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I'm in a similar situation. I literally think the same thing when I see him interacting with other people. You should definitely allow yourself to have those thoughts because that's what he did and that's what he is. Imo that is 🤷‍♀️


you’re a good person, however he still *did* orally rape his siblings. as someone already said, definitely allow yourself to have those feelings and reactions because that is what happened and he will always have done that.


He only orally raped me. I know for almost certain that he never abused our siblings, it was just me. I don't ever block out those thoughts or try to stop them. I'll try to accept my feelings more though.


holy shit, almost the exact same thing happened to me. my older sibling orally raped me when we were kids, but we have such a close relationship now. I know they regret it, they've changed, it was a result of trauma, etc. I love them, but sometimes I do find myself thinking the same things, imagining what it'd be like if people found out and believed me. I also have those other thoughts you mentioned too, like, "You're talking to someone who raped their little brother." I think this is something that can only be healed through therapy and talking to someone. I'm still trying to figure it out. I hate what my sibling did, but I don't hate my sibling. it's a very difficult thing to experience, and I'm sorry it happened to you too.


Feels like I wrote this post. Got SAed by my brother when I was really young. But personally, I hate him and want absolutely nothing to do with him.  It's difficult. Sometimes I imagine scenarios where everyone finds out the truth and they all hate him and gather around to support me. My parents know about it and my mom doesn't believe me. I unfortunately still live with them because finances. Therapy is helping and I can't wait to move out. 


I’m sorry your mom doesn’t believe you. My parents don’t know what happened even though I think there were some pretty clear signs when it was happening.