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Most people agreed cold war was fun ..and they redeemed the story line a little by the end ..but the maps were not great. The gameplay was fun though ...remember watching the highrounders ...when it had a player base it was frantic fun 


Would you be able to explain how though? Do people just like shooting AI without real thought or effort behind it?


It was the types of enemy's were varied , the speed was faster , the implementation of ammo boxes made it easier to camp spots .so I felt alot people felt it was kind of a callback to the giant in terms of gameplay.


By enemy types you mean like special zombies spawning in all the time? I’m just not sure how that improves the mode though. I get really tired of something like the mimics spawning in every second and they don’t really add anything besides being a slight annoyance. So what about the other stuff I mentioned like armor, ui, etc. Do you like those things or do they just not matter to you?




Care to elaborate on why it’s good? Do you actually enjoy the gameplay systems that I mentioned?


doesn't have any replayability, it's a warzone halloween event on failed MP maps.


Snobby old school zombies fan 101. Armor is practically the shield system but slightly different really. Having to constantly balance armor feels great and knowing where the armor stations are helps you explore and enjoy the map. Loadouts take till about like round 25 or 30 to max if you bring in an uncommon weapon and haven't done the super Easter egg. I can get double packed weapons in bo3 in most maps by about round 14 so I don't understand how progression actually taking longer and allowing people to use whatever weapons they want for later rounds is a bad thing but okay. Scorestreaks are fun and maybe only should be rewards rather than purchasable but it offers more fun and engaging gameplay options so idk why you would want it gone. UI markers literally only exist till you open pap which is about round 6 so if that's really too much for you I'm sorry those first 6 rounds are such a hassle. The UI is really customizable so idk the complaint here. Infinite self revives is a bit of a weird decision and I agree it makes the mode too easy but it's not that bad. My only problem with ground loot is ammo with mule kick, removes the point of learning ammo box locations. I don't mind no perk limit or upgradable perks but my biggest issue is actually the wunderfizz. It completely removes learning the perk locations making it so easy to get back your perks. This sounds like someone who played cold war zombies for Easter eggs alone which I agree are mostly disappointments but I think the gameplay foundations aside from a few things are very engaging and fun.


You didn’t really address anything in a way that made the systems seem like an actual benefit to the mode. Armor isn’t anything like the shiels system and it “feeling” great doesn’t mean much and having to explore the maps is just flat out wrong because the maps are already small and they make the armor station location very visible and typically around the starting area too (also minimap). I never mentioned anything about weapon rarity either, I said loadouts as in starting with any gun you want. Makes hitting the box irrelevant besides getting the ray gun/ww in the higher rounds and makes the early game far too easy. Scorestreaks aren’t a horrible idea but they were implemented in such a boring way. For starters they are just copy and pasted straight from mp. If they actually changed them up or made them unique to zombies that would’ve contributed given the mode some sense of identity at least. Also they could be used a get out of jail free card too often with things like the cruise missile and chopper gunner. It just seems like every system is in place to make the game as easy and generic as possible. Your argument about objective markers literally contradicts what you just said about map exploration previously. Having to explore the map and actually discover things for yourself for the first time meant something in the past but now you’re literally just following an objective that tells you where to go and what to do. Along with the minimap (which you can’t remove), there is absolutely zero map exploration to be had. Also removes any sense of immersion the game might’ve had. The UI was, again, copy and pasted from multiplayer which was lazy and dindn’t fit the aesthetic of the mode. I didn’t play for easer eggs and I’m not even gonna comment on them, I was only referring to game systems. I think people are just missing the point on what makes zombies or even games enjoyable in the first place. Make the player do more and make them THINK more. With CW there is literally zero decision making or thought involved (besides picking a loadout weapon and managing armor I guess). You don’t have to worry about hitting the box, you don’t have to decide what perks your gonna get, you don’t need to figure out where stuff is on the map, you don’t need to manage your ammo, you don’t need to worry about going down… what’s left? It’s a barebones lackluster camo grinding simulator. Delusional new school zombies fan 101.


Armor is only in 2 spawn areas in cold war which makes sense given you have to use a teleporter to get to both firebase Z's and forsakens spawn room. I don't understand why using what weapon you want is a bad gameplay decision. If you want to progress faster the box will save you salvage for the cost of points as you can get legendary weapons pretty early on. Idk how a minimap removes map exploration but alright. It's literally useless which I can see an argument for, never really mattered at all. Let's compare everything you're saying to black ops 3. In bo3 all weapons are pretty viable due to the double pap system which essentially makes them wonder weapons, you don't have to hit the box as the best weapons are usually wall weapons and for most of the maps the wonder weapons are obtainable outside the box. You literally run quick, jugg, speed, and double tap in most bo3 games, arguably swapping speed for staminup or widows in some maps but not most. I do agree that map exploration is hurt in cold war by mule kicks ammo drops and the wunderfizz but learning where all the armor machines are is a good thing, as well as the ammo crates. I would prefer no wunderfizz so you have to learn where they all go. Alchemical, Max ammos, reign drops, and other gums make ammo management pretty much gone in bo3 but I'm fine with that. The alternative to these things is something like black ops 1, idk if you've high rounded bo1 but it is a nightmare when you have to constantly reroll the box for the wonder weapon. It may be easier on cold war and bo3 but they make the process of high rounding actually somewhat fun rather than training around the map hitting the box for hours upon hours upon hours or using traps. Hate having to use traps to get high round runs personally.


because the gameplay is different and its fun. its not perfect, but it is refreshing. nothing wrong with change that works. waw-bo3 had the exact same game mechanics which is not a problem, but i think a lot of people enjoyed cw was because of its unique gameplay that worked. it gave a lot of freedom. whatever gun i want, whatever perks i want, whatever equipment i want. it was refreshing. and i dont get this rehash thing in the gameplay that is so much like warzone and multiplayer. in bo3 specialist literally came from mutiplayer and were just redesigned multiplayer assest. the sheild that was introduced was straight from multiplayer. originally the perks were straight from multiplayer. i like to call cw zombies the new zombies era and i think using cw as a foundation is good to see what the future can do. if they dont improve the cw systems then it might be disappointing, but overall im excited cw mechanics are returning for round based.


It’s less about reusing assets and more about directly taking stuff from multiplayer without making any changes at all. Some stuff in bo3 was reused sure but it never looked or felt like the things it copied. But I don’t think you could even begin to compare bo3 and cw in terms of originality cause cw took assets one to one from other modes without making basically any changes. I think the aesthetic of CW was one of its biggest flaws. Also being different isn’t always a good thing either. There is a way to have that freedom that you want without the excessive amount of systems that are purely aimed at making the game as easy and lifeless as possible. There’s a big difference between gameplay philosophy and the actual implementation of systems. But from what I’m seeing most people just don’t really care about features like armor, scorestreaks, etc. It’s a shame because there could be a compromise to make everyone happy but people just don’t critique the game in any meaningful ways, it’s just “the game is fun”.


i agree about the aesthetic of cw, but i was mainly referring to its mechanics. my point being that mechanics in zombies has always came from the mechanics in multiplayer, but are changed to fit zombies gameplay wise, that is exactly what cold war did. the armor and rarity system is nothing like warzones, it was an idea from warzone shaped to fit zombies, just like how specialists, the shield, and perks came from multiplayer, but was shaped to fit zombies. the freedom offered in cw was never offered in any other zombies game that i played(mainly treyarch games) and with that the choices they made to bring that freedom work well, but still need to be improved. i think the problem with coldwar isn't so the mechanics it has, but how to attain them. i like using score streaks, i just wish it was from doing some type of quest or something. i dont know if you have a problem with the progression of cw zombies, but i think this idea that cw having no progression in zombies is weird as cw has the most progression in a single match compared to any other zombies game we had before. i been playing zombies since waw and cold war is my top 2 zombies game right behind bo2, but my favorite thing that treyarch does is trying new things and not being scared to do so. i hope with bo6 they can innovate on alot of the features and add new ones that could be great. and i don't think they will be able to make everyone happy. with new players liking their easy zombies mode and bo3 players not liking to move on i think there will forever be two crowds going forward and i don't blame cold war for that i think it was bound to happen because of how the community is. i personally don't really care if we get a cold war 2.0 or a bo3 2.0 or a mix as long as i can have fun im not complaining. i wouldnt buy or play a game otherwise. everyones idea of fun is different so theres no right answer if a zombies mode should have this or that, but as a business treyarch should find a way to cater to casuals while respecting the fans.


I enjoyed Cold War Zombies for the first couple of months but then some of the new gameplay mechanics introduced with Cold War really started to hurt the replayability factor for me with how easy and boring they make the game play and that's when I dropped it only returning for Mauer and Forsaken release and about two times after to see if my opinion had changed like it did with BO4 Zombies, but like even playing in public matches isn't fun in Cold War (which is the main way I've always played Zombies since BO1) because no one hardly downs or is struggling to survive unless you get that rare lobby where the players are completely new to the game and or aren't even trying.


Yeah I had a similar experience. Obviously when a mode is new and different it’s going to feel refreshing and fun for a bit but I feel like it just aged so poorly. I honestly haven’t thought about that but your right the pubs aspect of it and just coop in general was so unenjoyable because everyone just had unlimited self revives and there was never any team play or just goofing around and trolling your friends.


I enjoy dead ops arcade a lot. Campaign is typical. Multiplayer is stale. Other zombie mode felt weird to me with all the numbers flying around and rarity of guns. They basically got rid of split screen in this cod because it runs horribly even on the new systems. I really wanted to like it more


I enjoyed the mp but thats purely subjective and I could see why a lot of people didn’t. The zombies I just don’t understand at all and I think it’s an objectively bad mode. Dead ops is always sick.


You mean subjectively, because it's your opinion. If it was objectively bad, it would show in your poll results.


Well yeah I guess everything is subjective when talking about games but there are objective truths to how the mode is designed and how it plays out. For example the armor system gives you a high number of hits before you go down and it forces you to keep track of it and run to a machine to repair it (if you want to progress in the rounds). I’m just not sure how, subjectively, anyone can enjoy that. And I’m yet to see anyone make a good argument for it besides “eh, I don’t mind it”. Would love to hear your thoughts on it though.


Your poll results show that the majority enjoyed CW. Personally, I enjoyed CW. Instead of a 4 perk limit, where you always choose the same 4, you can have them all. I liked the freedom of movement, mantle over objects. I liked the tiered weapon system and armor as it gave you something else to grind for in game. In short, most of the reasons you didn't like, I did. Also, having outbreak and Onslaught to choose from, as well as 4 maps, gave variety. I also have hundreds of hours in bo3 zombies, but If I were to pick one to replay, it would be CW.


I see a lot of these arguments time and time again but no one has been able to give solid reasoning as to why they’re “fun”. You were never forced to choose the same 4 perks in the old games. Your perk choices depended on your objective for that specific game and the map. For instance on rev I would always get mule kick when playing solo so I could carry both wonder weapons and a bullet gun. I wouldn’t do that when playing co-op and I would rarely get mule kick on another map. On DE I usually drop double tap and speed cola cause of the bows, but then I would get speed cola, double tap, and electric cherry (which I rarely get) when I go for high rounds. This type of decision-making is what makes zombies, and gaming in general, so engaging and fun. You don’t see that in CW. I didn’t mention movement but I will say that mantling is yet another get out of jail free card and makes training less meaningful because now you can just bail and jump out if you get stuck. Also didn’t mention weapon rarity but that’s one of those systems that I think has potential. You usually get tier 3 armor pretty early in the game so I’m not sure what you mean by something to grind for. And it’s more about how it actually influences the moment-to-moment gameplay (constantly monitoring it and repairing it) than the means of obtaining it. I get that it’s all subjective and I already knew that most people here like CW but I’m just trying to understand why and so far I haven’t seen a good justification for it.


you have your reasons why you don't like it, that's fine, but stop trying to force your view. if your view was widely accepted it would show in your poll result.


Idk why you keep bringing up the poll result lol. If you want to just blindly follow general opinion then be my guest. I’m not trying to force anything onto anyone, just want to know what people think and debate ideas. If you don’t have a rebuttal to my argument then that’s fair, you’re allowed to continue enjoying what you want. I just think people defend CW for the wrong reasons instead of actually giving constructive (maybe harsh) criticism to improve the mode.


lol, general opinion. you're a troll. your poll, that you posted, is the only objective point to this post. I'm sorry the poll didn't go the way you expected


My friend… did u not see in my reply that I said I already knew that more people here would say that they like it. And it proves absolutely nothing other than more people here are vocal that they like the game overall. If you don’t have an argument then don’t reply. I just came here for discussion. Have a good rest of your day :)


Cold War changed practically everything I loved about zombies for the worse. At least die machine was fun i guess


they don't, but they'll never admit it.


If you say so.


Lmao that’s my theory but idk. Like when I say I love bo3 its cause I still play it to this day and I genuinely enjoy it, there’s no nostalgia thing going on. And there’s a bunch of people still buying and playing the game to this day so it clearly it did something right. With CW people keep saying how much they like it but it doesn’t seem like they’re going back to actually play it, especially considering how new it is compared to bo3. Idk if it’s copium or what but I just don’t get why they defend the game so much.


I also really liked and still play bo3.. hated bo4 but after playing cold war I realised "holy hell, it could get so much worse...so,so,so much worse good Lord is this bad what the actual Christ in Heaven?"