bad as the record says. They have had some horrible bad luck but I would see them winning the next game for sure


OTT, OTT, HAM is a friendly stretch!


Eh. This is the first game we've looked bad, and we still won it.




Well we can't say that the games aren't exciting lol!


Shoulda went for 2 on that come from behind Tuddy..


that was a really good game glad Calgary got the win, 2-1 now almost could have been 3-0, pretty shocked Winnipeg is 0-4 now


I don’t think Buck makes it to Labour Day


Coach mule is a stubborn one, he don't make changes.


His strategy to always do a run play on first possession of drive is killing my liver.


We did a run play on every first down


I have bet against the bombers on the spread 4 weeks in a row, consider me 4-4 on that one. How long until they stop making them the favourites?


If Zach is out long-term or they lose to the Redblacks with him, probably at that point. Plus they play Stamps-Argos-Riders-Lionsx2 after that game.


Osh said it was only precautionary that they kept him which means he’ll probably be on the six game next week.


man, now that the game is over, I unmuted the boxing and ugh, I fucking hate Muhammad Ali's grandson.


Just got back with the family and I see Owen is firmly setting uo shop in Winterpeg. I knew they'd be weaker this year but this shit is bananas..


The Jake Maier experiment should end. He’s not the type of QB to win games. Hell, he can barely game manage. It’s his third year. We know what he is - he’s not it. Time to take a flyer on Tre Ford. Sure he’s a free agent at end of year, but the Stamps will lose minimal trade capital specifically because he’s a free agent at the end of this year. And we’d have 3/4 of a year to evaluate him. He’s certainly no worse than Maier and his potential upside is evidentially much higher. We have the best receiver group in years and we’re wasting them. Finally, when will Stamps fans - and the media for that matter - start holding Dickinson accountable for poor play calling, indecision and continually leaving points on the table after failed third down attempts? His Awe Shucks, Hands in Pockets, head looking down while kicking turds demeanour is reflective in lacklustre effort on the field. Make no mistake: the Stamps won tonight because 1) Rene Peredez did Rene Peredez things and 2) - a close second - Zach Collaros was injured early in the game. The attendance is visibly and shocking down each game thus far this year. We need change. The most impactful is in sight at QB even if Dickinson continues to muddle his way through.


Agree about Maier. It’s unfortunate but he just doesn’t have it. He’s had more than a fair shake and he’s … ok but not great. As a Rider fan, I have loads of experience with ineffective QBs so I feel equipped to say Maier isn’t the answer. (God I hope Harris can play next week because our backup looked pretty mid out there.)


Despite CJ's reluctance to play Tre, I feel like they still want him as an asset - the asking price is probably quite high, and maybe even off-limits to a West-division rival. I'd love him here too.


Eh. I honestly don't think Maier is the problem. He isn't really the solution either. I feel like our offensive play calling is the biggest problem right now. Just bland nonsense. They spent the entire first half running for 1 year on 1st down, then having 2nd and long. I actually LOVE the 3rd down gamble. I just hated that we then decided the play we needed on that 3rd down gamble was a deep throw.


Yip, Maier has to go. He's had more than a chance.  I really like Shiltz for right now. The further Huf gets away from the field the worst this team does...


L innipeg M A O


You misspelled Loserpeg. (It's OK Winnipeg fans, my team sucks too. 🤗)


Celebrating a teams loss is never a good look.


Homer is a typical rider fan that will bitch and moan about the refs as soon as the riders lose in the playoffs again. He celebrates bomber losses more than rider wins. Pretty typical for those in the rectangle province. Edit: I also realize I'll probably get a ban for this comment because he also can't handle trash talk (he's given me several warnings) even though he gives it out all the time.


You're way off base with this comment. Despite my disagreeance with the initial comment, I have nothing but respect for who the real person is behind the username. Wish I'd seen it last night to make this comment.


[User was not banned for this comment]


Still plenty of season left lol


How do we feel about the 0-4 Bombers?




I'm in favour of them.


Well sometimes you gotta win ugly. But that was our worst game so far this year. Our offensive play calling was awful, awful, awful for most of the game. Guys weren't getting open and our run game was completely stagnant. And of course, our D decides to just let Chris Streveler walk down the field and score an easy TD for some reason. I think our d-line played quite well. There were a few times we got excellent pressure with 3 guys and hit the arm or hurried a throw. Hicks drop back to get the INT was a real nice play. That was definitely the strength of the team. I'm not really sure what else we really did well though.


Frustrating loss. Streveler ran the offence better than Collars. When the young WR were actually thrown the ball they made plays. Wilson’s juke move and staying in bounds on one foot was a great play. So maybe it’s Collars not trusting the young guys. The running game not getting going is still a bit baffling to me. They should be leaning on it. Seems like it’s a play calling problem but without really watching the highlights I don’t know. Overall all though with all the injuries it’s hard to say that this is indicative of the team but 0-4 is a tough hole to dig out of.


Ok by this point something is seriously broken They are dropping games that should be easy


For the L! Anyone but Whinerpeg


Streveler throws the ball like my 15 year old niece 🤣


Winnipeg gets what they deserve!