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I’m like really curious, cautiously optimistic, and everything in-between. I’m worried because I seen some leaked pictures and I’m a tad bit worried about it.


What leaked pictures did you see??


They were on the BO6 Reddit for like 40 minutes max before being deleted.


Damn, what made you worried?


It seemed like Rucksacks/the backpack system from MWZ is back. I don’t think it is a bad mechanic for like MWZ, but I don’t how I feel about it being in round based. The points were looking a bit odd because they were bigger looking than usual, think WW2/BO4 HUD.  Just the HUD in general has bigger icons it looks similar to BO4, which I’m not a fan of. Also the mini-map is back. Not a huge deal for me, but I prefer no mini-map. Hoping it can be turned off at the very least.


huh? what leaked pictures?


I hope we get sumn, I have a lot of hope for zombies again. Maybe a buried remake/remaster preorder bonus?👀


There's a BO3 remake of buried being made right now. Looks beautiful.


Going to be a island map and I tranzit type map


Pre-Order bonuses that aren't part of the MTX system aren't really a thing anymore.


X days early access, exclusive blueprint/camo, 5 double xp tokens There's never going to be a pre-order map again, especially with the free dlc live service style updates They probably make more money giving a little bit of content away for free while selling skins


Pls no preorder bonuses


Yeah if it was last decade still


Maaan... I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but a banger from treyarch would feel really good this year. 4 years to cook? Excellent Marketing? I'm ready to see something of substance from this IP again. C'mon man... Pleeeease. Don't break my heart again.


I’m very excited but also have very low expectations. I expect 2 round based maps 🙏🏼, a bunch of trash in the battle pass and a lot of bugs that will piss everyone off.


You are the most reasonable person on this entire sub


My expectations are low, but I really want to be wrong. I don’t mind if Outbreak/MWZ is a mode if we also get BO3 and BO4 level round based maps.


Yeah I kinda hope they give us both zombies modes too, I enjoy this version currently but I'm also a sucker for round/story based zombies maps. Not saying the mw3 dark aether story is bad, but black ops 3 had a really good story with Richtofen and gang.


Richtofen is gonna be back in this one


Except he won’t be playable, this is Eddie, not the one we know and love which is Edward. Unless Treyarch twists our arms with somewhat bringing back the OG crew including Richtofen in a whole different story (Not Dark Aether), it’s impossible for him to be playable at this point.


Nothing’s impossible!!


So you got low expectations but expect bo3 level maps? Huh?!?!


I never said I expected it though. I said I wouldn’t mind more of the new style if we also got BO3 and BO4 quality, which I don’t expect at all.


i want it to be good but i feel like its gonna be more open world warzone brain slop mixed with cold war outbreak.


2 round based maps will be playable at launch


I think he means like Mauer der Toten and Foresaken where they absolutely used Outbreak mechanics as part of the Round Based experience. To be quiet fair though, going backwards from that kind of movement and traversal that would be an injustice to the allegedly size and scope the two launch maps are said to have.


just because its round based doesnt mean it wont be like outbreak because that had rounds. it might be 2 huge open world maps.


Outbreak wasn’t round based. It was open world and that’s what they called it


I doubt we’ll get a full reveal tomorrow. Maybe a 10 second teaser


I have a feeling we’ll get something. BO6 is getting an hour long direct and zombies skins along with gobblegums will be advertised when the deluxe edition preorders go live. That along with rumors that content creators have played the game makes it seem plausible we’ll see a solid amount of zombies tomorrow.




Ooo gobblegums again? 😍😍 I'm sold. When can I pre order?


Yea it won't be much but I am getting the feeling that treyarch are getting that the zombies community aren't to happy with the last few games so they will give us something even if it is short.


Cautious Anything could happen. This could be the big break we were hoping for, or the biggest dud yet


I think this is probably the most important zombies mode ever. If this game fails, I could see zombies dying. If it’s a huge success, I could see it propelling zombies to high popularity. A lot is riding on this one.


Isn’t that what’s been said about a lot of zombies games tho?


Yes and Multiplayer, both modes won't be going anywhere anytime soon no matter the quality level of BO6.


:( part of me wants to be excited, but it's hard to


Hopeful that if they reveal zombies tomorrow the negativity in this community will stop


Hahaha good one


Lmao I know I’m dreaming with that but I hope the crowd that thinks bo6 will be dogshit just cause mwz is mid will go away, I think we are in for a good year of zombies


Its reddit, there is only negativity


I’m positive that you just said a negative statement


Curious. For me cod is in a spot that if they would show some bs I would not be surprised, I have my guard up. With all the current leaks/rumors going around of it going back to the old days I’m super interested, but this is current cod we we talking. Two steps forward and 10 steps back.


Is it even confirmed zombies will be talked about?


There’s a roughly hour long presentation dedicated to the game after the Xbox showcase, along with a segment in the main show, so I’d be very surprised (and extremely disappointed) if it was just for another run of the mill cookie cutter multiplayer and campaign. There’s also zombies related preorder bonuses that should go live tomorrow, so I feel it would be weird to have those without actually showing the mode.




3arc has had four years to cook this one up. Granted, they had some work on the side for those pieces of slop like Vanguard and MWZ, but I remain cautiously optimistic. No main-line 3arc game has had a *bad* Zombies experience.


Yeah, Vanguard was made by the “b team” and MWZ was definitely rushed out when Activision decided to make MW3 a full game instead of an MW2 expansion. With 4 whole years to cook with this game, there is no reason it shouldn’t be incredible. That being said, people seemed to feel the same going into BO4 and that game almost killed zombies as a whole.


Who says this is even the same treyarch? Pull up the imdb


Well tbf there wasn't really much done with these games so they should have been spending most of their time on bo6.


I don’t know what to feel, it better have a set of crews but unfortunately, if this Dark Aether story continues, I just don’t see it likely happening. I just want Zombies to be its own thing, not merged with the Campaign, MP, and WZ but they’ll need a different story for that.


If you expect disappointment, then you can never really be disappointed.


Nervous that's just going to turn out to be Cold War again and I'll be playing BO3 an almost nine year old game at this point for another few years.


I don't care anymore. Personally, I believe that the Zombies experience I fell in love with is dead, and I don't believe it will ever come back. I'd love if I was wrong about that, but I'm not getting my hopes up.


i just hope theres no missing features in the game from the start, like how in Vanguard zombies there was no easter egg at launch.


Well the rumours of 2 round based maps at launch keeps coming up so that will be great if true.


I’m full on huffing copium with this next release. I pray it’s good. Everything that’s been released so far has been promising, but it’s still CoD at the end of the day. We’ll have to wait and see.


So fucking happy. 4 year period of time for a game. Hell yeah.


Maybe they're just marketing zombies because they know we'll all buy it with hopes and then they'll just abandon it like IW did with MWZ. How many of us are less likely to buy BO6 if there wasn't any zombies or if they didn't bother to hype it up with marketing? Anyway, I'm hopeful. I want to see a good reveal, declared commitment, and even a roadmap.


That’s definitely the cynical approach. I’m hoping they were taken off MW3 to polish this game and its DLC (I’m coping and delusional)


I want to see the omni-directional movement in play. The game is going to have Max Payne style movement, and I need to know how that's going to effect our ability to move around the maps and fight the undead.


Oh yeah definitely. Say what you will about the games themselves, but the movement has only gotten better from WaW to MW3. I’m excited to see the new innovations this game brings and am hoping beyond hope that tac sprint is in it.