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A hospital social worker is *not* the same as a CPS worker. It likely just means that they’ll have the hospital SW check in with you to see if you need any resources.


Was this a record that a social worker had been alerted, or was it a link/button that could be used to alert a worker in case of a need? It's possible that the link/button exists in their computer system for all patients, and not an indication that a worker has already been alerted.


My mom had a hospital social worker that came in and helped her fill out financial aid paperwork. It could be something like that.


The social worker came in for all of my paperwork when I had both of my children. The birth certificate and breastfeeding education pamphlets and social security application and yada yada


Hospital records systems have multiple failsafes to ensure that social work services are provided to every patient and family who may need them. The alert you described fits that description.


Understood ! Social work services is not same as cps . It’s such a relief .


Think of it this way: social workers at hospitals are pro-active, CPS is reactive. I had a similar tag on my record when my daughter was born (high risk/ very traumatic) and they just wanted to make sure I had what I needed. I reached out at one point because I was surprised by some medical decisions I had to make (I could have been forewarned but never was) and I could not handle figuring everything out. I just needed someone to break it all down for me and give me the contact info for the right people. The social worker was a life line.


Hard to say what it means because hospitals have their own social worker teams that are entirely separate from CPS. Different organizations, roles, don't have access to each other systems, just separate! CPS is a general term for the state-specific agencies that investigate child maltreatment allegations. CPS investigators are often not from a social work background and may not be labeled as social workers (my state specifies they are investigators)


If a month has passed since the incident, you’re probably in the clear. They don’t sit on concerns of physical abuse of a toddler for a full month before doing anything. If CPS was investigating, they would have made contact with you same day or within a couple days.


There are certain scenarios which warrant a hospital Social Worker consult. That doesn't mean anything about CPS. It doesn't necessarily even mean anything about any concerns in the same realm as CPS. When I was an inpatient nurse in peds neurology/neurosurgery for example, there were some automatic Social Work referrals (head injuries in children less than 2) that may have lead to a filing with CPS depending on the results of the screen and some (new brain tumor diagnosis) that definitely would not.


A child with injuries could need help. The social worker would be notified in case a child might need protection. Most child protection services are investigated within 24 hours of a report. If you have not heard in a day the social worker did not refer to CPS.  I think you have a right to read the medical record. 


Also, from any medical provider (doctor, hospital, urgent care, etc.) you might consider asking for a copy of the notes. I always ask, and I always check that they are accurate.


Yes I always check the online portal for doctors comments . When my little month was 6 months old , we told the doctor that we need to lower the crib since she is already grown . Doctor added comment that house was not baby proofed which is absolutely wrong . So I always check the doctor notes .


I wish I had done that after I met with the LC when I had my daughter. When I checked it months later, I realized she had written “patient refusing to seek help with nighttime feeds” when really I had said that I would rather give formula than wake my 5 year old son up and have him massage my breasts for me while my newborn suckled to encourage letdown. She had originally suggested my husband do this (sure, reasonable) but he worked nights so then she suggested my son do it. She also straight up told me she would be reporting me to cps, but as they haven’t shown up 2 and a half years later, I’m assuming they also thought she was crazy and screened the call out.