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#1 - Pause for solo and private group #2 - EE's can be done solo


Hopefullly it will be in bo6


You can’t do ee’s solo in MWZ?


you can. Bo3 had ee's that needed 4 players. I didn't appreciate that


Didn’t only GK need 4 players for the ee?


No it was shadows, ascension, and shang. Ascension, shang, and shadows all require 4 people to complete one of the steps. GK can be done solo


shadows as well. I'm mainly a solo player, so I never got the RK5 reward.


I’d like to see something like MOTD where there’s an extra part of the map that is close quarters and has a lot of zombies spawning


Buildables, especially shields


Well it doesn’t look like we’re getting maps that are rich in atmosphere, but I’m still hoping the return of Gobblegums means that we’re going back to challenging easter eggs.


This only future will tell, I have hopes that the zombies will have a better aesthetic and atmosphere than it was in cold war


Cold war’s gameplay isn’t bad. The gunplay feels nice, I love the ability to buy every perk, and the rarity system actually lets you play with the guns you personally like for the whole game instead of only having a handful of guns that are useable after round 30. CWZ’s real problem is atmosphere. After the first map ( which really isn’t that good tbh) every map after just feels off.Firebase and Forsaken are just some military compounds. And Mauer kind of has that same feel even though it’s in a city. I like CW but there is a part of me that’s saddened. If you noticed in the reveal trailer for Bo6 there were snippets of actual mp gameplay. The problem I have is those snippets look almost exactly like CW. I hope they don’t spend 4 years just building off of CW similarly to how MW3 is just a $70 dlc to MW2.


Yeah I have the same vision, the gameplay is neato, its just the aesthetic and atmosphere (and also content) that were the achiles heels of this game. Hopefully from what ive seen and been shared off from 3arch this might not be a problem in bo6 since it looks many of the cw issues are being worked on


That’s not its only problem but its probably the biggest one yeah. But the armor system, starting with a loadout, infinite revives, scorestreaks, the ui, and in-game menus are absolute garbage. Idk y people ignore all these things when talking about features as if they don’t completely change the game. The atmosphere and maps won’t matter when the gameplay is just horrible.


BOTS. Yes I want bots to return to BO6 Zombies like in BO4 only this time they would actually be helpful in terms of helping you solve the Easter eggs and maybe can follow basic orders from you including like maybe not kill the final zombie each round so they won't push the rounds automatically when you don't want them to. Yeah yeah I know this is probably too much to ask for seeing it could be quite hard and time consuming to program but hey, one can dream. 🥲