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Everyone still gonna buy BO6 tho so they’ll never learn 🤷🏿‍♂️


Only PlayStation players. Pc and Xbox will sign up to gamepass for a month or two, rinse the multiplayer then cancel. That’s my plan anyway.


I'm pretty sure Activision will pull themselves together if there comes a worthy opponent.


There will never be a powerful opponent as COD. 


Haven't you heard? This one will actually be good, it'll save cod!


No one gives Activision the benefit of the doubt. They're a shit company with a fun game, that's why we all keep crawling back like the morons we are lol


> They're a shit company with a fun game Former fun game


Fun is subjective, just speaking for myself lol


Ok, will give you that :D


I feel you. None of my friends play CoD and I always play with randoms. Since the beginning of S4, I always get teammates with almost no mic. At least I'm happy that they listen. Plus, It's usually me and another teammate carrying the team.


the type of ping his own area , land alone , die , die (gulag) , leave .... is the most annoying... disable the Freaking SQUAD FILL if the plan to go solo or even better play solo mode 🤦‍♂️


For real I usually back out of a match if my teammates don't stick together.


They removed the feature because an update broke it and never fixed it. It was fine for the first 6 months of the cycle.


This is one “conspiracy theory” that I actually believe.


It’s not just WZ, exactly the same in mp aswell, if you don’t drop 15+ kills as a solo in SnD you’ll lose the game unless you’ve full stacked, like last night, playing as a stack of 5, we get a legit level 13 player who looked like tying his shoe laces was the struggle of the century.




It's actually mindboggling how bad the random players are. It's like they aren't even human. Teammates looking at boxes for 15 seconds, staying in one room for 10 minutes, not picking up loadout, never using cash, 500 damage in the 4th circle. Like you can't be that bad. 


or they jumping alone in the same spot to get shot over and over and then leave the game


Lol those are the aggressive bots.


I dropped money at the buy last night. Kid proceeds to pick up my money. I think nothing of it bc that’s what we do when we buy loadout, right? I turn around bc I see his money dwindling down and he’s standing there buying multiple guns with the money I dropped.


80% of my random teammates font speak English. I can't communicate with them, it is horrible gaming


Self inflicted though. You could just use discord like everyone else does


That’s just adding an extra step to this shit for no fucking reason.


Not true. You can sort by ranked division, by KD, by country. You’ll get a way better fit. Don’t be stupid and try it. Not even talking about the audio advantage


Look I get what you’re saying and, trust me,I will try this route. That being said, while the game is unplayable for me due to lag, this shit is just the icing on the cake. I used find a team for the longest and it was an amazing addition to the game. The fact that they can simply turn off a feature I find vital to the game, fucking sucks.


They certainly are stupid for not fixing it. Imo, the search criteria are very limited anyways and barely any better these the auto fill. All it basically does is searching for someone with a microphone, that’s it. Stil no reason to deactivate it


Actually what was the most helpful to me, besides the having a microphone bit, was having an English speaking team. I live in TX ask my immediate servers have a lot of Spanish speakers. It’s funny bc I’ve learned quite a bit of Spanish due to this. Still, having an all able and willing communicating team is what I need to enjoy myself playing this game.


It's a safe state when I get more kills doing solo quads than queuing with squad fill. I actually won a solo trios this morning. That would have never happened with squad fill. The second I d** nearly an instant squad wipe. Then sbmm figured it out. I came in second at 4th circle with a full iri team in quads. How do you put a solo que against 4 iris at 11 am? .....game is ridiculous af. The only workaround was the find a party. That is why they took it out. The sweats with teammates get to win 50% of the time.....and the normal people, and solo q players lose 85%, this is how it's designed on purpose. Why do you think ranked after plat is literally "curb stomp worse players the fastest to rank up!" There is no other competition on the planet that ranks you based on how many times you can beat a lesser opponent...


its funny i just got banned for not cheating. just being good for once at that momet of the game and some one reported me and complained. i know thats what they all say but thats the truth i suck at the game and in that moment i was in the zone. i do have a good setup on my network and monitor it pretty close so i dont get hacked. i have a gig fiber connection and dual wan for load balance and failover. and have a couple network monitor programs that i run pretty good firewall that im port spanning and monitoring my traffic. and yes im pretty tech savvy. but the fact is since i didnt cheat and tried to prevent myself from malicious activity i got banned. tried to appeal and now waiting for them to email me back. oh by the way i am going to blow their cover since i do monitor my network they do have a back door to there game to change registry keys i have a siem running so i have proof.


It’s 2024 and there are people still which don’t use Discord …