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My favorite box weapon honestly.


That sniper is pretty good. I personally would have it if I didn’t have a brecci or haymaker


Definitely one of the best BO3 guns. If you're camping I'd go with dead wire or brain rot. If you're training and rounding them up, I would use a different gun and go with dead wire or napalm.


All the snipers are super slept on in bo3


It has never been broken af. It’s strong, but just like every other weapon in the game it drops off at round 30 or so. You want to have a weapon with an AAT that you can buy ammo for (wall weapons).


The drakon is a one shot headshot with double tap until rd 40


That’s not impressive for black ops 3 when you consider it’s lack of ammo


Nah that is pretty impressive, not a lot of guns can do that. People are just so used to double pap that it's hard to notice


40 is not a high round. Wall weapons let you buy as much ammo as you want, not box weapons.


For a casual player it is pretty high though. If you go for 100's etc. Then sure it isn't but If you're just chilling Then 40 is a pretty good round to get to. Ofc wall weapons are better because you can always get ammo for Them but no wall weapon is a 1 shot on round 40 right? It's just about double pack a punch and that's what you want The ammo for


Teaching casual players that the drakon is useful is how you stop those casual players who want to get better from actually getting better


So you're saying I'm hindering people from getting better because I think The Drakon is a good gun?


Ignore them, the Drakon is insanely good. The only better guns in the entire game are the brecci, haymaker, arguably the krm, and wonder weapons. Even all those are only better situationally, not outright better


Not a single high rounder or world record holder uses the drakon, brecci, or haymaker, so idk how those are the best


I packed it with fireworks on der eisendrache and it literally one shots a hoard cuz fireworks shoots headshots to all the zombies around it


Great weapon.