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I was kept from mine for 3 years through intense manipulation, lies, fake addresses, and false court orders filed by an ex cult member and professional scammer. I was his stay at home for 3 years and my operating account was cleared out and I was left without any money to hire a lawyer after I found out the case even existed (after a determination was already made). What I did, was write a weekly email, wrote a ton of letters (some I sent, some I kept), sent regular small gifts (many of which were intercepted and thrown out) and just tried to make sure I was there in any way I could. It’s years later and I have a ton more access, but it’s been an uphill battle. Don’t give up, and do it for yourself and your child.


Oh my god, I’m so fucking relieved to have someone who understand reply. I’m so relieved. Fuck. I’m a little emotional right now so THANK YOU for your story, your perspective and your advice. I miss him so much. Thank you.


What I did was to do something with those feelings… when he was stuck in a hurricane and his mom chose not to answer my calls for 5 days (and then said she’d “let me know if it was an emergency” when I finally got her to pick up) I decided to volunteer with emergency management. When I had no regular access, I wrote him a children’s book. When I finally got to see him again, he was so angry with me and I’m sure he felt abandoned. He once bit me with all his might and yelled “fuck you!” At me many times… but I try to stay calm and steady and let him know it’s not ok to do that but I’ll love him no matter what. I’m not always perfect there, but I try to show him a better way. I have done my best to stay steady, strong, and be a good dad for him. He deserves that and i need it too. I’m doing far better than I had and I can only hope he can help break the generational trauma that my family has gone through, which stretches back at least 4 generations but likely far longer.


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