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That bad May is sure turning into a bad June.


I have always tried to stay positive but man. A month and half of bad baseball and the only series win being one of the worst teams in baseball the past 10 years.


I'm openly critical of Hoyer because I don't think he's made the right moves most of the time. But, while he shares in the blame, these guys are playing like guys who don't want to play. THAT'S a problem. Because even with enough players available to replace them, you have no idea where to start.


Why should they have any real motivation? ‘The offense broke’ last September, yet literally every player came back! They know they won’t be DFAed. They know that Cassie/Shaw/Canario won’t be called up for the sake of development.


They aren’t good. 


Maybe just maybe this team is bad and not in a slump


Yeah that seems to be the case.


I pointed this out two days ago with a SI article where Hoyer was interviewed. Couldn't get anyone to upvote anything I pointed out. Everyone who showed up argued and said I was wrong or reactionary........ok, I guess.


The metrics from that article show that a few of them are getting unlucky and that implies a good chance of it turning around. It’s not guaranteed, but it’s a long season.


You keep saying that every day this comes up. When? When is the turnaround? Today is what has gone on for over 30 games. In order to have a turnaround, there would have to be a 30 game run of the exact opposite. You can't call it unlucky if the offense produces a bunch of routine ground and fly balls. If the defense they face isn't challenged, that's not a luck thing.


I don’t know when it will happen. There are 97 games left in the year for it to happen though. Last year at one point in June/July we were double digit games below .500 and we missed the playoffs by one game >30 game run of the exact opposite So a good month? Sure. There are 4 more of those left in the year >can’t call it unlucky Their two best offensive players (Suzuki and Morel) have been getting objectively unlucky when you look at stats like BABIP and xWOBA


We somehow wasted 3 hit games from Dansby and Bote….on the same day Yan Gomes has an rbi double


That’s Cub


That's last year's slogan. You have to C it


Doesn’t hurt as bad if you expect to be hurt


The offense that ‘broke’ last September has scored more than 4 runs in just 10 of the last 30 games.




The starting pitching has been good and at times outstanding. The defense has been poor. No closer. But lack of hitting is the major concern. Both in quantity of hits/runs and the absolute lack of clutch hitting. A damn fly ball by Happ would have tied the game, let alone wishing for a base hit to give the Cubs the lead.


What is that relative to the rest of the league?


I’m tired boss…


Literally just got done watching this movie


I’m tired of this grandpa!!


well that's too damn bad!


There is almost no one I can get behind on this team, perhaps maybe PCA. They are all so fucking frustrating to watch. Even on other cubs teams that have sucked there were a few guys I rooted for individually. Not this group they kinda just all suck


This kinda resonates with me. I’ve been a die hard Cubs fan my whole life and have always had a couple favorite players from every squad. I can’t say that this year. Nobody really rings my bell on this team, maybe Hoerner I guess, if I had a gun to my head. This is a very uninspiring team to watch. Not good Cubs baseball this year, in any aspect.


I like Imanaga


They all blow man


Yeah I love the pitchers but I hate all our hitters.


I thought this was a typo ..... Cubs 12 LOB Reds 3 Reds 4-3 WTF


When you don’t have any top end talent at all this is what you get




….I feel you Kyle


![gif](giphy|SiKqNZqksVYWmQEMjd|downsized) LAST PLACE, HERE WE COME!


Cards:hold my beer while we lose to the Rockies


Hoyer and Hawkins need to be fired. It’s been 3 years and they haven’t even built a .500 roster.


I've gotten the feeling Hoyer is gunshy to make a big move in free agency b/c he's trying to be risk-averse, and it's this same mentality that's going to wind up getting him fired. Like at least make a splash and if it blows up at least you can say you tried. Even one of his best FA moves, Swanson, was almost entirely b/c he waited and let other teams get the top SS and had to "settle" for Swanson. Just seems like a tough way to successfully run a team.


None of the vaunted SS free agents have been very good, though. He was right not to offer a King's Ransom for any of those players. And there really haven't been any marque FAs to sign in the last couple of years, besides Ohtani, and he was never coming to the Cubs.


It’s the process that was flawed IMO - Jed seems reluctant to spend top dollar on free agents and as a result the Cubs are having to rely on AAAA players to man crucial spots in the lineup


I just don't think you can build a team through FA right now. His draft record deserves a lot more criticism than his off-season signings.


And the fact that three years post fire sale, none of the prospects he got have made an MLB impact Ben Brown is probably the closest and he's only pitched 55 innings


Oh I agree - I just can’t get a grasp on what the strategy is to be honest. The Cubs have a glut of outfielders in AAA yet let a dude like Candalerio walk when they had neither corner infield spot squared away this offseason. It just seems a like a team poised for long term mediocrity if the strategy doesn’t change (and it still might it’s just Jed’s given no indication of changing)


I wholeheartedly agree with this take. His approach is flawed. He takes it with every player and is not measured in that approach. There are times to be patient and there are times to be cutthroat. Why was Counsel the only cutthroat approach? Let’s get it going.


Maybe Ohtani would have been more inclined to consider the Cubs if 1) they hadn't spent the last five years cheaping out in free agency and 2) they had actually offered the deferred structure with spending guarantees he asked for People keep parroting this "Ohtani was never coming here" line without stopping to consider why. Ohtani wanted to play for a winner and Ricketts has very clearly shown that's not his priority


In 8 years we went from a place guys really wanted to be to a place guys want to avoid. Must have been all that winning, great trades and commitment to excellence the organization collectively displayed. Biblical losses …. But hey, we got a casino


Last year was literally ahead of schedule and it's a week into June and they just dropped below .500. If this continues then sure, we can talk about that, but right now it's simply short-sighted


Last year they showed how good they can be and for some reason aren’t performing to expectations. Morel, Swanson and Happ all have not much more than a 700 OPS. Even Bellinger’s stats aren’t up to his standards. This is blatant underperforming.


Ahead of schedule. Lolol. How long do you think MLB rebuilds are supposed to take


we are last place in the central.


We can technically only go up from here!


I'd say the might not be better than any team in NL Central. I thought they were a .500 club but that is clearly not even the case. Need to start building for '25


Ah but we're only a game out of 2nd place and a playoff spot!


This just in... Bad baseball team loses again




Just throw this season in the dumpster. Maybe they can pretend to be competitive next year because it sure as shit isn’t turning around this season.


Fucking dog shit.


It’S jUsT a SlUmP


They're all slumps, technically. 🤯


They’re getting hits, just never when guys are on base


Last place. The fact some still believe this could be a playoff team is laughable. They’re closer to blowing it up than they are making the playoffs.


It's the same script from last September. "Still in the first WC spot" "Still in a WC spot" "Tied for a WC spot" "They have such a good run differential, they'll be good next year!"


Well despite some bad injury luck and an absolutely horrific month, they’re only 1 game out of a wild card spot


They’re a top 10 payroll team in last place in a bad division. The fact that they’re “only 1 game out of a wild card spot” in June as if that’s a good thing is pathetic to begin with.


It's no longer one bad month. We are a quarter a way through the month following that bad month, and so far, seven games look a lot like the last 25. If this goes another 15, they will have no playoff hope, because at least two teams in the Central are going to find a way to take advantage. So far the Reds are making their move. The Pirates have been playing strong, and I can't imagine the Brewers are going to struggle much longer.


Sounds a lot like last year and look how that went. We can’t always be playing from behind.


Is it just me? Or did all the hitters lose their patience they had during April. It seemed that one of the things that worked well for them was the ability to drive pitch counts up, walk/ eventually get on base one way or another, It seems now everyone is going for the long ball. I genuinely don’t know if this is a result of the league figuring out how to attack hitters, or just bad habits accumulated by the team, or if I’m wrong altogether


This team is a disgrace to baseball


I am ashamed of this team. They're no fun to watch. They're terrible at everything related to baseball. Simply awful no doubt about it. Terrrrrrible


Tom Ricketts is a little greedy bitch


Joe Ricketts is a little greedy bitch Tom just wants to show Daddy what a good business boy he is with Daddy's money


I believe it


What does this team even do well


Revenue! - Jed.


Pitching, sometimes.


They suck ass pretty well


We actually have really good starting pitching but are atrocious at everything else


We are good at striking out and leaving runners on base. Oh and allowing stolen bases, we are incredible at that.


Can’t have ur 1 and 2 hitters go 0-9 with 5 ks


You can when you put Wisdom and Morel at 1-2. I thought Counsell was supposed to be a good manager?


Then don't hit Wisdom leadoff... You're 100% right though.


I completely agree


I mean have to try anything at this point right?


Love cheering for financial flexibility in the club’s payroll


Remember when all of Jed's "unused budget" was "rolling over?"


They’re 8th in payroll and just got punked by the Reds. People need to stop blaming the owners and start blaming the guy building the roster


We're 10th in CBT payroll and 4th in revenues. Ricketts doesn't read this sub you can stop bootlicking


Financial flexibility.......I never believed that horseshit. He made that big deal about having money, and instead of exercising the 1.5 mil club option to buyout Hendricks, he brings him back on a whooping 16.5 million. Flexibility.....that man just talks whatever points Ricketts tells him to.




10 hits, 12 LOB and 1-14 with RISP…what else is there to say anymore?


At what point should I stop letting Jed cook? 19 people have food poisoning and there is a thick black smoke coming from under the kitchen door.


Had made plans to go to Wrigley with my friends in July, before this series I changed them and we’re just going to enjoy the city instead. Couldn’t be happier with that decision.


Me too. I’m thinking the art museum or the museum of natural history. Both old faves.


Love hitting the museums. We may do Navy Pier too. A little touristy but it’s game over when I smell the peanut stand.


It’s still a party out in the bleachers if that’s what you guys were doing, no matter how bad the team is. But you can’t go wrong with switching to the city.


I would love to believe it will turn around. But even with an improvement and a bit of luck, I think the level of play shown since this season started, including the good start, doesn’t tell the overall story of a team that will finish in the playoffs. It’s hard to see it. The optimism is fading. I will continue to hope, while being overall less enthused. It’s been disappointing. Ultimately, this team was built to be offensively ok and defensively great. We are well below that bar.


that’s how i’ve been feeling. i’ve been trying my best to stay positive but at this point im not sure what to think anymore. i think my motto for the rest of the season is gonna be “hope for the best and prepare for the worst”. 


I mean, it’s not over yet….but isn’t it sorta?


Another one run loss.


I wish that some of the players would start to show frustration and call out the team’s poor performance. It seems like none of the players care at all.


As my 9 year old daughter says, Daddy, they're trying their best


This team sucks yo. Ive been positive af, but Jed put together a bunch of fuckin bitches


Anyone that's in a leadership position in this dogshit org should be sent to North Korean prison.


How much longer are the “we’re winning more than 80 games” goofs gonna hold out on that false hope?


You’re blindly loyal. This organization is not serious. Championship contending organizations do not have David Bote (yes, he had a good day) or Pat Wisdom in their lineups.


Who do u want them to play? Niko, suki, and madrigal all just got hurt


Madrigal is not a major leaguer on a good team


Not the point. It’s still 3 guys who just got hurt, so who did u want them to replace with in such short notice


On a good team, Bote is the last guy off the bench and Wisdom only faces LHP as a pinch hitter. They’re both “useful,” but they shouldn’t be in the starting lineup. Unfortunately, this isn’t a good team.


To be fair, nobody should have thought this season was going to be a serious championship contender. We were supposed to be good and possibly win the division, but we’re not in the same league as the teams that are real contenders.


At some point, maybe now, the front office can’t keep using the “well shucks, they’re just all in a slump at the same time.” Maybe we shouldn’t have constructed a lineup made almost entirely of league average or below hitters. I don’t see things improving drastically at this point.


The Cubs have a massive offense problem. They can get on base, but they cannot get them in. That’s because we have been far too cheap in FA and too stingy in promoting our prospects. There are a lot of issues with this team. As a diehard, I want to believe, but my eyes are looking at a fundamentally bad baseball team. Jed, support your hero pieces or your legacy is a failure. I’ve supported many of your decisions because I’ve seen the hope behind them, but facts don’t lie. Get this team to be where it deserves to be at or leave it to someone who can.


Another one run loss... Yay


Honestly just stunned, not that I didn’t expect but this many times is just painful 14th one run loss, record is 38 for Cubs in a season way back in 1915


We might get there


I also dont think people dont realize that just because we didnt spend money is the reason we suck…. Plenty teams spend and suck. Jeds team just sucks..


We didn't spend money AND we suck. Would we suck if we had spent money? Maybe. But we know what happens when we don't


Anybody actually looking forward to last place? Feels like putting on an old pair of jeans


This team is done


Just a reminder a Juan Soto was available this winter and Jed Hoyer sat on his hands while thinking it was acceptable to trot out this lineup. Hang your head in fucking shame...


He’s absolutely choked. Had a chance to flex big market and deep farm and he sat on his hands as per usual. Waiting for his lottery tickets to hit


Juan Soto is Juan Soto, but the prospects in the system can be anything! A whole system of future hall of famers.


They might even be as good as....juan soto!


U wanted the cubs to trade 5 prospects for 1 year of Soto?


The Yankees sent 1 fringe top 100 prospect and 1 backend starting pitcher, the rest of the players were garbage. Yes I’m doing that trade for a top 5 player in the sport.


Idk man cubs need more than just 1 year of Soto. Baseball is so much more than having a top player. We’ve seen teams with 2 top 5 players and do nothing


Yeah because the Angels are a trash organisation who can't develop any players and had no competent starters around their stars. The Cubs have the opposite problem, they have a bunch of competent players but no stars to take them over the top. The 1 year is worth at such a relatively low cost. Plus it gives you a better chance to sign him in free agency although it'd be unlikely because the Ricketts are penny pinchers


You need to look at the list of players the Yankees sent to the Padres for Soto and Grisham. It was not 5 prospects.


Not saying I think we'll go for him, but I'd rather sign Soto in free agency than trade whatever valuable prospects it would require to trade for just one year of him. Especially since we're more than one Soto away from contention.


Blow the whole team up at this point.


I dunno what but they have to do something different


Winning would be a start.


Scoring more runs than their opponents?


Love that Marquee isn’t even focused on the postgame and is basically doing PR for a soccer game. What are we even doing? Why do I pay for this? I want to hear criticism and analysis of the game I just watched.


You'll get betting lines and be happy about it.




Doubt I’ll be renewing marquee.


I cancelled last fall and I haven’t considered re-upping


Should've made player signings instead of the manager signing. It doesn't really mean shit.


Cubs - No homer runs, 10 hits and 12 runners LOB Shitnati - 2 home runs, 6 hits and 3 LOB. No timely hitting with RISP sinks this lifeless offense once again


26-1 run games this year. We win half of those, we’re the best team in the league. Wild.


Half would be 13, weve won 12 of them...


How many do you think we've won?




I feel like we should call up Owen Caissie at this point. Move Busch to second if Hoerner is out for a while. Bellinger to 1st permanently, PCA stays in CF. Caissie stays in RF. Suzuki to DH. Offense needs a wake up and new blood. All due respect to David Bote but that call isn’t make that much of a difference.


youre forgetting about Tauchman and hes been our best player


I don't disagree with bringing up Caissie but Busch cannot play second base.


What does it matter? This team is not winning. Anyone can play anywhere.


I’m glad I fell asleep and missed most of this game. The offense is the problem and always has been. I have no expectations cause the front office won’t do anything that drastically needs to be done.


Can't believe I'm saying this, thank goodness for the Bears.


I feel whatever cuz I gave up on this team a few weeks back. Could tell they didn’t have it. Gonna be a stress free summer of not giving cheap ass Tom my attention.


I belive Craig Counsell is a cursed man who has brought many spirits to our ballpark. He did not disclose the curse to front office.


Yikes you're right. Guess I missed the call.


Get ready to learn unemployment Jed


He’s bringing payroll in under budget; he’s not going anywhere, sadly


He cost Ricketts money to fire Ross and replace him with the highest paid manager in the game to zero results


Ross was making a few mil tops. That's an arb player


It’s pretty clear to me that this team is going no where this year. Might as well start bringing up all prospects for playing time


I’m all for it. I’d love to see what some of those kids can do, gives me guys to root for vs most of the current sad sacks on this team


Ya there's no one to get behind here. All of them suck and literally don't even try


Yeah. I’m a partial STH and at this point will only be watching games when I’m actually at Wrigley. This is a frustrating and heartbreaking team to watch every day. They just don’t have it.


Congrats, Cubs. Sinking right to the bottom.


12 runners stranded on base.


Ouch. Seems to be a Cubs tradition. I remember it happening a lot in the 60s


Yeah if we could hit whatsoever with runners on base that game wouldn’t even have been close, 12 left on in a one run game is ridiculous


Cubs still need to run a lot more: a lot more stolen base and hit and run attempts (real baseball). Sitting around waiting for the three run homer is not going to happen.


I am pleased the Wizard of Oz is being exposed……just puts the organization one step closer to moving on from the biggest con job on the North side since ….well shit, it’s chicago…..last week.


Just like that, we’re the Pirates now.


I would kill for their top 5 core


They have real top end talent. We have a farm system loaded with bench players


We have a current lineup…AND a farm system full of 6 hole hitters. Pretty unique 😣


I love how Wisdom K'd 3 times batting leadoff. Great baseball wizardly from Counsell.


The most annoying thing is they're not even playing that bad, just not good enough.


Huh? Maybe the pitching isn’t “that bad” but if you think this offense is good you’re mistaken


I literally just said it's not good enough


You worded it about as good as the cubs are playing








I know what you mean. It’s not like we’re getting blown out each night. I really hoped the Craig magic would make us unreasonably lucky in one run games but that just hasn’t happened yet


Yeah I hear you. I think he'll make an impact, we just don't have a complete enough club right now. It's hard to make the right moves when your options are lacking.


Sure looks bad to me - 22 in a row without a win for a starting pitcher. They just can't put up enough runs. The lineup is awful - it might be the worst in MLB


I mean specifically this series. They're close games and that makes it more frustrating.


I hate to even think it, but David Ross for all his faults could have gotten us this record. Were last now. So what was the point. Seems like a component completely breaks down to fuck us. Offense, defense, starting pitching, bullpen. Pick one, the other 3 will be garbage for that game or series.