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I honestly see no cons. No Craig is weird, but zombies didn’t get much time to be showcased today so I feel he can still show up. They’re definitely trying to get people to play on Xbox with that price point tho.


I mean it’s a 12sec teaser, not real trailer /deep dive, surprised we got this much, not surprised there no Craig, it just a teaser


Yeah it was short but sweet. Gave me just enough to get me excited and wanting more.


What’s weird about Craig ?


He’s the lead writer and has made regular public appearances since BO2, but hasn’t been seen since Forsaken came out almost 3 years ago so people wonder if he still works at Treyarch.


Oh. Interesting word choice


No cons imo, Craig probably didn’t appear because it was such a short showcase for zombies, we’ll likely see him later at cod next or something




I think we'll have to live with that, I highly doubt we'll ever go back to a no-mantling on every single damn thing era Omni movement looks fun though at least? Back diving while shooting and rotating on the sides seems cool


I'm cool with the movement but some of the mechanics like armor allowing the player to take 10 hits before downing just make the game boring and too easy.


79.99€ and 300 gbs .. unholy 2024 gaming


To be fair about the 300 gbs thing, I'm pretty sure that accounts for all the games in the Cod hq app which is MW2, 3, and now BO6.


Hopefully if it's like CW, we can customize our installation, choosing between zombies, MP and campaign. And we can decide if we want to use 4k textures But yeah, absolutely atrocious


>The price, what the hell is that 79.99€ on Steam? I bought CW for 20€ less I'd argue this belongs in the pros category as anyone with an Xbox gamepass subscription, and a PC or Xbox to play on, will be getting this title for "free" (the price of a gamepass subscription) on day 1 with their subscription.


Sure that's cool, I have a PC, but why has the price increased so much?


Games as a standard cost $69.99 at this point, if you played CW on console then the gross gen bundle was also $69.99, I don't know why this is happening other than corporate greed. But the price isn't too out of the norm at this point and a vastly more cost effective option (even relative to old releases) exists for a very large portion of players as long as you don't literally only ever play Cod.


I think they are doing what EA is doing increasing game prices to push you into the subscription instead.


As long as we have a normal point system, and normally game progression (as in progressing through the rounds and not being OP right off the bat) then we’re chilling so far. And a simple normal health system without armor


Gobblegums is a pro. There are far worse ways for them to monitise the mode. The price is sadly just the way modern gaming is going, Activision of all companies is not the one to go against the grain, no Craig? It was a very brief first introduction to the mode. Not even a trailer. It would frankly be more weird to have him at this reveal than the people we did get to see.


Facts that gobblegum is a pro. -Dont care about the “dashboard problem” since I only play solo or with friends -Enjoy having another little thing to gain while playing my usual matches -like to be a little more powerful every once in a while for fun -don’t have to worry about paying anything since it’s not needed and can be gained through gameplay


They’re already monetizing the mode by making you pay for the game. They shouldn’t need to implement pay-to-win mechanics on top of an already fairly expensive game.


People forget all the time. In black ops 3 with gobble gum you were ridiculously OP. I see gobble gums as a pro. People will buy them, if a shit ton of people buy them that will force Activision to allow more time on zombies games.


Well, they defeat the whole purpose of challenge in cod zombies, exactly as they did in bo3. That's a con. It makes zombies trivial as hell, and modern zombies already is extremely easy


I’ve played a lot of games even today where I don’t use gobbles. You’re in a solo PVE environment who really cares? You get the choice truly on this. It’s not like the 1911 scales with the zombies. You are never forced to walk up to the machine and take one. Or even sometimes you’ve used them all and you can’t even use them in the first place.


Why buy on steam when you can get gamepass?


lol gobble gums in Bo3 made you super mega op at round 1


lol downvoted for speaking truth? perkaholic, wall power, crate power, all this makes you more powerfull by round 2, than starting with a loadout and field upgrade