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Cool! What about lifetime statistics?


Put away the pitchforks. The guy's been due a compliment for about 20 years at that age. Good job, man.


I don't have bad intentions, I genuinely wonder. I myself 34 y.o.


Ditto... 38 y.o. dad of 2. Ranked didn't really seem to get challenging until Plat3/Diamond. 10 games is just the intro. However, 4.0 is impressive nonetheless. Sincerely, 1.5 kd player.




M&K player, instant demotion 2 ranks. Haha #crossplayoff




Probably because you were more cautious on controller. Kd is near enough insignificant to gun skill games sense & ability not to mention actual enjoyment so I’d never read into any kd as useful data


IMO, the age is just context that we most likely have a lot more going on in our lives than we did when we were 22. When I was younger I cared more about how well I was doing and tried hard to improve. Now, I try to improve, but definitely a more leisurely approach and care more about just playing with my friends.


These are not the first 10 games. These are just the last 10. I've played much more than this. These were all gold games, though, since the season just started.


Lifetime k/d on ranked is 2.83 atm. Lifetime k/d on regular resurgence is 2.27 (5500 kills, 2400 deaths). I'm a mnk player.


Your ranked KD is higher than your pub KD? What lol


Those are solid stats! Do you play on EU or NA?




Such a shame. I wanted to squad up if you wouldn't mind, but I play on EU servers.


Sorry about that. I wish there was a way to get rid of latency but can't get around physics and shit.


I can't even fathom a 4 kd


He's played a whopping 10 games. Don't beat yourself up.




Wat about the 2 hour playtime? It's only in ranked and everyone starts in Bronze.


Playtime is for the last 10 games as well


I know lol, 4 k/d for 10 games isn't anything crazy.


lol can’t just scroll on always shitting on someone’s stats give it a rest let’s see yours


Send a screenshot of your 10 game stats. I’m expecting at least a 5? Shit with how confident you are in diminishing this guys 4 you might even be on a 6 for your past “whopping 10 games”!? I can’t wait


Gladly, just waiting for this 191 gig update to be done 😭


46m and I got a win Saturday with my 5 yr old watching 😁


Bronze lobbies are super super easy


i mean, i run 1.5kd in multi, and 3kd in rebirth and struggle in bronze, there's just too many luck factors involved and tryhards in this game. saying super super easy is completely ridiculous.


How.. I have a 2 KD in Resurgence, a 6 KD climbing Ranked.


how what? is it hard? idk, let me ask IW/Raven why their matching systems are so dogshit.


I started in gold this time but my experience was the same as you. Ranked was way harder even at bronze, but I didn't start until end of last season and I only play solos so there was definitely a team adjustment. Rebirth seemed nearly way easier than pubs when I started last night in gold 1, but it's very dependent on teammates and now I'm in platinum/diamond filled lobbies so very much not easy after getting right through gold with a couple wins.


Bronze is weird. Its hit and miss. When i was climbing ranked last year i found bronze to be super easy (Even had my own teammates accusing me of cheating, im on console ffs) And it was the same this year, Bronze through to plat 1 was a breeze. I think it boils down to the other players in the lobby, being somewhat lower level and way lower skill, being very hard to read and predict for higher level players, You have to let go of any prediction skills you have and just outplay most opponents with baiting. Your average skill players are easy to read, really easy to predict flanks and pathing, Higher level players you can read but they also know how to switch things up in an instant so you also have to be ready for their multiple options of ways to come at you. Bot/bronze level players can just be SO hard to get a read on sometimes. You genuinely never know what they might do as most logic from a gameplay skill/positioning perspective goes out the window on their end, They do the most out of pocket unpredictable shit at times that it can really throw your own flow off as a player. With bronze/silver lobbies in the end, its best not to over think what the enemy is going to do, because they dont even know what they are gonna do.


Same I was absolutely flying in bronze. The most fun I’ve had in the game actually. Thought ranked was gonna be easy until I started climbing


1.5 Resurgence k/d reporting in. Yep, Bronze and Silver are bot lobbies pretty much. Sadly there's just no middle ground, as soon as you hit Plat 1 it becomes difficult.


My lifetime stats are 2.27, and 2.83 respectively in resurgence and resurgence ranked. These games are all gold lobbies. But yes, I agree if these were Plat or higher I'd not been able to achieve these stats, 100% true.


That sounds correct as my ranked k/d was around 2.5 while still in Silver/Gold.


These are gold lobby stats. But your point still stands.


No they are not




My first ever game i was facing people gold and up running meta loadouts. Bronze might be easy for someone that actually plays warzone but for someone brand new to Warzone bronze isn't easy at all and your delusional if you think it is


Yeah I agree Iridescent is super easy for top pros and it will be very hard for new players. You're delusional if you don't think it is. You're a fucking idiot lmao


I'm not sure how this correlates to what I said? But ok?


Because you're new to the game means bronze isn't easy? Theres a reason why you can't to lose SR in bronze


>Because you're new to the game means bronze isn't easy? Yes, for a new player bronze would indeed be hard, when they are facing people that have actually played the game enough to know the meta, and have the skill to do things they typically wouldn't see anywhere else I for example, don't play Warzone. I was a MP and Zombies player. Warzone plays completely different from those, I didn't need to practice jumping in and out of buildings while plating or perfecting my movement so those were skills i didn't have nor did i know how to play against. Yet in my first few games I came across people that did, these players were entire ranks above me. This likely isn't the experience most bronzes have but it was the experience i had




Man you must be so fucking lame in real life to shit on this guy who doesn't play alot Excuse the man for having an actual life ffs


I never said I struggled nor did I even say I was new to shooters, I simply said I was new to warzone playing against people the game should recognize as above my skill level. But God forbid I play video games casually and only recently decide to give ranked a shot. And I'm a support player that plays occasionally plays Sombra, not quite sure what that has to to Warzone though


Sometimes i have 10 really good games and feel like a king. Then of course it is always followed by 10 really bad ones.




You’re an a animal


Awesome stats bro <3


My birthday is the 5th too 🤝 happy belated


You too, happy belated day, bud!




Very nice last 10 game stat. I have only seen that stat on my screen once and that was in warzone 2


I dropped like 30 kills in my first ranked game on FK. The first bronze lobbies are like 1000 times easier then regular pubs.


These are not bronze lobby games these are gold lobbies. But your point still stands bronze-gold is easy. I know that.


Lvl 504 still spent a lot of time on the game so doesn’t matter if you’re a father or your age. Time spent = skills learned


Wanna know mine? Exactly 0.43 right now. 27 years old btw.


Lol only played a few games, my first few games in ranked are exactly like this. Just play a couple more...


These are not the first 10 games. These are the most recent 10. I have over 40 games in ranked. I was Plat last season started this one in gold.


hell yeah og


Cheers 🍻


Nice gg


April 5th b day here, though one year behind you. I would also be very proud of this run!!


Happy belated, bro.




Doc was right


Lol are you an investor cos…


Do you use a monitor? Or 55” tv like me 😂 is your high kd due to gun skill or camping and shooting people in the back… I want to know the secret to get a high kd like I thought the game matches everyone’s sbmm so most should be 1kd ? I’m on ps5 fibre under 4ms ping use meta guns and I don’t miss shots but I never feel confident that I’ll win the gun fight 1v1 just always feels 50/50 I alway brake there plates then die… so are high kds more about not pushing and just sitting in corners…


I play aggressive af. I want to fight as much as possible because I only have a couple hours a day to play. I play on a 34" alienware oled monitor. I'm a mnk player.


Nice, hats off to mnk, that’s a skill in self. What would you be like if playing on a tv… do you feel your monitor gives any advantage. Nice screen by the way👍


As a 41 year old Dad with a 4.18 kd in Warzone, I salute you. Nice to see us older guys still being able to keep up. All those hours of Goldeneye on N64 are really paying off.


Last time I logged a 4 KD in any COD was black ops 1. Great work, however I would like to see the lifetime stats.


Lifetime for this mode (ranked) is 2.83.


That’s great man. You are doing damn well.


I’m turning 31 on the 17th. Glad I at least have 9 more years ahead of me.


Ranked is so much easier than regular. Me and my buddies are all over 5


I'm 41 and I'm a gamer too. I get some stick for it but I've got skin like a rhino. Literally, old and leathery 😂


Gj I had a 4kd and than I came in diamond my kd dropped to 1.1


I have a 4.9 kd lifetime 😎


Pretty crazy!


18 kills, solid game right there. What do you play on?


I'm PC mnk player.


Touch the grass.


It's raining right now.


No one cares about your poor life choices you decided to keep, however congrats on the kd/possible cheating? You never know nowadays with how everyone complains on this sub, so just covering both aspects lol.


Having a hobby to do during my free time means I make poor life choices? (If you were to see my YouTube. It's very very obvious I don't cheat. But I love to get the compliment that is being accused of cheating!)


You clearly missed how I meant kids are poor life choices, and how I was making fun of the community for co Stanton posting "hacking videos", that aren't always as obvious as they'd like to think they are. You should work on either your reading comprehension or sense of humor. Everything in that post was a joke and meant to be taking as sarcasm minus the KD comment, the cheating part was sarcasm.


Understood, champ. My b. I've had other comments similar to this which were not sarcasm so apologies for not being able to read between the lines. (In my defense the last part of that first sentence ("to keep") makes it seem like the "poor life choices" you are referring to isn't having kids but rather continuing to play games while being a dad)


It's cool, I thought the lol would help with delivery, it's clear I'm a failure at life lol.


WTF why has it been removed?


No idea. I guess one of the mods doesn't like it.


wont even let me look at it now weirder and weirder


It's 4.09 k/d 4 wins in last 10 games. Just a ranked stats page for my dumb self.


Well done mate, you stream?


Don't have the time to stream I do edit my gameplay into bite-sized weekly videos though on youtube.


Awesome bro keep up the good work


For a 40yo Dad I’d expect you’d have more dignity than to brag online using misleading stats


I remember my first 10 games


It’s not there first 10 games ever it’s just stats from the last 10 games


These aren't the first 10. Lifetime in ranked is 2.83 k/d


andddddddd you’ve played a couple of games. NOT impressive!


What did you get from being a ass and commenting someone who is proud for being that age and having kids so can’t commit to his moms basement like you and play 10 hours a day


I don’t play the game much, try again on the weak insults💯💯💯




I don't need anyone to pat my back. Validation is nice(just as a concept), I'm not gonna lie about it. I've spent a lot of time getting good playing games like this, and i dont have anyone else to share the spoils of my effort with. But it's just an image. Posted to a group of people that like the same thing i like. You don't have to comment on it or even really look at it. You're, of course, welcome to comment. But that said, why does someone comment something like this? Do you really need a pat on the back from random strangers? Doesn't your life have enough going on in it? Why do you need the validation? Someone explain this.


Ignore that person, i think it’s great seeing people stick it to the sweaty teens that grind this game all day. Good job Brotha 👍🏼👍🏼


Thanks Bro. The only-have-a-few-hours-a-week team rise up!




I mean over the course of my life. Not lately. Lately I get 1-2 hours a day(if I'm lucky) after my kid goes to sleep. He is a toddler, his bedtime is 8. I spend at least 6 hours with my son every day. To put that into context, hes awake only 13 hours a day.


.1 kdr detected






Ppl can game and still have time with kids please get a grip weirdo


You need to go brush that neckbeard of yours. You're coming off very Reddit/Discord mod-ish. Sounding like an "angry at the world" type.


What a miserable person you are.


He just has two hours you don’t gotta be a dick about it




You suck. Like a happiness vampire.




Get good scrub


This trash is worth taking that seriously.


Why do assholes like you need to shit on him?


Cos they have a 0.8 KD and are pissed a middle age family man playing a couple of hours a day/week shit on them. They will literally take time out just to shit in someone’s happiness or progress it’s super pathetic and weird!

