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I wish more parents were as good as you are. You accept the limitations you have. They are tragic, but you accept them. You allow the needs you cannot fulfill to be fulfilled elsewhere. You're being there for him, as much as you can be there for him. You're making him your top priority and you put his needs first. That's awesome. I'm really proud of you! Take care =)


💖 You are doing one of the most difficult things a good parent would do. Thanks for sharing. 💐


Thank you for caring for yourself and your son in this way. You've found a way to find light after darkness and I hope you all keep finding where the light is <3


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i am really pleased to hear that the situation is improving for you. you are not a trash parent at all. you did what was necessary for your child. and you to ensure that they remained safe and healthy at extraordinary psychological cost. please continue to stick around.