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hey, I know this post is 2 years old but how did you do on FAR? I'm decent with MCQs and with repetition I eventually get pretty good with the concepts Some of these sims are just awful and I don't even know how to approach them or fill them out if I've approached them. Curious how you did since you took FAR first, and I'm taking FAR first. And you struggled just like I am.


I understand all the material and I usually know the answers to their questions… but what is tripping me up (and tripping me out) are the formatting. Like the whole discontinued operations module Peter olinto is hammering “net of tax” into our brains. Then when I get to the sim there is a line for income tax expense/benefit and it throws me for a loop bc I’ve been inputting all my answers as net of tax. I just do not feel like I intuitively “get” how they want me to give them the info using the little boxes and line items provided. I feel like there’s always a 50/50 chance that I’m gonna get it wrong just bc I don’t know how the answer should be formatted. How do I get better at this???


since its your first exam you should really just watch the skillmaster videos first before attempting on your own. take note on how they approach the question. it will save you a lot of time until you get the hang of the approach. what I found so far is being successful in a Sim is like 75% knowing how to read the question and search the exhibits for information.


Thanks, that makes a lot of sense. I feel like I understand a good portion of the material, but I get into the sim and the questions just confuse me and make me feel like I don't understand the material at all. Studying has taken much longer than I expected so hopefully understanding the question before I attempt it will save me some time in my schedule.


I felt the same way when I first started Becker, I also took FAR first and I swear as you get used to it it gets much, much easier to understand. Sometimes the questions are still difficult but you just have to review over and over again until it makes sense.


It is daunting, good to know it gets clearer!


I never attempted the SIMS. I always just watched the videos and tried to understand the logic. It worked for me and I passed all 4 exams


Sweet, I do feel like I learn from watching the sims, just got to learn how to apply it.


I just finished up F2 and I agree Sims can be frustrating especially on your first try. I would just watch the skillmaster to understand it. After I complete 4/8 Mods in a section or the end of the section I'll do a practice test with 2/3 Sims in there to review.


I see, that sounds like a good way to review the sections. I'll try to fit that into my schedule!


I had no idea how to do the sims when I first started and studying my 4th exam now, sometimes I still see a sim and feel that way lmaooo. There is no shame in watching the skillmaster videos or hitting the show solution button to get some help on how to approach it. Some people skip the sims entirely but I think they are good practice to know how you should approach a sim on the exams and sometimes they help me learn the concepts better than the MCQs. I remember feeling really discouraged by the sims when I first started studying for FAR but you'll get the hang of it over time and they will feel easier. TLDR: I think you should do the sims, but don't worry about how you're scoring on them and feel free to use the help from Becker.


I am doing FAR F1 sims for rev rec 2 and it’s brutal. That subledger to GL rec?? GTFO!! In the real world you will have someone telling you how to do something like that as long as you get the basic idea. But these sims are really freaking me out.


Thank you, that makes me feel better! I'll keep at it!