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So many peds


Ugh lol so many


It gets hard to believe that every person isn't somewhat of a pedophile or sympathizer. I've only been in relationships with people who were low key pedos until now, I feel like I've met the only normal person in the world


my girlfriend had 2 best friends who kept on dating pedophiles a year or two earlier lol, that is crazy to me because i rarely find pedos




I didn't get unfettered internet access until I was 15, but otherwise yes. I was homeschooled and isolated so aside from being dragged to church once a week, the internet was the only connection to anything outside my own house. I was online 18-20 hours a day, every day, for years on end, getting into all kinds of places a teenager had no business being... but it at least saved me from the absolutely mind-numbing, soul-crushing loneliness and boredom I felt otherwise...


same, for me it was pedophiles, older abusive women and legit everybody on the hellsite moviestarplanet. that site legit had DATING as one of the things CHILDREN could do


the game still isn’t any better to this day, probably even worse, unfortunately


yeah from what i heard it gotten much much worse


yep. i still play sometimes and… it’s something. still haven’t removed the dating feature of course. there’s not that many kids playing it nowadays, most of the users are either in late teens or early 20s, it’s barely even a kids game anymore


yeah because the pedos and the kids moved to roblox, its crazy out there


I remember being groomed by someone on turtle island in animal crossing at like 8 💀


this is the craziest story to me wtf lol


I'll never forget the pop up adds during dial up days in the 90s. "Talk to a girl with a bigger dick than you" with explicit pics. P.s. I turned 10 sometime after 9/11


real!!! (ive only ever had online friends and they hate me too:3)


I'm lucky that the most I ever did on the computer was play games like poptropica and moshi monsters. Although I did find Happy Tree Friends at like 2am. Also a screamer video on youtube made me avoid the whole site for a few years


Most parents aren't great. They are often not even good. Many of them don't care. Some just let their frustration out on you until you hate being at school, hate being at home - just hate being at all. At some point it just gets so painful that you think yourself far away, so you don't have to feel that shit, but then this becomes a part of you, and you feel nothing at all. The internet is an awful place, but for too many people it has been the best they'll ever get from a horribly young age.


Yes right here


Both parents working all the time, sibling moved out, being “homeschooled”(left to rot in the house all day every day), hitting puberty in 2003. So many pedophiles. So much gore. All the old pre-Rick Roll shock websites. Good times. Even got a few of those funny stories that make people go “Oh my god I’m so sorry” to boot. I feel like I was lucky to a point though. Back then, the pervs were just pervs that would open up with “wanna cyber?” Now they emotionally manipulate their victims into being afraid of their parents and make them think that what’s going on is love.


I never had the internet until I was 20 (my father was a troglodyte cheapskate, and I didn't have any until I moved out after the divorce). But yeah. Groomed by a woman almost twice my age, had a couple LDRs that were not good for me, almost murdered twice, and I refuse to do any of that shit again.


I remember my first exposure to the internet being pornography, >!gore, and the Mr Hands video.!< I can recall the first two gore videos I watched in decent-ish detail, though I struggle to find the first one now. At least it also allowed me to find some music I like, such as the Silent Hill soundtrack and Sonne from Rammstein, I guess?


yes, I had unfiltered internet at age 9. was watching questionable shit and my parents only gave me a talk about it, put an easy-to-bypass filter on it and left it at that.


This is so me but I developed a porn addiction at 11 (I didn't know what pedophiles were and why an adult showing a child porn was bad)


i’ve never been through anything too horrible on the internet but there was one time i got flashed on a skype call when i was 10, i can’t remember if dude knew my age or not but i very obviously looked like a child. people have told me it was possibly attempted grooming


checking in


don’t forget the copious amounts of gore 🧍🏻‍♀️ |( ̄3 ̄)|


oh yeah same there lmao, even rn i only have 1 irl friend whos my best friend but dude went back to germany after his exchange program so now i mostly talk to my online friends


Omg, yes. My brother and I both had our own computers in our rooms…it’s all we did for a while. Until I was old enough to start partying with my friends on the weekend. I remember going on sites like IMVU and Habbo Hotel and talking to random people. Often it would turn into “sexting” where 12/13 yo me would pretend to be 16. I stole my Mom’s credit card because I was so addicted to online chat games and I wanted to be able to customize and access more. Of course I got in huge trouble when she learned. Mom still tells the story of how “bad” my brother and I were for using her card. She never stopped to wonder why her children would be so addicted to these games in the first place or how she was so clueless about it. She’s of course never responsible for our “badness”. Internet access never changed because the computer was such a good babysitter. Don’t get me wrong, I know I was very wrong to steal, but when you are love starved…there’s only so much to lose. Why was I seeking out these things? Desperately lonely and unseen for who I was as a person. Why I was so desensitized to the sex part is a question that is less clear to me…suspect there’s some repressed memories that could explain that 😞


Damn and here I was just on neopets like a lonely mf.


For real (I hardly chatted with people but saw the most atrocious and disgusting things on there and now I find it hard to empathize)


My parents were really strict and i could only use electronics for 45mins a day and they put parental controls on the computer, I knew a guy like this tho


For my childhood i mostly just remember having a console put in front of me and being bitched at that i didn't do anything but play games by my parents that did literally nothing with me. Then i got an old laptop i just played games on and isolated in my room with the pc browsing stuff i shouldn't have. Was a 4chan kid for the longest time and surprised till this day that i didn't turn into some alt right weirdo and don't really remember anything positive about my life pre-18 years old.


So. Many. Predators.


i managed to largely stay out of weird politics, but growing up in just random fucking meme and gaming communities has given me some bizarre damn anxieties


Hell yea getting that fucked life experience!


I’m somewhat grateful for my unfettered internet access, but I’m also lucky that I was mostly watching edutainment content on youtube and becoming communist.




I mean at least I at first only watched good creators like ZackScottGames before going more radicalised


Yeah from the age of 7, then being screamed at later on as a preteen for staying up all night on my electrical devices, which I was addicted to because I had a secret extreme porn addition, being expected to come off my devices myself but no adult making an effort to enforce an electronic curfew or anything, being told that I'm the reason they're going to go to prison because I can't get myself up for school in the morning so my attendance is bad so the school is threatening legal action, and being told that my unborn sister is going to die because I'm stressing my Mum out so much that she's going to have a miscarriage🙃