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The answer to this is in your question. . .


He said why


My response still stands. Is there a chance you don’t understand my response? He’s asking why, then proceeds to answer his own question.


I actually bought some bundles after enjoying ones I found in loot. It's kind of like advertising. So I don't think your response is that good. 


you could sell more if someone wanted to try it. buy to try.


Just think about. Activision knows exactly how many they sold when they did this and then exactly how many they sold after they took it away. They’re always going down the path that will make them more money.




Or you could just Google a video for it, cheat for it, or just fucking look at it while it's in the store. No one is buying a bundle just to try it, that doesn't make any sense. Oh I'm just gonna buy this car and then I'll see if I like it or not... In game bundles in crate loot tables made it so people who don't usually look at the store are now seeing these bundled guns that they wouldn't have seen before. Most people don't look at the shop, surprise surprise they're there to play the game. However, if you shove it in their face constantly, you'll eventually find a bundle for them that'll stick and they'll pay for it for their loadout. It's a poor decision to take it out of the loot table for that reason and this post is another reason, bad rep.


you would think that but its not like youre going to remember it by the time the game end. i guess they could add an after game ads that said, oh you used this gun, please go buy it in the ingame store if you want to lease it for long term. im sure they did some data analysis and the loot box didnt yield enough purchases afterward. theyre only in for the most ROI. oh btw no need to use a swear word.


If I picked up a loadout or weapon that ripped for me in a match, I ABSOLUTELY looked it up after the match. I bought blueprints more than once for a weapon I didn't have unlocked yet or didn't want to grind to level up because I picked up a blueprint that I shredded with. Plus, they added more fun to the ground loot.


i agree i do look up guns that i find in ground loot. usually my case would be to just build it out and level it, i rarely would buy it after i had used it.


Do you mean like new blueprints and how you can’t use them without buying them or something? Your right, I don’t understand


He’s asking why they removed the blueprint boxes. . . They removed it because it was placed there to entice gamers to actually buy the blueprints. If you’re not buying the blueprints because you get to find them in boxes while gaming then the Devs are losing money. They removed it because it was a failed idea. He asked the question in the beginning then answered it in the end.


Its crazy how some people are slow with simple comprehension


Just having ground loot with a bit of personality was awesome. ​ The "Dry Heat" P90 was awesome (the one with the green dot viper reflex not the holo sight one lol) loved the "Company's Might" An-94 with the thermal ​ Enjoyed picking up the "Milk Weed" MP5 with the VLK optic ​ "Bank Roll" no stock origin 12 was insane


Yeah - for the longest time it was actually a choice as to which loadout to grab, because if ground loot was good enough, running ghost might make more sense than overkill. Now that the perks are structured differently and ground loot sucks, it's straight to loadout guns.


Bro dry heat was lit I remember picking that up in my first few games on wz. Good times


It was bro I got my first ever WZ win with that gun


Because they want your money. PS. When I see a Warzone 1 pic I can't help to notice how fantastic it looked. Even in a random screenshot like that I can appreciate the shadows, the models, everything is so photorealistic man. Now everything looks fake plastic lol and the game runs like shit too.


The guns feel like im using some Roblox bullshit, nerf gun shooting sounds too. Hate it all


yeah MW3 sound so bad lmao. if they ever make a cod game with all cod devs working on it at once, they gotta get IW to make the weapons.


u/Live_Result_7460 raises a good point in his comment. while i kinda agree with your point, gamemodes like gunfight blueprint wouldn't exist then. isn't this whole idea pretty similar to stuff like food samples lol ? if those weren't profitable for businesses then they would have ceased to exist a long time ago. i believe it's technical limitations that are stopping them from adding cool stuff like this back. the game doesn't even work correctly on older gen consoles with all the lag and hitches. I mean new gen of consoles has been out for 4 years and we still haven't had a truly next gen cod game. I'm not saying that you're wrong but i think there's more to it.


There are technical hurdles to jump for every part of a video game. They are deciding not to jump over it because they deemed it not worthy.


And now the game doesn't have any coherence in it's artstyle either. What a fall from grace.


So funny seeing people talk about how they love wz1 when back when it was active people shit on it left and right constantly.


The entire game is arranged in a way to try getting you to spend more money. Look at the game through that lens and everything starts making sense. This is a franchise where gamers are no longer responsible for the decisions. Instead, there's an over-inflated marketing team.


In WZ1, putting blueprints in crates was a way of trying to entice you to buy blueprints. The thought process was “Oh, if they find a blueprint they like in a crate, they might buy it to use all the time”. It was advertising. Then they realized that giving players a blueprint might actually mean they are LESS likely to buy it, because they have a chance to just stumble upon it for free in a crate. And more importantly, they found a better way to advertise blueprints: other players. They realized killcams were free advertising, putting blueprints in front of players’s faces without them having a way to get said blueprint without paying. That and they just decided to make the microtransaction ads more intrusive in the menus.


The problem is they didn't give you an easy way to find or buy the blueprint back then.


"Without having to buy them". That's your answer. It's as simple as that. You think Activision Blizzard would ever sneeze at an opportunity to make money? And people do buy that worthless shit.. oh do they every buy it. I can understand small purchases here and there in a free game (under Warzone).. but plenty of you have worn down the "Purchase" button and fallen into the trap of thinking it's okay to buy just because it's spread out. And WEAPON SKINS no less. Ah well, that should explain why they have removed it from free content.


I’ve wondered the same thing - in multiplayer of MW2 last year they even had a gunfight mode that was blueprints only, which kinda goes against the idea that they found people are less likely to buy them if they use them. But, maybe it has something to do with how shite the blueprint attachment setups are now - for some reason as soon as wz2 dropped they started pressing a “randomize attachments” button when designing blueprints…


A lot of people are saying 'it's because they want your money', but does that really make sense tho? Honestly, back in WZ1 I thought it was the opposite- they put blueprints on the ground so that people would see them and use them, and if they liked the blueprints they'd be more likely to buy them from the shop.


It is, in wz1 if you found good weapons you wouldn’t even need a loadout. Pick up a gun now, it will probably also have a small mag as well. All this is done to force people to buy MW3 and grind for weapons or go to the shop and buy them instantly.


I bought the black and gold fara bundle because I liked using when it was ground loot.




I liked getting free blueprints. Hated not knowing what some of the guns were.


Yeah, actually I barely ever buy the blueprints but the 2 I did purchase were because I picked them up and found them to work very well. I do miss the old meta weapons.




Because you/we liked it, that’s why. Now you’ve tasted blood and are hungry for more


I miss being able to use them via gun game in custom games


I think you answered yourself with that last sentence.


You answered your own question


Pay to play COD is heading towards fortnite sellout stage


Those were the best days