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Just watching, it seems like Fields still struggles to throw guys open or before they come open. He still waits for a receiver to hit the open space in a zone rather than throwing it knowing they will be I said empty space. It’s why he holds onto the ball as long as he does and takes avoidable sacks and hits


Getsy called maybe 5 pass calls within the numbers within the entire game. What is this teams fear with attacking the center of the field in the passing game?!


Because fields doesn't throw it over the middle. Always has had this problem. Plenty of open wrs on tape every week over the middle he just has no vision in the pocket. He blows


I mean even Aaron Rodgers doesn’t throw in the middle. And who worked with Aaron Rodgers? That’s right you guessed it, Luke Getsy.


Don’t get mad at me, but I don’t think they have any faith Fields can throw those


Is it that? Or is that just what the coaches just like to call? Maybe it’s both?


Probably a little of A and B


0 receivers had over 20 yards receiving


I don't hate Fields and, wished he killed it. Saying that, I'm ready to move on with a new QB and coaching staff. Wish Fields the best.


who would you replace the coaching staff with?


An offensive mind who can develop a franchise QB?


Name them


BJ or Slowik


Assuming Slowik is available and the head coach position was offered, what indicators is he showing right now of being a better head coach for the current Bears team than Matt Eberflus?


Success with a rookie QB and not amazing supporting cast and playing around his strengths


So please don't take this the wrong way, I'm not trying to "punk" you or talk down on you or anything. That statement literally means nothing. It's got about as much substance as any current sports-related blog that's about farming as much views, clicks, and commentary engagement as possible. Why was he successful with this rookie QB? Would that success follow him to Chicago given the current roster and playing style? How? What are some key fundamental differences between CJ Stroud and Justin Fields that make the offenses work or not work? Is Houston's offensive success even sustainable, or is this a one-off with a new OC and rookie QB that will normalize in the coming seasons? Edit: You don't have to answer those questions, it's more just food for thought.


I mean you can have the same arguments for our success or really any team I guess. Is Fields and the staff looking good and a good record because of our play calling or moore being a top 5 WR, Kmet being a top 7 TE and fields raw athletic ability


>Is Fields and the staff looking good and a good record because of our play calling or moore being a top 5 WR, Kmet being a top 7 TE and fields raw athletic ability I would like to believe that it's a combination of coaching staff & players maturing as they go. But what the hell do I know, I'm just as in the dark as the rest of us.


Gill heard us talking shit and decided to punt us all into submission


If Poles keeps Justin he's a bad GM


I expected 230-50 passing from Justin today. The Cardinals were ripe for it. I was wrong. It's just not gonna happen. It's time for Justin to go :(


He lost Moore and Kmet and 90 yards rushing on his own. The team rushed for over 200 yards. ​ Stop.


Yep. And Arizona has one of worst rush defenses in the league. Running it was a no-brainer.




He has no one to throw to.


Jordan love is throwing to nobodies and so is Bryce young. Why did they both throw for 200 + yards and two td’s. Enough with the excuses. The bears fanbase has such low standards for qb play


Don't forget CJ Stroud.


Having watched Bears QB play for 35+ years, low standards is the norm.


Yup, it’s actually really sad. I hope poles isn’t dumb enough to keep this mid qb. We’re gonna be a good team with a semi decent qb


Please name the nobodies.




Kmet had 107 receiving yards before getting injured in the first half. Moore messed his ankle up on the 3rd play. This game is the absolute worst example of Fields being bad. He played well today.




Did you watch the game?




Okay buddy


The toxicity in this thread after a win is ridiculous. Bunch of fucking children.


It's about the franchise, son.


It's not about a win unfortunately. We all know the rest of the season is essentially the time for Justin Fields to prove he's the guy. The fan base is pretty split on him staying or going. And honestly it's a pretty tough call.


I honestly feel those posters are late teens, early 20s. I don't know any actual Bear fan IRL that acts any where near this. (I'm 38)


I really don’t think it has anything to do with age. I know tons of people that never grew up. It’s probably more the anonymity to be shitty on the Internet


Your probably right, no matter how bad the bears were I never remember it being this bad. Even when the fanbase was divided on keeping Lovie.


This fanbase has gone to the dumps


They're all getting nothing for Christmas.


I want to take Caleb but the Fields hate is ridiculous he had 267 yds and put up 27 points like stfu and enjoy the win. Were 100% taking a QB next year like stop bitching all the time


Fields and our offense rolls when we can average 6+ ypc. We did that against Denver and Washington too. The problem is when we can’t run the ball effectively, the offense just completely stalls. I personally blame Getsy for that, not Fields, but this game didn’t provide any new information.


Getsy is shit. Justin was visibly upset with him today. I'm sick of it


regardless of who's QBing for the Bears next season, Getsy better not be calling the plays.


Justin's a great guy, great runner of the ball, not a great NFL QB


Why are people arguing here? It’s Christmas Eve, get some drink, smoke some weed or what ever you like to do and enjoy a win. Merry Christmas you bastards.




Hell yeah




Francis, relax.




Your comments give me brain damage


Why are you talking so fuckin tough over the internet??


Jesus Christ man, chill out with the name calling. You run around calling people names over nothing out in real life or do you just do that from behind the safety of your keyboard?


You need more in your life to be lashing out at strangers over something so ultimately meaningless.


It's not that serious


This is the only fanbase that accepts mediocrity from the qb. I can’t wait until poles makes you all cry when we draft a new qb


JF1 is your QB must make you cry


They will be tears of joy over here


Same here dude


Coaching staff playing like absolute pussies to secure the 6th win of the season. What a joke.


Bears fans are the biggest clowns in the country. Y'all would rather lose than accept Fields played decent. Literally one mistake.


You're judging an entire fan base by a reddit community? Sounds like you're the clown.


This is actually the fairest rebuttal and I commend you for it


I've noticed that recently, this fanbase is becoming the worst unfortunately


Too many ohio state Fields fans taken over that's why it feels divided.


It's legit exhausting


Joe Flacco threw for more yards in the last ten minutes last week than Fields threw the entire game against a bottom feeder that is tanking


Sucks to know you won with Justin Fields


Wait. He only threw for 160 yards? Holy crap. And you would rather go down with him rather than face facts? If you're looking for a clown, look in the mirror.


Played decent WHERE?? If he was a first or second year QB, we could say maybe it was a decent game. You people really have NO expectations for him at all, it's incredible.


JF1 just won the game for you. It's incredible




This guy’s been buttfucked before.


You can’t talk like this and not be a clown




Raise your standards dude. He is not good at all. Trade him and take a qb this draft please Chicago


Dude 100% this is a clown comment


How??? Is this really good qb play for you? Just watch any other average offense in the league. Bears fans have the lowest standards my god


Because this is a coaching issues over player issue. You can only shit the bed for so long before you go to the Source. No you are right though, it obviously we can’t get a solid qb issue. It can’t be an organizational issue where we aren’t only playing fuckin’ prevent defense but also a prevent offense. We have zero killer mentality and all about clock management and “player improvement”. It’s always been coaching for the last 20 years.


keep fields, draft a qb. fields becomes a WR or TE along with kmet. let him run, just not be QB


I’m still rooting for the packers to have to win last game of the year to get into the playoffs. We can knock them out of the playoffs.


Now to the "Aftershow" for some fun.


Ruthie is a honey


Fields passed for 160 yards versus one of the worst defenses in the league. He's not the QB of the future.


13th passing defense 31st rushing. There's a reason we had a rushing emphasis


We didn't- there were 41 passes and 27 runs.


There were 28 passes (27 attempts + 1 sack), 39 rushes. Not defending his performance it was pretty mediocre.


Ah I found a historical game! You're right.


Wasn't 90 something of them in the 1st quarter?


Yup, only like 35 yards in the whole second half.


I received a Reddit cares message for asking g if Fields could hit 300 yards but he didn't even make 200


It's just so bad, he's good at running ill give peeps that, but I'd like a quarterback who can pass. Underthrowing people was awful.


Get over yourself. Kmet out, DJ hurt, and a bunch of scrubs who belong on the street. They are keeping him.




Fair, haha. I was slow to see it.


All good man, let’s just be happy for the future


JF1 is 1 of those scrubs


Oh here we go, jfields will be great if only he had another generational talent wide reciever! So there this thing called money and eventually you won't be able to afford all those people around justin. He either elevates players or he doesn't and it appears he doesn't, because he always needs more people to make him even decent. 160 passing yards is not good.


I'm not making excuses. I'm just saying what I see. Watch the game and stop venting your fantasy anger.


Fantasy anger? Singlehandedly he caused the momentum in the game to turn. We can agree to disagree, if this is a good game for fields, that is the issue.


He gone…


!Remindme 6 months


JF1 with pretty much a single mistake all game


Pretty piss poor game by JF1


Missed anticipation/timing throws, turnovers, uneasecsry sacks... pretty bad game.


I mean I wouldn’t call this a good game at all but turnover, singular, and there was one credited sack where he ran out of bounds at the line of scrimmage. You can be critical without making stuff up


The turnover was a Ill timed turnovers, turnover the one thing he could not do which was a 9 point swing. His throws were out of bounds, they were underthrown and he only threw for 160 yards - those are all facts.


Sure these are fair points, seemed like he didn’t have the deep ball all day.


what you be wanting bro


Thats a great question, not sure, don't get paid enough. Just know against one of the worst defenses... he should have done better.


Arizona has a good pass defense though


If Justin fields can't throw again a 13th/14th ranked defense, how will he win a superbowl?


I wouldn't say good - it's ranked 13th/14th.


He was practically perfect. Just go like a different team man


You accept mediocrity if you think that’s a perfect game by a qb my god


I know, I know, yoi can't criticize jfields - he should already be in the hall of fame tbh.


The team fought hard for the win. Coaching decisions almost choked it away, again. Justin still inconsistent as a passer. Bear down


Saw 4 passes dropped, 1 single mistake the entire game to my eyes


You need to get your eyes checked


This has been every Bears win with Fields all season to be honest.


If we weren’t sitting in the #1 pick I’d understand being upset at the win but like why do u not enjoy seeing your team win when we’re pretty much guaranteed a top 2 pick


I mean I'd also like our other pick to be top 10


lame to root to lose


I’d like to have every pick in the top 10


The future. Fields failed big time. This dude is done.


Win is a win but do you really want to win like this??? CALEB WILLIAMS U ARE A CHICAGO BEAR


Yeah. If you don't play fantasy then a win is a win.


We won by 11, what do you even mean?


This should have been another Washington type dominating win. Instead it has me second guessing my stance on Fields as our starter next season


After the game, I actually thought the Bears dominated the Cardinals pretty convincingly. At no point from the jump did the Cardinals look competitive vs the Bears Defense. But during the game I felt like the meltdown was coming. Especially after the interception. That is probably me just feeing gun shy, can't blame the Bears for my fear....:)


Missed anticipation/timing throws, turnovers, uneasecsry sacks... pretty bad game.


I hope your holidays are well! Happy new year - there yah go, not copy and paste 😀


Just copy pasting just left and right huh


Indeed, easier than typing, more efficient.


He was sacked once, and had one turnover......


And that caused a 9 point swing which almost caused the other team to come back and the other killed a critical drive. The issue is thats a good game for fields, you couldn't have said it better yourself. We have low exepctations.


And his #1 receiver was injured and the TE was also injured. He had no one to throw to, and still won the game with them. Like enjoy the win or watch a different team. It's like you want them to lose so you can rag on Fields.


Fields didn't win the game - the defense did, he threw 35 yards in the second half. In fact without him playing - there's a chance the point gap would have been larger.


A quarterback is not forced to throw a throw which causes a 9 point swing because his wr got injured... nor take a sack which ends a critical drive when throwing it away may have allowed them to continue.


I'm not sure what your point is? He threw a minimal amount of yards last game. Threw a minimal amount of yards this one. Leads the league in interception in the 4th. Single handedly gave the other team a fighting chance because of poor decision making. Those are all facts, the team is good. Jfields just isn't a good fit for this team specifically.


he's not gonna be out starter next season


Bear down. Merry Xmas.


Keep stacking wins let’s go!






We are Super Bowl bound with a top 16 QB.


This is my thing, put in a decent QB and this team is really good. Justin's negative plays outweighed his positive ones today. Taking uneasecary sacks and turnovers is the classic fields.


What sacks lmao


The one where he held it for about 8 seconds.


You said “sacks”, was there another one that I missed?


Sude I added an s - my bad


sacks? there was 1 all game homie G


Swap in a better O-Line and we're a Super Bowl team




Sorry, should've added your top 16 QB. My mistake


sure if you swap in a new coach and play caller too


No argument - we should flush the coaches too.


nice record


What was the point of that last play?


A win is a win. Fields and the offense did enough. The defense was pretty good. Merry Xmas all


It’s not sustainable. You’ll never win consistently in this league like this lol


It’s the bears blueprint. They’ve been mostly terrible for 60 years.






Herbert,Kmet, Gill and Gordon stood out. Merry Christmas bears fans 🐻 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)


JF1 ended the half with 135 yards passing and passed for 35 the entire second half. The run game was cooking so i think its okay we suggest that that was the reason completely for that result and not the trash tanking cardinals upping their Pass D


Exactly. We also have to remember that justin is a true duel threat. you've GOT to take that into account and understand that his rushing yards mean just as much


Hope the haters have a wonderful christmas and can find some sort of joy in life.




Not throwing or running to the edge with so little time left. Weird.


you're the pride and joy of Illinois Chicago Bears bear down!


We were projected to be a 5-7 win team I don't think most of you even understand what you're watching. These threads remind me of watching with my 70 year old aunt


Which is okay. Most of us just wanted to see Fields take the leap and he hasn’t which has made everything else suck more.


We didn’t shit the bed!


we tried our best


Kyler Murray is king of the check down


Luke Getsy has entered the chat


Solid B- game from Justin. At his best running but still struggling to throw.


![gif](giphy|YnmEsq9ICSYQ8) Me coming to any game thread


Our fanbase man


So I really need kmet to come back and score a TD. For Christmas..


I'll be shocked if he's returning this year.


Bears don't choke another 4th quarter lead, despite Getsy's best attempts. I like football.


If Justin sits week 18, can we please be done with him? That would be such a pussy move, play against the Packers and beat them or get the fuck out.


You’re upset about a situation you just made up in your own head? please go spend time with your family on Christmas Eve


170 passing yards big LOL


Second biggest threat in Kmet was out in the second half and Moore is at like 40% health. Also, Getsy stinks.


Always a fucking interception too


Ahh now for Murray’s stat padding


Cardinals get the loss but they get to take one of our new toys.