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200 on Revelations disconnected from servers because it was tuesday


Damn thats rough


Tell me, how many Margwas and Panzers spawn at once when you get to such high rounds?




If you play solo only 1, they stack up more and more if you are on co-op, up to like 4 if you are in 3-4


Are high rounds viable in miltiplayer? Isnt it way harder to make sure everyone survives?


Depend from map to map, im personally a 3-4P player rather than a solo, some maps are easier to be played in single, some others like tranzit are generally easier to be played in co-op. If you have teammates that know what they are doin, its easy, only difficulty is that more players you have, more zombies will spawn, making rounds slower. I once calculated that the ammount of zombies you have from round 1 to 70 in single player, are the same ammount you have up to round 50 in 2P, round 40 in 3P, and 35 in 4P


Does everybody get a good training spot or do yall camp together?


Once again, it depend on the map. Some maps like buried and die rise really force you to camp. But generally camping make rounds pass faster, as with training some spots have a smaller spawn rate compared to others


Was this during the Bo3 life cycle? I'm confused on what Tuesday has to do with the disconnect


I think it’s a weekly Steam server maintenance. Happens on a Tuesday.


Ah gotcha, I play console so had no clue about that.


I think the same for me. Except 170 something I think. My game ended up crashing because of the Margwas, little arnies, and the apothicon servant being shot every 30 seconds caused too much for the PS4 to properly run😅 and it never got recorded because it crashed😭


83 on Five


Damn, Five is such a hard map too. Very impressive!


you have to trapmaxx upstairs on spawn, not very hard just annoying tbh, five gets really boring after round 40


I think most the community would agree that 5 is one of the hardest high rounds in zombies. Not the hardest, but definitely up there


It isnt easy but you can circle easily at the computer rooms (middle room) downstairs, Five is also my fav map because of the characters and the OG zombie feel for me (bo1 is my fav zombie of all time) . Not a big deal, I prefer to play until 30 and I get bored of five, dont really wanna mess with the traps up there for a huge round


I love JFKs voice lines on that map. Five definitely had the best zombies cast, to this date. Better than Primis and Ultimis.


I was really stuck at BO1 zombies forever lol, couldnt give an F about bo2 zombies somehow (maybe because my first impression with tranzit) I recently purchased BO3 in 2022 just to try out the gobblegums etc, actually bo3 zombies is pretty fun but not a big deal, never played any bo2 zombies besides tranzit. I was really a WaW/BO1 boomer all the way, those are the best imho.


I would HIGHLY recommend bo2 zombies. There's so much content, and the maps (yes even Tranzit and Die Rise) are so much fun to play. I love the Bo2 Easter Eggs more than any other games.


I know every maps and the zombie maps itself, really not into the characters and the color palette of bo2 in general


also my second fav map was call of the dead which is the previous tag der toten, my very furst dlc map, loved it a lot, bo1 is love love love


As far as zombies goes, I’d say training upstairs on Five consistently is pretty fucking hard. Stop stroking your 2 incher


That’s actually insane bro ggs


94 on Firebase Z, unintentionally


How do you accidentally almost hit round 100? Haha


I was locked in and not paying attention to the round lmao


That's fair, sometimes you get lost with time killing so many zombies, you forget the round or even what time it is


Bro were you on Adderall or some shit the fuck 🤣


Nah i was just focused


I could see it happening in Cold War because the rounds go pretty fast


103 on maur , 2nd highest is bo1 on ascension round 70


Any pre Bo3 high round is very impressive, even 100 on Mauer is really good. I've tried high rounding on Bo1 and it just takes too long. There's no challenge, the challenge is the willpower to stay through 8 hrs of slow moving zombies


Bo1 is the hardest game to get round 100's on other than Kino and Ascension, try Five, Shang, or moon (five is maybe hardest round 100 ever imo)


No cotd lol five has traps at least


I would so do another high round bo1 I think that was just pure luck but maur i actually was going for a high round, on ascension all I did was stick right near phd


Round 100, on all BO3 maps + chronicles. The second I got to round 100, I ended the games so it was on my combat record. Started with a friend betting me I couldn't get to Rd 100 on Giant when the game first came out, but I took it too many steps forward and wanted a combat record that just had clean 100s top to bottom. Covid times I came back to the game, saw the record and completed it.


Damn, even on Shang? Shang Round 100 and GK Round 100 are very hard to do.


GK slaughtered me for a while, I could get to 80s and 90s, but 1 Valkyrie could just end the entire attempt. Eventually I came back to it and made sure I always had an In Plain sight type gum for those unlucky moments and I was good. Gotta be honest, I used Power Vacuum for Shang. I had so many hours in the game so I'd accumulated a stupid amount of Mega Gobblegums. And Shang has barely any strats for High rounds, so It was just a headache. I can get to high rounds on Shang now using the Camp strat keeping door to spawn closed, but it's boring and relatively slow. The only other map I used Vaccums on was Verruckt. Kitchen camping until about Rd 70 using Alchemical, Cache Back etc. And then post 70, using Power Vacs to 100. Long high round games are a pain, I just like soaring through rounds camping/training. Nacht took me 14 hours, never again.


I would NEVER go for 100 on Nacht. I'm not trying to spend 2 days going for a round 100 because of slow spawns. Very nice job though, even with Gums, Shang and Verrukt is extremely hard to high round so anything past 50 is true dedication


Lol I hear you, Nacht is snail pace. Only did it as part of the challenge. These days I just go for high rounds and listen to podcasts in the background; I hope this new Zombies brings back some of that enjoyment again.


115 on every CW RB map.


Still would love to go for another CW round 100. What would you say is the best to do it on, minus Die Maschine?


Not the person who originally commented but Mauer Der Totem was where I got my 2nd round 100


Do the Forsaken starting room until 100. It's actually a slight challenge.


Round 50 on blood,ix and voyage


Anything past round 30 on IX takes serious dedication, the Rounds take forever to pass. Congrats!


71 on Mauer. Ended up having to pause the round before to take care of a few things and when I jumped back on I lost my momentum and went down a round later. Never quite had the motivation to try and pass that again. Usually I find myself getting bored in the 30s - 40s.


I'm with you. The highest round I've ever made it (without mods) is 41 on DE. I'll probably get downvoted for being a filthy casual, but I'm the kind of zombies player who's satisfied if I can get to round 20. Anything past that is great, but I'm not gonna sit there all day trying to get to round 100 or further. 


118 on rev, fell asleep


Revs an understandable map to fall asleep on. Such a boring round 100


Probably [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/s/K6ccTiTeU2)


Congrats dude! I got round 100 on Origins and it was a blast. Love how powerful the Ice Staff is


200 on Die Maschine I have more impressive records, but that's my highest


Even on newer zombies games, 200 is seriously impressive. Nice job!


I got to the mid 50’s on Der Eisendrache before I intentionally went down cause I got bored lmao


Still need to go back and get 100 on DE. Died on 87 and never tried after that attempt


150.... you know what map


Sure do, Nuketown.


256 on Die Maschine. Would've gone further if I wasn't disconnected.


Classic pair of CoD Zombies and disconnecting lol


101 on Blood of the Dead with 3 bots, ended with 63k kills, 42k headshots. Took 17h 36min and ended with 10.3m XP


Officially recorded, Round 100 on Revelations and finishing the EE to end the game Unrecorded, somewhere between 120-130 on Classified before getting disconnected trying to hit 150. Smartass answer, round 200 Alpha Omega


That's so sad to hear. Anytime someone disconnects going for 150 on Classified, I feel the pain they're going through


It's the only Treyarch EE I've never completed and its funnily not even due to skill issue


I got round 57 with my sister when we were 8 and 9 years old on Buried BO2 on Xbox360


23 on kino 💪


Round 52 on Classified, died because I didn't know super sprinters are in BO4.


100 on revelations and 150 on classified. I was falling asleep at the end of classified.


Pre bo3: Round 71 on Die Rise Post Bo3: Round 90 on Bo3 ascension


Round 131 on forsaken


127 on revelations. How long did 200 take? Did you do it on local?


137 on Revelations, 12 hours. Still proud.


Round 50 on Buried 😂


I see everyone getting 50+ or 100+ and I'm over here who's only gotten to round 30 on kino and AW Outbreak


102 on BO2 Origins


Borderlands looking game


40 on Mob of the Dead. I ran out of ammo and ran into the prison to get more and got cornered.


Not sure if 113 on origins really counts, brain numbing experience hahaha


12 on kino


I think I made it to about 120 on dead of the night. The wonder weapon and shield made it so easy to camp my way there. I didn’t even go down I just got bored and quit. The rounds were taking like 20 mins at that point iirc.


Dead of the Night is right next to Tag and Revelations as the easiest map to high round. I remember doing my 100 on that map, just getting bored camping with the Annihilator. Nevertheless though, 120 is an impressive round nonetheless. Great Job!


365 on shi no numa I had to go to sleep


Tied for round 101 on Tag and Mauer.


101 on revelations. would have gone further but it was 2 in the morning and my ps4 was burning hot


154 die machine with some friends


50 on bo1 ascension


42 on Der Eisendrache


115 on mauer


Myself and three others got to Round 101 on Die Machine took us a while


Solo 163 on Ascension a few months after the dlc released. (Black Ops) Basically just trained the big area for lunar lander with the frag on the wall, of course you wanna get pack-a-punch and all your perks set before it gets too deep. Safe to say that is one of my fondest and sweatiest All-Day gaming experiences. Side note: I can’t believe I played this on an old sony box tv with the screen about the size or a bit smaller than a laptop (although that shit took He-Man to lift)…man times have changed😂😂


67 on bo1 kino




Highest ever, 183 on der riese on the old mobile cod zombies. Highest on “normal” zombies, 55 on buried using the old pre nerfed paralyzer & 55 on the giant just training and using traps


The giant round 74 I think it was.


I don't consider any of my high-rounds in CW to be meaningful because 100% of them were just me stopping because I was bored. However, I hold my reaching the point where the Paralyzer becomes useless in Buried in very high regard.


311 on Ancient Evil


How do you have so many perks with your elixir set up?


Round 53 on revelations. I could of gone further but I kinda get bored after a couple hours once i have everything.


Round 69 on forsaken. I tried to reach 100, but after round 50 it gets too overwhelming for me T.T


106 on Die Maschine.


I've gotten 100 on Revelations and Forsaken


89 on rev I got bored and ended the game


109 on Kino BO3 no megas


Probably one of the lower ones here.. I was about 14 and got 40 on MOTD years ago. Was proud of that because I was young and solo. I can easily hit 35+ on kino, main issue is I get bored after 35. I feel like I should try and see what I can get. When you have the gobble gum that highlights zombies its essentially a test of "how long can you stay interested" Anyone have tips for not getting bored? Challenges maybe?


150 on classified and only for the cutscene cause it was very very boring sitting in my corner behind my shield..


100 on rev


248 on Revelations flawless


Round 346 on Die Machine. Bo3 is 97 on Revelations before I got disconnected, Bo2 was 65 on buried, B01 I don't remember, WAW was 46 on Der Riese.


Round 200+ on the final map of cold war I forget the name. I know I exfilled. Honestly the main challenge was the boredom by the high 80s and forgetting id already used the heli streak


98 on the original kino der toten, bops 1. Was very drunk and got cornered lol.




150+ on zetsubou no shima, first and only time i ever tried going for a high round as i usually just do EE. But man it was Such an underrated map


105 Ascension


Pretty sure most of us lose our long fights because the internet goes out, have to go to work, leave system on only to come back and been kicked from a private server. I hit 150, somewhere around there and then stop because I know I'll snap if the game ends not on my terms.


75 on Tranzit. Eventually ran out of ammo while training in town.


Got to round 70 on kino and my brain was basically mush by that point.


114 origins bo3. 1064 shino waw


Got the first 300 on ancient evil.


I got round 100 on classified whilst going for the r150 easter egg and my game crashed lol Also disconnected on round 84 rev when I paused for a bathroom break Did get round 100 die maschine with my friends tho for a charity stream which was nice


Idk if this counts as a high round but I made it to round 53 on classified and quit bc I got bored


Trying to get a lot better ( I used to mainly play when I was 14 or for Easter eggs) so a 91 on rev. 0 downs just no ammo, no points, no free gobble, no alcem, no bug round nothing so I just gave up. Hoping to get round 100 tonight though! Edit: spelling


100 on Tag der Toten, ironically.


95 on kino (bo3) speed running round 100 and disconnected like 2h into the game


Ive got 255 on revelations, but my most impressive is 97 on bo1 kino


192 on ZNS with mega gums


Die Maschine round 101 I believe.


Anyone else on Origins? Mine is 52+ with the Lightening Staff


255 on revelations im trying for a 200 bo1 or another 255 different bo3 map


115 on rev. i wanted to get the rest to 115 but zombies high rounds make my brain melt


It looks like you're playing borderland


How’d you get 10 perks without running perkaholic? Also 151 on tag, doing the same thing you’re doing. I got bored


107 on Firebase, just training in the defense sections


157 on Ascension


Man, I miss high rounding but all my friends moved on from cod zombies. If yall ever want people to play with him me up 🤣 My highest was revelation rd 167. I got distracted and a panzer landed on top of me and ended my game.


Round 75 on Revelation


595 on Alpha Omega, reached the 25 days limit and got a black screen


101 on Firebase Z


90 on der eisendrache or how ever you spell it


101 Bo1 kino


100 on about 6 maps in bo3. I ended the game at 100 because my PC was probably not able to be left on the whole night, then resumed the next day let alone without crashing or corrupting the game. It's okay though, I have no desire for anything past 100, I believe it is just an endurance game after that


Round 100 on maybe half the maps from waw to bo3. Currently working towards round 100 on every bo3 maps !


2000 Shi No Numa World at War


Round 150 on classified


147 on Kino, power went out :(


Probably 160 on der eisendrache that shit was so hard man


56 in Die Maschine & Forsaken (exfiltrated), 20 in Outbreak (solo)


Well I'm not a big fan of doing high rounds the only time I did get a high round was on classified just for the Easter egg


100 on the BO3 custom map remake of call of the dead (the scavenger is actually good)


I don't play enough of the new games; but why does this look like Borderlands 2?!




350 on mauer Der Toten


174 on ascension bo1, hit my first instakill rounds lol Took 3 months of grinding my ass off to get there, between crashes and power outages


Cold war 65 die machine B03 50 kino B01 30 kino WAW 25 der riese I screwed up my whole map train, and I died to a dog.


100 on fire base z, the burning dead dark ops challenge and then I quit bc it took about 8 hours ✌🏻


Wave 36 on Zetsubou no Shima. God damn I love that map.


112 on shadows of evil


Was that round 200 on Tag der Toten done with or without the easter egg to jump directly to it?


I haven’t played bo4 in a long ass time, is that a filter you got on?? Or is it supposed to look like that. Kinda looks like borderlands graphics lol


150 in Revelations during a double XP, one im most proud of tho is 100 in the giant.


100- Revelations


151 on classified for the cutscene


101 die maschine


147 on classified


I’m not a prolific gamer like that, think I’ve made it to like 37 on blood of the dead and left out of boredom 😭😭


145 on mauer der toten. No idea how long it took but it was over 8 hours at least


25 on Kino. Imma try for 30-35.


I did a couple of 95+ on der eisen... never got 100...


something in the 60s on verruckt


Spacelands, i know for a fact, i have No clue what round, i might download IW just to check that, maybe have a little go at that map again


41 on The Giant IIRC. Most of my runs end around round 20 when I've either completed whatever goal I had in mind or just feel like playing a different map/game at the time.


200 on maur right when it released and it took so long the EE was solved so I did it solo on round 20p for my 1st time lol (before the cryslax nerf so it was kinda easy)


68 on revelations I wasn’t even trying I joined a public lobby and this one guy hard carried me


Like 60 on Kino bo3. It got so boring, rounds seemed like 10 minutes each. I just quit. Pretty much stopped playing zombies after that. I don't know how people get the drive to continue...


68 on alpha omega. I quit cuz I got bored.


300+ on WAW shino. Kinda doesn’t count (but it does)


131 SoE BO3 No Gums, No AATs


I have done 100 on most maps, never really tried going higher as the rounds just gets super long. So i was fine whit 100 as a end goal


200 on all Cold War maps except for Firebase Z.


Probably round 20 on BO1 kino I know im a noob


Round 104 on die maschine Yea it takes pure skill to high round on games that are not cold war zombies My second highest found was 63 on bo3 nacht der untoten


56 on Shadows of Evil; got so bored by that point that I shield charged into a train to see how strong it was and it killed me lol


51 zetsobou


Round 50 cold war with a balistic only


I’m a super casual high rounder. Like I never actually went out of my way to learn certain techniques for each map but I got 75 on Firebase Z


101 BO3 Ascension. I didn't die I just got bored so quit


55 on town back on BO2… damn


Pretty sure 69 on Revelations, only because I got bored and because of the meme lmao


100 with 0 downs but ended it because it took like 5-6 hours and got boring


I think it's was der eisendrache at round 69, because it was nice but honestly though, I just didn't feel like it, it was getting a bit tedious and boring, I was never a high round type of player


100 on IX, 12 long ass hours but I made it


I can only really remember 40 on bo2 origins and MAYBE I hit 40 on Die Rise too? Might’ve hit around there on Buried with a couple old friends back in the day.


150 on classified IYKYK


I don’t have the exact numbers but mostly bo3 round 101 on Der Eisendrache, Gorod Krovi, Zetsubou, Revelations, Ascension. 70 something on Orgins, Verrukt, Shadows, Nacht.


228 on BO2 Buried


89 Die Maschine. I laughed at the fact that I made it to such a high round that it said "Fuck this guy, he doesn't need the rampage inducer"


Only reason I could actually finish the Easter egg for Classified where you had to get to round like 155 or something to see the cutscene was because I abused that early glitch where you can make the zombies not pay attention to you and all run to one spot. My Xbox was on for three days because I’d grind at it, go to bed, go to school, then continue the grind once I got home. Thank god for specialist abilities because that made it a LOT easier to cut through the zombies in a fast manner.


An unimpressive Round 100 on Die Maschine. First ever attempt for round 100 for me since older CoD round 100s took some serious patience and skill. And CW is easier. Plus I was getting really bored at like Round 70+ so once I hit 101 I exfil’d. I did get to 52 on BO3 Ascension but that’s also Ascension.


Voyage of Despair I go to round 73 Classified to round 72 Mob of the dead I got into the late 60s but was long time ago so can't remember exact round. I have to say high rounds i just get burnt out does anyone else feel the same?