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Imagine thinking BO4 is hard


It was on launch


Only because of all the crashes


Having 150 health and getting no points didn't help either


For literally 2 days bro, how much do you gotta "flex" that you remember about that. No one fucking cares lmfao.


This dude is angry about a comment on a warm Saturday afternoon


You must be getting a lot of "angry" comments from making such dense comments yourself.


C'est la vie monsieur baguette hon hon hon


Niin totta!


i dont know a single person that ever said that bo4 was hard lmao. Game is good. It has good maps (Voyage is ok, would be better if corridors weren't tight af) Gameplay loop is good. Some EEs are tough but are also fun.


That's a majority of YouTuber complaints. Go watch a map ranking video, too many catalysts, too many bosses, and too hard of an Easter Egg will be mentioned on most BO4 maps


Why is voyage bad?


tight corridors everywere. That is pretty much it. other then that map is ok. should of adressed that in the main comment


Also idk, could be just me but that map is extremely difficult to learn the layout for. I've spent a good chunk of time in it and still have no idea where to go. Finding all the pack a punch things is a bit of a nightmare.


Yes very hard to learn the mapšŸ˜³ thereā€™s 5 main areas the grand staircase, poop deck, boiler room, boat deck and spawnšŸ™„


You spawn in with an op specialist and juggernog, nobody thinks the game is hard. People donā€™t like it because it deviated from a lot of core mechanics that players loved and replaced them with inferior systems. Not to mention an abysmal launch If anything, BO4 was death by 1000 papercuts Youā€™re free to like it tho


If normal is too easy for you, then play realistic or hardcore but you wonā€™t because then itā€™s too hard for you and you canā€™t deal with the hp or the amount of zombies


what youā€™re saying sounds stupid


difficulty in a game doesnā€™t automatically mean good. there are good and bad ways to make something challenging for a player. BO4 makes a lot of wrong decisions that enhance the difficulty of annoyance, not necessarily a balanced and fun difficulty.


What is so annoying about the game?


I'm right you're wrong šŸ’€


Youā€™re wrong Iā€™m right


If you wanna get good play WaW those zombies were no joke


And do what? Train 24 zombies around for 20 hours? šŸ™„ waw is the easiest game of them all expect for der riese šŸ˜‚ 24 zombies is a joke man


I like bo4 a lot but thereā€™s a lot of real criticisms and ā€œitā€™s hardā€ is not one of them lmao itā€™s one of the easiest zombies experiences out there


I remember youtubers would complain a lot about the zombie AI somehow being too difficult but everything else was considered to make the game too easy. There was the health being too low complaint but that was resolved really early so I wouldn't count that one


Just because you can only get to round 30 donā€™t mean itā€™s easy the super sprinters at 60+ will destroy you even if you have a specialist


Sounds like you got the skill issue chief round 100 is the easiest besides CW in bo4 specialist will get you out of any bad situation sprinters or not


BrošŸ˜‚ youā€™re not fr on round 70 you get the specialist for 30 seconds and to get it back takes a lot of


Sounds like a skill issue on your part, the hypocrisy of calling it hard now. Bait used to be beleivable


So is it too easy or too hard bro it sounds like youā€™re the one saying itā€™s hard now. How often do you need to be bailed out? Itā€™s not even about the specialist lasting any time it blows up everyone around you if you get stuck in a corner you get out free itā€™s easy as hell


It takes nothing to get it back lol what are you on about.


Bro anytime I ask anyone why donā€™t you like bo4 they say itā€™s too hard and they say their favourite is bo3 because of the gobble gums


Bro what 7 year olds are you asking this question to? The Easter egg steps are goofy and complicated but the gameplay is like braindead easy you literally spawn with a get out of jail free card that gets stronger as you go.


Watch any YouTuber criticise bo4, oh no the Easter egg is too hard oh god, absolute mongrels manšŸ˜‚ plus the specialist is good yes however I donā€™t have it all the time, and as the rounds progress it takes longer to get them and they last the same time. So u canā€™t just use them forever


BO4 isnā€™t bad, itā€™s just not super enjoyable. Itā€™s definitely not hard tho.


The Easter eggs are pretty hard, I agree. The game itself, not so much.


Yet another shitty take from the codzombies sub reddit. Try again.


I get where youā€™re coming from in a way. BO4 is harder, but thereā€™s a lot of ā€œget out of jail free cardsā€. That being said, I feel like CW was designed to resolve the FOMO of people who couldnā€™t do EEā€™s or hit Round 100 in previous titles (and thatā€™s okay to me in some ways as I could never think of playing for 8+ hours to hit a Round 100) BO4 isnā€™t necessarily hard, it just takes much more learning than any of the other games. I do really hope BO6 follows a BO3/BO4 difficulty, but makes it so there arenā€™t obvious p2w elements (elixirs in BO4).


Bo4 isnt bad, just not as good as the older titles. Itā€™s got a wildly different flow and is way too easy in my opinion. Weird that anyone would think itā€™s hard


It's not hard though, I just didn't care for the Chaos crew (on Voyage and XI, I didn't buy the DLC), I disliked the specialization, but the main thing I disliked was the perk system for the game.


The perk system which let you play without the need for double tap, speed cola or jug, the 3 crutch perks everyone gets so you get more variety ye no thatā€™s a bad perk system absolutely šŸ˜


I'm fine with more variety, but going in with preset perks is boring, ended up just bringing the random perk perk just because I hated the preset perk system. Having the 4 Statues or Blank machines removed alotnof charm having individual perk machines gave, compare the personality the Deadshot Daquiri machine gave to the emptiness of Brew Machine. It felt lifeless.


This entire post is straight up bait, OP is trolling hard. And his recycling of the "clutch perks" argument while failing to see that there's just new, harder crutch perks in bo4 is both boring and hilarious.


Nah, Black Ops 4 isnā€™t hard. Itā€™s actually ridiculously easy. My problems with the game lie more with all the remakes, the inferior (if still enjoyable) perk system, the disgusting HUD, specialists you donā€™t need to earn, etc.


Inferior yet enjoyable šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ make your mind up bro. Specialist you donā€™t needā€¦.. gobble gums you donā€™t need ā€¦ you donā€™t have to use it


Broā€™s brain short-circuited when he found out something can be both inferior yet enjoyable Like, is getting head bad because itā€™s not as good as the real thing?


Bo4 is just trash.


fighting close mindedness with close mindedness, let's go


Why? You


"except that it's too hard" "get good at hard zombies" you what now?


People will praise the ez games as the best but the harder games as bad, I donā€™t mean the whole game but the Easter eggs, some people see the Steps and think ā€œomg why canā€™t it be like der esisendrache, all I have to do is upgrade a now do Simon says feed souls and Iā€™m doneā€ like bro people want a challenge and when weā€™re given one the majority of idiots say itā€™s too hard so we get a game like Cold War where the egg is so easy you can carry a team of 4 alone who havenā€™t touched a game of call of duty in years


Yeah, the easter eggs are hard. But personally I never cared about them in general, in other games too. So I really just can't see BO4 as a hard zombies game, it's literally the easiest of the zombies game that I enjoy (which are WAW,BO1,BO2,BO3,BO4,IW,WWII). Doesn't make it a bad game, it's a very enjoyable zombies experience and probably something we won't ever get again.


Iā€™ve went to higher rounds on BO4 than CW, still donā€™t really like BO4 that much. If anything itā€™s too easy, but the difficulty was never my issue with BO4. I donā€™t think anyone has ever said anything about it being too hard unless you count the quests being too complicated and tedious. Even then, Iā€™ve done the quests and I just donā€™t like it in BO4, even compared to the games before it like BO3 in that regard.


Man, bait used to be believable.


Majority of the zombies community agree that BO4 is lame and itā€™s not bc itā€™s hard, which it isnā€™t, itā€™s bc itā€™s inferior in every way to BO3. Gameplay mechanics, maps, perk system


You tried


BO4: Blue Screen. Only thing hard about it.


Bro immediately lost me at ā€œif you donā€™t enjoy bo4 youā€™re just bad at the game and need to get goodā€. I am a fan of bo4 and will die for it, but my god what a childish way to argue your point.


Bo4 is the most enjoyable for me, which is why I donā€™t know why it gets so much hate. However, I think it is on the easier gameplay wise(not EE wise) compared to bo3 and before. I just think people hate on it because they havenā€™t played it enough or because they think itā€™s too long to complete any of the EEs.šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I absolutely love how all of you say that the specialist is a get out of jail free cardšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ as if gobble gums arenā€™t yet you will say theyā€™re balanced go swallow a gobble gum šŸ˜‚


Nobody is saying gobble gum arenā€™t both can be true šŸ’€


All of you are proving my point. ā€œItā€™s not hardā€ okay explain why, ā€œyou get specialist at the start of the gameā€. Okay but when you hit the gobble gum round 1 and get a perka or rain drops or a shopping free thatā€™s fine thatā€™s a very balanced and natural way of playing the gamešŸ™„


Love the hypocrisy from BO4 haters. There's two types of BO4 complaints: It's too hard Too many bosses, and catalysts, the tigers one hit you, the zombies spawn ahead of you the easter eggs are too hard. Or it's too easy You spawn with a specialist, full health, self revives, OP Throwables, I understand if you dislike some gameplay aspects, im not a huge fan of the perk system as an example. But an overwhelming majority of complaints will have both complaints about it being too easy and too hard one sentence apart


At least someone understands šŸ„³